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892 lines
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892 lines
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12 months ago
--#region DaemonicTypes
---@enum KeyCode
local KeyCode = {
---@enum CollisionFlags
local CollisionFlags = {
M2Collision = 0x1,
M2Render = 0x2,
WMOCollision = 0x10,
WMORender = 0x20,
Terrain = 0x100,
WaterWalkableLiquid = 0x10000,
Liquid = 0x20000,
EntityCollision = 0x100000,
---@alias GUID string
---@alias UnitReference UnitId | GUID
---@enum EncryptionType
local EncryptionType = {
EncryptionRandomKey = 1,
EncryptionCompressionKey = 2,
AES256EncryptionKey = 3,
---@enum HashType
local HashType = {
MD5 = 1,
SHA1 = 2,
SHA256 = 3,
---@enum HMacHashType
local HMacHashType = {
["HMAC-MD5"] = 1,
["HMAC-SHA1"] = 2,
["HMAC-SHA256"] = 3,
---@alias DaemonicObjectReference GUID
---@enum LuaType
local LuaType = {
Bool = 1,
Char = 2,
Byte = 3,
Short = 4,
UShort = 5,
Int = 6,
UInt = 7,
Long = 8,
ULong = 9,
Float = 10,
Double = 11,
StringType = 12,
IntPtr = 13,
UIntPtr = 14,
GUID = 15,
---@enum UnitCreatureType
local UnitCreatureType = {
Beast = 1,
Dragonkin = 2,
Demon = 3,
Elemental = 4,
Giant = 5,
Undead = 6,
Humanoid = 7,
Critter = 8,
Mechanical = 9,
NotSpecified = 10,
Totem = 11,
NonCombatPet = 12,
GasCloud = 13,
WildPet = 14, -- Retail Only
Aberration = 15, -- Retail Only
---@enum DObjectTypes
local DObjectTypes = {
Object = 0,
Item = 1,
Container = 2,
AzeriteEmpoweredItem = 3,
AzeriteItem = 4,
Unit = 5,
Player = 6,
ActivePlayer = 7,
GameObject = 8,
DynamicObject = 9,
Corpse = 10,
AreaTrigger = 11,
SceneObject = 12,
Conversation = 13,
AiGroup = 14,
Scenario = 15,
Loot = 16,
Invalid = 17,
---@enum GameObjectType
local GameObjectType = {
Door = 0,
Button = 1,
Questgiver = 2,
Chest = 3, -- Herbs, Minerals, Chests
Binder = 4,
Generic = 5,
Trap = 6,
Chair = 7,
SpellFocus = 8,
Text = 9,
Goober = 10,
TransportElevator = 11,
AreaDamage = 12,
Camera = 13,
Mapobject = 14,
MoTransportShip = 15,
DuelFlag = 16,
FishingNode = 17,
Ritual = 18,
Mailbox = 19,
GuardPost = 21,
SpellCaster = 22,
MeetingStone = 23,
FlagStand = 24,
FishingHole = 25,
FlagDrop = 26,
ControlZone = 29,
AuraGenerator = 30,
DungeonDifficulty = 31,
BarberChair = 32,
DestructibleBuilding = 33,
GuildBank = 34,
Trapdoor = 35,
Newflag = 36,
Newflagdrop = 37,
GarrisonBuilding = 38,
GarrisonPlot = 39,
ClientCreature = 40,
ClientItem = 41,
CapturePoint = 42,
PhaseableMO = 43,
GarrisonMonument = 44,
GarrisonShipment = 45,
GarrisonMonumentPlaque = 46,
ItemForge = 47,
UILink = 48,
KeystoneReceptacle = 49,
GatheringNode = 50,
ChallengeModeReward = 51,
Multi = 52,
SeigableMulti = 53,
SeigableMo = 54,
PvpReward = 55,
PlayerChoiceChest = 56,
LegendaryForge = 57,
GearTalentTree = 58,
WeeklyRewardChest = 59,
ClientModel = 60,
---@enum MovementFlags
local MovementFlags = {
None = 0x0,
Forward = 0x1,
Backward = 0x2,
StrafeLeft = 0x4,
StrafeRight = 0x8,
TurnLeft = 0x10,
TurnRight = 0x20,
PitchUp = 0x40,
PitchDown = 0x80,
Walking = 0x100,
OnTransport = 0x200,
Immobilized = 0x400,
Falling = 0x800,
FallingFar = 0x1000,
Swimming = 0x100000,
Ascending = 0x200000,
Descending = 0x400000,
CanFly = 0x800000,
Flying = 0x1000000,
---@enum FindPathReturnType
local FindPathReturnType = {
NavigationFinished = 0,
MapFilesInvalid = -1,
OutOfMemory = -2,
MapCaching = -3,
---@enum ProductType
local ProductType = {
Retail = 1,
WotlkEra = 2
---@enum DispelType
local DispelType = {
Curse = 'Curse',
Disease = 'Disease',
Magic = 'Magic',
Poison = 'Poison',
Enrage = '',
---@enum DispelId
local DispelId = {
Curse = 1,
Disease = 2,
Magic = 3,
Poison = 4,
Enrage = 5,
---@enum UnitStandStateType
local UnitStandStateType = {
STAND = 0,
SIT = 1,
SLEEP = 3,
DEAD = 7,
KNEEL = 8,
---@enum ExpansionType
local ExpansionType = {
Retail = 'Retail',
Class = 'Classic',
ClassicEra = 'Classic_Era',
---@enum InetRequestType
local InetRequestType = {
Get = 'GET',
Post = 'POST'
---@enum GetProductStatusReturn
