forked from Bastion/Bastion
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
---@type Tinkr |
local Tinkr, |
---@class Bastion |
Bastion = ... |
---@class Bastion.APLActor2.Table.Base |
---@field parentAPL Bastion.APL |
---@field index number |
-- Create an APL actor for the APL class |
---@class Bastion.APLActor2 |
---@field traits Bastion.APLTrait[] |
---@field table Bastion.APLActor2.Table.Base |
---@field executor fun(self: Bastion.APLActor2): boolean |
local APLActor = {} |
APLActor.__index = APLActor |
---@param type string |
function APLActor:New(type) |
---@class Bastion.APLActor2 |
local self = setmetatable({ |
type = type, |
enabled = true, |
traits = {}, |
table = {}, |
executor = function() return false end |
}, APLActor) |
return self |
end |
---@param ... any |
function APLActor:GetName(...) |
local paramStrings = type(...) ~= "nil" and table.concat({ ... }, "-") or "" |
return string.format("[%s]%s", self.type, paramStrings) |
end |
-- Add a trait to the APL actor |
---@param ... Bastion.APLTrait |
---@return Bastion.APLActor2 |
function APLActor:AddTraits(...) |
for _, trait in ipairs({ ... }) do |
table.insert(self.traits, trait) |
end |
return self |
end |
-- Get the actor |
---@return Bastion.APLActor2.Table.Base |
function APLActor:GetActorTable() |
return self.table |
end |
function APLActor:SetExecutor(executor) |
self.executor = executor |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
---@type Tinkr |
local Tinkr, |
---@class Bastion |
Bastion = ... |
---@class Bastion.APL.SpellActor |
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ |
---@type Tinkr |
local Tinkr, |
---@class Bastion |
Bastion = ... |
---@class Bastion.Missile : Tinkr.Missile |
local Missile = { |
} |
function Missile:__index(k) |
if k == "_missile" then |
return rawget(self, k) |
end |
local response = rawget(self._missile, k) |
return response ~= nil and response or rawget(self, k) |
end |
---@param missile Tinkr.Missile |
function Missile:New(missile) |
---@class Bastion.Missile |
local self = setmetatable({ |
_missile = missile |
}, Missile) |
return self |
end |
function Missile:GetSourceUnit() |
return Bastion.UnitManager:Get(self.source) |
end |
function Missile:GetTargetUnit() |
return Bastion.UnitManager:Get( |
end |
function Missile:GetCurrentVector() |
return Bastion.Vector3:New(,, |
end |
function Missile:GetHitVector() |
return Bastion.Vector3:New(self.hx, self.hy, self.hz) |
end |
function Missile:GetInitialVector() |
return Bastion.Vector3:New(self.ix, self.iy, self.iz) |
end |
function Missile:GetModelVector() |
return Bastion.Vector3:New(,, |
end |
function Missile:GetPVector() |
return Bastion.Vector3:New(self.px,, self.pz) |
end |
function Missile:GetUVector() |
return Bastion.Vector3:New(self.ux,, |
end |
Bastion.Missile = Missile |
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ |
---@type Tinkr |
local Tinkr, |
---@class Bastion |
Bastion = ... |
---@class Bastion.MissileManager.TrackingParams |
---@field source? Bastion.Unit |
---@field target? Bastion.Unit |
---@field spellId? number |
---@field spellVisualId? number |
---@field callback fun(self: Bastion.Missile) |
---@class Bastion.MissileManager |
---@field _lists table<string, {list: Bastion.List, cb:fun(missile: Tinkr.Missile): any}> |
---@field trackingParams Bastion.MissileManager.TrackingParams[] |
---@field missiles Tinkr.Missile[] |
local MissileManager = {} |
MissileManager.__index = MissileManager |
function MissileManager:New() |
---@class Bastion.MissileManager |
local self = setmetatable({}, MissileManager) |
self.missiles = {} |
self._lists = {} |
self.trackedMissiles = Bastion.List:New() |
self.allMissiles = Bastion.List:New() |
self.trackingParams = {} |
return self |
end |
-- Register a custom list with a callback |
---@param name string |
---@param cb fun(missile: Tinkr.Missile): boolean | any |
---@return Bastion.List | false |
function MissileManager:RegisterList(name, cb) |
if self._lists[name] then |
return false |
end |
self._lists[name] = { |
list = Bastion.List:New(), |
cb = cb, |
} |
return self._lists[name].list |
end |
-- reset custom lists |
---@return nil |
function MissileManager:ResetLists() |
for _, list in pairs(self._lists) do |
list.list:clear() |
end |
end |
function MissileManager:Reset() |
self.missiles = {} |
self.trackedMissiles:clear() |
self.allMissiles:clear() |
self:ResetLists() |
end |
-- Refresh custom lists |
---@param missile Tinkr.Missile |
---@return nil |
function MissileManager:EnumLists(missile) |
for _, list in pairs(self._lists) do |
local r = list.cb(missile) |
if r then |
list.list:push(r) |
end |
end |
end |
---@param params Bastion.MissileManager.TrackingParams |
function MissileManager:TrackMissile(params) |
table.insert(self.trackingParams, params) |
end |
---@param missileObj Bastion.Missile |
function MissileManager:EnumTrackingParams(missileObj) |
local tracked = false |
for i, trackingParam in ipairs(self.trackingParams) do |
if (not trackingParam.source or missileObj:GetSourceUnit():IsUnit(trackingParam.source)) and |
(not or missileObj:GetTargetUnit():IsUnit( and |
(not trackingParam.spellId or missileObj._missile.spellId == trackingParam.spellId) and |
(not trackingParam.spellVisualId or missileObj._missile.spellVisualId == trackingParam.spellVisualId) |
then |
tracked = true |
trackingParam.callback(missileObj) |
end |
end |
return tracked |
end |
-- Get a list |
---@param name string |
---@return Bastion.List |
function MissileManager:GetList(name) |
return self._lists[name].list |
end |
function MissileManager:Refresh() |
self:Reset() |
local missiles = Missiles() |
if type(missiles) == "table" then |
for _, missile in ipairs(missiles) do |
table.insert(self.missiles, missile) |
self:EnumLists(missile) |
local missileObj = Bastion.Missile:New(missile) |
self.allMissiles:push(missileObj) |
if self:EnumTrackingParams(missileObj) then |
self.trackedMissiles:push(missileObj) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
---@param params { source?: Bastion.Unit, target?: Bastion.Unit, spellId?: number, spellVisualId?: number } |
function MissileManager:GetMissiles(params) |
---@type Bastion.Missile[] |
local missiles = {} |
for _, missile in ipairs(self.trackedMissiles) do |
if (not params.source or missile:GetSourceUnit():IsUnit(params.source)) and |
(not or missile:GetTargetUnit():IsUnit( and |
(not params.spellId or missile._missile.spellId == params.spellId) and |
(not params.spellVisualId or missile._missile.spellVisualId == params.spellVisualId) |
then |
table.insert(missiles, missile) |
end |
end |
return missiles |
end |
Bastion.MissileManager = MissileManager:New() |
Reference in new issue