You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
12849 lines
447 KiB
12849 lines
447 KiB
local MAJOR, MINOR = "DiesalStyle-2.0", 1
---@alias Diesal.Style DiesalStyle-2.0
---@class DiesalStyle-2.0
local DiesalStyle, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not DiesalStyle then
end -- No Upgrade needed.
-- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
local LibSharedMedia = LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0")
-- ~~| Lib Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
local GetIconCoords, HSL = DiesalTools.GetIconCoords, DiesalTools.HSL
-- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
local type, select, pairs, tonumber = type, select, pairs, tonumber
local next = next
local format, sub = string.format, string.sub
local min, max = math.min, math.max
-- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
local errorhandler = geterrorhandler()
-- ~~| DiesalStyle Values |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
---@type { [string]: { [string]: string } }
DiesalStyle.Media = DiesalStyle.Media or {}
DiesalStyle.ReleasedTextures = DiesalStyle.ReleasedTextures or {}
DiesalStyle.TextureFrame = DiesalStyle.TextureFrame or CreateFrame("Frame")
DiesalStyle.Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors or {}
DiesalStyle.Formatters = DiesalStyle.Formatters or {}
-- ~~| DiesalStyle UpValues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
local AddonName = ...
local ReleasedTextures = DiesalStyle.ReleasedTextures
local TextureFrame = DiesalStyle.TextureFrame
local Media = DiesalStyle.Media
local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
local Formatters = DiesalStyle.Formatters
-- ~~| Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
local OUTLINES = { "_LEFT", "_RIGHT", "_TOP", "_BOTTOM" }
or type(AddonName) == "table" and string.format("Interface\\AddOns\\Media\\")
or AddonName == "DiesalLibs" and string.format("Interface\\AddOns\\%s\\%s\\Media\\", AddonName, MAJOR)
or string.format("Interface\\AddOns\\%s\\Libs\\%s\\Media\\", AddonName, MAJOR)
-- ~~| Local Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
local function addMedia(mediaType, name, mediaFile)
Media[mediaType] = Media[mediaType] or {}
-- update or create new media entry
Media[mediaType][name] = MEDIA_PATH .. mediaFile
local function getMedia(mediaType, name)
if not Media[mediaType] then
error("media type: " .. mediaType .. " does not exist", 2)
if not Media[mediaType][name] then
error('media: "' .. name .. '" does not exist', 2)
return Media[mediaType][name]
local function newTexture()
local newTexture = next(ReleasedTextures)
if not newTexture then
newTexture = TextureFrame:CreateTexture()
ReleasedTextures[newTexture] = nil
return newTexture
local function releaseTexture(texture)
-- reset texture
texture:SetDrawLayer("ARTWORK", 0)
-- texture:SetTexCoord(0,1,0,1)
-- specific order based on testing! for a close as possible full texture reset
-- texture:SetGradientAlpha('HORIZONTAL',1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
-- texture:SetColorTexture(0,0,0,0)
-- texture:SetTexture()
-- texture:SetVertexColor(1,1,1,1)
| = nil
if ReleasedTextures[texture] then
error("Attempt to Release a texture that is already released", 2)
ReleasedTextures[texture] = true
local function round(number, base)
base = base or 1
return floor((number + base / 2) / base) * base
local function GetBlizzColorValues(value)
if not value then
if type(value) == "table" and #value >= 3 then
return value[1] / 255, value[2] / 255, value[3] / 255
elseif type(value) == "string" then
return tonumber(sub(value, 1, 2), 16) / 255, tonumber(sub(value, 3, 4), 16) / 255,
tonumber(sub(value, 5, 6), 16) / 255
local function formatCoords(coords)
if type(coords) ~= "table" then
if #coords == 5 then
return { GetIconCoords(coords[1], coords[2], coords[3], coords[4], coords[5]) }
return coords
local function formatFile(file)
if type(file) ~= "string" and type(file) ~= "number" then
return Media.texture[file] or file
local function formatPosition(position)
if type(position) ~= "table" and type(position) ~= "number" then
return type(position) == "number" and { position, position, position, position } or position
---@param orientation string
local function formatOrientation(orientation)
if type(orientation) ~= "string" then
return orientation:upper()
local function formatAlpha(alpha)
if type(alpha) ~= "table" and type(alpha) ~= "number" then
return type(alpha) == "number" and { alpha, alpha } or alpha
local function CreateColor(r, g, b, a)
return {
r = r or 0,
g = g or 0,
b = b or 0,
a = a or 1,
-- error handling
local function setColor(texture, r, g, b, a)
local status, err = pcall(texture.SetColorTexture, texture, r, g, b, a)
if not status then
'error in "' .. ( or "texture") .. '" ' .. .. " or alpha setting", r, g,
local function setGradient(texture, orientation, r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)
local status, err = pcall(texture.SetGradient, texture, orientation, CreateColor(r1, g1, b1, a1),
CreateColor(r2, g2, b2, a2))
if not status then
errorhandler('error in "' ..
( or "texture") .. '" ' .. .. " or alpha setting.")
-- ~~| Media |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
do -- | Set Colors |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
do -- google material colors
Colors.red_50 = "fde0dc"
Colors.red_100 = "f9bdbb"
Colors.red_200 = "f69988"
Colors.red_300 = "f36c60"
Colors.red_400 = "e84e40"
Colors.red_500 = "e51c23"
Colors.red_600 = "dd191d"
Colors.red_700 = "d01716"
Colors.red_800 = "c41411"
Colors.red_900 = "b0120a"
Colors.red_A100 = "FF8A80"
Colors.red_A200 = "FF5252"
Colors.red_A400 = "FF1744"
Colors.red_A700 = "D50000"
Colors.pink_50 = "fce4ec"
Colors.pink_100 = "f8bbd0"
Colors.pink_200 = "f48fb1"
Colors.pink_300 = "f06292"
Colors.pink_400 = "ec407a"
Colors.pink_500 = "e91e63"
Colors.pink_600 = "d81b60"
Colors.pink_700 = "c2185b"
Colors.pink_800 = "ad1457"
Colors.pink_900 = "880e4f"
Colors.pink_A100 = "FF80AB"
Colors.pink_A200 = "FF4081"
Colors.pink_A400 = "F50057"
Colors.pink_A700 = "C51162"
Colors.purple_50 = "f3e5f5"
Colors.purple_100 = "e1bee7"
Colors.purple_200 = "ce93d8"
Colors.purple_300 = "ba68c8"
Colors.purple_400 = "ab47bc"
Colors.purple_500 = "9c27b0"
Colors.purple_600 = "8e24aa"
Colors.purple_700 = "7b1fa2"
Colors.purple_800 = "6a1b9a"
Colors.purple_900 = "4a148c"
Colors.purple_A100 = "EA80FC"
Colors.purple_A200 = "E040FB"
Colors.purple_A400 = "D500F9"
Colors.purple_A700 = "AA00FF"
Colors.dark_purple_50 = "ede7f6"
Colors.dark_purple_100 = "d1c4e9"
Colors.dark_purple_200 = "b39ddb"
Colors.dark_purple_300 = "9575cd"
Colors.dark_purple_400 = "7e57c2"
Colors.dark_purple_500 = "673ab7"
Colors.dark_purple_600 = "5e35b1"
Colors.dark_purple_700 = "512da8"
Colors.dark_purple_800 = "4527a0"
Colors.dark_purple_900 = "311b92"
Colors.dark_purple_A100 = "B388FF"
Colors.dark_purple_A200 = "7C4DFF"
Colors.dark_purple_A400 = "651FFF"
Colors.dark_purple_A700 = "6200EA"
Colors.indigo_50 = "e8eaf6"
Colors.indigo_100 = "c5cae9"
Colors.indigo_200 = "9fa8da"
Colors.indigo_300 = "7986cb"
Colors.indigo_400 = "5c6bc0"
Colors.indigo_500 = "3f51b5"
Colors.indigo_600 = "3949ab"
Colors.indigo_700 = "303f9f"
Colors.indigo_800 = "283593"
Colors.indigo_900 = "1a237e"
Colors.indigo_A100 = "8C9EFF"
Colors.indigo_A200 = "536DFE"
Colors.indigo_A400 = "3D5AFE"
Colors.indigo_A700 = "304FFE"
Colors.blue_50 = "e7e9fd"
Colors.blue_100 = "d0d9ff"
Colors.blue_200 = "afbfff"
Colors.blue_300 = "91a7ff"
Colors.blue_400 = "738ffe"
Colors.blue_500 = "5677fc"
Colors.blue_600 = "4e6cef"
Colors.blue_700 = "455ede"
Colors.blue_800 = "3b50ce"
Colors.blue_900 = "2a36b1"
Colors.blue_A100 = "82B1FF"
Colors.blue_A200 = "448AFF"
Colors.blue_A400 = "2979FF"
Colors.blue_A700 = "2962FF"
Colors.light_blue_50 = "e1f5fe"
Colors.light_blue_100 = "b3e5fc"
Colors.light_blue_200 = "81d4fa"
Colors.light_blue_300 = "4fc3f7"
Colors.light_blue_400 = "29b6f6"
Colors.light_blue_500 = "03a9f4"
Colors.light_blue_600 = "039be5"
Colors.light_blue_700 = "0288d1"
Colors.light_blue_800 = "0277bd"
Colors.light_blue_900 = "01579b"
Colors.light_blue_A100 = "80D8FF"
Colors.light_blue_A200 = "40C4FF"
Colors.light_blue_A400 = "00B0FF"
Colors.light_blue_A700 = "0091EA"
Colors.cyan_50 = "e0f7fa"
Colors.cyan_100 = "b2ebf2"
Colors.cyan_200 = "80deea"
Colors.cyan_300 = "4dd0e1"
Colors.cyan_400 = "26c6da"
Colors.cyan_500 = "00bcd4"
Colors.cyan_600 = "00acc1"
Colors.cyan_700 = "0097a7"
Colors.cyan_800 = "00838f"
Colors.cyan_900 = "006064"
Colors.cyan_A100 = "84FFFF"
Colors.cyan_A200 = "18FFFF"
Colors.cyan_A400 = "00E5FF"
Colors.cyan_A700 = "00B8D4"
Colors.teal_50 = "e0f2f1"
Colors.teal_100 = "b2dfdb"
Colors.teal_200 = "80cbc4"
Colors.teal_300 = "4db6ac"
Colors.teal_400 = "26a69a"
Colors.teal_500 = "009688"
Colors.teal_600 = "00897b"
Colors.teal_700 = "00796b"
Colors.teal_800 = "00695c"
Colors.teal_900 = "004d40"
Colors.teal_A100 = "A7FFEB"
Colors.teal_A200 = "64FFDA"
Colors.teal_A400 = "1DE9B6"
Colors.teal_A700 = "00BFA5"
Colors.green_50 = "d0f8ce"
Colors.green_100 = "a3e9a4"
Colors.green_200 = "72d572"
Colors.green_300 = "42bd41"
Colors.green_400 = "2baf2b"
Colors.green_500 = "4CAF50"
Colors.green_600 = "0a8f08"
Colors.green_700 = "0a7e07"
Colors.green_800 = "056f00"
Colors.green_900 = "0d5302"
Colors.green_A100 = "B9F6CA"
Colors.green_A200 = "69F0AE"
Colors.green_A400 = "00E676"
Colors.green_A700 = "00C853"
Colors.light_green_50 = "f1f8e9"
Colors.light_green_100 = "dcedc8"
Colors.light_green_200 = "c5e1a5"
Colors.light_green_300 = "aed581"
Colors.light_green_400 = "9ccc65"
Colors.light_green_500 = "8bc34a"
Colors.light_green_600 = "7cb342"
Colors.light_green_700 = "689f38"
Colors.light_green_800 = "558b2f"
Colors.light_green_900 = "33691e"
Colors.light_green_A100 = "CCFF90"
Colors.light_green_A200 = "B2FF59"
Colors.light_green_A400 = "76FF03"
Colors.light_green_A700 = "64DD17"
Colors.lime_50 = "f9fbe7"
Colors.lime_100 = "f0f4c3"
Colors.lime_200 = "e6ee9c"
Colors.lime_300 = "dce775"
Colors.lime_400 = "d4e157"
Colors.lime_500 = "cddc39"
Colors.lime_600 = "c0ca33"
Colors.lime_700 = "afb42b"
Colors.lime_800 = "9e9d24"
Colors.lime_900 = "827717"
Colors.lime_A100 = "F4FF81"
Colors.lime_A200 = "EEFF41"
Colors.lime_A400 = "C6FF00"
Colors.lime_A700 = "AEEA00"
Colors.yellow_50 = "fffde7"
Colors.yellow_100 = "fff9c4"
Colors.yellow_200 = "fff59d"
Colors.yellow_300 = "fff176"
Colors.yellow_400 = "ffee58"
Colors.yellow_500 = "ffeb3b"
Colors.yellow_600 = "fdd835"
Colors.yellow_700 = "fbc02d"
Colors.yellow_800 = "f9a825"
Colors.yellow_900 = "f57f17"
Colors.yellow_A100 = "FFFF8D"
Colors.yellow_A200 = "FFFF00"
Colors.yellow_A400 = "FFEA00"
Colors.yellow_A700 = "FFD600"
Colors.amber_50 = "fff8e1"
Colors.amber_100 = "ffecb3"
Colors.amber_200 = "ffe082"
Colors.amber_300 = "ffd54f"
Colors.amber_400 = "ffca28"
Colors.amber_500 = "ffc107"
Colors.amber_600 = "ffb300"
Colors.amber_700 = "ffa000"
Colors.amber_800 = "ff8f00"
Colors.amber_900 = "ff6f00"
Colors.amber_A100 = "FFE57F"
Colors.amber_A200 = "FFD740"
Colors.amber_A400 = "FFC400"
Colors.amber_A700 = "FFAB00"
Colors.orange_50 = "fff3e0"
Colors.orange_100 = "ffe0b2"
Colors.orange_200 = "ffcc80"
Colors.orange_300 = "ffb74d"
Colors.orange_400 = "ffa726"
Colors.orange_500 = "ff9800"
Colors.orange_600 = "fb8c00"
Colors.orange_700 = "f57c00"
Colors.orange_800 = "ef6c00"
Colors.orange_900 = "e65100"
Colors.orange_A100 = "FFD180"
Colors.orange_A200 = "FFAB40"
Colors.orange_A400 = "FF9100"
Colors.orange_A700 = "FF6D00"
Colors.deep_orange_50 = "fbe9e7"
Colors.deep_orange_100 = "ffccbc"
Colors.deep_orange_200 = "ffab91"
Colors.deep_orange_300 = "ff8a65"
Colors.deep_orange_400 = "ff7043"
Colors.deep_orange_500 = "ff5722"
Colors.deep_orange_600 = "f4511e"
Colors.deep_orange_700 = "e64a19"
Colors.deep_orange_800 = "d84315"
Colors.deep_orange_900 = "bf360c"
Colors.deep_orange_A100 = "FF9E80"
Colors.deep_orange_A200 = "FF6E40"
Colors.deep_orange_A400 = "FF3D00"
Colors.deep_orange_A700 = "DD2C00"
Colors.brown_50 = "efebe9"
Colors.brown_100 = "d7ccc8"
Colors.brown_200 = "bcaaa4"
Colors.brown_300 = "a1887f"
Colors.brown_400 = "8d6e63"
Colors.brown_500 = "795548"
Colors.brown_600 = "6d4c41"
Colors.brown_700 = "5d4037"
Colors.brown_800 = "4e342e"
Colors.brown_900 = "3e2723"
Colors.gray_50 = "fafafa"
Colors.gray_100 = "f5f5f5"
Colors.gray_200 = "eee"
Colors.gray_300 = "e0e0e0"
Colors.gray_400 = "bdbdbd"
Colors.gray_500 = "9e9e9e"
Colors.gray_600 = "757575"
Colors.gray_700 = "616161"
Colors.gray_800 = "424242"
Colors.gray_900 = "212121"
Colors.blue_gray_50 = "eceff1"
Colors.blue_gray_100 = "cfd8dc"
Colors.blue_gray_200 = "b0bec5"
Colors.blue_gray_300 = "90a4ae"
Colors.blue_gray_400 = "78909c"
Colors.blue_gray_500 = "607d8b"
Colors.blue_gray_600 = "546e7a"
Colors.blue_gray_700 = "455a64"
Colors.blue_gray_800 = "37474f"
Colors.blue_gray_900 = "263238"
do -- Base UI Colors
