diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 0667445..bbe54fd 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -40,4 +40,12 @@ luac.out
+## Ignore mac files
+## whitelist .gitkeep files
+## ignore all files in scripts
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/DiesalGUI-1.0.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/DiesalGUI-1.0.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ce1250..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/DiesalGUI-1.0.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
--- $Id: DiesalGUI-1.0.lua 61 2017-03-28 23:13:41Z diesal2010 $
-local MAJOR, MINOR = "DiesalGUI-1.0", "$Rev: 61 $"
-local DiesalGUI, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
-if not DiesalGUI then return end -- No Upgrade needed.
--- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local CallbackHandler = LibStub("CallbackHandler-1.0")
-local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-1.0")
-local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-1.0")
--- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local type, select, tonumber = type, select, tonumber
-local setmetatable, getmetatable, next = setmetatable, getmetatable, next
-local pairs, ipairs = pairs,ipairs
-local tinsert, tremove = table.insert, table.remove
--- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
--- ~~| DiesalGUI Values |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-DiesalGUI.callbacks = DiesalGUI.callbacks or CallbackHandler:New(DiesalGUI)
-DiesalGUI.ObjectFactory = DiesalGUI.ObjectFactory or {}
-DiesalGUI.ObjectVersions = DiesalGUI.ObjectVersions or {}
-DiesalGUI.ObjectPool = DiesalGUI.ObjectPool or {}
-DiesalGUI.ObjectBase = DiesalGUI.ObjectBase or {}
--- ~~| DiesalGUI Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local ObjectFactory = DiesalGUI.ObjectFactory
-local ObjectVersions = DiesalGUI.ObjectVersions
-local ObjectPool = DiesalGUI.ObjectPool
-local ObjectBase = DiesalGUI.ObjectBase
--- ~~| DiesalGUI Local Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function OnMouse(frame,button)
- DiesalGUI:ClearFocus()
--- capture mouse clicks on the WorldFrame
-local function WorldFrameOnMouse(frame,button)
- OnMouse(frame,button)
-_G.WorldFrame:HookScript("OnMouseDown", WorldFrameOnMouse )
--- Returns a new object
-local function newObject(objectType)
- if not ObjectFactory[objectType] then error("Attempt to construct unknown Object type", 2) end
- ObjectPool[objectType] = ObjectPool[objectType] or {}
- local newObj = next(ObjectPool[objectType])
- if not newObj then
- newObj = ObjectFactory[objectType](object)
- else
- ObjectPool[objectType][newObj] = nil
- end
- return newObj
--- Releases an object into ReleasedObjects
-local function releaseObject(obj,objectType)
- ObjectPool[objectType] = ObjectPool[objectType] or {}
- if ObjectPool[objectType][obj] then
- error("Attempt to Release Object that is already released", 2)
- end
- ObjectPool[objectType][obj] = true
--- ~~| Object Blizzard Base |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-ObjectBase.Hide = function(self)
- self.frame:Hide()
-ObjectBase.Show = function(self)
- self.frame:Show()
-ObjectBase.SetParent = function(self, parent)
- local frame = self.frame
- frame:SetParent(nil)
- frame:SetParent(parent)
- self.settings.parent = parent
-ObjectBase.SetWidth = function(self, width)
- self.settings.width = width
- self.frame:SetWidth(width)
- self:FireEvent("OnWidthSet",width)
-ObjectBase.SetHeight = function(self, height)
- self.settings.height = height
- self.frame:SetHeight(height)
- self:FireEvent("OnHeightSet",height)
-ObjectBase.SetSize = function(self, width, height)
- self.settings.width = width
- self.settings.height = height
- self.frame:SetHeight(height)
- self.frame:SetWidth(width)
- self:FireEvent("OnWidthSet",width)
- self:FireEvent("OnHeightSet",height)
-ObjectBase.GetWidth = function(self)
- return self.frame:GetWidth()
-ObjectBase.GetHeight = function(self)
- return self.frame:GetHeight()
-ObjectBase.IsVisible = function(self)
- return self.frame:IsVisible()
-ObjectBase.IsShown = function(self)
- return self.frame:IsShown()
-ObjectBase.SetPoint = function(self, ...)
