forked from Bastion/Bastion
@ -0,0 +1,676 @@ |
local Tinkr, Bastion = ... |
local SubModulue = Bastion.Module:New('sub') |
local Evaluator = Tinkr.Util.Evaluator |
local Player = Bastion.UnitManager:Get('player') |
local None = Bastion.UnitManager:Get('none') |
local Target = Bastion.UnitManager:Get('target') |
local RollTheBones = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(315508) |
local SliceAndDice = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(315496) |
local BetweenTheEyes = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(315341) |
local BladeRush = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(271877) |
local Vanish = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(1856) |
local Dispatch = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(2098) |
local Ambush = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(8676) |
local Stealth = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(1784) |
local PistolShot = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(185763) |
local Opportunity = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(195627) |
local SinisterStrike = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(193315) |
local GrandMelee = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(193358) |
local Broadside = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(193356) |
local TrueBearing = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(193359) |
local RuthlessPrecision = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(193357) |
local SkullAndCrossbones = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(199603) |
local BuriedTreasure = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(199600) |
local AdrenalineRush = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(13750) |
local ShadowDance = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(185313) |
local ShadowDanceAura = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(185422) |
local Audacity = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(381845) |
local Flagellation = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(323654) |
local Dreadblades = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(343142) |
local JollyRoger = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(199603) |
local BladeFlurry = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(13877) |
local Kick = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(1766) |
local MarkedForDeath = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(137619) |
local CrimsonVial = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(185311) |
local Shiv = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(5938) |
local KidneyShot = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(408) |
local InstantPoison = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(315584) |
local AtrophicPosion = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(381637) |
local Evasion = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(5277) |
local TricksOfTheTrade = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(57934) |
local CheapShot = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(1833) |
local BagOfTricks = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(312411) |
local AutoAttack = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(6603) |
local SymbolsOfDeath = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(212283) |
local ShadowBlades = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(121471) |
local ColdBlood = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(382245) |
local ShurikenTornado = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(277925) |
local ThistleTea = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(381623) |
local Gloomblade = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(200758) |
local Shadowstrike = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(185438) |
local Rupture = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(1943) |
local Eviscerate = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(196819) |
local NumbingPoison = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(5761) |
local ShurikenStorm = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(197835) |
local BlackPowder = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(319175) |
local SecretTechnique = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(280719) |
local DarkBrew = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(310454) |
local IrideusFragment = Bastion.ItemBook:GetItem(193743) |
local Healthstone = Bastion.ItemBook:GetItem(5512) |
local WindscarWhetstone = Bastion.ItemBook:GetItem(137486) |
local PurgeTarget = Bastion.UnitManager:CreateCustomUnit('purge', function(unit) |
local purge = nil |
Bastion.UnitManager:EnumNameplates(function(unit) |
if unit:IsDead() then |
return false |
end |
if not Player:CanSee(unit) then |
return false |
end |
if Player:GetDistance(unit) > 40 then |
return false |
end |
