@ -1,6 +1,65 @@ |
{ |
"Lua.diagnostics.globals": [ |
"ChatFrame1" |
"ChatFrame1", |
"class", |
"message", |
"Ambiguate", |
"CreateFrame", |
"format", |
"geterrorhandler", |
"GetTime", |
"GetFramerate", |
"wipe", |
"UnitInRaid", |
"UnitInParty", |
"hooksecurefunc", |
"CreateColor", |
"floor", |
"GetCursorPosition", |
"GetScreenWidth", |
"GetScreenHeight", |
"GetSpellInfo", |
"GetBonusBarOffset", |
"GetDodgeChance", |
"GetCombatRatingBonus", |
"PlaySound", |
"UIParent", |
"type", |
"next", |
"pairs", |
"tostring", |
"error", |
"assert", |
"string", |
"table", |
"setmetatable", |
"print", |
"select", |
"tonumber", |
"math", |
"getmetatable", |
"ipairs", |
"min", |
"max", |
"loadstring", |
"rawset", |
"rawget", |
"xpcall", |
"GameTooltip", |
"getfenv", |
"_G", |
"unpack", |
"pcall", |
"tinsert", |
"tremove", |
"IsShiftKeyDown", |
"CreateFont", |
"BackdropTemplateMixin", |
"strsplittable", |
"debugstack", |
"GetLocale" |
] |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ |
---@type Diesal.GUI |
local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0") |
local Type = "DiesalContainer" |
local Version = 1 |
---@class Diesal.GUI.Container.Methods |
local ContainerMethods = { |
---@param self Diesal.GUI.Container |
OnAcquire = function(self) |
self:ResetSettings(true) |
self:Show() |
end, |
---@param self Diesal.GUI.Container |
OnRelease = function(self) |
self:ReleaseChildren() |
end, |
---@param self Diesal.GUI.Container |
ApplySettings = function(self) |
local content = self.content |
content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT") |
content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT") |
self.frame:SetToplevel(true) |
end, |
---@param self Diesal.GUI.Container |
SetTopLevel = function(self) |
self.frame:SetToplevel(true) |
end, |
---@param self Diesal.GUI.Container |
---@param element Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase |
SetElement = function(self, element) |
element.container = self |
element:SetParentObject(self) |
self:AddChild(element) |
self.element = element |
end, |
} |
---@alias DiesalContainer Diesal.GUI.Container |
local function Constructor() |
---@class Diesal.GUI.Container : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase, Diesal.GUI.Container.Methods |
---@field content Frame |
---@field element? Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase |
local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true) |
self.isContainer = true |
local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent) |
self.frame = frame |
self.defaults = {} |
local content = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "content", frame) |
frame:SetToplevel(true) |
for k, v in pairs(ContainerMethods) do |
self[k] = v |
end |
return self |
end |
DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version) |
@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ |
---@type Tinkr, Bastion |
Tinkr, Bastion = ... |
---@type Diesal.GUI |
local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0") |
---@type Diesal.Tools |
local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0") |
---@type Diesal.Style |
local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0") |
-- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors |
local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor |
-- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
local type, tonumber, select = type, tonumber, select |
local pairs, ipairs, next = pairs, ipairs, next |
local min, max = math.min, math.max |
-- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
local CreateFrame, UIParent, GetCursorPosition = CreateFrame, UIParent, GetCursorPosition |
-- ~~| Button |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
local Type = "DiesalIconToggle" |
local Version = 1 |
-- ~~| Button Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
local Stylesheet = { |
["frame-background"] = { |
type = "texture", |
layer = "BACKGROUND", |
color = "000000", |
alpha = 0.60, |
position = -2, |
}, |
["frame-inline"] = { |
type = "outline", |
layer = "BORDER", |
color = "000000", |
alpha = 0.6, |
position = -2, |
}, |
["frame-outline"] = { |
type = "outline", |
layer = "BORDER", |
color = "FFFFFF", |
alpha = 0.1, |
position = -1, |
}, |
} |
local checkBoxStyle = { |
base = { |
type = "font", |
color = Colors.UI_A400, |
}, |
disabled = { |
type = "font", |
color = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.35) --[[@as string]], |
}, |
enabled = { |
type = "font", |
color = Colors.UI_A400, |
}, |
} |
local wireFrame = { |
["frame-white"] = { |
type = "outline", |
layer = "OVERLAY", |
color = "ffffff", |
}, |
} |
-- ~~| Button Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
---@class Diesal.GUI.IconToggle.Methods |
local methods = { |
---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.IconToggle |
OnAcquire = function(self) |
self:ApplySettings() |
self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet) |
self:Enable() |
-- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrameSheet) |
self.label:SetFontObject(DiesalFontNormal) |
self.label:SetText() |
self:Show() |
end, |
---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.IconToggle |
OnRelease = function(self) end, |
---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.IconToggle |
ApplySettings = function(self) |
local settings = self.settings |
local frame = self.frame |
self:SetWidth(settings.width) |
self:SetHeight(settings.height) |
self.check:SetFont(MaterialIconsRegular:GetFont(), settings.height + 1, "") |
end, |