Colors.UI_Hue = 210
Colors.UI_Saturation = 0.24
Colors.UI_TEXT = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.9)
-- level 1
Colors.UI_100 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.03) -- BG
Colors.UI_150 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.05)
-- level 2
Colors.UI_200 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.07)
-- level 3
Colors.UI_300 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.12)
Colors.UI_300_GR = { HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.12), HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation,
0.11) }
Colors.UI_350 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.15)
Colors.UI_350_GR = { HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.17), HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation,
0.14) }
-- level 4
Colors.UI_400 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.20)
Colors.UI_400_GR = { HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.20), HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation,
0.17) }
Colors.UI_450_GR = { HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.24), HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation,
0.20) }
-- level 5
Colors.UI_500 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.29)
Colors.UI_500_GR = { HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.29), HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation,
0.26) }
Colors.UI_600_GR = { HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.35), HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation,
0.32) }
-- font Colors -35
Colors.UI_F450 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.75)
Colors.UI_F350 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.60)
Colors.UI_1000 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 1)
Colors.UI_A900 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, 1, 0.7)
Colors.UI_A800 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, 1, 0.65)
Colors.UI_A700 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, 1, 0.6)
Colors.UI_A600 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, 1, 0.55)
Colors.UI_A500 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, 1, 0.5)
Colors.UI_A400 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, 1, 0.45)
Colors.UI_A300 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, 1, 0.4)
Colors.UI_A200 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, 1, 0.35)
Colors.UI_A100 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, 1, 0.3)
-- Class Colors
Colors.WARRIOR = "c79c6e"
Colors.PALADIN = "f58cba"
Colors.HUNTER = "abd473"
Colors.ROGUE = "fff569"
Colors.PRIEST = "ffffff"
Colors.DEATHKNIGHT = "c41f3b"
Colors.SHAMAN = "0070de"
Colors.MAGE = "69ccf0"
Colors.WARLOCK = "9482c9"
Colors.MONK = "00ff96"
Colors.DRUID = "ff7d0a"
Colors.DEMONHUNTER = "a330c9"
Colors.EVOKER = "33937f"
do -- | Text Formatters |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Formatters.tooltip = "|cff" .. Colors.gray_50 .. "%s\n|cff" .. Colors.yellow_500 .. "%s"
do -- | Set Media |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
addMedia("font", "calibrib", "Fonts\\calibrib.ttf")
-- Material
addMedia("font", "MaterialIcons", "Fonts\\MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf")
--addMedia("font", "MaterialIconsOutlined", "Fonts\\MaterialIconsOutlined-Regular.ttf")
addMedia("font", "MaterialIconsOutlined", "Fonts\\MaterialIconsOutlined-Regular.otf")
addMedia("font", "MaterialIconsRound", "Fonts\\MaterialIconsRound-Regular.otf")
addMedia("font", "MaterialIconsSharp", "Fonts\\MaterialIconsSharp-Regular.otf")
addMedia("font", "MaterialIconsTwoTone", "Fonts\\MaterialIconsTwoTone-Regular.otf")
-- monospaced
addMedia("font", "DejaVuSansMono", "Fonts\\DejaVuSansMono.ttf")
addMedia("font", "DejaVuSansMonoBold", "Fonts\\DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf")
addMedia("font", "FiraMonoMedium", "Fonts\\FiraMono-Medium.ttf")
addMedia("font", "FiraMonoRegular", "Fonts\\FiraMono-Regular.ttf")
addMedia("font", "FiraMonoBold", "Fonts\\FiraMono-Bold.ttf")
addMedia("font", "HackRegular", "Fonts\\Hack-Regular.ttf")
addMedia("font", "HackBold", "Fonts\\Hack-Bold.ttf")
addMedia("font", "InconsolataRegular", "Fonts\\Inconsolata-Regular.ttf")
addMedia("font", "InconsolataBold", "Fonts\\Inconsolata-Bold.ttf")
addMedia("font", "LucidiaMono", "Fonts\\LUCON.ttf")
addMedia("font", "MonoFur", "Fonts\\monof55.ttf")
addMedia("font", "MonoFurItalic", "Fonts\\monof56.ttf")
addMedia("font", "OfficeCodeProRegular", "Fonts\\OfficeCodePro-Regular.ttf")
addMedia("font", "OfficeCodeProMedium", "Fonts\\OfficeCodePro-Medium.ttf")
addMedia("font", "OfficeCodeProBold", "Fonts\\OfficeCodePro-Bold.ttf")
addMedia("font", "RobotoMonoRegular", "Fonts\\RobotoMono-Regular.ttf")
addMedia("font", "RobotoMonoMedium", "Fonts\\RobotoMono-Medium.ttf")
addMedia("font", "RobotoMonoBold", "Fonts\\RobotoMono-Bold.ttf")
addMedia("font", "SourceCodeProRegular", "Fonts\\SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf")
addMedia("font", "SourceCodeProMedium", "Fonts\\SourceCodePro-Medium.ttf")
addMedia("font", "SourceCodeProSemibold", "Fonts\\SourceCodePro-Semibold.ttf")
addMedia("font", "SourceCodeProBold", "Fonts\\SourceCodePro-Bold.ttf")
addMedia("font", "SourceCodeProBlack", "Fonts\\SourceCodePro-Black.ttf")
addMedia("font", "UbuntuMonoBold", "Fonts\\UbuntuMono-B.ttf")
addMedia("font", "UbuntuMonoRegular", "Fonts\\UbuntuMono-R.ttf")
-- pixel fonts
addMedia("font", "FiraSans", "Fonts\\FiraSans-Regular.ttf")
addMedia("font", "Standard0755", "Fonts\\Standard0755.ttf")
addMedia("font", "FFF Intelligent Thin Condensed", "Fonts\\FFF Intelligent Thin Condensed.ttf")
-- Icons
addMedia("texture", "DiesalGUIcons", "Textures\\DiesalGUIcons16x256x128.tga")
addMedia("texture", "DiesalGUIcons64", "Textures\\DiesalGUIcons64x256x256.tga")
addMedia("texture", "DiesalGUIcons32", "Textures\\DiesalGUIcons32x256x256.tga")
addMedia("texture", "DiesalButtonIcons32", "Textures\\DiesalButtonIcons32x128x512.tga")
-- Shadows
addMedia("border", "shadow", "Textures\\shadow.tga")
addMedia("border", "shadowNoDist", "Textures\\shadowNoDist.tga")
local font = getMedia("font", "MaterialIcons")
if font then
MaterialIconsRegular = CreateFont("MaterialIconsRegular")
MaterialIconsRegular:SetFont(font, 20, "")
do -- | Add LibSharedMedia |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
local font = getMedia("font", "calibrib")
if font then
LibSharedMedia:Register("font", "Calibri Bold", font)
font = getMedia("font", "FiraSans")
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LibSharedMedia:Register("font", "Fira Sans", font)
-- monospaced
-- LibSharedMedia:Register("font","DejaVuSansMono",getMedia('font','DejaVuSansMono'))
-- LibSharedMedia:Register("font","Hack",getMedia('font','Hack'))
-- LibSharedMedia:Register("font","Inconsolata",getMedia('font','Inconsolata'))
-- LibSharedMedia:Register("font","Fira Sans",getMedia('font','FiraSans'))
-- LibSharedMedia:Register("font","Source Code Pro",getMedia('font','SourceCodePro'))
-- pixel fonts
font = getMedia("font", "Standard0755")
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LibSharedMedia:Register("font", "Standard0755", font)
font = getMedia("font", "FFF Intelligent Thin Condensed")
if font then
LibSharedMedia:Register("font", "FFF Intelligent", font)
do -- | Set Fonts |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
local font = getMedia("font", "calibrib")
if font then
DiesalFontNormal = CreateFont("DiesalFontNormal")
DiesalFontNormal:SetFont(font, 11, "")
font = getMedia("font", "Standard0755")
if font then
DiesalFontPixel = CreateFont("DiesalFontPixel")
DiesalFontPixel:SetFont(font, 8, "")
font = getMedia("font", "Standard0755")
if font then
DiesalFontPixelOutLine = CreateFont("DiesalFontPixelOutLine")
DiesalFontPixelOutLine:SetFont(font, 8, "OUTLINE, MONOCHROME")
font = getMedia("font", "FFF Intelligent Thin Condensed")
if font then
DiesalFontPixel2 = CreateFont("DiesalFontPixel2")
DiesalFontPixel2:SetFont(font, 8, "OUTLINE, MONOCHROME")
do -- Set Material Icons
DiesalStyle.MaterialIcons = DiesalStyle.MaterialIcons or {}
local MaterialIcons = DiesalStyle.MaterialIcons
MaterialIcons.regular = {
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["8mp"] = 0xe976,
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["airline_seat_flat_angled"] = 0xe631,
["airline_seat_individual_suite"] = 0xe632,
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["airline_seat_legroom_normal"] = 0xe634,
["airline_seat_legroom_reduced"] = 0xe635,
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["airline_seat_recline_normal"] = 0xe637,
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["airplanemode_inactive"] = 0xe194,
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["assignment_returned"] = 0xe861,
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["autofps_select"] = 0xefdc,
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["baby_changing_station"] = 0xf19b,
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["backspace"] = 0xe14a,
["backup"] = 0xe864,
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["barcode_reader"] = 0xf85c,
["batch_prediction"] = 0xf0f5,
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["bathtub"] = 0xea41,
["battery_0_bar"] = 0xebdc,
["battery_1_bar"] = 0xebd9,
["battery_2_bar"] = 0xebe0,
["battery_3_bar"] = 0xebdd,
["battery_4_bar"] = 0xebe2,
["battery_5_bar"] = 0xebd4,
["battery_6_bar"] = 0xebd2,
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["battery_charging_full"] = 0xe1a3,
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["bento"] = 0xf1f4,
["bike_scooter"] = 0xef45,
["biotech"] = 0xea3a,
["blender"] = 0xefe3,
["blind"] = 0xf8d6,
["blinds"] = 0xe286,
["blinds_closed"] = 0xec1f,
["block"] = 0xe14b,
["block_flipped"] = 0xef46,
["bloodtype"] = 0xefe4,
["bluetooth"] = 0xe1a7,
["bluetooth_audio"] = 0xe60f,
["bluetooth_connected"] = 0xe1a8,
["bluetooth_disabled"] = 0xe1a9,
["bluetooth_drive"] = 0xefe5,
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["breakfast_dining"] = 0xea54,
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["brightness_2"] = 0xe3a7,
["brightness_3"] = 0xe3a8,
["brightness_4"] = 0xe3a9,
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["broadcast_on_personal"] = 0xf8f9,
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["bug_report"] = 0xe868,
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["calendar_view_month"] = 0xefe7,
["calendar_view_week"] = 0xefe8,
["call"] = 0xe0b0,
["call_end"] = 0xe0b1,
["call_made"] = 0xe0b2,
["call_merge"] = 0xe0b3,
["call_missed"] = 0xe0b4,
["call_missed_outgoing"] = 0xe0e4,
["call_received"] = 0xe0b5,
["call_split"] = 0xe0b6,
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["camera_rear"] = 0xe3b2,
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["campaign"] = 0xef49,
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["cancel_presentation"] = 0xe0e9,
["cancel_schedule_send"] = 0xea39,
["candlestick_chart"] = 0xead4,
["car_crash"] = 0xebf2,
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["center_focus_weak"] = 0xe3b5,
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["check_circle_outline"] = 0xe92d,
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["currency_yen"] = 0xeafb,
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["dashboard_customize"] = 0xe99b,
["data_array"] = 0xead1,
["data_exploration"] = 0xe76f,
["data_object"] = 0xead3,
["data_saver_off"] = 0xeff2,
["data_saver_on"] = 0xeff3,
["data_thresholding"] = 0xeb9f,
["data_usage"] = 0xe1af,
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["delivery_dining"] = 0xea72,
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["lte_plus_mobiledata"] = 0xf02d,
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["mark_chat_unread"] = 0xf189,
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["mark_email_unread"] = 0xf18a,
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["nest_cam_wired_stand"] = 0xec16,
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["network_wifi_3_bar"] = 0xebe1,
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["no_meeting_room"] = 0xeb4e,
["no_photography"] = 0xf1a8,
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["panorama_wide_angle_select"] = 0xef62,
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["photo_size_select_small"] = 0xe434,
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["remove_circle_outline"] = 0xe15d,
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["sentiment_very_satisfied"] = 0xe815,
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["settings_input_component"] = 0xe8c0,
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["share_arrival_time"] = 0xe524,
["share_location"] = 0xf05f,
["shelves"] = 0xf86e,