- return self.frame:SetPoint(...)
-ObjectBase.SetAllPoints = function(self, ...)
- return self.frame:SetAllPoints(...)
-ObjectBase.ClearAllPoints = function(self)
- return self.frame:ClearAllPoints()
-ObjectBase.GetNumPoints = function(self)
- return self.frame:GetNumPoints()
-ObjectBase.GetPoint = function(self, ...)
- return self.frame:GetPoint(...)
--- ~~| Object Diesal Base |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-ObjectBase.CreateRegion = function(self,regionType,regionName,parentRegion,defaultFontObject)
- if regionType == 'FontString' then
- local fontString = parentRegion:CreateFontString()
- -- set Default font properties
- if defaultFontObject then
- fontString.defaultFontObject = defaultFontObject
- else
- fontString.defaultFontObject = DiesalFontNormal
- end
- fontString:SetFont(fontString.defaultFontObject:GetFont())
- fontString:SetTextColor(fontString.defaultFontObject:GetTextColor())
- fontString:SetSpacing(fontString.defaultFontObject:GetSpacing())
- self[regionName] = fontString
- self.fontStrings[regionName] = fontString
- return fontString
- end
- if regionType == 'Texture' then
- self[regionName] = parentRegion:CreateTexture()
- return self[regionName]
- end
- if regionType == 'EditBox' then
- local editBox = CreateFrame(regionType,nil,parentRegion)
- -- set Default font properties
- if defaultFontObject then
- editBox.defaultFontObject = defaultFontObject
- else
- editBox.defaultFontObject = DiesalFontNormal
- end
- editBox:SetFont(editBox.defaultFontObject:GetFont())
- editBox:SetTextColor(editBox.defaultFontObject:GetTextColor())
- editBox:SetSpacing(editBox.defaultFontObject:GetSpacing())
- editBox:HookScript('OnEscapePressed', function(this) DiesalGUI:ClearFocus(); end)
- editBox:HookScript('OnEditFocusGained',function(this) DiesalGUI:SetFocus(this); GameTooltip:Hide(); end)
- self[regionName] = editBox
- return editBox
- end
- if regionType == 'ScrollingMessageFrame' then
- local srollingMessageFrame = CreateFrame(regionType,nil,parentRegion)
- -- set Default font properties
- if defaultFontObject then
- srollingMessageFrame.defaultFontObject = defaultFontObject
- else
- srollingMessageFrame.defaultFontObject = DiesalFontNormal
- end
- srollingMessageFrame:SetFont(srollingMessageFrame.defaultFontObject:GetFont())
- srollingMessageFrame:SetTextColor(srollingMessageFrame.defaultFontObject:GetTextColor())
- srollingMessageFrame:SetSpacing(srollingMessageFrame.defaultFontObject:GetSpacing())
- self[regionName] = srollingMessageFrame
- return srollingMessageFrame
- end
- self[regionName] = CreateFrame(regionType,nil,parentRegion)
- return self[regionName]
-ObjectBase.ResetFonts = function(self)
- for name,fontString in pairs(self.fontStrings) do
- fontString:SetFont(fontString.defaultFontObject:GetFont())
- fontString:SetTextColor(fontString.defaultFontObject:GetTextColor())
- fontString:SetSpacing(fontString.defaultFontObject:GetSpacing())
- end
-ObjectBase.AddChild = function(self, object)
- tinsert(self.children, object)
-ObjectBase.ReleaseChild = function(self,object)
- local children = self.children
- for i = 1,#children do
- if children[i] == object then
- children[i]:Release()
- tremove(children,i)
- break end
- end
-ObjectBase.ReleaseChildren = function(self)
- local children = self.children
- for i = 1,#children do
- children[i]:Release()
- children[i] = nil
- end
-ObjectBase.Release = function(self)
- DiesalGUI:Release(self)
-ObjectBase.SetParentObject = function(self, parent)
- local frame = self.frame
- local settings = self.settings
- frame:SetParent(nil)
- frame:SetParent(parent.content)
- settings.parent = parent.content
- settings.parentObject = parent
-ObjectBase.SetSettings = function(self,settings,apply)
- for key,value in pairs(settings) do
- self.settings[key] = value
- end
- if apply then self:ApplySettings() end
-ObjectBase.ResetSettings = function(self,apply)
- self.settings = DiesalTools.TableCopy( self.defaults )
- if apply then self:ApplySettings() end
-ObjectBase.SetEventListener = function(self, event, listener)
- if type(listener) == "function" then
- self.eventListeners[event] = listener
- else
- error("listener is required to be a function", 2)
- end
-ObjectBase.ResetEventListeners = function(self)
- for k in pairs(self.eventListeners) do
- self.eventListeners[k] = nil
- end
-ObjectBase.FireEvent = function(self, event, ...)