if unit:GetAuras():HasAnyStealableAura() then |
purge = unit |
return true |
end |
end) |
if purge == nil then |
purge = None |
end |
return purge |
end) |
local KickTarget = Bastion.UnitManager:CreateCustomUnit('kick', function(unit) |
local purge = nil |
Bastion.UnitManager:EnumNameplates(function(unit) |
if unit:IsDead() then |
return false |
end |
if not Player:CanSee(unit) then |
return false |
end |
if Player:GetDistance(unit) > 40 then |
return false |
end |
if Player:InMelee(unit) and unit:IsInterruptible(5) and Player:IsFacing(unit) then |
purge = unit |
return true |
end |
end) |
if purge == nil then |
purge = None |
end |
return purge |
end) |
local Tank = Bastion.UnitManager:CreateCustomUnit('tank', function(unit) |
local tank = nil |
Bastion.UnitManager:EnumFriends(function(unit) |
if Player:GetDistance(unit) > 40 then |
return false |
end |
if not Player:CanSee(unit) then |
return false |
end |
if unit:IsDead() then |
return false |
end |
if unit:IsTank() then |
tank = unit |
return true |
end |
return false |
end) |
if tank == nil then |
tank = None |
end |
return tank |
end) |
local RuptureTarget = Bastion.UnitManager:CreateCustomUnit('rupture', function() |
local target = nil |
Bastion.UnitManager:EnumNameplates(function(unit) |
if unit:IsDead() then |
return false |
end |
if not Player:CanSee(unit) then |
return false |
end |
if not Player:InMelee(unit) then |
return false |
end |
if not unit:IsAffectingCombat() then |
return false |
end |
if not Player:IsFacing(unit) then |
return false |
end |
if ( |
not unit:GetAuras():FindMy(Rupture):IsUp() or |
unit:GetAuras():FindMy(Rupture):GetRemainingTime() < 6 |
) |
then |
target = unit |
return true |
end |
end) |
if target == nil then |
target = None |
end |
return target |
end) |
local DefaultAPL = Bastion.APL:New('default') |
local AOEAPL = Bastion.APL:New('aoe') |
local SpecialAPL = Bastion.APL:New('special') |
local RacialsAPL = Bastion.APL:New('racials') |
SpecialAPL:AddSpell( |
Kick:CastableIf(function(self) |
return KickTarget:Exists() and Player:InMelee(KickTarget) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() |
end):SetTarget(KickTarget) |
) |
SpecialAPL:AddSpell( |
KidneyShot:CastableIf(function(self) |
return KickTarget:Exists() and Player:InMelee(KickTarget) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
Kick:GetTimeSinceLastCast() > 2 and |
(Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 5 or |
( |
Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 4 and |
(Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Broadside):IsUp() or Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Opportunity):IsUp()))) |
end):SetTarget(KickTarget) |
) |
SpecialAPL:AddSpell( |
CheapShot:CastableIf(function(self) |
return KickTarget:Exists() and Player:InMelee(KickTarget) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Stealth):IsUp() |
end):SetTarget(KickTarget) |
) |
SpecialAPL:AddSpell( |
Stealth:CastableIf(function(self) |
return self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and not Player:IsAffectingCombat() and |
not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Stealth):IsUp() and not IsMounted() |
end):SetTarget(Player) |
) |
SpecialAPL:AddSpell( |
CrimsonVial:CastableIf(function(self) |
return self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
Player:GetHealthPercent() < 70 |
end):SetTarget(Player) |
) |
SpecialAPL:AddSpell( |
Shiv:CastableIf(function(self) |
return PurgeTarget:Exists() and Player:InMelee(PurgeTarget) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and PurgeTarget:GetAuras():HasAnyStealableAura() |
end):SetTarget(PurgeTarget) |
) |
SpecialAPL:AddSpell( |
InstantPoison:CastableIf(function(self) |
return self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(InstantPoison):IsUp() and not Player:IsMoving() |
end):SetTarget(Player) |
) |
SpecialAPL:AddSpell( |
AtrophicPosion:CastableIf(function(self) |
return self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(AtrophicPosion):IsUp() and not Player:IsMoving() |
end):SetTarget(Player) |
) |
SpecialAPL:AddSpell( |
NumbingPoison:CastableIf(function(self) |
return self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(NumbingPoison):IsUp() and not Player:IsMoving() |
end):SetTarget(Player) |
) |
SpecialAPL:AddItem( |
Healthstone:UsableIf(function(self) |
return self:IsEquippedAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
Player:GetHealthPercent() < 40 |
end):SetTarget(Player) |
) |
SpecialAPL:AddSpell( |
TricksOfTheTrade:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Tank:Exists() and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
Player:IsTanking(Target) |
end):SetTarget(Tank) |
) |
SpecialAPL:AddSpell( |
Evasion:CastableIf(function(self) |
return self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
Player:GetHealthPercent() < 40 |
end):SetTarget(Player) |
) |
SpecialAPL:AddItem( |
IrideusFragment:UsableIf(function(self) |
return self:IsEquippedAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and (Player:GetMeleeAttackers() > 2 or Target:IsBoss()) |