["shield"] = 0xe9e0,
["shield_moon"] = 0xeaa9,
["shop"] = 0xe8c9,
["shop_2"] = 0xe19e,
["shop_two"] = 0xe8ca,
["shopify"] = 0xea9d,
["shopping_bag"] = 0xf1cc,
["shopping_basket"] = 0xe8cb,
["shopping_cart"] = 0xe8cc,
["shopping_cart_checkout"] = 0xeb88,
["short_text"] = 0xe261,
["shortcut"] = 0xf060,
["show_chart"] = 0xe6e1,
["shower"] = 0xf061,
["shuffle"] = 0xe043,
["shuffle_on"] = 0xe9e1,
["shutter_speed"] = 0xe43d,
["sick"] = 0xf220,
["sign_language"] = 0xebe5,
["signal_cellular_0_bar"] = 0xf0a8,
["signal_cellular_4_bar"] = 0xe1c8,
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["signal_cellular_alt_1_bar"] = 0xebdf,
["signal_cellular_alt_2_bar"] = 0xebe3,
["signal_cellular_connected_no_internet_0_bar"] = 0xf0ac,
["signal_cellular_connected_no_internet_4_bar"] = 0xe1cd,
["signal_cellular_no_sim"] = 0xe1ce,
["signal_cellular_nodata"] = 0xf062,
["signal_cellular_null"] = 0xe1cf,
["signal_cellular_off"] = 0xe1d0,
["signal_wifi_0_bar"] = 0xf0b0,
["signal_wifi_4_bar"] = 0xe1d8,
["signal_wifi_4_bar_lock"] = 0xe1d9,
["signal_wifi_bad"] = 0xf063,
["signal_wifi_connected_no_internet_4"] = 0xf064,
["signal_wifi_off"] = 0xe1da,
["signal_wifi_statusbar_4_bar"] = 0xf065,
["signal_wifi_statusbar_connected_no_internet_4"] = 0xf066,
["signal_wifi_statusbar_null"] = 0xf067,
["signpost"] = 0xeb91,
["sim_card"] = 0xe32b,
["sim_card_alert"] = 0xe624,
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["smart_screen"] = 0xf06b,
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["sms"] = 0xe625,
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["snooze"] = 0xe046,
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["snowmobile"] = 0xe503,
["snowshoeing"] = 0xe514,
["soap"] = 0xf1b2,
["social_distance"] = 0xe1cb,
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["sos"] = 0xebf7,
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["space_bar"] = 0xe256,
["space_dashboard"] = 0xe66b,
["spatial_audio"] = 0xebeb,
["spatial_audio_off"] = 0xebe8,
["spatial_tracking"] = 0xebea,
["speaker"] = 0xe32d,
["speaker_group"] = 0xe32e,
["speaker_notes"] = 0xe8cd,
["speaker_notes_off"] = 0xe92a,
["speaker_phone"] = 0xe0d2,
["speed"] = 0xe9e4,
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["sports"] = 0xea30,
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["sports_baseball"] = 0xea51,
["sports_basketball"] = 0xea26,
["sports_cricket"] = 0xea27,
["sports_esports"] = 0xea28,
["sports_football"] = 0xea29,
["sports_golf"] = 0xea2a,
["sports_gymnastics"] = 0xebc4,
["sports_handball"] = 0xea33,
["sports_hockey"] = 0xea2b,
["sports_kabaddi"] = 0xea34,
["sports_martial_arts"] = 0xeae9,
["sports_mma"] = 0xea2c,
["sports_motorsports"] = 0xea2d,
["sports_rugby"] = 0xea2e,
["sports_score"] = 0xf06e,
["sports_soccer"] = 0xea2f,
["sports_tennis"] = 0xea32,
["sports_volleyball"] = 0xea31,
["square"] = 0xeb36,
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["ssid_chart"] = 0xeb66,
["stacked_bar_chart"] = 0xe9e6,
["stacked_line_chart"] = 0xf22b,
["stadium"] = 0xeb90,
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["star"] = 0xe838,
["star_border"] = 0xe83a,
["star_border_purple500"] = 0xf099,
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["star_outline"] = 0xf06f,
["star_purple500"] = 0xf09a,
["star_rate"] = 0xf0ec,
["stars"] = 0xe8d0,
["start"] = 0xe089,
["stay_current_landscape"] = 0xe0d3,
["stay_current_portrait"] = 0xe0d4,
["stay_primary_landscape"] = 0xe0d5,
["stay_primary_portrait"] = 0xe0d6,
["sticky_note_2"] = 0xf1fc,
["stop"] = 0xe047,
["stop_circle"] = 0xef71,
["stop_screen_share"] = 0xe0e3,
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["strikethrough_s"] = 0xe257,
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["subdirectory_arrow_left"] = 0xe5d9,
["subdirectory_arrow_right"] = 0xe5da,
["subject"] = 0xe8d2,
["subscript"] = 0xf111,
["subscriptions"] = 0xe064,
["subtitles"] = 0xe048,
["subtitles_off"] = 0xef72,
["subway"] = 0xe56f,
["summarize"] = 0xf071,
["sunny"] = 0xe81a,
["sunny_snowing"] = 0xe819,
["superscript"] = 0xf112,
["supervised_user_circle"] = 0xe939,
["supervisor_account"] = 0xe8d3,
["support"] = 0xef73,
["support_agent"] = 0xf0e2,
["surfing"] = 0xe515,
["surround_sound"] = 0xe049,
["swap_calls"] = 0xe0d7,
["swap_horiz"] = 0xe8d4,
["swap_horizontal_circle"] = 0xe933,
["swap_vert"] = 0xe8d5,
["swap_vert_circle"] = 0xe8d6,
["swap_vertical_circle"] = 0xe8d6,
["swipe"] = 0xe9ec,
["swipe_down"] = 0xeb53,
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["swipe_left_alt"] = 0xeb33,
["swipe_right"] = 0xeb52,
["swipe_right_alt"] = 0xeb56,
["swipe_up"] = 0xeb2e,
["swipe_up_alt"] = 0xeb35,
["swipe_vertical"] = 0xeb51,
["switch_access_shortcut"] = 0xe7e1,
["switch_access_shortcut_add"] = 0xe7e2,
["switch_account"] = 0xe9ed,
["switch_camera"] = 0xe41e,
["switch_left"] = 0xf1d1,
["switch_right"] = 0xf1d2,
["switch_video"] = 0xe41f,
["synagogue"] = 0xeab0,
["sync"] = 0xe627,
["sync_alt"] = 0xea18,
["sync_disabled"] = 0xe628,
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["sync_problem"] = 0xe629,
["system_security_update"] = 0xf072,
["system_security_update_good"] = 0xf073,
["system_security_update_warning"] = 0xf074,
["system_update"] = 0xe62a,
["system_update_alt"] = 0xe8d7,
["system_update_tv"] = 0xe8d7,
["tab"] = 0xe8d8,
["tab_unselected"] = 0xe8d9,
["table_bar"] = 0xead2,
["table_chart"] = 0xe265,
["table_restaurant"] = 0xeac6,
["table_rows"] = 0xf101,
["table_view"] = 0xf1be,
["tablet"] = 0xe32f,
["tablet_android"] = 0xe330,
["tablet_mac"] = 0xe331,
["tag"] = 0xe9ef,
["tag_faces"] = 0xe420,
["takeout_dining"] = 0xea74,
["tap_and_play"] = 0xe62b,
["tapas"] = 0xf1e9,
["task"] = 0xf075,
["task_alt"] = 0xe2e6,
["taxi_alert"] = 0xef74,
["telegram"] = 0xea6b,
["temple_buddhist"] = 0xeab3,
["temple_hindu"] = 0xeaaf,
["terminal"] = 0xeb8e,
["terrain"] = 0xe564,
["text_decrease"] = 0xeadd,
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["text_increase"] = 0xeae2,
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["text_rotate_vertical"] = 0xe93b,
["text_rotation_angledown"] = 0xe93c,
["text_rotation_angleup"] = 0xe93d,
["text_rotation_down"] = 0xe93e,
["text_rotation_none"] = 0xe93f,
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["texture"] = 0xe421,
["theater_comedy"] = 0xea66,
["theaters"] = 0xe8da,
["thermostat"] = 0xf076,
["thermostat_auto"] = 0xf077,
["thumb_down"] = 0xe8db,
["thumb_down_alt"] = 0xe816,
["thumb_down_off_alt"] = 0xe9f2,
["thumb_up"] = 0xe8dc,
["thumb_up_alt"] = 0xe817,
["thumb_up_off_alt"] = 0xe9f3,
["thumbs_up_down"] = 0xe8dd,
["thunderstorm"] = 0xebdb,
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["time_to_leave"] = 0xe62c,
["timelapse"] = 0xe422,
["timeline"] = 0xe922,
["timer"] = 0xe425,
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["timer_10_select"] = 0xf07a,
["timer_3"] = 0xe424,
["timer_3_select"] = 0xf07b,
["timer_off"] = 0xe426,
["tips_and_updates"] = 0xe79a,
["tire_repair"] = 0xebc8,
["title"] = 0xe264,
["toc"] = 0xe8de,
["today"] = 0xe8df,
["toggle_off"] = 0xe9f5,
["toggle_on"] = 0xe9f6,
["token"] = 0xea25,
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["tonality"] = 0xe427,
["topic"] = 0xf1c8,
["tornado"] = 0xe199,
["touch_app"] = 0xe913,
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["toys"] = 0xe332,
["track_changes"] = 0xe8e1,
["traffic"] = 0xe565,
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["tram"] = 0xe571,
["transcribe"] = 0xf8ec,
["transfer_within_a_station"] = 0xe572,
["transform"] = 0xe428,
["transgender"] = 0xe58d,
["transit_enterexit"] = 0xe579,
["translate"] = 0xe8e2,
["travel_explore"] = 0xe2db,
["trending_down"] = 0xe8e3,
["trending_flat"] = 0xe8e4,
["trending_neutral"] = 0xe8e4,
["trending_up"] = 0xe8e5,
["trip_origin"] = 0xe57b,
["trolley"] = 0xf86b,
["troubleshoot"] = 0xe1d2,
["try"] = 0xf07c,
["tsunami"] = 0xebd8,
["tty"] = 0xf1aa,
["tune"] = 0xe429,
["tungsten"] = 0xf07d,
["turn_left"] = 0xeba6,
["turn_right"] = 0xebab,
["turn_sharp_left"] = 0xeba7,
["turn_sharp_right"] = 0xebaa,
["turn_slight_left"] = 0xeba4,
["turn_slight_right"] = 0xeb9a,
["turned_in"] = 0xe8e6,
["turned_in_not"] = 0xe8e7,
["tv"] = 0xe333,
["tv_off"] = 0xe647,
["two_wheeler"] = 0xe9f9,
["type_specimen"] = 0xf8f0,
["u_turn_left"] = 0xeba1,
["u_turn_right"] = 0xeba2,
["umbrella"] = 0xf1ad,
["unarchive"] = 0xe169,
["undo"] = 0xe166,
["unfold_less"] = 0xe5d6,
["unfold_less_double"] = 0xf8cf,
["unfold_more"] = 0xe5d7,
["unfold_more_double"] = 0xf8d0,
["unpublished"] = 0xf236,
["unsubscribe"] = 0xe0eb,
["upcoming"] = 0xf07e,
["update"] = 0xe923,
["update_disabled"] = 0xe075,
["upgrade"] = 0xf0fb,
["upload"] = 0xf09b,
["upload_file"] = 0xe9fc,
["usb"] = 0xe1e0,
["usb_off"] = 0xe4fa,
["vaccines"] = 0xe138,
["vape_free"] = 0xebc6,
["vaping_rooms"] = 0xebcf,
["verified"] = 0xef76,
["verified_user"] = 0xe8e8,
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["vertical_align_center"] = 0xe259,
["vertical_align_top"] = 0xe25a,
["vertical_distribute"] = 0xe076,
["vertical_shades"] = 0xec0e,
["vertical_shades_closed"] = 0xec0d,
["vertical_split"] = 0xe949,
["vibration"] = 0xe62d,
["video_call"] = 0xe070,
["video_camera_back"] = 0xf07f,
["video_camera_front"] = 0xf080,
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["videogame_asset_off"] = 0xe500,
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["view_carousel"] = 0xe8eb,
["view_column"] = 0xe8ec,
["view_comfortable"] = 0xe42a,
["view_comfy"] = 0xe42a,
["view_comfy_alt"] = 0xeb73,
["view_compact"] = 0xe42b,
["view_compact_alt"] = 0xeb74,
["view_cozy"] = 0xeb75,
["view_day"] = 0xe8ed,
["view_headline"] = 0xe8ee,
["view_in_ar"] = 0xe9fe,
["view_kanban"] = 0xeb7f,
["view_list"] = 0xe8ef,
["view_module"] = 0xe8f0,
["view_quilt"] = 0xe8f1,
["view_sidebar"] = 0xf114,
["view_stream"] = 0xe8f2,
["view_timeline"] = 0xeb85,
["view_week"] = 0xe8f3,
["vignette"] = 0xe435,
["villa"] = 0xe586,
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["voice_chat"] = 0xe62e,
["voice_over_off"] = 0xe94a,
["voicemail"] = 0xe0d9,
["volcano"] = 0xebda,
["volume_down"] = 0xe04d,
["volume_down_alt"] = 0xe79c,
["volume_mute"] = 0xe04e,
["volume_off"] = 0xe04f,
["volume_up"] = 0xe050,
["volunteer_activism"] = 0xea70,
["vpn_key"] = 0xe0da,
["vpn_key_off"] = 0xeb7a,
["vpn_lock"] = 0xe62f,
["vrpano"] = 0xf082,
["wallet"] = 0xf8ff,
["wallet_giftcard"] = 0xe8f6,
["wallet_membership"] = 0xe8f7,
["wallet_travel"] = 0xe8f8,
["wallpaper"] = 0xe1bc,
["warehouse"] = 0xebb8,
["warning"] = 0xe002,
["warning_amber"] = 0xf083,
["wash"] = 0xf1b1,
["watch"] = 0xe334,
["watch_later"] = 0xe924,
["watch_off"] = 0xeae3,
["water"] = 0xf084,
["water_damage"] = 0xf203,
["water_drop"] = 0xe798,
["waterfall_chart"] = 0xea00,
["waves"] = 0xe176,
["waving_hand"] = 0xe766,
["wb_auto"] = 0xe42c,
["wb_cloudy"] = 0xe42d,
["wb_incandescent"] = 0xe42e,
["wb_iridescent"] = 0xe436,
["wb_shade"] = 0xea01,
["wb_sunny"] = 0xe430,
["wb_twighlight"] = 0xea02,
["wb_twilight"] = 0xe1c6,
["wc"] = 0xe63d,
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["web_asset_off"] = 0xe4f7,
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["width_normal"] = 0xf8f6,
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["wifi"] = 0xe63e,
["wifi_1_bar"] = 0xe4ca,
["wifi_2_bar"] = 0xe4d9,
["wifi_calling"] = 0xef77,
["wifi_calling_3"] = 0xf085,
["wifi_channel"] = 0xeb6a,
["wifi_find"] = 0xeb31,
["wifi_lock"] = 0xe1e1,
["wifi_off"] = 0xe648,
["wifi_password"] = 0xeb6b,
["wifi_protected_setup"] = 0xf0fc,
["wifi_tethering"] = 0xe1e2,
["wifi_tethering_error"] = 0xead9,
["wifi_tethering_error_rounded"] = 0xf086,
["wifi_tethering_off"] = 0xf087,
["wind_power"] = 0xec0c,
["window"] = 0xf088,
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["woman_2"] = 0xf8e7,
["woo_commerce"] = 0xea6d,
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["workspaces_filled"] = 0xea0d,
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["zoom_out_map"] = 0xe56b,
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["11mp"] = 0xe953,
["123"] = 0xeb8d,
["12mp"] = 0xe954,
["13mp"] = 0xe955,
["14mp"] = 0xe956,
["15mp"] = 0xe957,
["16mp"] = 0xe958,
["17mp"] = 0xe959,
["18_up_rating"] = 0xf8fd,
["18mp"] = 0xe95a,
["19mp"] = 0xe95b,
["1k"] = 0xe95c,
["1k_plus"] = 0xe95d,
["1x_mobiledata"] = 0xefcd,
["20mp"] = 0xe95e,
["21mp"] = 0xe95f,
["22mp"] = 0xe960,
["23mp"] = 0xe961,
["24mp"] = 0xe962,
["2k"] = 0xe963,
["2k_plus"] = 0xe964,
["2mp"] = 0xe965,
["30fps"] = 0xefce,
["30fps_select"] = 0xefcf,
["360"] = 0xe577,
["3d_rotation"] = 0xe84d,
["3g_mobiledata"] = 0xefd0,
["3k"] = 0xe966,
["3k_plus"] = 0xe967,
["3mp"] = 0xe968,
["3p"] = 0xefd1,
["4g_mobiledata"] = 0xefd2,
["4g_plus_mobiledata"] = 0xefd3,
["4k"] = 0xe072,
["4k_plus"] = 0xe969,
["4mp"] = 0xe96a,
["5g"] = 0xef38,
["5k"] = 0xe96b,
["5k_plus"] = 0xe96c,
["5mp"] = 0xe96d,
["60fps"] = 0xefd4,
["60fps_select"] = 0xefd5,
["6_ft_apart"] = 0xf21e,
