You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
151 lines
6.2 KiB
151 lines
6.2 KiB
---@type Diesal.GUI
local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
---@type Diesal.Tools
local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
---@type Diesal.Style
local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
-- | Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
local print, type, select, tostring, tonumber = print, type, select, tostring, tonumber
local sub, format, match, lower = string.sub, string.format, string.match, string.lower
local table_sort = table.sort
local abs = math.abs
-- | WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- | TableExplorer |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
local Type = "DiesalQuickDoc"
local Version = 1
-- | Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
local windowStylesheet = {
["content-background"] = {
type = "texture",
color = "131517",
-- | Local |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
local doc = {
type = "section",
margin = { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
padding = { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
style = {},
{ type = "single-line", text = "Editor", font = nil, fontSize = 14 },
{ type = "columns", text = "Editor", font = nil, fontSize = 14 },
-- | Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
---@class Diesal.GUI.QuickDoc.Methods
local methods = {
["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
self.settings = DiesalTools.TableCopy(self.defaults)
["OnRelease"] = function(self)
["ApplySettings"] = function(self) end,
["BuildDoc"] = function(self, doc)
-- if #doc == 0 then error('BuildDoc(doc) doc requires atleast one section')
-- local settings = self.settings
-- -- reset
-- self:ReleaseChildren()
-- -- setup
-- settings.doc = doc
-- if #doc == 0 then
-- tree:UpdateHeight()
-- self.statusText:SetText('|cffff0000Table is empty.')
-- return end
-- -- sort tree table
-- local sortedTable = sortTable(settings.exploredTable)
-- -- build Tree Branches
-- for position, key in ipairs(sortedTable) do
-- if self.settings.endtime <= time() then self:Timeout() return end
-- self:BuildBranch(self.tree,key[2],settings.exploredTable[key[2]],position,1,position == #sortedTable)
-- end
["BuildSection"] = function(self, parent, key, value, position, depth, last)
-- local tree = self.tree
-- local leaf = type(value) ~= 'table' or next(value) == nil or depth >= self.settings.maxDepth
-- local branch = DiesalGUI:Create('Branch')
-- -- | Reset Branch |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- branch:ReleaseChildren()
-- -- | setup Branch |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- branch:SetParentObject(parent)
-- parent:AddChild(branch)
-- branch:SetSettings({
-- key = key,
-- value = value,
-- position = position,
-- depth = depth,
-- last = last,
-- leaf = leaf,
-- })
-- branch:SetEventListener('OnClick',function(this,event,button)
-- if button =='RightButton' then
-- if not next(this.settings.menuData) then return end
-- DiesalMenu:Menu(this.settings.menuData,this.frame,10,-10)
-- end
-- end)
-- self:SetBranchLabel(branch,key,value,leaf)
-- self:SetBranchMenu(branch,key,value)
-- self:SetBranchIcon(branch,type(value))
-- if value == tree or leaf then branch:ApplySettings() return end
-- -- | sort Branch Table |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- local sortedTable = sortTable(value)
-- -- | build Branch Branches |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- for position, key in ipairs(sortedTable) do
-- if self.settings.endtime <= time() then self:Timeout() return end
-- self:BuildBranch(branch,key[2],value[key[2]],position,depth+1,position == #sortedTable)
-- end
-- -- | Update Branch | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- branch:ApplySettings()
["Show"] = function(self)
---@class DiesalQuickDoc : Diesal.GUI.Object.QuickDoc
-- ~~| TableExplorer Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
local function Constructor()
---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.QuickDoc : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase, Diesal.GUI.QuickDoc.Methods
local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true)
self.isContainer = true
self.defaults = {}
---@type Diesal.GUI.Object.Window
local window = DiesalGUI:Create("DiesalWindow")
header = false,
footer = false,
top = UIParent:GetHeight() - 100,
left = 100,
height = 300,
width = 400,
minWidth = 200,
minHeight = 200,
}, true)
-- ~~ Frames ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
self.window = window
self.content = window.content
self.frame = window.frame
-- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--[[ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
self[method] = func
end ]]
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
return self
DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version)