local GetProductStatusReturn = {
[1] = 1,
[2] = 2
--#endregion DaemonicTypes
---@class Daemonic
local Daemonic = {
---@param WoWProtectedAPI string
---@param args ...
SecureCode = function(WoWProtectedAPI, args) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
Interact = function(unit) end,
---@param x number
---@param y number
---@param z number
ClickPosition = function(x, y, z) end,
---@param radians number
---@param update boolean
FaceDirection = function(radians, update) end,
---@param startX number
---@param startY number
---@param startZ number
---@param endX number
---@param endY number
---@param endZ number
---@param flags CollisionFlags
TraceLine = function(startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, flags) end,
---@return string bnetAccountTag
---@return string bnetAccountId
---@return string wowAccount
GetWowAccountId = function() end,
---@param x number
---@param y number
---@param z number
---@return number sY
---@return number sX
---@return boolean visible
WorldToScreen = function(x, y, z) end,
---@param x number
---@param y number
---@param flags CollisionFlags
---@return number wX
---@return number wY
---@return number wZ
ScreenToWorld = function(x, y, flags) end,
---@param object DaemonicObjectReference
---@return boolean
ObjectIsQuestObjective = function(object) end,
---@return number x
---@return number y
---@return number z
GetLastClickPosition = function() end,
---@return number x
---@return number y
---@return number z
GetCorpsePosition = function() end,
---@return boolean
IsSpellPending = function() end,
CancelPendingSpell = function() end,
---@param x1 number
---@param y1 number
---@param z1 number
---@param x2 number
---@param y2 number
---@param z2 number
---@return number facing
---@return number pitch
---@overload fun(unit1: UnitReference, unit2: UnitReference): facing: number, pitch: number
GetAngles = function(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) end,
---@param x1 number
---@param y1 number
---@param z1 number
---@param x2 number
---@param y2 number
---@param z2 number
---@return number
---@overload fun(unit1: UnitReference, unit2: UnitReference): number
GetDistance2D = function(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) end,
---@param x1 number
---@param y1 number
---@param z1 number
---@param x2 number
---@param y2 number
---@param z2 number
---@return number
---@overload fun(unit1: UnitReference, unit2: UnitReference): number
GetDistance3D = function(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) end,
---@param code string
---@param debugname string
---@param variables any
---@return boolean status
---@return any results
RequireCode = function(code, debugname, variables) end,
---@param encCode string
---@param debugname string
---@param variables any
---@return boolean status
---@return any results
RequireCodeEnc = function(encCode, debugname, variables) end,
---@param spellId integer
---@return DispelType
---@return DispelId
GetSpellDispelType = function(spellId) end,
---@return ExpansionType
GameExpansion = function() end,
---@return number width
---@return number height
---@return number scale
GameWindowSize = function() end,
---@return number camX
---@return number camY
---@return number camZ
---@return number matrixYX
---@return number matrixYY
---@return number matrixYZ
---@return number matrixZX
---@return number matrixZY
---@return number matrixZZ
---@return number matrixXX
---@return number matrixXY
---@return number matrixXZ
---@return number camFov
---@return number camYaw
---@return number camPitch
---@return number camRoll
GetCameraData = function() end,
---@return number camX
---@return number camY
---@return number camZ
GetCameraPosition = function() end,
---@return number camYaw
---@return number camPitch
---@return number camRoll
GetCameraRotation = function() end,
---@param yaw number
---@param pitch number
---@param roll number
SetCameraRotation = function(yaw, pitch, roll) end,
---@param pitch number