["6k"] = 0xe96e,
["6k_plus"] = 0xe96f,
["6mp"] = 0xe970,
["7k"] = 0xe971,
["7k_plus"] = 0xe972,
["7mp"] = 0xe973,
["8k"] = 0xe974,
["8k_plus"] = 0xe975,
["8mp"] = 0xe976,
["9k"] = 0xe977,
["9k_plus"] = 0xe978,
["9mp"] = 0xe979,
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["access_alarms"] = 0xe191,
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["access_time_filled"] = 0xefd6,
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["accessibility_new"] = 0xe92c,
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["account_balance"] = 0xe84f,
["account_balance_wallet"] = 0xe850,
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["add_location_alt"] = 0xef3a,
["add_moderator"] = 0xe97d,
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["add_reaction"] = 0xe1d3,
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["add_shopping_cart"] = 0xe854,
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["agriculture"] = 0xea79,
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["airline_seat_flat_angled"] = 0xe631,
["airline_seat_individual_suite"] = 0xe632,
["airline_seat_legroom_extra"] = 0xe633,
["airline_seat_legroom_normal"] = 0xe634,
["airline_seat_legroom_reduced"] = 0xe635,
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["system_security_update"] = 0xf072,
["system_security_update_good"] = 0xf073,
["system_security_update_warning"] = 0xf074,
["system_update"] = 0xe62a,
["system_update_alt"] = 0xe8d7,
["system_update_tv"] = 0xe8d7,
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["tab_unselected"] = 0xe8d9,
["table_bar"] = 0xead2,
["table_chart"] = 0xe265,
["table_restaurant"] = 0xeac6,
["table_rows"] = 0xf101,
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["tablet_mac"] = 0xe331,
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["tag_faces"] = 0xe420,
["takeout_dining"] = 0xea74,
["tap_and_play"] = 0xe62b,
["tapas"] = 0xf1e9,
["task"] = 0xf075,
["task_alt"] = 0xe2e6,
["taxi_alert"] = 0xef74,
["telegram"] = 0xea6b,
["temple_buddhist"] = 0xeab3,
["temple_hindu"] = 0xeaaf,
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["thumb_down_alt"] = 0xe816,
["thumb_down_off_alt"] = 0xe9f2,
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["thumb_up_alt"] = 0xe817,
["thumb_up_off_alt"] = 0xe9f3,
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["timer_10_select"] = 0xf07a,
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["timer_3_select"] = 0xf07b,
["timer_off"] = 0xe426,
["tips_and_updates"] = 0xe79a,
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["title"] = 0xe264,
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["trending_up"] = 0xe8e5,
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["troubleshoot"] = 0xe1d2,
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["turn_sharp_left"] = 0xeba7,
["turn_sharp_right"] = 0xebaa,
["turn_slight_left"] = 0xeba4,
["turn_slight_right"] = 0xeb9a,
["turned_in"] = 0xe8e6,
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["u_turn_left"] = 0xeba1,
["u_turn_right"] = 0xeba2,
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["unfold_more_double"] = 0xf8d0,
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["usb"] = 0xe1e0,
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["vertical_shades"] = 0xec0e,
["vertical_shades_closed"] = 0xec0d,
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["view_comfy_alt"] = 0xeb73,
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["view_compact_alt"] = 0xeb74,
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["view_quilt"] = 0xe8f1,
["view_sidebar"] = 0xf114,
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["volcano"] = 0xebda,
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["volunteer_activism"] = 0xea70,
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["vpn_key_off"] = 0xeb7a,
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["vrpano"] = 0xf082,
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["warning"] = 0xe002,
["warning_amber"] = 0xf083,
["wash"] = 0xf1b1,
["watch"] = 0xe334,
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["watch_off"] = 0xeae3,
["water"] = 0xf084,
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["water_drop"] = 0xe798,
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["waves"] = 0xe176,
["waving_hand"] = 0xe766,
["wb_auto"] = 0xe42c,
["wb_cloudy"] = 0xe42d,
["wb_incandescent"] = 0xe42e,
["wb_iridescent"] = 0xe436,
["wb_shade"] = 0xea01,
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["wifi"] = 0xe63e,
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["wifi_2_bar"] = 0xe4d9,
["wifi_calling"] = 0xef77,
["wifi_calling_3"] = 0xf085,
["wifi_channel"] = 0xeb6a,
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["wifi_lock"] = 0xe1e1,
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["wifi_password"] = 0xeb6b,
["wifi_protected_setup"] = 0xf0fc,
["wifi_tethering"] = 0xe1e2,
["wifi_tethering_error"] = 0xf086,
["wifi_tethering_error_rounded"] = 0xf086,
["wifi_tethering_off"] = 0xf087,
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["work_outline"] = 0xe943,
["workspace_premium"] = 0xe7af,
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["12mp"] = 0xe954,
["13mp"] = 0xe955,
["14mp"] = 0xe956,
["15mp"] = 0xe957,
["16mp"] = 0xe958,
["17mp"] = 0xe959,
["18_up_rating"] = 0xf8fd,
["18mp"] = 0xe95a,
["19mp"] = 0xe95b,
["1k"] = 0xe95c,
["1k_plus"] = 0xe95d,
["1x_mobiledata"] = 0xefcd,
["20mp"] = 0xe95e,
["21mp"] = 0xe95f,
["22mp"] = 0xe960,
["23mp"] = 0xe961,
["24mp"] = 0xe962,
["2k"] = 0xe963,
["2k_plus"] = 0xe964,
["2mp"] = 0xe965,
["30fps"] = 0xefce,
["30fps_select"] = 0xefcf,
["360"] = 0xe577,
["3d_rotation"] = 0xe84d,
["3g_mobiledata"] = 0xefd0,
["3k"] = 0xe966,
["3k_plus"] = 0xe967,
["3mp"] = 0xe968,
["3p"] = 0xefd1,
["4g_mobiledata"] = 0xefd2,
["4g_plus_mobiledata"] = 0xefd3,
["4k"] = 0xe072,
["4k_plus"] = 0xe969,
["4mp"] = 0xe96a,
["5g"] = 0xef38,
["5k"] = 0xe96b,
["5k_plus"] = 0xe96c,
["5mp"] = 0xe96d,
["60fps"] = 0xefd4,
["60fps_select"] = 0xefd5,
["6_ft_apart"] = 0xf21e,
["6k"] = 0xe96e,
["6k_plus"] = 0xe96f,
["6mp"] = 0xe970,
["7k"] = 0xe971,
["7k_plus"] = 0xe972,
["7mp"] = 0xe973,
["8k"] = 0xe974,
["8k_plus"] = 0xe975,
["8mp"] = 0xe976,
["9k"] = 0xe977,
["9k_plus"] = 0xe978,
["9mp"] = 0xe979,
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["access_alarms"] = 0xe191,
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["account_balance"] = 0xe84f,
["account_balance_wallet"] = 0xe850,
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["airline_seat_flat"] = 0xe630,
["airline_seat_flat_angled"] = 0xe631,
["airline_seat_individual_suite"] = 0xe632,
["airline_seat_legroom_extra"] = 0xe633,
["airline_seat_legroom_normal"] = 0xe634,
["airline_seat_legroom_reduced"] = 0xe635,
["airline_seat_recline_extra"] = 0xe636,
["airline_seat_recline_normal"] = 0xe637,
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["airlines"] = 0xe7ca,
["airplane_ticket"] = 0xefd9,
["airplanemode_active"] = 0xe195,
["airplanemode_inactive"] = 0xe194,
["airplanemode_off"] = 0xe194,
["airplanemode_on"] = 0xe195,
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["airport_shuttle"] = 0xeb3c,
["alarm"] = 0xe855,
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["arrow_back_ios_new"] = 0xe2ea,
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["assignment_ind"] = 0xe85e,
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["assignment_returned"] = 0xe861,
["assignment_turned_in"] = 0xe862,
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["auto_awesome_mosaic"] = 0xe660,
["auto_awesome_motion"] = 0xe661,
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["battery_0_bar"] = 0xebdc,
["battery_1_bar"] = 0xebd9,
["battery_2_bar"] = 0xebe0,
["battery_3_bar"] = 0xebdd,
["battery_4_bar"] = 0xebe2,
["battery_5_bar"] = 0xebd4,
["battery_6_bar"] = 0xebd2,
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["battery_charging_full"] = 0xe1a3,
["battery_full"] = 0xe1a4,
["battery_saver"] = 0xefde,
["battery_std"] = 0xe1a5,
["battery_unknown"] = 0xe1a6,
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["bluetooth"] = 0xe1a7,
["bluetooth_audio"] = 0xe60f,
["bluetooth_connected"] = 0xe1a8,
["bluetooth_disabled"] = 0xe1a9,
["bluetooth_drive"] = 0xefe5,
["bluetooth_searching"] = 0xe1aa,
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["brightness_3"] = 0xe3a8,
["brightness_4"] = 0xe3a9,
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["brightness_6"] = 0xe3ab,
["brightness_7"] = 0xe3ac,
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["brightness_low"] = 0xe1ad,
["brightness_medium"] = 0xe1ae,
["broadcast_on_home"] = 0xf8f8,
["broadcast_on_personal"] = 0xf8f9,
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["brunch_dining"] = 0xea73,
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["bus_alert"] = 0xe98f,
["business"] = 0xe0af,
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["sentiment_very_dissatisfied"] = 0xe814,
["sentiment_very_satisfied"] = 0xe815,
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["settings_input_component"] = 0xe8c0,
["settings_input_composite"] = 0xe8c1,
["settings_input_hdmi"] = 0xe8c2,
["settings_input_svideo"] = 0xe8c3,
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["shopping_bag"] = 0xf1cc,
["shopping_basket"] = 0xe8cb,
["shopping_cart"] = 0xe8cc,
["shopping_cart_checkout"] = 0xeb88,
["short_text"] = 0xe261,
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["signal_cellular_alt_2_bar"] = 0xebe3,
["signal_cellular_connected_no_internet_0_bar"] = 0xf0ac,
["signal_cellular_connected_no_internet_4_bar"] = 0xe1cd,
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["signal_wifi_4_bar"] = 0xe1d8,
["signal_wifi_4_bar_lock"] = 0xe1d9,
["signal_wifi_bad"] = 0xf063,
["signal_wifi_connected_no_internet_4"] = 0xf064,
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["signal_wifi_statusbar_4_bar"] = 0xf065,
["signal_wifi_statusbar_connected_no_internet_4"] = 0xf066,
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["sports_hockey"] = 0xea2b,
["sports_kabaddi"] = 0xea34,
["sports_martial_arts"] = 0xeae9,
["sports_mma"] = 0xea2c,
["sports_motorsports"] = 0xea2d,
["sports_rugby"] = 0xea2e,
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["sports_soccer"] = 0xea2f,
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["sports_volleyball"] = 0xea31,
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["star_purple500"] = 0xf09a,
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["stay_primary_landscape"] = 0xe0d5,
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["supervised_user_circle"] = 0xe939,
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["swap_vert_circle"] = 0xe8d6,
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["switch_access_shortcut_add"] = 0xe7e2,
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["system_update_alt"] = 0xe8d7,
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["takeout_dining"] = 0xea74,
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["taxi_alert"] = 0xef74,
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["thumb_up_alt"] = 0xe817,
["thumb_up_off_alt"] = 0xe9f3,
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["troubleshoot"] = 0xe1d2,
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["tsunami"] = 0xebd8,
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["turn_sharp_left"] = 0xeba7,
["turn_sharp_right"] = 0xebaa,
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["turn_slight_right"] = 0xeb9a,
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["u_turn_right"] = 0xeba2,
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["vertical_shades_closed"] = 0xec0d,
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["vpn_key_off"] = 0xeb7a,
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["warning"] = 0xe002,
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["watch"] = 0xe334,
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["water"] = 0xf084,
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["water_drop"] = 0xe798,
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["wb_auto"] = 0xe42c,
["wb_cloudy"] = 0xe42d,
["wb_incandescent"] = 0xe42e,
["wb_iridescent"] = 0xe436,
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["wifi_tethering_error"] = 0xf086,
["wifi_tethering_error_rounded"] = 0xf086,
["wifi_tethering_off"] = 0xf087,
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["12mp"] = 0xe954,
["13mp"] = 0xe955,
["14mp"] = 0xe956,
["15mp"] = 0xe957,
["16mp"] = 0xe958,
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["18mp"] = 0xe95a,
["19mp"] = 0xe95b,
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["1x_mobiledata"] = 0xefcd,
["20mp"] = 0xe95e,
["21mp"] = 0xe95f,
["22mp"] = 0xe960,
["23mp"] = 0xe961,
["24mp"] = 0xe962,
["2k"] = 0xe963,