---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.IconToggle |
---@param value boolean |
SetChecked = function(self, value) |
self.settings.checked = value |
self.check:SetText(value and DiesalStyle.MaterialIcon("check_box") or DiesalStyle.MaterialIcon("check_box_outline_blank")) |
self.frame:SetChecked(value) |
self[self.settings.disabled and "Disable" or "Enable"](self) |
end, |
---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.IconToggle |
GetChecked = function(self) |
return self.settings.checked |
end, |
---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.IconToggle |
Disable = function(self) |
self.settings.disabled = true |
local r, g, b = DiesalTools.GetColor(checkBoxStyle.disabled.color) |
self.check:SetTextColor(r, g, b, 1) |
--DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(self.check, self.checkBoxStyle and self.checkBoxStyle.disabled or checkBoxStyle.disabled) |
self.frame:Disable() |
end, |
---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.IconToggle |
Enable = function(self) |
self.settings.disabled = false |
local r, g, b = DiesalTools.GetColor(checkBoxStyle.enabled.color) |
self.check:SetTextColor(r, g, b, 1) |
--DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(self.check, self.checkBoxStyle and self.checkBoxStyle.enabled or checkBoxStyle.enabled) |
self.frame:Enable() |
end, |
---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.IconToggle |
---@param ... any |
RegisterForClicks = function(self, ...) |
self.frame:RegisterForClicks(...) |
end, |
---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.IconToggle |
---@param text? string |
SetText = function(self, text) |
self.label:SetText(text) |
self.frame:SetHitRectInsets(0, -self.label:GetWidth(), 0, 0) |
end, |
} |
---@alias DiesalIconToggle Diesal.GUI.Object.Toggle |
---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.IconToggle.CheckBox.Style |
---@field base {type: "font", color: string} |
---@field disabled {type: "font", color: string} |
---@field enabled {type: "texture", color: string}} |
---@class Diesal.GUI.IconToggle.Settings |
---@field height number |
---@field width number |
---@field checked boolean |
---@field disabled boolean |
---@field tooltip? string |
-- ~~| Button Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
local function Constructor() |
---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.IconToggle : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase, Diesal.GUI.IconToggle.Methods |
---@field check Diesal.GUI.Region.FontString |
---@field settings Diesal.GUI.IconToggle.Settings |
---@field checkBoxStyle? Diesal.GUI.Object.IconToggle.CheckBox.Style |
---@field label FontString |
local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true) |
local frame = CreateFrame("CheckButton", nil, UIParent) |
local fontString = self:CreateRegion("FontString", "label", frame) |
self.frame = frame |
local c, a = 0.5, 0.5 |
local tex = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND") |
tex:SetAllPoints() |
tex:SetColorTexture(0, 0, 0, 0) |
-- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
self.defaults = { |
height = 12, |
width = 12, |
} |
-- ~~ Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
-- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet |
-- OnValueChanged, OnEnter, OnLeave, OnDisable, OnEnable |
-- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
--local check = self:CreateRegion("Texture", "check", frame) |
---@type Diesal.GUI.Region.FontString |
local check = self:CreateRegion("FontString", "check", frame) |
check:SetAllPoints(frame, true) |
--check:SetAllPoints(frame, true) |
check:SetFont(MaterialIconsRegular:GetFont(), self.defaults.height, "") |
-- Setting self.check again is pointless when CreateRegion already does it.... |
-- self.check = check |
--DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(check, self.checkBoxStyle and self.checkBoxStyle.base or checkBoxStyle.base) |
--frame:SetCheckedTexture(check) |
frame:SetScript("OnClick", function(this, button, ...) |
DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this, button) |
if not self.settings.disabled then |
self:SetChecked(not self.settings.checked) |
if self.settings.checked then |
PlaySound(856) |
else |
PlaySound(857) |
end |
self:FireEvent("OnValueChanged", self.settings.checked) |
end |
end) |
frame:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this) |
if self.settings.tooltip then |
GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT", 0, 2) |
GameTooltip:AddLine(self.settings.tooltip) |
GameTooltip:Show() |
end |
self:FireEvent("OnEnter") |
check:SetTextColor(c, c, c, a) |
--tex:SetColorTexture(c, c, c, a) |
-- SetCursor([[Interface\Cursor\Cast]]) |
end) |
frame:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this) |
if self.settings.tooltip then |
GameTooltip:Hide() |
end |
self:FireEvent("OnLeave") |
--tex:SetColorTexture(0, 0, 0, 0) |
-- SetCursor(nil) |
end) |
frame:SetScript("OnDisable", function(this) |
self:FireEvent("OnDisable") |
end) |
frame:SetScript("OnEnable", function(this) |
self:FireEvent("OnEnable") |
end) |
fontString:SetPoint("LEFT", frame, "RIGHT", 5, 0) |
fontString:SetHeight(15) |
fontString:SetWordWrap(false) |
-- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
self:SetMethods(methods) |
--[[ for method, func in pairs(methods) do |
self[method] = func |
end ]] |
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
return self |
end |
DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version) |
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