SetPitch = function(pitch) end,
---@param inputFilePath string
---@param outputFilePath string
EncryptAutoLoad = function(inputFilePath, outputFilePath) end,
---@param input string
---@param key string
---@param type EncryptionType
---@param iv string
---@return string
EncryptString = function(input, key, type, iv) end,
---@param input string
---@param key string
---@param type EncryptionType
---@param iv string
---@return string
DecryptString = function(input, key, type, iv) end,
---@param input string
---@param type HashType
---@return string
HashString = function(input, type) end,
---@param input string
---@param key string
---@param type HMacHashType
---@return string
HmacString = function(input, key, type) end,
---@param input string
---@return string
Base64EncodeString = function(input) end,
---@param input string
---@return string
Base64DecodeString = function(input) end,
---@param luaCode string
---@param key string
---@param type EncryptionType
---@param iv string
---@param debugName string
---@return function
DecryptAndRunString = function(luaCode, key, type, iv, debugName) end,
---@param luaCode string
---@param debugName string
---@return function
LoadString = function(luaCode, debugName) end,
---@param encLuaCode string
---@param key string
---@param type EncryptionType
---@param iv string
---@param debugName string
---@return function
DecryptAndLoadString = function(encLuaCode, key, type, iv, debugName) end,
---@param luaCode string
---@return string
EncryptCode = function(luaCode) end,
---@param encLuaCode string
---@param debugName string
---@return function
LoadStringEnc = function(encLuaCode, debugName) end,
---@param method InetRequestType
---@param url string
---@param parameters string
---@param headers string
---@return number id
InetRequest = function(method, url, parameters, headers) end,
---@param id number
---@return string res
---@return number status
InetGetRequest = function(id) end,
InetSync = function() end,
---@param guid GUID
---@return boolean
IsGuid = function(guid) end,
---@return integer
GetObjectCount = function() end,
---@param index integer
---@return DaemonicObjectReference object
GetObjectWithIndex = function(index) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@param offset number
---@param type LuaType
ObjectField = function(unit, offset, type) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@param offset number
---@param type LuaType
---@param data string | number | integer
SetObjectField = function(unit, offset, type, data) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return string
ObjectName = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return string
ObjectMover = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return DObjectTypes
ObjectType = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return boolean
ObjectExists = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return GameObjectType
GameObjectType = function(unit) end,
---@param object DaemonicObjectReference
---@return string
ObjectID = function(object) end,
---@return integer
GetMissileCount = function() end,
---@param index integer
---@return integer spellID
---@return integer spellVisualID
---@return number x
---@return number y
---@return number z
---@return GUID caster
---@return number sx
---@return number sy
---@return number sz
---@return GUID target
---@return number tx
---@return number ty
---@return number tz
GetMissileWithIndex = function(index) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@param spellId integer
---@return integer
GetAuraCount = function(unit, spellId) end,
---@param index integer
---@return integer spellId
---@return integer count
---@return number duration
---@return number expirationTime
GetAuraWithIndex = function(index) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return number x
---@return number y
---@return number z
GetUnitPosition = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return number x