["2k_plus"] = 0xe964,
["2mp"] = 0xe965,
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["30fps_select"] = 0xefcf,
["360"] = 0xe577,
["3d_rotation"] = 0xe84d,
["3g_mobiledata"] = 0xefd0,
["3k"] = 0xe966,
["3k_plus"] = 0xe967,
["3mp"] = 0xe968,
["3p"] = 0xefd1,
["4g_mobiledata"] = 0xefd2,
["4g_plus_mobiledata"] = 0xefd3,
["4k"] = 0xe072,
["4k_plus"] = 0xe969,
["4mp"] = 0xe96a,
["5g"] = 0xef38,
["5k"] = 0xe96b,
["5k_plus"] = 0xe96c,
["5mp"] = 0xe96d,
["60fps"] = 0xefd4,
["60fps_select"] = 0xefd5,
["6_ft_apart"] = 0xf21e,
["6k"] = 0xe96e,
["6k_plus"] = 0xe96f,
["6mp"] = 0xe970,
["7k"] = 0xe971,
["7k_plus"] = 0xe972,
["7mp"] = 0xe973,
["8k"] = 0xe974,
["8k_plus"] = 0xe975,
["8mp"] = 0xe976,
["9k"] = 0xe977,
["9k_plus"] = 0xe978,
["9mp"] = 0xe979,
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["battery_0_bar"] = 0xebdc,
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["keyboard_control_key"] = 0xeae6,
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["looks_two"] = 0xe401,
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["lte_plus_mobiledata"] = 0xf02d,
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["mark_chat_unread"] = 0xf189,
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["mark_email_unread"] = 0xf18a,
["mark_unread_chat_alt"] = 0xeb9d,
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["markunread_mailbox"] = 0xe89b,
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["motion_photos_paused"] = 0xe9c2,
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["nest_cam_wired_stand"] = 0xec16,
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["no_meeting_room"] = 0xeb4e,
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["nordic_walking"] = 0xe50e,
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["panorama_fisheye"] = 0xe40c,
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["panorama_wide_angle_select"] = 0xef62,
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["photo_size_select_small"] = 0xe434,
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["propane_tank"] = 0xec13,
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["remove_circle_outline"] = 0xe15d,
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["rotate_90_degrees_cw"] = 0xeaab,
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["sentiment_very_satisfied"] = 0xe815,
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["signal_cellular_0_bar"] = 0xf0a8,
["signal_cellular_4_bar"] = 0xe1c8,
["signal_cellular_alt"] = 0xe202,
["signal_cellular_alt_1_bar"] = 0xebdf,
["signal_cellular_alt_2_bar"] = 0xebe3,
["signal_cellular_connected_no_internet_0_bar"] = 0xf0ac,
["signal_cellular_connected_no_internet_4_bar"] = 0xe1cd,
["signal_cellular_no_sim"] = 0xe1ce,
["signal_cellular_nodata"] = 0xf062,
["signal_cellular_null"] = 0xe1cf,
["signal_cellular_off"] = 0xe1d0,
["signal_wifi_0_bar"] = 0xf0b0,
["signal_wifi_4_bar"] = 0xe1d8,
["signal_wifi_4_bar_lock"] = 0xe1d9,
["signal_wifi_bad"] = 0xf063,
["signal_wifi_connected_no_internet_4"] = 0xf064,
["signal_wifi_off"] = 0xe1da,
["signal_wifi_statusbar_4_bar"] = 0xf065,
["signal_wifi_statusbar_connected_no_internet_4"] = 0xf066,
["signal_wifi_statusbar_null"] = 0xf067,
["signpost"] = 0xeb91,
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["sim_card_alert"] = 0xe624,
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["slow_motion_video"] = 0xe068,
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["smart_toy"] = 0xf06c,
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["sms"] = 0xe625,
["sms_failed"] = 0xe626,
["snapchat"] = 0xea6e,
["snippet_folder"] = 0xf1c7,
["snooze"] = 0xe046,
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["snowmobile"] = 0xe503,
["snowshoeing"] = 0xe514,
["soap"] = 0xf1b2,
["social_distance"] = 0xe1cb,
["solar_power"] = 0xec0f,
["sort"] = 0xe164,
["sort_by_alpha"] = 0xe053,
["sos"] = 0xebf7,
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["spa"] = 0xeb4c,
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["spatial_audio"] = 0xebeb,
["spatial_audio_off"] = 0xebe8,
["spatial_tracking"] = 0xebea,
["speaker"] = 0xe32d,
["speaker_group"] = 0xe32e,
["speaker_notes"] = 0xe8cd,
["speaker_notes_off"] = 0xe92a,
["speaker_phone"] = 0xe0d2,
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["spellcheck"] = 0xe8ce,
["splitscreen"] = 0xf06d,
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["sports_baseball"] = 0xea51,
["sports_basketball"] = 0xea26,
["sports_cricket"] = 0xea27,
["sports_esports"] = 0xea28,
["sports_football"] = 0xea29,
["sports_golf"] = 0xea2a,
["sports_gymnastics"] = 0xebc4,
["sports_handball"] = 0xea33,
["sports_hockey"] = 0xea2b,
["sports_kabaddi"] = 0xea34,
["sports_martial_arts"] = 0xeae9,
["sports_mma"] = 0xea2c,
["sports_motorsports"] = 0xea2d,
["sports_rugby"] = 0xea2e,
["sports_score"] = 0xf06e,
["sports_soccer"] = 0xea2f,
["sports_tennis"] = 0xea32,
["sports_volleyball"] = 0xea31,
["square"] = 0xeb36,
["square_foot"] = 0xea49,
["ssid_chart"] = 0xeb66,
["stacked_bar_chart"] = 0xe9e6,
["stacked_line_chart"] = 0xf22b,
["stadium"] = 0xeb90,
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["star"] = 0xe838,
["star_border"] = 0xe83a,
["star_border_purple500"] = 0xf099,
["star_half"] = 0xe839,
["star_outline"] = 0xf06f,
["star_purple500"] = 0xf09a,
["star_rate"] = 0xf0ec,
["stars"] = 0xe8d0,
["start"] = 0xe089,
["stay_current_landscape"] = 0xe0d3,
["stay_current_portrait"] = 0xe0d4,
["stay_primary_landscape"] = 0xe0d5,
["stay_primary_portrait"] = 0xe0d6,
["sticky_note_2"] = 0xf1fc,
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["stop_screen_share"] = 0xe0e3,
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["subdirectory_arrow_left"] = 0xe5d9,
["subdirectory_arrow_right"] = 0xe5da,
["subject"] = 0xe8d2,
["subscript"] = 0xf111,
["subscriptions"] = 0xe064,
["subtitles"] = 0xe048,
["subtitles_off"] = 0xef72,
["subway"] = 0xe56f,
["summarize"] = 0xf071,
["superscript"] = 0xf112,
["supervised_user_circle"] = 0xe939,
["supervisor_account"] = 0xe8d3,
["support"] = 0xef73,
["support_agent"] = 0xf0e2,
["surfing"] = 0xe515,
["surround_sound"] = 0xe049,
["swap_calls"] = 0xe0d7,
["swap_horiz"] = 0xe8d4,
["swap_horizontal_circle"] = 0xe933,
["swap_vert"] = 0xe8d5,
["swap_vert_circle"] = 0xe8d6,
["swap_vertical_circle"] = 0xe8d6,
["swipe"] = 0xe9ec,
["swipe_down"] = 0xeb53,
["swipe_down_alt"] = 0xeb30,
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["swipe_left_alt"] = 0xeb33,
["swipe_right"] = 0xeb52,
["swipe_right_alt"] = 0xeb56,
["swipe_up"] = 0xeb2e,
["swipe_up_alt"] = 0xeb35,
["swipe_vertical"] = 0xeb51,
["switch_access_shortcut"] = 0xe7e1,
["switch_access_shortcut_add"] = 0xe7e2,
["switch_account"] = 0xe9ed,
["switch_camera"] = 0xe41e,
["switch_left"] = 0xf1d1,
["switch_right"] = 0xf1d2,
["switch_video"] = 0xe41f,
["synagogue"] = 0xeab0,
["sync"] = 0xe627,
["sync_alt"] = 0xea18,
["sync_disabled"] = 0xe628,
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["sync_problem"] = 0xe629,
["system_security_update"] = 0xf072,
["system_security_update_good"] = 0xf073,
["system_security_update_warning"] = 0xf074,
["system_update"] = 0xe62a,
["system_update_alt"] = 0xe8d7,
["system_update_tv"] = 0xe8d7,
["tab"] = 0xe8d8,
["tab_unselected"] = 0xe8d9,
["table_bar"] = 0xead2,
["table_chart"] = 0xe265,
["table_restaurant"] = 0xeac6,
["table_rows"] = 0xf101,
["table_view"] = 0xf1be,
["tablet"] = 0xe32f,
["tablet_android"] = 0xe330,
["tablet_mac"] = 0xe331,
["tag"] = 0xe9ef,
["tag_faces"] = 0xe420,
["takeout_dining"] = 0xea74,
["tap_and_play"] = 0xe62b,
["tapas"] = 0xf1e9,
["task"] = 0xf075,
["task_alt"] = 0xe2e6,
["taxi_alert"] = 0xef74,
["telegram"] = 0xea6b,
["temple_buddhist"] = 0xeab3,
["temple_hindu"] = 0xeaaf,
["terminal"] = 0xeb8e,
["terrain"] = 0xe564,
["text_decrease"] = 0xeadd,
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["text_increase"] = 0xeae2,
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["text_rotate_vertical"] = 0xe93b,
["text_rotation_angledown"] = 0xe93c,
["text_rotation_angleup"] = 0xe93d,
["text_rotation_down"] = 0xe93e,
["text_rotation_none"] = 0xe93f,
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["textsms"] = 0xe0d8,
["texture"] = 0xe421,
["theater_comedy"] = 0xea66,
["theaters"] = 0xe8da,
["thermostat"] = 0xf076,
["thermostat_auto"] = 0xf077,
["thumb_down"] = 0xe8db,
["thumb_down_alt"] = 0xe816,
["thumb_down_off_alt"] = 0xe9f2,
["thumb_up"] = 0xe8dc,
["thumb_up_alt"] = 0xe817,
["thumb_up_off_alt"] = 0xe9f3,
["thumbs_up_down"] = 0xe8dd,
["thunderstorm"] = 0xebdb,
["tiktok"] = 0xea7e,
["time_to_leave"] = 0xe62c,
["timelapse"] = 0xe422,
["timeline"] = 0xe922,
["timer"] = 0xe425,
["timer_10"] = 0xe423,
["timer_10_select"] = 0xf07a,
["timer_3"] = 0xe424,
["timer_3_select"] = 0xf07b,
["timer_off"] = 0xe426,
["tips_and_updates"] = 0xe79a,
["tire_repair"] = 0xebc8,
["title"] = 0xe264,
["toc"] = 0xe8de,
["today"] = 0xe8df,
["toggle_off"] = 0xe9f5,
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["token"] = 0xea25,
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["tonality"] = 0xe427,
["topic"] = 0xf1c8,
["tornado"] = 0xe199,
["touch_app"] = 0xe913,
["tour"] = 0xef75,
["toys"] = 0xe332,
["track_changes"] = 0xe8e1,
["traffic"] = 0xe565,
["train"] = 0xe570,
["tram"] = 0xe571,
["transcribe"] = 0xf8ec,
["transfer_within_a_station"] = 0xe572,
["transform"] = 0xe428,
["transgender"] = 0xe58d,
["transit_enterexit"] = 0xe579,
["translate"] = 0xe8e2,
["travel_explore"] = 0xe2db,
["trending_down"] = 0xe8e3,
["trending_flat"] = 0xe8e4,
["trending_neutral"] = 0xe8e4,
["trending_up"] = 0xe8e5,
["trip_origin"] = 0xe57b,
["troubleshoot"] = 0xe1d2,
["try"] = 0xf07c,
["tsunami"] = 0xebd8,
["tty"] = 0xf1aa,
["tune"] = 0xe429,
["tungsten"] = 0xf07d,
["turn_left"] = 0xeba6,
["turn_right"] = 0xebab,
["turn_sharp_left"] = 0xeba7,
["turn_sharp_right"] = 0xebaa,
["turn_slight_left"] = 0xeba4,
["turn_slight_right"] = 0xeb9a,
["turned_in"] = 0xe8e6,
["turned_in_not"] = 0xe8e7,
["tv"] = 0xe333,
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["two_wheeler"] = 0xe9f9,
["type_specimen"] = 0xf8f0,
["u_turn_left"] = 0xeba1,
["u_turn_right"] = 0xeba2,
["umbrella"] = 0xf1ad,
["unarchive"] = 0xe169,
["undo"] = 0xe166,
["unfold_less"] = 0xe5d6,
["unfold_less_double"] = 0xf8cf,
["unfold_more"] = 0xe5d7,
["unfold_more_double"] = 0xf8d0,
["unpublished"] = 0xf236,
["unsubscribe"] = 0xe0eb,
["upcoming"] = 0xf07e,
["update"] = 0xe923,
["update_disabled"] = 0xe075,
["upgrade"] = 0xf0fb,
["upload"] = 0xf09b,
["upload_file"] = 0xe9fc,
["usb"] = 0xe1e0,
["usb_off"] = 0xe4fa,
["vaccines"] = 0xe138,
["vape_free"] = 0xebc6,
["vaping_rooms"] = 0xebcf,
["verified"] = 0xef76,
["verified_user"] = 0xe8e8,
["vertical_align_bottom"] = 0xe258,
["vertical_align_center"] = 0xe259,
["vertical_align_top"] = 0xe25a,
["vertical_distribute"] = 0xe076,
["vertical_shades"] = 0xec0e,
["vertical_shades_closed"] = 0xec0d,
["vertical_split"] = 0xe949,
["vibration"] = 0xe62d,
["video_call"] = 0xe070,
["video_camera_back"] = 0xf07f,
["video_camera_front"] = 0xf080,
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["videogame_asset"] = 0xe338,
["videogame_asset_off"] = 0xe500,
["view_agenda"] = 0xe8e9,
["view_array"] = 0xe8ea,
["view_carousel"] = 0xe8eb,
["view_column"] = 0xe8ec,
["view_comfortable"] = 0xe42a,
["view_comfy"] = 0xe42a,
["view_comfy_alt"] = 0xeb73,
["view_compact"] = 0xe42b,
["view_compact_alt"] = 0xeb74,
["view_cozy"] = 0xeb75,
["view_day"] = 0xe8ed,
["view_headline"] = 0xe8ee,
["view_in_ar"] = 0xe9fe,
["view_kanban"] = 0xeb7f,
["view_list"] = 0xe8ef,
["view_module"] = 0xe8f0,
["view_quilt"] = 0xe8f1,
["view_sidebar"] = 0xf114,
["view_stream"] = 0xe8f2,
["view_timeline"] = 0xeb85,
["view_week"] = 0xe8f3,
["vignette"] = 0xe435,
["villa"] = 0xe586,
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["visibility_off"] = 0xe8f5,
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["voice_over_off"] = 0xe94a,
["voicemail"] = 0xe0d9,
["volcano"] = 0xebda,
["volume_down"] = 0xe04d,
["volume_mute"] = 0xe04e,
["volume_off"] = 0xe04f,
["volume_up"] = 0xe050,
["volunteer_activism"] = 0xea70,
["vpn_key"] = 0xe0da,
["vpn_key_off"] = 0xeb7a,
["vpn_lock"] = 0xe62f,
["vrpano"] = 0xf082,
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["wallet_giftcard"] = 0xe8f6,
["wallet_membership"] = 0xe8f7,
["wallet_travel"] = 0xe8f8,
["wallpaper"] = 0xe75f,
["warehouse"] = 0xebb8,
["warning"] = 0xe002,
["warning_amber"] = 0xf083,
["wash"] = 0xf1b1,
["watch"] = 0xe334,
["watch_later"] = 0xe924,
["watch_off"] = 0xeae3,
["water"] = 0xf084,
["water_damage"] = 0xf203,
["water_drop"] = 0xe798,
["waterfall_chart"] = 0xea00,
["waves"] = 0xe176,
["waving_hand"] = 0xe766,
["wb_auto"] = 0xe42c,
["wb_cloudy"] = 0xe42d,
["wb_incandescent"] = 0xe42e,
["wb_iridescent"] = 0xe436,
["wb_shade"] = 0xea01,
["wb_sunny"] = 0xe430,