end):SetTarget(Player) |
) |
SpecialAPL:AddItem( |
WindscarWhetstone:UsableIf(function(self) |
return self:IsEquippedAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and (Player:GetMeleeAttackers() > 2 or Target:IsBoss()) |
end):SetTarget(Player) |
) |
-- Use Shadowstrike during Shadow Dance. |
SpecialAPL:AddSpell( |
Shadowstrike:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and Vanish:GetTimeSinceLastCast() <= 3 |
end):SetTarget(Target) |
) |
RacialsAPL:AddSpell( |
BagOfTricks:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() |
end):SetTarget(Target) |
) |
-- Use Symbols of Death on cooldown as much as possible. |
DefaultAPL:AddSpell( |
SymbolsOfDeath:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() |
end):SetTarget(Player) |
) |
-- Use Shadow Blades on cooldown. |
DefaultAPL:AddSpell( |
ShadowBlades:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() |
end):SetTarget(Player) |
) |
-- Use Cold Blood before a finishing move, ideally before Secret Technique. |
DefaultAPL:AddSpell( |
ColdBlood:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 5 and SecretTechnique:GetCooldownRemaining() <= 2 and |
Player:GetAuras():FindMy(SliceAndDice):IsUp() and |
Target:GetAuras():FindMy(Rupture):IsUp() |
end):SetTarget(Player) |
) |
-- Line up Shuriken Tornado with Symbols of Death. |
DefaultAPL:AddSpell( |
ShurikenTornado:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
Player:GetAuras():FindMy(SymbolsOfDeath):IsUp() |
end):SetTarget(Player) |
) |
-- Use Shadow Dance on cooldown as much as possible. |
DefaultAPL:AddSpell( |
ShadowDance:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() |
end):SetTarget(Player) |
) |
-- Use Thistle Tea when low on energy. |
DefaultAPL:AddSpell( |
ThistleTea:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
Player:GetPowerDeficit() >= 100 and |
ThistleTea:GetTimeSinceLastCast() >= 3 |
end):SetTarget(Player) |
) |
-- Use Finishing moves with 6 or more combo points (5 or more during Shadow Dance) with the following priority: |
-- Cast Slice and Dice if it needs to be refreshed for maintenance or if it is not up. |
DefaultAPL:AddSpell( |
SliceAndDice:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
(Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 6 or |
(Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 5 and |
Player:GetAuras():FindMy(ShadowDanceAura):IsUp())) and |
( |
not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(SliceAndDice):IsUp() or |
Player:GetAuras():FindMy(SliceAndDice):GetRemainingTime() < 12 |
) |
end):SetTarget(Player) |
) |
-- Cast Rupture if it needs to be refreshed for maintenance or if it is not up. |
DefaultAPL:AddSpell( |
Rupture:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
(Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 6 or |
(Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 5 and |
Player:GetAuras():FindMy(ShadowDanceAura):IsUp())) and ( |
not Target:GetAuras():FindMy(Rupture):IsUp() or |
Target:GetAuras():FindMy(Rupture):GetRemainingTime() < 12 |
) |
end):SetTarget(Target) |
) |
-- Secret Technique - Best is to use it during Shadow Dance. |
DefaultAPL:AddSpell( |
SecretTechnique:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
(Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 6 or |
(Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 5 and |
Player:GetAuras():FindMy(ShadowDanceAura):IsUp())) |
end):SetTarget(Target) |
) |
-- Cast Eviscerate. |
DefaultAPL:AddSpell( |
Eviscerate:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
(Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 6 or |
(Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 5 and |
Player:GetAuras():FindMy(ShadowDanceAura):IsUp())) |
end):SetTarget(Target) |
) |
-- Vanish - Is a fairly weak cooldown. It is best to use on low combo points for a Shadowstrike cast. Use it after Secret Technique in Shadow Dance when playing with Danse Macabre. |
DefaultAPL:AddSpell( |
Vanish:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Tank:Exists() and Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
Player:GetComboPoints(Target) < 4 |
end):SetTarget(Player) |
) |
-- Use Combo Point builder with the following priority: |
-- Use Gloomblade outside of Shadow Dance. |
DefaultAPL:AddSpell( |
Gloomblade:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(ShadowDanceAura):IsUp() |
end):SetTarget(Target) |
) |
-- Use Shadowstrike during Shadow Dance. |
DefaultAPL:AddSpell( |
Shadowstrike:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
Player:GetAuras():FindMy(ShadowDanceAura):IsUp() |
end):SetTarget(Target) |
) |
-- AOE |
-- Use Symbols of Death on cooldown as much as possible. |
AOEAPL:AddSpell( |
SymbolsOfDeath:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() |
end):SetTarget(Player) |
) |
-- Use Shadow Blades on cooldown. |
AOEAPL:AddSpell( |
ShadowBlades:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() |
end):SetTarget(Player) |
) |
-- Use Cold Blood before a finishing move. |