---@return number y
---@return number z
GetUnitRawPosition = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return number
UnitFacing = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@param spellId integer
---@return number x
---@return number y
---@return number z
UnitEffect = function(unit, spellId) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return number
UnitRawFacing = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return UnitCreatureType
UnitCreatureTypeId = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
SetTargetUnit = function(unit) end,
ClearTargetUnit = function() end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return number
UnitPitch = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return UnitReference
UnitSummonedBy = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return UnitReference
UnitCreatedBy = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return UnitReference
UnitTarget = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return number
UnitHeight = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return number
UnitFlags = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return number
UnitFlags2 = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return number
UnitFlags3 = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return number
UnitNpcFlags = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return number
UnitBoundingRadius = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return number
UnitCombatReach = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return number
UnitDynamicFlags = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return number
UnitAnimationFlags = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return boolean
UnitIsSkinnable = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return boolean
UnitIsLootable = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return UnitReference
UnitCastingTarget = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return boolean
UnitIsMounted = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return boolean
UnitIsOutdoors = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return boolean
UnitIsSubmerged = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return boolean
UnitIsSitting = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return integer
UnitSpecializationID = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return number
---@return number
GetDragonridingSpeed = function(unit) end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return UnitStandStateType
UnitStandStateType = function(unit) end,
---@param path string
---@return string | nil
ReadFile = function(path) end,
---@param path string
---@param content string
---@param append boolean
WriteFile = function(path, content, append) end,
---@param currentName string
---@param newName string
RenameFile = function(currentName, newName) end,
---@param path string
---@param args ...
---@return boolean
---@return any
RequireFile = function(path, args) end,
---@return string
GetWowDirectory = function() end,
---@return string
GetExeDirectory = function() end,
---@param path string
---@param pattern string
---@return string
GetDirectoryFiles = function(path, pattern) end,
---@param path string
---@param pattern string
---@return string
GetDirectoryFolders = function(path, pattern) end,
---@param path string
---@return boolean
FileExists = function(path) end,
---@param path string
CreateDirectory = function(path) end,
---@param path string
---@return boolean
DirectoryExists = function(path) end,
---@param path string
---@return boolean
IsWritablePath = function(path) end,
---@param path string
---@return boolean
DeleteFile = function(path) end,
---@param path string
---@return boolean
DeleteDirectory = function(path) end,
---@param encFilePath string
---@param variables any
---@return boolean
---@return any
RequireFileEnc = function(encFilePath, variables) end,