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["wc"] = 0xe63d,
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["web_stories"] = 0xe595,
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["wheelchair_pickup"] = 0xf1ab,
["where_to_vote"] = 0xe177,
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["width_wide"] = 0xf8f7,
["wifi"] = 0xe63e,
["wifi_1_bar"] = 0xe4ca,
["wifi_2_bar"] = 0xe4d9,
["wifi_calling"] = 0xef77,
["wifi_calling_3"] = 0xf085,
["wifi_channel"] = 0xeb6a,
["wifi_find"] = 0xeb31,
["wifi_lock"] = 0xe1e1,
["wifi_off"] = 0xe648,
["wifi_password"] = 0xeb6b,
["wifi_protected_setup"] = 0xf0fc,
["wifi_tethering"] = 0xe1e2,
["wifi_tethering_error"] = 0xf086,
["wifi_tethering_error_rounded"] = 0xf086,
["wifi_tethering_off"] = 0xf087,
["wind_power"] = 0xec0c,
["window"] = 0xf088,
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["woo_commerce"] = 0xea6d,
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["work"] = 0xe8f9,
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["work_off"] = 0xe942,
["work_outline"] = 0xe943,
["workspace_premium"] = 0xe7af,
["workspaces"] = 0xe1a0,
["wrap_text"] = 0xe25b,
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["wysiwyg"] = 0xf1c3,
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["zoom_in_map"] = 0xeb2d,
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["zoom_out_map"] = 0xe56b,
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["10mp"] = 0xe952,
["11mp"] = 0xe953,
["123"] = 0xeb8d,
["12mp"] = 0xe954,
["13mp"] = 0xe955,
["14mp"] = 0xe956,
["15mp"] = 0xe957,
["16mp"] = 0xe958,
["17mp"] = 0xe959,
["18_up_rating"] = 0xf8fd,
["18mp"] = 0xe95a,
["19mp"] = 0xe95b,
["1k"] = 0xe95c,
["1k_plus"] = 0xe95d,
["1x_mobiledata"] = 0xefcd,
["20mp"] = 0xe95e,
["21mp"] = 0xe95f,
["22mp"] = 0xe960,
["23mp"] = 0xe961,
["24mp"] = 0xe962,
["2k"] = 0xe963,
["2k_plus"] = 0xe964,
["2mp"] = 0xe965,
["30fps"] = 0xefce,
["30fps_select"] = 0xefcf,
["360"] = 0xe577,
["3d_rotation"] = 0xe84d,
["3g_mobiledata"] = 0xefd0,
["3k"] = 0xe966,
["3k_plus"] = 0xe967,
["3mp"] = 0xe968,
["3p"] = 0xefd1,
["4g_mobiledata"] = 0xefd2,
["4g_plus_mobiledata"] = 0xefd3,
["4k"] = 0xe072,
["4k_plus"] = 0xe969,
["4mp"] = 0xe96a,
["5g"] = 0xef38,
["5k"] = 0xe96b,
["5k_plus"] = 0xe96c,
["5mp"] = 0xe96d,
["60fps"] = 0xefd4,
["60fps_select"] = 0xefd5,
["6_ft_apart"] = 0xf21e,
["6k"] = 0xe96e,
["6k_plus"] = 0xe96f,
["6mp"] = 0xe970,
["7k"] = 0xe971,
["7k_plus"] = 0xe972,
["7mp"] = 0xe973,
["8k"] = 0xe974,
["8k_plus"] = 0xe975,
["8mp"] = 0xe976,
["9k"] = 0xe977,
["9k_plus"] = 0xe978,
["9mp"] = 0xe979,
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["access_alarm"] = 0xe190,
["access_alarms"] = 0xe191,
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["access_time_filled"] = 0xefd6,
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["accessibility_new"] = 0xe92c,
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["account_balance"] = 0xe84f,
["account_balance_wallet"] = 0xe850,
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["add_location_alt"] = 0xef3a,
["add_moderator"] = 0xe97d,
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["add_shopping_cart"] = 0xe854,
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["airline_seat_flat"] = 0xe630,
["airline_seat_flat_angled"] = 0xe631,
["airline_seat_individual_suite"] = 0xe632,
["airline_seat_legroom_extra"] = 0xe633,
["airline_seat_legroom_normal"] = 0xe634,
["airline_seat_legroom_reduced"] = 0xe635,
["airline_seat_recline_extra"] = 0xe636,
["airline_seat_recline_normal"] = 0xe637,
["airline_stops"] = 0xe7d0,
["airlines"] = 0xe7ca,
["airplane_ticket"] = 0xefd9,
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["airplanemode_inactive"] = 0xe194,
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["airplanemode_on"] = 0xe195,
["airplay"] = 0xe055,
["airport_shuttle"] = 0xeb3c,
["alarm"] = 0xe855,
["alarm_add"] = 0xe856,
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["align_horizontal_center"] = 0xe00f,
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["align_horizontal_right"] = 0xe010,
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["align_vertical_center"] = 0xe011,
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["amp_stories"] = 0xea13,
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["swap_horiz"] = 0xe8d4,
["swap_horizontal_circle"] = 0xe933,
["swap_vert"] = 0xe8d5,
["swap_vert_circle"] = 0xe8d6,
["swap_vertical_circle"] = 0xe8d6,
["swipe"] = 0xe9ec,
["swipe_down"] = 0xeb53,
["swipe_down_alt"] = 0xeb30,
["swipe_left"] = 0xeb59,
["swipe_left_alt"] = 0xeb33,
["swipe_right"] = 0xeb52,
["swipe_right_alt"] = 0xeb56,
["swipe_up"] = 0xeb2e,
["swipe_up_alt"] = 0xeb35,
["swipe_vertical"] = 0xeb51,
["switch_access_shortcut"] = 0xe7e1,
["switch_access_shortcut_add"] = 0xe7e2,
["switch_account"] = 0xe9ed,
["switch_camera"] = 0xe41e,
["switch_left"] = 0xf1d1,
["switch_right"] = 0xf1d2,
["switch_video"] = 0xe41f,
["synagogue"] = 0xeab0,
["sync"] = 0xe627,
["sync_alt"] = 0xea18,
["sync_disabled"] = 0xe628,
["sync_lock"] = 0xeaee,
["sync_problem"] = 0xe629,
["system_security_update"] = 0xf072,
["system_security_update_good"] = 0xf073,
["system_security_update_warning"] = 0xf074,
["system_update"] = 0xe62a,
["system_update_alt"] = 0xe8d7,
["system_update_tv"] = 0xe8d7,
["tab"] = 0xe8d8,
["tab_unselected"] = 0xe8d9,
["table_bar"] = 0xead2,
["table_chart"] = 0xe265,
["table_restaurant"] = 0xeac6,
["table_rows"] = 0xf101,
["table_view"] = 0xf1be,
["tablet"] = 0xe32f,
["tablet_android"] = 0xe330,
["tablet_mac"] = 0xe331,
["tag"] = 0xe9ef,
["tag_faces"] = 0xe420,
["takeout_dining"] = 0xea74,
["tap_and_play"] = 0xe62b,
["tapas"] = 0xf1e9,
["task"] = 0xf075,
["task_alt"] = 0xe2e6,
["taxi_alert"] = 0xef74,
["telegram"] = 0xea6b,
["temple_buddhist"] = 0xeab3,
["temple_hindu"] = 0xeaaf,
["terminal"] = 0xeb8e,
["terrain"] = 0xe564,
["text_decrease"] = 0xeadd,
["text_fields"] = 0xe262,
["text_format"] = 0xe165,
["text_increase"] = 0xeae2,
["text_rotate_up"] = 0xe93a,
["text_rotate_vertical"] = 0xe93b,
["text_rotation_angledown"] = 0xe93c,
["text_rotation_angleup"] = 0xe93d,
["text_rotation_down"] = 0xe93e,
["text_rotation_none"] = 0xe93f,
["text_snippet"] = 0xf1c6,
["textsms"] = 0xe0d8,
["texture"] = 0xe421,
["theater_comedy"] = 0xea66,
["theaters"] = 0xe8da,
["thermostat"] = 0xf076,
["thermostat_auto"] = 0xf077,
["thumb_down"] = 0xe8db,
["thumb_down_alt"] = 0xe816,
["thumb_down_off_alt"] = 0xe9f2,
["thumb_up"] = 0xe8dc,
["thumb_up_alt"] = 0xe817,
["thumb_up_off_alt"] = 0xe9f3,
["thumbs_up_down"] = 0xe8dd,
["thunderstorm"] = 0xebdb,
["tiktok"] = 0xea7e,
["time_to_leave"] = 0xe62c,
["timelapse"] = 0xe422,
["timeline"] = 0xe922,
["timer"] = 0xe425,
["timer_10"] = 0xe423,
["timer_10_select"] = 0xf07a,
["timer_3"] = 0xe424,
["timer_3_select"] = 0xf07b,
["timer_off"] = 0xe426,
["tips_and_updates"] = 0xe79a,
["tire_repair"] = 0xebc8,
["title"] = 0xe264,
["toc"] = 0xe8de,
["today"] = 0xe8df,
["toggle_off"] = 0xe9f5,
["toggle_on"] = 0xe9f6,
["token"] = 0xea25,
["toll"] = 0xe8e0,
["tonality"] = 0xe427,
["topic"] = 0xf1c8,
["tornado"] = 0xe199,
["touch_app"] = 0xe913,
["tour"] = 0xef75,
["toys"] = 0xe332,
["track_changes"] = 0xe8e1,
["traffic"] = 0xe565,
["train"] = 0xe570,
["tram"] = 0xe571,
["transcribe"] = 0xf8ec,
["transfer_within_a_station"] = 0xe572,
["transform"] = 0xe428,
["transgender"] = 0xe58d,
["transit_enterexit"] = 0xe579,
["translate"] = 0xe8e2,
["travel_explore"] = 0xe2db,
["trending_down"] = 0xe8e3,
["trending_flat"] = 0xe8e4,
["trending_neutral"] = 0xe8e4,
["trending_up"] = 0xe8e5,
["trip_origin"] = 0xe57b,
["troubleshoot"] = 0xe1d2,
["try"] = 0xf07c,
["tsunami"] = 0xebd8,
["tty"] = 0xf1aa,
["tune"] = 0xe429,
["tungsten"] = 0xf07d,
["turn_left"] = 0xeba6,
["turn_right"] = 0xebab,
["turn_sharp_left"] = 0xeba7,
["turn_sharp_right"] = 0xebaa,
["turn_slight_left"] = 0xeba4,
["turn_slight_right"] = 0xeb9a,
["turned_in"] = 0xe8e6,
["turned_in_not"] = 0xe8e7,
["tv"] = 0xe333,
["tv_off"] = 0xe647,
["two_wheeler"] = 0xe9f9,
["type_specimen"] = 0xf8f0,
["u_turn_left"] = 0xeba1,
["u_turn_right"] = 0xeba2,
["umbrella"] = 0xf1ad,
["unarchive"] = 0xe169,
["undo"] = 0xe166,
["unfold_less"] = 0xe5d6,
["unfold_less_double"] = 0xf8cf,
["unfold_more"] = 0xe5d7,
["unfold_more_double"] = 0xf8d0,
["unpublished"] = 0xf236,
["unsubscribe"] = 0xe0eb,
["upcoming"] = 0xf07e,
["update"] = 0xe923,
["update_disabled"] = 0xe075,
["upgrade"] = 0xf0fb,
["upload"] = 0xf09b,
["upload_file"] = 0xe9fc,
["usb"] = 0xe1e0,
["usb_off"] = 0xe4fa,
["vaccines"] = 0xe138,
["vape_free"] = 0xebc6,
["vaping_rooms"] = 0xebcf,
["verified"] = 0xef76,
["verified_user"] = 0xe8e8,
["vertical_align_bottom"] = 0xe258,
["vertical_align_center"] = 0xe259,
["vertical_align_top"] = 0xe25a,
["vertical_distribute"] = 0xe076,
["vertical_shades"] = 0xec0e,
["vertical_shades_closed"] = 0xec0d,
["vertical_split"] = 0xe949,
["vibration"] = 0xe62d,
["video_call"] = 0xe070,
["video_camera_back"] = 0xf07f,
["video_camera_front"] = 0xf080,
["video_chat"] = 0xf8a0,
["video_collection"] = 0xe04a,
["video_file"] = 0xeb87,
["video_label"] = 0xe071,
["video_library"] = 0xe04a,
["video_settings"] = 0xea75,
["video_stable"] = 0xf081,
["videocam"] = 0xe04b,
["videocam_off"] = 0xe04c,
["videogame_asset"] = 0xe338,
["videogame_asset_off"] = 0xe500,
["view_agenda"] = 0xe8e9,
["view_array"] = 0xe8ea,
["view_carousel"] = 0xe8eb,
["view_column"] = 0xe8ec,
["view_comfortable"] = 0xe42a,
["view_comfy"] = 0xe42a,
["view_comfy_alt"] = 0xeb73,
["view_compact"] = 0xe42b,
["view_compact_alt"] = 0xeb74,
["view_cozy"] = 0xeb75,
["view_day"] = 0xe8ed,
["view_headline"] = 0xe8ee,
["view_in_ar"] = 0xe9fe,
["view_kanban"] = 0xeb7f,
["view_list"] = 0xe8ef,
["view_module"] = 0xe8f0,
["view_quilt"] = 0xe8f1,
["view_sidebar"] = 0xf114,
["view_stream"] = 0xe8f2,
["view_timeline"] = 0xeb85,
["view_week"] = 0xe8f3,
["vignette"] = 0xe435,
["villa"] = 0xe586,
["visibility"] = 0xe8f4,
["visibility_off"] = 0xe8f5,
["voice_chat"] = 0xe62e,
["voice_over_off"] = 0xe94a,
["voicemail"] = 0xe0d9,
["volcano"] = 0xebda,
["volume_down"] = 0xe04d,
["volume_mute"] = 0xe04e,
["volume_off"] = 0xe04f,
["volume_up"] = 0xe050,
["volunteer_activism"] = 0xea70,
["vpn_key"] = 0xe0da,
["vpn_key_off"] = 0xeb7a,
["vpn_lock"] = 0xe62f,
["vrpano"] = 0xf082,
["wallet"] = 0xf8ff,
["wallet_giftcard"] = 0xe8f6,
["wallet_membership"] = 0xe8f7,
["wallet_travel"] = 0xe8f8,
["wallpaper"] = 0xe75f,
["warehouse"] = 0xebb8,
["warning"] = 0xe002,
["warning_amber"] = 0xf083,
["wash"] = 0xf1b1,
["watch"] = 0xe334,
["watch_later"] = 0xe924,
["watch_off"] = 0xeae3,
["water"] = 0xf084,
["water_damage"] = 0xf203,
["water_drop"] = 0xe798,
["waterfall_chart"] = 0xea00,
["waves"] = 0xe176,
["waving_hand"] = 0xe766,
["wb_auto"] = 0xe42c,
["wb_cloudy"] = 0xe42d,
["wb_incandescent"] = 0xe42e,
["wb_iridescent"] = 0xe436,
["wb_shade"] = 0xea01,
["wb_sunny"] = 0xe430,
["wb_twilight"] = 0xe1c6,
["wc"] = 0xe63d,
["web"] = 0xe051,
["web_asset"] = 0xe069,
["web_asset_off"] = 0xe4f7,
["web_stories"] = 0xe595,
["webhook"] = 0xeb92,
["wechat"] = 0xea81,
["weekend"] = 0xe16b,
["west"] = 0xf1e6,
["whatshot"] = 0xe80e,
["wheelchair_pickup"] = 0xf1ab,
["where_to_vote"] = 0xe177,
["widgets"] = 0xe75e,
["width_full"] = 0xf8f5,
["width_normal"] = 0xf8f6,
["width_wide"] = 0xf8f7,
["wifi"] = 0xe63e,
["wifi_1_bar"] = 0xe4ca,
["wifi_2_bar"] = 0xe4d9,
["wifi_calling"] = 0xef77,
["wifi_calling_1"] = 0xf0e7,
["wifi_calling_2"] = 0xf0f6,
["wifi_calling_3"] = 0xf085,
["wifi_channel"] = 0xeb6a,
["wifi_find"] = 0xeb31,
["wifi_lock"] = 0xe1e1,
["wifi_off"] = 0xe648,
["wifi_password"] = 0xeb6b,
["wifi_protected_setup"] = 0xf0fc,
["wifi_tethering"] = 0xe1e2,
["wifi_tethering_error"] = 0xf086,
["wifi_tethering_error_rounded"] = 0xf086,
["wifi_tethering_off"] = 0xf087,
["wind_power"] = 0xec0c,
["window"] = 0xf088,
["wine_bar"] = 0xf1e8,
["woman"] = 0xe13e,
["woman_2"] = 0xf8e7,
["woo_commerce"] = 0xea6d,
["wordpress"] = 0xea9f,
["work"] = 0xe8f9,
["work_history"] = 0xec09,
["work_off"] = 0xe942,
["work_outline"] = 0xe943,
["workspace_premium"] = 0xe7af,
["workspaces"] = 0xe1a0,
["wrap_text"] = 0xe25b,
["wrong_location"] = 0xef78,
["wysiwyg"] = 0xf1c3,
["yard"] = 0xf089,
["youtube_searched_for"] = 0xe8fa,
["zoom_in"] = 0xe8ff,
["zoom_in_map"] = 0xeb2d,
["zoom_out"] = 0xe900,
["zoom_out_map"] = 0xe56b,
local bytemarkers = { { 0x7FF, 192 }, { 0xFFFF, 224 }, { 0x1FFFFF, 240 } }
---@param decimal number
local function utf8(decimal)
if decimal < 128 then
return string.char(decimal)
local charbytes = {}
for bytes, vals in ipairs(bytemarkers) do
if decimal <= vals[1] then
for b = bytes + 1, 2, -1 do
local mod = decimal % 64
decimal = (decimal - mod) / 64
charbytes[b] = string.char(128 + mod)
charbytes[1] = string.char(vals[2] + decimal)
return table.concat(charbytes)
---@param iconName string
---@param iconType? "regular" | "outlined" | "round" | "sharp" | "twotone"
