@ -18,79 +18,365 @@ function MythicPlusUtils:New()
self.random = math.random ( 1000000 , 9999999 )
self.kickList = {
-- Algeth'ar Academy
[ 396812 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=396812/mystic-blast
[ 388392 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=388392/monotonous-lecture
[ 388863 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=388863/mana-void
[ 388862 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=388862/surge
[ 377389 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=377389/call-of-the-flock
[ 388623 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=388623/branch-out
[ 396640 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=396640/healing-touch
[ 387975 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=387975/arcane-missiles
[ 387843 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=387843/astral-bomb
-- Court of Stars
[ 211401 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=211401/drifting-embers
[ 207980 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=207980/disintegration-beam
[ 208165 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=208165/withering-soul
[ 207881 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=207881/infernal-eruption
[ 209413 ] = { true , false } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=209413/suppress
[ 209485 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=209485/drain-magic
[ 209410 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=209410/nightfall-orb
[ 211470 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=211470/bewitch
[ 225100 ] = { true , false } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=225100/charging-station
[ 211299 ] = { true , false } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=211299/searing-glare
-- Halls of Valor
[ 198595 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=198595/thunderous-bolt
[ 198959 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=198959/etch
[ 215433 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=215433/holy-radiance
[ 192288 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=192288/searing-light
[ 199726 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=199726/unruly-yell
[ 198750 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=198750/surge
[ 198934 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=198934/rune-of-healing
[ 192563 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=192563/cleansing-flames
-- Ruby Life Pools
[ 372749 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=372749/ice-shield
-- [373803] = { true, true }, -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=373803/cold-claws
[ 373017 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=373017/roaring-blaze
[ 392398 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=392398/crackling-detonation
[ 392451 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=392451/flashfire
[ 385310 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=385310/lightning-bolt
[ 384194 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=384194/cinderbolt
[ 373680 ] = { true , false } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=373680/frost-overload
-- Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
[ 152818 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=152818/shadow-mend
[ 156776 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=156776/rending-voidlash
[ 156722 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=156722/void-bolt
[ 398206 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=398206/death-blast
[ 153524 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=153524/plague-spit
[ 156718 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=156718/necrotic-burst
-- Temple of the Jade Serpent
[ 397888 ] = { true , false } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=397888/hydrolance
[ 395859 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=395859/haunting-scream
[ 396073 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=396073/cat-nap
[ 397914 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=397914/defiling-mist
[ 397899 ] = { false , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=397899/leg-sweep
[ 397801 ] = { true , false } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=397801/hydrolance
[ 395872 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=395872/sleepy-soliloquy
-- The Azure Vault
[ 375602 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=375602/erratic-growth
[ 387564 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=387564/mystic-vapors
[ 373932 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=373932/illusionary-bolt
[ 386546 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=386546/waking-bane
[ 389804 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=389804/heavy-tome
[ 377488 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=377488/icy-bindings
[ 377503 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=377503/condensed-frost
[ 375596 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=375596/erratic-growth
-- NO
[ 384365 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=384365/disruptive-shout
[ 386012 ] = { true , false } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=386012/stormbolt
[ 386024 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=386024/tempest
[ 387411 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=387411/death-bolt-volley
[ 387606 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=387606/dominate
[ 373395 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=373395/bloodcurdling-shout
[ 376725 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=376725/storm-bolt
[ 384808 ] = { true , true } , -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=384808/guardian-wind
-- [363607] = {true, true}, -- https://www.wowhead.com/spell=363607/domination-bolt
-- Ruby life pools