---@param srcFile string
---@param destFile string
CopyFile = function(srcFile, destFile) end,
---@param srcDir string
---@param destDir string
CopyDirectory = function(srcDir, destDir) end,
---@param dirPath string
RemoveDirectory = function(dirPath) end,
ResetAfk = function() end,
---@param key KeyCode
---@return boolean
GetKeyState = function(key) end,
---@return boolean
IsWindowActive = function() end,
ActivateWindow = function() end,
---@param waveFilePath string
PlayWinSound = function(waveFilePath) end,
---@return string
GetSessionID = function() end,
---@return integer
GetSessionIndex = function() end,
---@param MemAddress number
---@param Offset integer
---@param type LuaType
ReadMemory = function(MemAddress, Offset, type) end,
---@param text string
SetClipboardText = function(text) end,
---@return string
GetClipboardText = function() end,
KillSession = function() end,
---@param productNumber ProductType
---@return GetProductStatusReturn
GetProductStatus = function(productNumber) end,
---@param string string
WipeString = function(string) end,
---@return boolean
IsInWorld = function() end,
---@param string string
---@return string
CompressString = function(string) end,
---@param string string
---@return string
DecompressString = function(string) end,
---@param filepath string
GetScreenshot = function(filepath) end,
MinimizeWindow = function() end,
---@param x number
---@param y number
---@param w? number
---@param h? number
MoveWindow = function(x, y, w, h) end,
---@param x number
---@param y number
---@param z number
MoveTo = function(x, y, z) end,
GetMapID = function() end,
---@param unit UnitReference
---@return MovementFlags
GetUnitMovementFlags = function(unit) end,
---@param mapId integer
---@param x1 number
---@param y1 number
---@param z1 number
---@param x2 number
---@param y2 number
---@param z2 number
---@param swim boolean
---@return FindPathReturnType | nil
FindPath = function(mapId, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, swim) end,
---@param pathIndex integer
---@param swim? boolean
---@return number x
---@return number y
---@return number z
GetPathNode = function(pathIndex, swim) end,
---@param path string
SetMapsPath = function(path) end,
---@param x number
---@param y number
---@param z number
---@return number x
---@return number y
GetTileByPosition = function(x, y, z) end,
UnloadMaps = function() end,
SendMovementHeartbeat = function() end,
SecureCode = Daemonic.SecureCode
--Interact = Daemonic.Interact
ClickPosition = Daemonic.ClickPosition
--FaceDirection = Daemonic.FaceDirection
--TraceLine = Daemonic.TraceLine
--GetWowAccountId = Daemonic.GetWowAccountId
--WorldToScreen = Daemonic.WorldToScreen
--ScreenToWorld = Daemonic.ScreenToWorld
--ObjectIsQuestObjective = Daemonic.ObjectIsQuestObjective
--GetLastClickPosition = Daemonic.GetLastClickPosition
--GetCorpsePosition = Daemonic.GetCorpsePosition
IsSpellPending = Daemonic.IsSpellPending
--CancelPendingSpell = Daemonic.CancelPendingSpell
--GetAngles = Daemonic.GetAngles
--GetDistance2D = Daemonic.GetDistance2D
GetDistance3D = Daemonic.GetDistance3D
--RequireCode = Daemonic.RequireCode
--RequireCodeEnc = Daemonic.RequireCodeEnc
--GetSpellDispelType = Daemonic.GetSpellDispelType
--GameExpansion = Daemonic.GameExpansion
--GameWindowSize = Daemonic.GameWindowSize
--GetCameraData = Daemonic.GetCameraData
--GetCameraPosition = Daemonic.GetCameraPosition
--GetCameraRotation = Daemonic.GetCameraRotation
--SetCameraRotation = Daemonic.SetCameraRotation
--SetPitch = Daemonic.SetPitch
--EncryptAutoLoad = Daemonic.EncryptAutoLoad
--EncryptString = Daemonic.EncryptString
--DecryptString = Daemonic.DecryptString
--HashString = Daemonic.HashString
--HmacString = Daemonic.HmacString
--Base64EncodeString = Daemonic.Base64EncodeString
--Base64DecodeString = Daemonic.Base64DecodeString
--DecryptAndRunString = Daemonic.DecryptAndRunString
--LoadString = Daemonic.LoadString
--DecryptAndLoadString = Daemonic.DecryptAndLoadString