function DiesalStyle.MaterialIcon(iconName, iconType)
iconType = iconType or "regular"
if MaterialIcons[iconType] and MaterialIcons[iconType][iconName] then
return utf8(MaterialIcons[iconType][iconName])
return ""
do -- Set Icons
---@class DiesalStyle.Icon.Coords
---@field column integer
---@field row integer
---@class DiesalStyle.Icon.File
---@field prefix { [1]: string, [2]: string, [3]: string }
---@field size { width: integer, height: integer, icon: integer }
---@class DiesalStyle.Icon
---@field name string
---@field file DiesalStyle.Icon.File
---@field coords DiesalStyle.Icon.Coords
---@class DiesalStyle.Icons : { [string]: table<string, table<string, table<integer,table<string, table<integer, table<integer, DiesalStyle.Icon>>>>>> }
DiesalStyle.Icons = DiesalStyle.Icons or {}
local Icons = DiesalStyle.Icons
---@class DiesalStyle.IconsByFileColumnRow : { [string]: DiesalStyle.Icon }
local IconsByFileColumnRow = {}
---@class DiesalStyle.IconsByName : { [string]: DiesalStyle.Icon }
local IconsByName = {}
function DiesalStyle.AddIcons(iconsToAdd)
assert(type(iconsToAdd) == "table", "iconsToAdd parameter (1) should be a table")
local prefixInfo = {
[1] = { prefix = "prefix1", count = 1, file = 1, iconSize = 1 },
[2] = { prefix = "prefix2", count = 1, file = 1, iconSize = 1 },
[3] = { prefix = "prefix3", count = 1, file = 1, iconSize = 1 },
---@param prefix integer
---@param key string
---@param table table
local function checkType(prefix, key, table)
assert(type(key) == "string",
string.format("key %d for %s not a string.", prefixInfo[prefix].count, prefixInfo[prefix].prefix))
assert(type(table) == "table",
string.format("value %d for %s is not a table.", prefixInfo[prefix].count, prefixInfo[prefix].prefix))
for p1, p1Table in pairs(iconsToAdd) do
checkType(1, p1, p1Table)
Icons[p1] = Icons[p1] or {}
for p2, p2Table in pairs(p1Table) do
checkType(2, p2, p2Table)
Icons[p1][p2] = Icons[p1][p2] or {}
for p3, p3Table in pairs(p2Table) do
checkType(3, p3, p3Table)
local filePrefixes = string.format("%s%s%s", p1, p2, p3)
Icons[p1][p2][p3] = Icons[p1][p2][p3] or {}
for iconSize, fileDimTable in pairs(p3Table) do
assert(type(iconSize) == "number",
string.format("icon size key %d for %s is not a number.", prefixInfo[3].iconSize,
filePrefixes = string.format("%s[%d]", filePrefixes, iconSize)
Icons[p1][p2][p3][iconSize] = Icons[p1][p2][p3][iconSize] or {}
for fileDimKey, iconColumns in pairs(fileDimTable) do
assert(type(fileDimKey == "string"),
string.format("file dimensions key for file %d in %s is not a string.",
prefixInfo[3].file, filePrefixes))
local fileDims = strsplittable("x", fileDimKey, 2)
assert(type(tonumber(fileDims[1])) == "number",
string.format("could not obtain width from %s in %s", fileDimKey, filePrefixes))
assert(type(tonumber(fileDims[2])) == "number",
string.format("could not obtain height from %s in %s", fileDimKey, filePrefixes))
Icons[p1][p2][p3][iconSize][fileDimKey] = Icons[p1][p2][p3][iconSize][fileDimKey] or {}
filePrefixes = string.format("%s[%s]", filePrefixes, fileDimKey)
local fileWidth = tonumber(fileDims[1]) or 0
local fileHeight = tonumber(fileDims[2]) or 0
local maxColumns = math.floor(fileWidth / iconSize)
local maxRows = math.floor(fileHeight / iconSize)
local iconsFileTable = Icons[p1][p2][p3][iconSize][fileDimKey]
local columnCount = 0
local rowCount = 0
for column, rows in pairs(iconColumns) do
columnCount = columnCount + 1
assert(type(column) == "number",
string.format("column %d key in %s is not a number.", columnCount, filePrefixes))
assert(type(rows) == "table",
string.format("column %d value in %s is not a table.", columnCount, filePrefixes))
local filePrefixesColumn = string.format("%s[%d]", filePrefixes, column)
iconsFileTable[column] = iconsFileTable[column] or {}
for row, icon in pairs(rows) do
rowCount = rowCount + 1
assert(type(row) == "number",
string.format("row %d key in %s is not a number.", rowCount, filePrefixesColumn))
assert(type(icon) == "string",
string.format("row %d value in %s is not a string.", rowCount, filePrefixesColumn))
local filePrefixesColumnRow = string.format("%s[%d]", filePrefixesColumn, row)
local iconName = icon
iconsFileTable[column][row] = {
name = iconName,
file = {
prefix = {
[1] = p1,
[2] = p2,
[3] = p3,
size = {
width = fileWidth,
height = fileHeight,
icon = iconSize,
coords = {
column = column,
row = row,
IconsByName[iconName] = IconsByName[iconName] or iconsFileTable[column][row]
IconsByFileColumnRow[filePrefixesColumnRow] = iconsFileTable[column][row]
rowCount = 1
prefixInfo[3].file = prefixInfo[3].file + 1
prefixInfo[3].iconSize = prefixInfo[3].iconSize + 1
prefixInfo[3].count = prefixInfo[3].count + 1
prefixInfo[2].count = prefixInfo[2].count + 1
prefixInfo[1].count = prefixInfo[1].count + 1
---@param iconTable DiesalStyle.Icon
local function CreateIconStyle(iconTable)
local fileName = string.format("%s%s%s", iconTable.file.prefix[1], iconTable.file.prefix[2],
local iconSize = iconTable.file.size.icon
fileName = fileName .. (iconSize ~= 16 and iconSize or "")
local fileWidth = iconTable.file.size.width
local fileHeight = iconTable.file.size.height
local column = iconTable.coords.column
local row = iconTable.coords.row
return {
---@param iconName string
function DiesalStyle.GetIconStyleByName(iconName)
return IconsByName[iconName] and CreateIconStyle(IconsByName[iconName]) or {}
-- [prefix1][prefix2][prefix3][iconSize][fileWidthxfileHeight][column][row]
-- DiesalGUIcons16x256x128.tga, Column 3, Row 4
-- [Diesal][GUI][cons][16][256x128][3][4]
---@param iconFile string
function DiesalStyle.GetIconByFileColumnRow(iconFile)
return IconsByFileColumnRow[iconFile] and CreateIconStyle(IconsByFileColumnRow[iconFile]) or {}
-- Camel Case File Name
local DefaultDiesalIcons = {
-- Prefix 1
Diesal = {
-- Prefix 2
Button = {
-- Prefix 3
Icons = {
-- Icon Size
[32] = {
-- WidthxHeight
["128x512"] = {
[1] = {
[1] = "background-horseshoe",
[2] = "hover-horseshoe",
[3] = "normal-horseshoe",
[2] = {
[1] = "background-crosshair",
[2] = "hover-crosshair",
[3] = "normal-crosshair",
[3] = {
[1] = "background-crossbones",
[2] = "hover-crossbones",
[3] = "normal-crossbones",
[4] = {
[1] = "background-tag",
[2] = "hover-tag",
[3] = "normal-tag",
[5] = {
[1] = "background-crossed-swords",
[2] = "hover-crossed-swords",
[3] = "normal-crossed-swords",
[6] = {
[1] = "background-oc",
[2] = "hover-oc",
[3] = "normal-oc",
-- Prefix 2
GU = {
-- Prefix 3
Icons = {
-- Icon Size
[16] = {
-- WidthxHeight
["256x128"] = {
-- Column 1
[1] = {
-- Row 1
[1] = "solid-white-arrow-up",
[4] = "outline-textured-rewind",
[5] = "outline-textured-question-mark",
[6] = "outline-textured-cirle-plus",
[7] = "outline-textured-file",
[8] = "outline-blue-folder-closed",
[2] = {
[1] = "solid-white-arrow-down",
[4] = "outline-textured-pause",
[5] = "outline-textured-cog",
[6] = "outline-textured-cirle-minus",
[7] = "outline-textured-folder",
[8] = "outline-blue-folder-opened",
[3] = {
[1] = "solid-white-arrow-right",
[4] = "outline-textured-play",
[5] = "outline-textured-reload",
[6] = "outline-textured-square-minus",
[7] = "outline-textured-folder-plus",
[8] = "outline-white-file",
[4] = {
[1] = "solid-white-arrow-left",
[4] = "outline-textured-fast-forward",
[5] = "outline-textured-home",
[6] = "outline-textured-square-plus",
[7] = "outline-textured-folder-minus",
[8] = "outline-multi-cluster",
[5] = {
[1] = "solid-white-circle",
[4] = "outline-textured-back",
[5] = "outline-textured-arrow-down",
[8] = "outline-textured-diskette",
[6] = {
[4] = "outline-textured-forward",
[5] = "outline-textured-arrow-up",
[7] = {
[5] = "outline-textured-arrow-right",
[8] = {
[5] = "outline-textured-arrow-left",
[9] = {
[5] = "outline-textured-arrow-close",
[10] = {
[5] = "outline-textured-check",
[11] = {
[5] = "outline-textured-lock-unclocked",
[12] = {
[5] = "outline-textured-lock-locked",
[13] = {
[5] = "outline-textured-lock-delete",
[14] = {
[4] = "outline-textured-circle",
[5] = "outline-textured-power",
[15] = {
[4] = "outline-textured-dropplet-down",
[5] = "outline-textured-ellipse",
[16] = {
[4] = "outline-textured-dropplet-square",
[32] = {
["256x256"] = {
[1] = {
[1] = "white-horseshoe",
[2] = "black-horseshoe",
[2] = {
[1] = "white-crosshair",
[2] = "black-crosshair",
[3] = {
[1] = "white-crossbones",
[2] = "black-crossbones",
[4] = {
[1] = "white-tag",
[2] = "black-tag",
[5] = {
[1] = "white-crossed-swords",
[2] = "black-crossed-swords",
[6] = {
[1] = "white-oc",
[2] = "black-oc",
[64] = {
["256x256"] = {
[1] = {
[1] = "marker-droplette-yellow-diamond",
[2] = {
[1] = "marker-droplette-green-leaf",
[3] = {
[1] = "marker-droplette-teal-star",
-- ~~| DiesalStyle API |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Texture style table format
style.layer BACKGROUND | BORDER | ARTWORK | OVERLAY | HIGHLIGHT (texture in this layer is automatically shown when the mouse is over the containing Frame)
**FontStrings always appear on top of all textures in a given draw layer. avoid using sublayer
-- ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
style.alpha alpha [0 - 1]
style.alphaEnd alpha [0 - 1]
style.color hexColor | {Red, Green, Blue} [0-255]
style.colorEnd hexColor | {Red, Green, Blue} [0-255]
style.gradient VERTICAL | HORIZONTAL
-- ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
style.texFile texture fileName
style.texTile true | false
style.texCoord {left, right, top, bottom} [0-1] | {column,row,size,textureWidth,TextureHeight}
style.texColor hexColor | {Red,Green,Blue} [0-255]
style.texColorAlpha alpha [0 - 1]
-- ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
style.offset offset | {Left, Right, Top, Bottom}
style.width width
style.height height
-- type = 'fill',
-- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
-- gradient = {'VERTICAL','744d00','996600'}
-- gradient_orientation = 'VERTICAL'|'HORIZONTAL ',
-- gradient_color = {colorStart,colorEnd},
-- image = {'texture-file', {left,right,top,bottom}, color, tiling_h, tiling_v}
-- image_file = 'texture-file'
-- image_coords = {left,right,top,bottom} | {row, coloumn, size, image width, image height }
-- image_color = "FFFFFF"
-- image_tiling = {'HORIZNONTAL','VERTICAL'}
-- color = 'FFFFFF',
-- alpha = 1 | {1,1}
-- position = 0 | {0,0,0,0}
---@alias r number
---@alias g number
---@alias b number
---@class Diesal.Style.RGB : { [1]: r, [2]: g, [3]: b }
---@alias left number
---@alias right number
---@alias top number
---@alias bottom number
---@alias column number
---@alias row number
---@alias textureWidth number
---@alias textureHeight number
---@alias hexString string
---@alias Diesal.Style.Color hexString | Diesal.Style.RGB
---@class Diesal.Style.TexCoord : { [1]: left, [2]: right, [3]: top, [4]: bottom }
---@class Diesal.Style.TexCoord2 : { [1]: column, [2]: row, [3]: size, [4]: textureWidth, [5]: textureHeight }
Missing required fields in type `Diesal.Style.Style`:
`layer`, `alpha`, `alphaEnd`, `color`, `colorEnd`, `gradient`, `gradient_alpha`, `gradient_orientation`, `gradient_color`, `name`, `debug`, `texFile`, `texTile`, `texCoord`, `texColor`, `texColorAlpha`, `type`, `offset`
---@class Diesal.Style.Style
---@field layer? 'BACKGROUND' | 'BORDER' | 'ARTWORK' | 'OVERLAY' | 'HIGHLIGHT'
---@field alpha? number
---@field alphaEnd? number
---@field color? Diesal.Style.Color
---@field colorEnd? Diesal.Style.Color
---@field gradient? { [1]: 'VERTICAL' | 'HORIZONTAL', [2]: string, [3]: string }
---@field gradient_alpha? number
---@field gradient_orientation? 'VERTICAL' | 'HORIZONTAL'
---@field gradient_color? {[1]: Diesal.Style.Color, [2]: Diesal.Style.Color }
---@field image? { [1]: string, [2]: Diesal.Style.TexCoord, [3]: Diesal.Style.Color, [4]: WrapMode, [5]: WrapMode }
---@field image_file? string
---@field image_coords? Diesal.Style.TexCoord | Diesal.Style.TexCoord2
---@field image_color? hexString
---@field image_tiling? { [1]: WrapMode, [2]: WrapMode }
---@field name? string
---@field debug? boolean
---@field texCoord? Diesal.Style.TexCoord | Diesal.Style.TexCoord2
---@field texColor? Diesal.Style.Color
---@field texColorAlpha? number
---@field type "texture" | "outline" | "shadow" | "font"
---@field offset? number | { [1]: left, [2]: right, [3]: top, [4]: bottom }
---@field width? number
---@field height? number
---@field position? Diesal.Style.TexCoord
---@field clear? boolean
---@class Diesal.Style.Texture.Style : Diesal.Style.Style
---@field alpha { [1]: number, [2]: number }
---@field image { file: number|string, coords: Diesal.Style.TexCoord, color: Diesal.Style.Color, tiling: { [1]: WrapMode, [2]: WrapMode } }
---@field gradient { orientation: 'VERTICAL' | 'HORIZONTAL', color: { [1]: Diesal.Style.Color, [2]: Diesal.Style.Color } }
---@field mode string
---@class Diesal.Style.Texture : Texture
---@field style Diesal.Style.Texture.Style?