- if self.eventListeners[event] then
- return self.eventListeners[event]( self, event, ...)
- end
-ObjectBase.SetStyle = function(self,name,style)
- DiesalStyle:SetObjectStyle(self,name,style)
-ObjectBase.UpdateStyle = function(self,name,style)
- DiesalStyle:UpdateObjectStyle(self,name,style)
-ObjectBase.UpdateStylesheet = function(self,Stylesheet)
- DiesalStyle:UpdateObjectStylesheet(self,Stylesheet)
-ObjectBase.SetStylesheet = function(self,Stylesheet)
- DiesalStyle:SetObjectStylesheet(self,Stylesheet)
-ObjectBase.ReleaseTexture = function(self,name)
- if not self.textures[name] then return end
- DiesalStyle:ReleaseTexture(self,name)
-ObjectBase.ReleaseTextures = function(self)
- DiesalStyle:ReleaseTextures(self)
--- ~~| DiesalGUI API |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- Returns an Object Base
-function DiesalGUI:CreateObjectBase(Type)
- local object = {
- type = Type,
- fontStrings = {},
- textures = {},
- children = {},
- eventListeners = {},
- }
- setmetatable(object, {__index = ObjectBase})
- return object
--- Registers an Object constructor in the ObjectFactory
-function DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, constructor, version)
- assert(type(constructor) == "function")
- assert(type(version) == "number")
- local oldVersion = ObjectVersions[Type]
- if oldVersion and oldVersion >= version then return end
- ObjectVersions[Type] = version
- ObjectFactory[Type] = constructor
--- Create a new Object
-function DiesalGUI:Create(objectType,name)
- if ObjectFactory[objectType] then
- local object
- if name then -- needs a specific name, bypass the objectPool and create a new object
- object = ObjectFactory[objectType](name)
- else
- object = newObject(objectType)
- end
- object:ResetSettings()
- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- if object.OnAcquire then object:OnAcquire() end
- return object
- end
-function DiesalGUI:CreateThrottle(duration, callback)
- assert(callback and type(callback) == 'function','callback has to be a function ')
- assert(duration and type(duration) == 'number','duration has to be a number ')
- local throttle = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent):CreateAnimationGroup()
- throttle.anim = throttle:CreateAnimation("Animation")
- throttle.args = {}
- local mt = getmetatable(throttle)
- mt.__index.SetCallback = function(self,callback)
- assert(callback and type(callback) == 'function','callback required to be a function ')
- self:SetScript("OnFinished", function() callback(unpack(self.args)) end)
- end
- mt.__index.AddCallback = function(self,callback)
- assert(callback and type(callback) == 'function','callback required to be a function ')
- self:HookScript("OnFinished", function() callback(unpack(self.args)) end)
- end
- mt.__index.SetDuration = function(self,duration)
- assert(duration and type(duration) == 'number','duration has to be a number ')
- self.anim:SetDuration(duration)
- end
- mt.__call = function(self,...)