--EncryptCode = Daemonic.EncryptCode
--LoadStringEnc = Daemonic.LoadStringEnc
--InetRequest = Daemonic.InetRequest
--InetGetRequest = Daemonic.InetGetRequest
--InetSync = Daemonic.InetSync
IsGuid = Daemonic.IsGuid
GetObjectCount = Daemonic.GetObjectCount
GetObjectWithIndex = Daemonic.GetObjectWithIndex
--ObjectField = Daemonic.ObjectField
--SetObjectField = Daemonic.SetObjectField
--ObjectName = Daemonic.ObjectName
--ObjectMover = Daemonic.ObjectMover
ObjectType = Daemonic.ObjectType
ObjectExists = Daemonic.ObjectExists
--GameObjectType = Daemonic.GameObjectType
ObjectID = Daemonic.ObjectID
--GetMissileCount = Daemonic.GetMissileCount
--GetMissileWithIndex = Daemonic.GetMissileWithIndex
--GetAuraCount = Daemonic.GetAuraCount
--GetAuraWithIndex = Daemonic.GetAuraWithIndex
GetUnitPosition = Daemonic.GetUnitPosition
--GetUnitRawPosition = Daemonic.GetUnitRawPosition
UnitFacing = Daemonic.UnitFacing
--UnitEffect = Daemonic.UnitEffect
--UnitRawFacing = Daemonic.UnitRawFacing
--UnitCreatureTypeId = Daemonic.UnitCreatureTypeId
--SetTargetUnit = Daemonic.SetTargetUnit
--ClearTargetUnit = Daemonic.ClearTargetUnit
--UnitPitch = Daemonic.UnitPitch
--UnitSummonedBy = Daemonic.UnitSummonedBy
--UnitCreatedBy = Daemonic.UnitCreatedBy
--UnitTarget = Daemonic.UnitTarget
UnitHeight = Daemonic.UnitHeight
--UnitFlags = Daemonic.UnitFlags
--UnitFlags2 = Daemonic.UnitFlags2
--UnitFlags3 = Daemonic.UnitFlags3
--UnitNpcFlags = Daemonic.UnitNpcFlags
--UnitBoundingRadius = Daemonic.UnitBoundingRadius
UnitCombatReach = Daemonic.UnitCombatReach
--UnitDynamicFlags = Daemonic.UnitDynamicFlags
--UnitAnimationFlags = Daemonic.UnitAnimationFlags
--UnitIsSkinnable = Daemonic.UnitIsSkinnable
--UnitIsLootable = Daemonic.UnitIsLootable
--UnitCastingTarget = Daemonic.UnitCastingTarget
UnitIsMounted = Daemonic.UnitIsMounted
UnitIsOutdoors = Daemonic.UnitIsOutdoors
UnitIsSubmerged = Daemonic.UnitIsSubmerged
--UnitIsSitting = Daemonic.UnitIsSitting
--UnitSpecializationID = Daemonic.UnitSpecializationID
--GetDragonridingSpeed = Daemonic.GetDragonridingSpeed
--UnitStandStateType = Daemonic.UnitStandStateType
--ReadFile = Daemonic.ReadFile
WriteFile = Daemonic.WriteFile
--RenameFile = Daemonic.RenameFile
--GetWowDirectory = Daemonic.GetWowDirectory
--GetExeDirectory = Daemonic.GetExeDirectory
GetDirectoryFiles = Daemonic.GetDirectoryFiles
--GetDirectoryFolders = Daemonic.GetDirectoryFolders
--FileExists = Daemonic.FileExists
--CreateDirectory = Daemonic.CreateDirectory
--DirectoryExists = Daemonic.DirectoryExists
--IsWritablePath = Daemonic.IsWritablePath
--DeleteFile = Daemonic.DeleteFile
--DeleteDirectory = Daemonic.DeleteDirectory
RequireFile = Daemonic.RequireFile
--RequireFileEnc = Daemonic.RequireFileEnc
--CopyFile = Daemonic.CopyFile
--CopyDirectory = Daemonic.CopyDirectory
--RemoveDirectory = Daemonic.RemoveDirectory
--ResetAfk = Daemonic.ResetAfk
--GetKeyState = Daemonic.GetKeyState
--IsWindowActive = Daemonic.IsWindowActive
--ActivateWindow = Daemonic.ActivateWindow
--PlayWinSound = Daemonic.PlayWinSound
--GetSessionID = Daemonic.GetSessionID
--GetSessionIndex = Daemonic.GetSessionIndex
--ReadMemory = Daemonic.ReadMemory
--SetClipboardText = Daemonic.SetClipboardText
--GetClipboardText = Daemonic.GetClipboardText
--KillSession = Daemonic.KillSession
GetProductStatus = Daemonic.GetProductStatus
--WipeString = Daemonic.WipeString
--IsInWorld = Daemonic.IsInWorld
--CompressString = Daemonic.CompressString
--DecompressString = Daemonic.DecompressString
--GetScreenshot = Daemonic.GetScreenshot
--MinimizeWindow = Daemonic.MinimizeWindow
--MoveWindow = Daemonic.MoveWindow
--MoveTo = Daemonic.MoveTo
--GetMapID = Daemonic.GetMapID
GetUnitMovementFlags = Daemonic.GetUnitMovementFlags
--FindPath = Daemonic.FindPath
--GetPathNode = Daemonic.GetPathNode
--SetMapsPath = Daemonic.SetMapsPath
--GetTileByPosition = Daemonic.GetTileByPosition
--UnloadMaps = Daemonic.UnloadMaps
--SendMovementHeartbeat = Daemonic.SendMovementHeartbeat