AOEAPL:AddSpell( |
ColdBlood:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 5 and SecretTechnique:GetCooldownRemaining() <= 2 and |
Player:GetAuras():FindMy(SliceAndDice):IsUp() and |
Target:GetAuras():FindMy(Rupture):IsUp() |
end):SetTarget(Player) |
) |
-- Line up Shuriken Tornado with Symbols of Death. |
AOEAPL:AddSpell( |
ShurikenTornado:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
Player:GetAuras():FindMy(SymbolsOfDeath):IsUp() |
end):SetTarget(Target) |
) |
-- Use Shadow Dance on cooldown as much as possible. |
AOEAPL:AddSpell( |
ShadowDance:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() |
end):SetTarget(Player) |
) |
-- Use Thistle Tea with Shadow Dance. |
AOEAPL:AddSpell( |
ThistleTea:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
Player:GetAuras():FindMy(ShadowDanceAura):IsUp() and Player:GetPowerDeficit() >= 70 and |
ThistleTea:GetTimeSinceLastCast() >= 3 |
end):SetTarget(Player) |
) |
-- Use Finishing moves with 5 or more combo points with the following priority: |
-- Cast Slice and Dice if it needs to be refreshed for maintenance or if it is not up. |
AOEAPL:AddSpell( |
SliceAndDice:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
(Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 6 or |
(Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 5 and |
Player:GetAuras():FindMy(ShadowDanceAura):IsUp())) and |
( |
not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(SliceAndDice):IsUp() or |
Player:GetAuras():FindMy(SliceAndDice):GetRemainingTime() < 6 |
) |
end):SetTarget(Target) |
) |
-- Cast Rupture if it needs to be refreshed for maintenance or if it is not up. |
AOEAPL:AddSpell( |
Rupture:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
(Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 6 or |
(Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 5 and |
Player:GetAuras():FindMy(ShadowDanceAura):IsUp())) and ( |
not Target:GetAuras():FindMy(Rupture):IsUp() or |
Target:GetAuras():FindMy(Rupture):GetRemainingTime() < 12 |
) |
end):SetTarget(Target) |
) |
-- Cast Rupture on all targets. (scam??) |
-- AOEAPL:AddSpell( |
-- Rupture:CastableIf(function(self) |
-- return RuptureTarget:Exists() and Player:InMelee(RuptureTarget) and |
-- self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
-- not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
-- (Player:GetComboPoints(RuptureTarget) >= 6 or |
-- (Player:GetComboPoints(RuptureTarget) >= 5 and |
-- Player:GetAuras():FindMy(ShadowDanceAura):IsUp())) and ( |
-- not RuptureTarget:GetAuras():FindMy(Rupture):IsUp() or |
-- RuptureTarget:GetAuras():FindMy(Rupture):GetRemainingTime() < 6 |
-- ) |
-- end):SetTarget(RuptureTarget) |
-- ) |
AOEAPL:AddSpell( |
SecretTechnique:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
(Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 6 or |
(Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 5 and |
Player:GetAuras():FindMy(ShadowDanceAura):IsUp())) |
end):SetTarget(Target) |
) |
-- Cast Black Powder with 3 or more targets, 2 or more when talented into Dark Brew. |
AOEAPL:AddSpell( |
BlackPowder:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
(Player:GetMeleeAttackers() >= 3 or |
(Player:GetMeleeAttackers() >= 2 and |
DarkBrew:IsKnown())) |
end):SetTarget(Target) |
) |
-- Cast Eviscerate. |
AOEAPL:AddSpell( |
Eviscerate:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 5 |
end):SetTarget(Target) |
) |
-- Vanish - Is a fairly weak cooldown. It is best to use on low combo points for a Shadowstrike cast. Use it after Secret Technique in Shadow Dance when playing with Danse Macabre. |
AOEAPL:AddSpell( |
Vanish:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Tank:Exists() and Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
Player:GetComboPoints(Target) < 4 |
end):SetTarget(Player) |
) |
-- Use Combo Point builder with the following priority: |
-- Use Shuriken Storm on 2 targets outside of Shadow Dance. |
AOEAPL:AddSpell( |
ShurikenStorm:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
Player:GetMeleeAttackers() >= 2 and |
not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(ShadowDanceAura):IsUp() |
end):SetTarget(Target) |
) |
-- Use Shadowstrike on 2 and 3 targets during Shadow Dance or to proc Premeditation. |
AOEAPL:AddSpell( |
Shadowstrike:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
Player:GetMeleeAttackers() >= 2 and |
Player:GetAuras():FindMy(ShadowDanceAura):IsUp() |
end):SetTarget(Target) |
) |
-- Use Shuriken Storm |
AOEAPL:AddSpell( |
ShurikenStorm:CastableIf(function(self) |
return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and |
self:IsKnownAndUsable() and |
not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and |
Player:GetMeleeAttackers() >= 4 |
end):SetTarget(Target) |
) |
SubModulue:Sync(function() |
SpecialAPL:Execute() |
if Player:GetMeleeAttackers() > 1 then |
AOEAPL:Execute() |
else |
DefaultAPL:Execute() |
end |
RacialsAPL:Execute() |
end) |
Bastion:Register(SubModulue) |
Reference in new issue