[ 372735 ] = { -- Techtonic Slam
[ 187969 ] = {
false , true , true -- Kick, Stun, Disorient
} ,
[ 384933 ] = { -- Ice Shield
[ 188067 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
[ 372749 ] = { -- Ice Shield
[ 188067 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
[ 372743 ] = { -- Ice Shield
[ 188067 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
[ 371984 ] = {
[ 188067 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
[ 373680 ] = {
[ 188252 ] = {
true , false , false
} ,
[ 373688 ] = {
[ 188252 ] = {
true , false , false
} ,
[ 385310 ] = {
[ 195119 ] = {
true , false , false
} ,
[ 384194 ] = {
[ 190207 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
[ 384197 ] = {
[ 190207 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
[ 373017 ] = {
[ 189886 ] = {
true , false , false
} ,
[ 392576 ] = {
[ 198047 ] = {
true , false , false
} ,
[ 392451 ] = {
[ 197985 ] = {
true , true , false ,
} ,
[ 392452 ] = {
[ 197985 ] = {
true , true , false ,
} ,
-- Nokhud
[ 383823 ] = {
[ 192796 ] = {
false , true , true
} ,
[ 384492 ] = {
[ 192794 ] = {
false , true , true
} ,
[ 384365 ] = {
[ 192800 ] = {
true , false , false
} ,
[ 191847 ] = {
true , false , false
} ,
[ 386012 ] = {
[ 194317 ] = {
true , false , false
} ,
[ 195265 ] = {
true , false , false
} ,
[ 194315 ] = {
true , false , false
} ,
[ 194316 ] = {
true , false , false
} ,
[ 386028 ] = {
[ 195696 ] = {
true , false , false
} ,
[ 386024 ] = {
[ 194894 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
[ 386025 ] = {
[ 194894 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
[ 387629 ] = {
[ 195876 ] = {
false , true , true
} ,
[ 387608 ] = {
[ 195842 ] = {
false , true , true
} ,
[ 387611 ] = {
[ 195842 ] = {
false , true , true
} ,
[ 387440 ] = {
[ 195878 ] = {
false , true , true
} ,
[ 373395 ] = {
[ 199717 ] = {
true , false , false
} ,
[ 376725 ] = {
[ 190294 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
} ,
[ 370764 ] = {
[ 187160 ] = {
false , true , true
} ,
[ 196116 ] = {
false , true , true
} ,
} ,
[ 387564 ] = {
[ 196102 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
[ 375596 ] = {
[ 196115 ] = {
true , false , false
} ,
[ 191164 ] = {
true , false , false
} ,
} ,
[ 386549 ] = {
[ 186741 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
[ 386546 ] = {
[ 186741 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
[ 389804 ] = {
[ 187154 ] = {
true , false , false
} ,
[ 377488 ] = {
[ 187155 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
[ 377105 ] = {
[ 190510 ] = {
false , true , true
} ,
[ 373932 ] = {
[ 190187 ] = {
true , false , false
} ,
-- AA
[ 387910 ] = {
[ 196200 ] = {
false , true , true
} ,
[ 387975 ] = {
[ 196202 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
[ 388863 ] = {
[ 196045 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
[ 388392 ] = {
[ 196044 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
[ 396812 ] = {
[ 196576 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
[ 377389 ] = {
[ 192333 ] = {
true , false , false
} ,
[ 397888 ] = {
[ 200126 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
[ 397801 ] = {
[ 56448 ] = {
true , false , false
} ,
[ 395859 ] = {
[ 59555 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
[ 395872 ] = {
[ 59546 ] = {
true , false , false
} ,
[ 396018 ] = {
[ 59552 ] = {
true , false , false
} ,
[ 396073 ] = {
[ 59544 ] = {
true , true , false
} ,
[ 397899 ] = {
[ 200131 ] = {
false , true , true
} ,
[ 397914 ] = {
[ 200137 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
-- sbg
[ 152818 ] = {
[ 75713 ] = {
true , true , false
} ,
[ 398154 ] = {
[ 75451 ] = {
false , true , true
} ,
[ 156776 ] = {
[ 76446 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
[ 156772 ] = {
[ 77700 ] = {
true , false , false
} ,
[ 153524 ] = {
[ 75459 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
[ 156718 ] = {
[ 76104 ] = {
true , false , false
} ,
[ 225100 ] = {
[ 104270 ] = {
true , false , false
} ,
[ 210261 ] = {
[ 104251 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
[ 209027 ] = {
[ 104246 ] = {
false , true , true
} ,
[ 212031 ] = {
[ 105705 ] = {
false , true , false
} ,
[ 212784 ] = {
[ 105715 ] = {
false , true , false
} ,
[ 198585 ] = {
[ 95842 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
[ 198959 ] = {
[ 96664 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
[ 215433 ] = {
[ 95834 ] = {
true , true , true
} ,
[ 199210 ] = {
[ 96640 ] = {
false , true , true
} ,
[ 199090 ] = {
[ 96611 ] = {
false , true , true
} ,
[ 185425 ] = {
[ 96677 ] = {
false , true , false
} ,
Bastion.EventManager : RegisterWoWEvent ( ' UNIT_AURA ' , function ( unit , auras )
@ -175,9 +461,21 @@ function MythicPlusUtils:CastingCriticalKick(unit, percent)
if castingSpell then
local spellID = castingSpell : GetID ( )
local isKick = unpack ( self.kickList [ spellID ] or { false , false } )
local kickEntry = self.kickList [ spellID ]
if not kickEntry then
return false
local npcTraits = kickEntry [ unit : GetID ( ) ]
if not npcTraits then
return false
local isKick , isStun , isDisorient = unpack ( npcTraits )
if isKick and unit : IsInterruptibleAt ( percent ) then
print ( " I want to kick " , unit : GetName ( ) , unit : GetID ( ) .. " 's " .. spellID )
return true
@ -193,8 +491,21 @@ function MythicPlusUtils:CastingCriticalStun(unit, percent)
if castingSpell then
local spellID = castingSpell : GetID ( )
local _ , isStun = unpack ( self.kickList [ spellID ] or { false , false } )
if isStun and unit : IsInterruptibleAt ( percent , true ) then
local kickEntry = self.kickList [ spellID ]
if not kickEntry then
return false
local npcTraits = kickEntry [ unit : GetID ( ) ]
if not npcTraits then
return false
local isKick , isStun , isDisorient = unpack ( npcTraits )
if ( isStun or isDisorient ) and not isKick and unit : IsInterruptibleAt ( percent , true ) then
print ( " I want to stun " , unit : GetName ( ) , unit : GetID ( ) .. " 's " .. spellID )
return true