- self.args = {...}
- self:Stop()
- self:Play()
- end
- setmetatable(throttle,mt)
- throttle:SetScript("OnFinished", function() callback(unpack(throttle.args)) end)
- throttle:SetDuration(duration)
- return throttle
--- Releases an object ready for reuse by Create
-function DiesalGUI:Release(object)
- if object.OnRelease then object:OnRelease() end
- object:FireEvent("OnRelease")
- object:ReleaseChildren()
- object:ReleaseTextures()
- object:ResetFonts()
- object:ResetEventListeners()
- object.frame:ClearAllPoints()
- object.frame:Hide()
- object.frame:SetParent(UIParent)
- releaseObject(object, object.type)
--- Set FocusedObject: Menu, Dropdown, editBox etc....
-function DiesalGUI:SetFocus(object)
- if self.FocusedObject and self.FocusedObject ~= object then DiesalGUI:ClearFocus() end
- self.FocusedObject = object
--- clear focus from the FocusedObject
-function DiesalGUI:ClearFocus()
- local FocusedObject = self.FocusedObject
- if FocusedObject then
- if FocusedObject.ClearFocus then -- FocusedObject is Focusable Frame
- FocusedObject:ClearFocus()
- end
- self.FocusedObject = nil
- end
--- Mouse Input capture for any DiesalGUI interactive region
-function DiesalGUI:OnMouse(frame,button)
- -- print(button)
- OnMouse(frame,button)
- DiesalGUI.callbacks:Fire("DiesalGUI_OnMouse", frame, button)
-DiesalGUI.counts = DiesalGUI.counts or {}
---- A type-based counter to count the number of widgets created.
-function DiesalGUI:GetNextObjectNum(type)
- if not self.counts[type] then
- self.counts[type] = 0
- end
- self.counts[type] = self.counts[type] + 1
- return self.counts[type]
---- Return the number of created widgets for this type.
-function DiesalGUI:GetObjectCount(type)
- return self.counts[type] or 0
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/DiesalGUI-1.0.xml b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/DiesalGUI-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ef724c..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/DiesalGUI-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Accordian.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Accordian.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d49e5da..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Accordian.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-1.0")
--- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-1.0")
-local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-1.0")
--- | Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- | Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- | Accordian |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Type = "Accordian"
-local Version = 2
--- ~~| Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Stylesheet = {
- ['frame-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- color = 'FF0000',
- },
--- | Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- | Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local methods = {
- ['OnAcquire'] = function(self)
- -- self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
- -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrameSheet)
- self:ResetSettings(true)
- self:Show()
- end,
- ['OnRelease'] = function(self)
- end,
- ['ApplySettings'] = function(self)
- end,
- ['CollapseAll'] = function(self)
- for i=1 , #self.children do
- self.children[i]:Collapse()
- end
- end,
- ['ExpandAll'] = function(self)
- for i=1 , #self.children do
- self.children[i]:Expand()
- end
- end,
--- | Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function Constructor()
- local self = DiesalGUI:CreateObjectBase(Type)
- local frame = CreateFrame('Frame',nil,UIParent)
- self.frame = frame
- -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- self.defaults = { }
- -- ~~ Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet
- -- OnHeightChange
- -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- local content = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'content', frame)
- content:SetAllPoints()
- -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- for method, func in pairs(methods) do self[method] = func end
- -- ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- return self
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/AccordianSection.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/AccordianSection.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d31ec8..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/AccordianSection.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-1.0")
--- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-1.0")
-local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-1.0")
--- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
-local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
--- | Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- | WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- | AccordianSection |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Type = 'AccordianSection'
-local Version = 3
--- | Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Stylesheet = {