---@class Diesal.Style.Stylesheet : {[string]: Diesal.Style.Style | Diesal.Style.Texture.Style}
---@param texture Texture
---@param style Diesal.Style.Style
function DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(texture, style)
-- | Setup |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
if not or style.clear then
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: missing-fields, inject-field
| = {}
-- debugging
| = or
| = style.debug or
-- | Format Settings |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- Gradient ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
if style.gradient and type(style.gradient) == "table" then
local orientation = formatOrientation(style.gradient[1])
if orientation then
| = {
orientation = orientation,
color = style.gradient[2] and style.gradient[3] and { style.gradient[2], style.gradient[3] },
local orientation = formatOrientation(style.gradient_orientation)
if orientation then
style.gradient_orientation = orientation -- fuck you
if not and (style.gradient_orientation or style.gradient_alpha or style.gradient_color) then
| = {}
-- Image ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
if style.image and type(style.image) == "table" then
local file = formatFile(style.image[1])
local coords = formatCoords(style.image[2])
if file and coords then
| = {
file = file,
coords = coords,
color = style.image[3],
tiling = { style.image[4], style.image[5] },
if not and style.image_file then
| = {}
-- | Update Settings |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| = style.layer or or DEFAULT_LAYER
| = formatPosition(style.position) or or { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
| = style.width or
| = style.height or
| = style.color or
| = formatAlpha(style.alpha) or or { 1, 1 }
-- gradient
if then
| = style.gradient_orientation or or
| = style.gradient_color or or
-- image
if then
| = formatFile(style.image_file) or
| = formatCoords(style.image_coords) or or { 0, 1, 0, 1 }
| = style.image_color or
| = style.image_tiling or
-- | Apply Settings |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- layer
texture:SetDrawLayer(, 0)
-- position
texture:ClearAllPoints() -- clear offsets
if[1] then
texture:SetPoint("LEFT",[1], 0)
if[2] then
texture:SetPoint("RIGHT",[2], 0)
if[3] then
texture:SetPoint("TOP", 0,[3])
if[4] then
texture:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0,[4])
-- size
if then
if then
if style.debug then
-- [1] Texture > [2] gradient > [3] color
if then -- [1] Texture
-- set mode
| = "image"
-- clear any old settings
setGradient(texture, "HORIZONTAL", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) -- clear gradient
texture:SetColorTexture(1, 1, 1, 1) -- clear color
-- apply settings
texture:SetTexture(, and[1],
| and[2])
texture:SetHorizTile([1] and true)
texture:SetVertTile([2] and true)
local r, g, b = GetBlizzColorValues(
texture:SetVertexColor(r or 1, g or 1, b or 1,[1])
elseif then -- [2] gradient
-- set mode
| = "gradient"
-- clear any old settings
texture:SetTexture() -- clear image
texture:SetColorTexture(1, 1, 1, 1) -- clear color
-- apply settings
local r1, g1, b1 = GetBlizzColorValues(
[ == "HORIZONTAL" and 1 or 2])
local r2, g2, b2 = GetBlizzColorValues(
[ == "HORIZONTAL" and 2 or 1])
local a1, a2 =
|[ == "HORIZONTAL" and 1 or 2],
|[ == "HORIZONTAL" and 2 or 1]
setGradient(texture,, r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)
elseif then -- [3] color
-- set mode
| = "color"
-- clear any old settings
texture:SetTexture() -- clear image
setGradient(texture, "HORIZONTAL", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) -- clear gradient
-- apply settings
local r, g, b = GetBlizzColorValues(
setColor(texture, r, g, b,[1])
-- set mode
| = "none!"
-- clear the texture
texture:SetTexture() -- clear image
setGradient(texture, "HORIZONTAL", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) -- clear gradient
texture:SetColorTexture(0, 0, 0, 0) -- clear color
---@param leftTexture Diesal.Style.Texture
---@param rightTexture Diesal.Style.Texture
---@param topTexture Diesal.Style.Texture
---@param bottomTexture Diesal.Style.Texture
---@param style Diesal.Style.Style
function DiesalStyle:StyleOutline(leftTexture, rightTexture, topTexture, bottomTexture, style)
-- | Setup |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
if not or style.clear then
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: missing-fields
| = {}
| =
| =
| =
local texture = leftTexture
-- debugging
| = or
| = style.debug or
-- | Format Settings |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
if style.gradient and type(style.gradient) == "table" then
| = {
orientation = style.gradient[1]:upper(),
color = style.gradient[2] and style.gradient[3] and { style.gradient[2], style.gradient[3] },
style.gradient_orientation = style.gradient_orientation and
style.gradient_orientation:upper() --formatOrientation(style.gradient_orientation) -- fuck you
if not and (style.gradient_orientation or style.gradient_alpha or style.gradient_color) then
| = {}
-- | Update Settings |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| = style.layer or or DEFAULT_LAYER
| = formatPosition(style.position) or or { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
| = style.width or
| = style.height or
| = style.color or
| = formatAlpha(style.alpha) or or { 1, 1 }
-- gradient
if then
| = style.gradient_orientation or or
| = style.gradient_color or or
-- | Apply Settings |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- layer
leftTexture:SetDrawLayer(, 0)
rightTexture:SetDrawLayer(, 0)
topTexture:SetDrawLayer(, 0)
bottomTexture:SetDrawLayer(, 0)
-- position
if[1] then
leftTexture:SetPoint("LEFT",[1], 0)
leftTexture:SetPoint("RIGHT",, 0)
if[3] then
leftTexture:SetPoint("TOP", 0,[3])
if[4] then
leftTexture:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0,[4])
if[2] then
rightTexture:SetPoint("RIGHT",[2], 0)
rightTexture:SetPoint("LEFT", - ([1] + 1), 0)
if[3] then
rightTexture:SetPoint("TOP", 0,[3])
if[4] then
rightTexture:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0,[4])
if[1] then
topTexture:SetPoint("LEFT",[1] + 1, 0)
if[2] then
topTexture:SetPoint("RIGHT",[2] - 1, 0)
if[3] then
topTexture:SetPoint("TOP", 0,[3])
topTexture:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0, - 1)
if[1] then
bottomTexture:SetPoint("LEFT",[1] + 1, 0)
if[2] then
bottomTexture:SetPoint("RIGHT",[2] - 1, 0)
if[4] then
bottomTexture:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0,[4])
bottomTexture:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -( + 1) + ([3] + 2))
-- size
if then
if then
if then
topTexture:SetWidth( - 2)
if then
bottomTexture:SetWidth( - 2)
-- texture
if then
-- set mode
| = "gradient"
-- clear any old settings
leftTexture:SetTexture() -- clear image
-- leftTexture:SetAlpha(1) -- reset alpha
rightTexture:SetTexture() -- clear image
-- rightTexture:SetAlpha(1) -- reset alpha
topTexture:SetTexture() -- clear image
-- topTexture:SetAlpha(1) -- reset alpha
bottomTexture:SetTexture() -- clear image
-- bottomTexture:SetAlpha(1) -- reset alpha
local r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, a1, a2
if == "HORIZONTAL" then
-- clear settings
setGradient(leftTexture, "HORIZONTAL", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
setGradient(rightTexture, "HORIZONTAL", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
topTexture:SetColorTexture(1, 1, 1, 1) -- clear color
bottomTexture:SetColorTexture(1, 1, 1, 1) -- clear color
-- aply settings
r1, g1, b1 = GetBlizzColorValues([1])
r2, g2, b2 = GetBlizzColorValues([2])
a1, a2 =[1],[2]
setColor(leftTexture, r1, g1, b1, a1)
setColor(rightTexture, r2, g2, b2, a2)
setGradient(topTexture, "HORIZONTAL", r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)
setGradient(bottomTexture, "HORIZONTAL", r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)
elseif == "VERTICAL" then
-- clear settings
leftTexture:SetColorTexture(1, 1, 1, 1) -- clear color
rightTexture:SetColorTexture(1, 1, 1, 1) -- clear color
setGradient(topTexture, "HORIZONTAL", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
setGradient(bottomTexture, "HORIZONTAL", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
-- aply settings
r1, g1, b1 = GetBlizzColorValues([2])
r2, g2, b2 = GetBlizzColorValues([1])
a1, a2 =[2],[1]
setColor(topTexture, r2, g2, b2, a2)
setColor(bottomTexture, r1, g1, b1, a1)
setGradient(leftTexture, "VERTICAL", r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)
setGradient(rightTexture, "VERTICAL", r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)
| = "gradient: no orientation!"
-- should never be here
elseif then
-- set mode
| = "color"
-- clear any old settings
setGradient(leftTexture, "HORIZONTAL", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
setGradient(rightTexture, "HORIZONTAL", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
setGradient(topTexture, "HORIZONTAL", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
setGradient(bottomTexture, "HORIZONTAL", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
-- apply settings
local r, g, b = GetBlizzColorValues(
setColor(leftTexture, r, g, b,[1])
setColor(rightTexture, r, g, b,[1])
setColor(topTexture, r, g, b,[1])
setColor(bottomTexture, r, g, b,[1])
-- set mode
| = "none!"
-- clear the texture
leftTexture:SetTexture() -- clear image
setGradient(leftTexture, "HORIZONTAL", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) -- clear gradient
leftTexture:SetColorTexture(0, 0, 0, 0) -- clear color
rightTexture:SetTexture() -- clear image
setGradient(rightTexture, "HORIZONTAL", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) -- clear gradient
rightTexture:SetColorTexture(0, 0, 0, 0) -- clear color
topTexture:SetTexture() -- clear image
setGradient(topTexture, "HORIZONTAL", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) -- clear gradient
topTexture:SetColorTexture(0, 0, 0, 0) -- clear color
bottomTexture:SetTexture() -- clear image
setGradient(bottomTexture, "HORIZONTAL", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) -- clear gradient
bottomTexture:SetColorTexture(0, 0, 0, 0) -- clear color
---@class Diesal.Style.ShadowStyle : Diesal.Style.Style
---@field edgeFile? string
---@field edgeSize? number
---@field red? number
---@field green? number
---@field blue? number
---@class Diesal.Style.Shadow : Frame, BackdropTemplate
---@field style Diesal.Style.ShadowStyle
---@class Diesal.Style.ShadowObject : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
---@field shadow Diesal.Style.Shadow
---@param object Diesal.Style.ShadowObject
---@param frame Frame
---@param style Diesal.Style.ShadowStyle
function DiesalStyle:StyleShadow(object, frame, style)
object.shadow = object.shadow or
CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate") --CreateFrame("Frame",nil,frame)
if not or style.clear then
| = {}
local shadowStyle =
-- ~~ Format New Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
local red, green, blue = DiesalTools.GetColor(style.color)
local offset = style.offset and type(style.offset) == "number" and
{ style.offset, style.offset, style.offset, style.offset } or style.offset
-- Setting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Setting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Old Setting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Default ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
shadowStyle.edgeFile = style.edgeFile or shadowStyle.edgeFile or getMedia("border", "shadow")
shadowStyle.edgeSize = style.edgeSize or shadowStyle.edgeSize or 28
| = red or or 0
| = green or or 0
| = blue or or 0
shadowStyle.alpha = style.alpha or shadowStyle.alpha or 0.45
shadowStyle.offset = offset or shadowStyle.offset or { 20, 20, 20, 20 }
-- ~~ Apply Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
if shadowStyle.offset[1] then
object.shadow:SetPoint("LEFT", -shadowStyle.offset[1], 0)
if shadowStyle.offset[2] then
object.shadow:SetPoint("RIGHT", shadowStyle.offset[2], 0)
if shadowStyle.offset[3] then
object.shadow:SetPoint("TOP", 0, shadowStyle.offset[3])
if shadowStyle.offset[4] then
object.shadow:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0, -shadowStyle.offset[4])
object.shadow:SetBackdrop({ edgeFile = shadowStyle.edgeFile, edgeSize = shadowStyle.edgeSize })
object.shadow:SetBackdropBorderColor(,,, shadowStyle.alpha)
--[[ Font style table format
TODO style.offset ( offset|{ Left, Right, Top, Bottom })
TODO style.width ( width )
TODO style.height ( height )
style.font ( Path to a font file )
style.fontSize ( Size (point size) of the font to be displayed (in pixels) )
style.flags ( Additional properties specified by one or more of the following tokens: MONOCHROME, OUTLINE | THICKOUTLINE ) (comma delimitered string)
style.alpha ( alpha )
style.color ( hexColor|{ Red, Green, Blue } [0-255])
style.lineSpacing ( number - Sets the font instance's amount of spacing between lines)
---@class Diesal.Style.FontStyle
---@field font string
---@field filename string
---@field fontSize number
---@field flags string
---@field alpha number
---@field color Diesal.Style.Color
---@field lineSpacing number
---@field red number
---@field green number
---@field blue number
---@class Diesal.Style.FontString : FontString
---@field style Diesal.Style.FontStyle
---@param fontInstance Diesal.Style.FontString
---@param name string
---@param style Diesal.Style.FontStyle
function DiesalStyle:StyleFont(fontInstance, name, style)
local filename, fontSize, flags = fontInstance:GetFont()
local red, green, blue, alpha = fontInstance:GetTextColor()
local lineSpacing = fontInstance:GetSpacing()
-- Fallback to DiesalFontNormal for Patch 8.1
if not filename then
filename, fontSize, flags = DiesalFontNormal:GetFont()
red, green, blue, alpha = DiesalFontNormal:GetTextColor()
lineSpacing = DiesalFontNormal:GetSpacing()
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: assign-type-mismatch
|,, = DiesalTools.GetColor(style.color)
-- ~~ Set Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
style.filename = style.filename or filename
style.fontSize = style.fontSize or fontSize
style.flags = style.flags or flags
| = or red
| = or green
| = or blue
style.alpha = style.alpha or alpha
style.lineSpacing = style.lineSpacing or lineSpacing
-- ~~ Apply Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
fontInstance:SetFont(style.filename, style.fontSize, style.flags)
fontInstance:SetTextColor(,,, style.alpha)
| = style
---@param object Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
---@param name string
---@param style Diesal.Style.Style
function DiesalStyle:UpdateObjectStyle(object, name, style)
if not style or type(style) ~= "table" then
if type(name) ~= "string" then
-- ~~ Clear Texture ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
if style.clear then
-- clear texture
if object.textures[name] then
DiesalStyle:ReleaseTexture(object, name)
-- clear OUTLINE
for i = 1, #OUTLINES do
if object.textures[name .. OUTLINES[i]] then
DiesalStyle:ReleaseTexture(object, name .. OUTLINES[i])
-- add texture name to style for better debugging
| = name
-- ~~ Get styleType ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
if not style.type then
local styleType = DiesalTools.Capitalize(style.type)
if not DiesalStyle["Style" .. styleType] then
geterrorhandler()(style.type .. " is not a valid style type")
-- ~~ Get Frame ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
local framename = name:match("^[ \t]*([%w%d%_]*)")
local frame = object[framename]
if not frame then
-- ~~ Style ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
if styleType == "Texture" then
local texture = object.textures[name]
if not texture then
texture = newTexture()
object.textures[name] = texture
DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(texture, style)
if styleType == "Outline" then
local textures = {}
for i = 1, #OUTLINES do
local texture = object.textures[name .. OUTLINES[i]]
if not texture then
texture = newTexture()
object.textures[name .. OUTLINES[i]] = texture
textures[i] = texture
DiesalStyle:StyleOutline(textures[1], textures[2], textures[3], textures[4], style)
if styleType == "Shadow" then
DiesalStyle:StyleShadow(object, frame, style --[[ @as Diesal.Style.ShadowStyle ]])
if styleType == "Font" then
DiesalStyle:StyleFont(frame, name, style --[[ @as Diesal.Style.FontStyle ]])
---@param object Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
---@param name string
---@param style Diesal.Style.Style
function DiesalStyle:SetObjectStyle(object, name, style)
if not style or type(style) ~= "table" then
if type(name) ~= "string" then
-- clear texture
if object.textures[name] then
DiesalStyle:ReleaseTexture(object, name)
-- clear OUTLINE
for i = 1, #OUTLINES do
if object.textures[name .. OUTLINES[i]] then
DiesalStyle:ReleaseTexture(object, name .. OUTLINES[i])
-- Set object style
DiesalStyle:UpdateObjectStyle(object, name, style)
---@param object Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
---@param Stylesheet Diesal.Style.Stylesheet
function DiesalStyle:UpdateObjectStylesheet(object, Stylesheet)
if not Stylesheet or type(Stylesheet) ~= "table" then
if not object.textures then
object.textures = {}
for name, style in pairs(Stylesheet) do
self:UpdateObjectStyle(object, name, style)
---@param object Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
---@param Stylesheet Diesal.Style.Stylesheet
function DiesalStyle:SetObjectStylesheet(object, Stylesheet)
if not object.textures then
object.textures = {}
for name, style in pairs(Stylesheet) do
self:UpdateObjectStyle(object, name, style)
---@param object Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
---@param name string
function DiesalStyle:ReleaseTexture(object, name)
if not object or not object.textures or not object.textures[name] then
error("No such texture on ojbect", 2)
object.textures[name] = nil
---@param object Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
function DiesalStyle:ReleaseTextures(object)
for name, texture in pairs(object.textures) do
object.textures[name] = nil
---@param mediaType string
---@param name string
function DiesalStyle:GetMedia(mediaType, name)
return getMedia(mediaType, name)
---@param mediaType string
---@param name string
---@param mediaFile string
function DiesalStyle:AddMedia(mediaType, name, mediaFile)
addMedia(mediaType, name, mediaFile)