5363858a0dFIx some item cooldown stuff4n0n2023-01-16 23:16:23 -0600
dcfb50374dUpdate nameplate enumeration, need to figure out a way to prevent it from breaking if nameplatenum is not where the units are (1,2,3 fall off, 4,5 stay nameplate4-54n0n2023-01-16 21:24:47 -0600
ac74c38f0dFix damage abilities, TODO work out unit token changes from index? something that resolves a unit to a unitmanager guid4n0n2023-01-11 20:18:35 -0600
1ba0cd7115Possibly massive improvements to performance in raid, start on notification system4n0n2023-01-11 12:49:18 -0600
de09096a71Updates to resto druid, and complete overhall of aura manager4n0n2023-01-06 12:03:40 -0600