- ['button-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- gradient = {'VERTICAL',Colors.UI_400_GR[1],Colors.UI_400_GR[2]},
- alpha = .95,
- position = {0,0,-1,0},
- },
- ['button-outline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- color = '000000',
- position = {1,1,0,1},
- },
- ['button-inline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'ARTWORK',
- gradient = {'VERTICAL','ffffff','ffffff'},
- alpha = {.03,.02},
- position = {0,0,-1,0},
- },
- ['button-hover'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'HIGHLIGHT',
- color = 'ffffff',
- alpha = .1,
- },
- ['button-leftExpandIcon'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- position = {0,nil,-1,nil},
- height = 16,
- width = 16,
- image = {'DiesalGUIcons',{3,6,16,256,128},HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.65)},
- alpha = 1,
- },
- ['button-leftCollapseIcon'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- position = {0,nil,-1,nil},
- height = 16,
- width = 16,
- image = {'DiesalGUIcons',{4,6,16,256,128},HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.65)},
- alpha = 1,
- },
- ['content-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- color = Colors.UI_300,
- alpha = .95,
- position = {0,0,-1,0},
- },
- ['content-topShadow'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'ARTWORK',
- gradient = {'VERTICAL','000000','000000'},
- alpha = {.05,0},
- position = {0,0,-1,nil},
- height = 4,
- },
- ['content-bottomShadow'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'ARTWORK',
- gradient = {'VERTICAL','000000','000000'},
- alpha = {0,.05},
- position = {0,0,nil,0},
- height = 4,
- },
- ['content-inline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'ARTWORK',
- color = 'ffffff',
- alpha = .02,
- position = {0,0,-1,0},
- },
- ['text-Font'] = {
- type = 'font',
- color = Colors.UI_F450,
- },
-local wireFrameSheet = {
- ['frame-white'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'ffffff',
- alpha = 1,
- },
- ['button-purple'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'aa00ff',
- alpha = .5,
- },
- ['content-yellow'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'fffc00',
- alpha = .5,
- },
--- | Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- | Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local methods = {
- ['OnAcquire'] = function(self)
- self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
- self:Show()
- end,
- ['OnRelease'] = function(self) end,
- ['ApplySettings'] = function(self)
- self.button:SetHeight(self.settings.buttonHeight)
- -- postion
- self:ClearAllPoints()
- if self.settings.position == 1 then
- self:SetPoint('TOPLEFT')
- self:SetPoint('RIGHT')
- else
- local anchor = self.settings.parentObject.children[self.settings.position-1].frame
- self:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',anchor,'BOTTOMLEFT',0,0)
- self:SetPoint('RIGHT')
- end
- -- set section name
- self.text:SetText(self.settings.sectionName)
- -- set section state
- self[self.settings.expanded and 'Expand' or 'Collapse'](self)
- -- set button visibility
- self:SetButton(self.settings.button)
- end,
- ['Collapse'] = function(self)
- if not self.settings.button then self:UpdateHeight() return end
- self.settings.expanded = false
- self:FireEvent("OnStateChange", self.settings.position, 'Collapse')
- self.textures['button-leftCollapseIcon']:SetAlpha(self.textures['button-leftCollapseIcon'].style.alpha[1])
- self.textures['button-leftExpandIcon']:SetAlpha(0)
- self.content:Hide()
- self:UpdateHeight()
- end,
- ['Expand'] = function(self)
- self.settings.expanded = true
- self:FireEvent("OnStateChange", self.settings.position, 'Expand')
- self.textures['button-leftExpandIcon']:SetAlpha(self.textures['button-leftExpandIcon'].style.alpha[1])
- self.textures['button-leftCollapseIcon']:SetAlpha(0)
- self.content:Show()
- self:UpdateHeight()
- end,
- ['SetButton'] = function(self,state)
- self.settings.button = state
- self.button[state and 'Show' or 'Hide'](self.button)
- if not state then
- self:Expand()
- else
- self:UpdateHeight()
- end
- end,
- ['UpdateHeight'] = function(self)
- local settings, children = self.settings, self.children
- local contentHeight = 0
- self.content:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',self.frame,0,settings.button and -settings.buttonHeight or 0)
- if settings.expanded then
- contentHeight = settings.contentPadding[3] + settings.contentPadding[4]
- for i=1 , #children do contentHeight = contentHeight + children[i].frame:GetHeight() end
- end
- self.content:SetHeight(contentHeight)
- self:SetHeight((settings.button and settings.buttonHeight or 0) + contentHeight)
- self:FireEvent("OnHeightChange",contentHeight)
- end,
--- | Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function Constructor()
- local self = DiesalGUI:CreateObjectBase(Type)
- local frame = CreateFrame('Frame',nil,UIParent)
- self.frame = frame
- -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- self.defaults = {
- button = true,
- contentPadding = {0,0,3,1 },
- expanded = true,
- buttonHeight = 16,
- }
- -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- local button = self:CreateRegion("Button", 'button', frame)
- button:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT')
- button:SetPoint('TOPLEFT')
- button:SetScript("OnClick", function(this,button)
- DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this,button)
- self[self.settings.expanded and "Collapse" or "Expand"](self)
- end)
- local text = self:CreateRegion("FontString", 'text', button)
- text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",15,-2)
- text:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",-15,0)
- text:SetHeight(0)
- text:SetJustifyH("MIDDLE")
- text:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
- text:SetWordWrap(false)
- local content = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'content', frame)
- content:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',frame,0,0)
- content:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT',frame,0,0)
- content:SetHeight(10)
- -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- for method, func in pairs(methods) do self[method] = func end
- -- ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- return self
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Bar.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Bar.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 39f155b..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Bar.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
- -- $Id: Bar.lua 60 2016-11-04 01:34:23Z diesal2010 $
-local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-1.0")
--- | Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-1.0")
-local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-1.0")
--- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
-local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
--- | Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local type, tonumber, select = type, tonumber, select
-local pairs, ipairs, next = pairs, ipairs, next
-local min, max = math.min, math.max
--- | WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- | Spinner |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Type = "Bar"
-local Version = 1
--- | Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Stylesheet = {
- ['frame-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- color = '000000',
- alpha = .60,
- },
- ['frame-outline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = 'FFFFFF',
- alpha = .02,
- position = 1,
- },
- ['frame-inline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = '000000',
- alpha = .60,
- },
- ['bar-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- gradient = {'VERTICAL',Colors.UI_A100,ShadeColor(Colors.UI_A100,.1)},
- position = 0,
- },
- ['bar-inline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- gradient = {'VERTICAL','FFFFFF','FFFFFF'},
- alpha = {.07,.02},
- position = 0,
- },
- ['bar-outline'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'ARTWORK',
- color = '000000',
- alpha = .7,
- width = 1,
- position = {nil,1,0,0},
- },
-local wireFrame = {
- ['frame-white'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'ffffff',
- },
- ['bar-green'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = '55ff00',
- },
--- | Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function round(num)
- return floor((num + 1/2)/1) * 1
--- | Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local methods = {
- ['OnAcquire'] = function(self)
- self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
- self:ApplySettings()
- -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrame)
- self:Show()
- end,
- ['OnRelease'] = function(self)
- end,
- ['ApplySettings'] = function(self)
- self:UpdateSize()
- end,
- ['UpdateSize'] = function(self)
- self:SetWidth(self.settings.width)
- self:SetHeight(self.settings.height)
- self.bar:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',self.settings.padding[1],-self.settings.padding[3])
- self.bar:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT',self.settings.padding[1],self.settings.padding[4])
- self.settings.barWidth = self.settings.width - self.settings.padding[1] - self.settings.padding[2]
- self:UpdateBar()
- end,
- ['SetColor'] = function(self, color, colorTop, gradientDirection)
- end,
- ['SetSize'] = function(self, width, height)
- width, height = tonumber(width), tonumber(height)
- if not width then error('Bar:SetSize(width, height) width to be a number.',0) end
- if not height then error('Bar:SetSize(width, height) height to be a number.',0) end
- self.settings.width, self.settings.height = width, height
- self:UpdateSize()
- end,
- ['SetValue'] = function(self, number, min, max)
- number, min, max = tonumber(number), tonumber(min), tonumber(max)
- if not number then error('Bar:SetValue(number) number needs to be a number.',0) end
- self.settings.min = min or self.settings.min
- self.settings.max = max or self.settings.max
- self.settings.value = number
- self:UpdateBar()
- end,
- ['SetMin'] = function(self, number)
- number = tonumber(number)
- if not number then error('Bar:SetMin(number) needs to be a number.',0) end
- self.settings.min = number
- self:UpdateBar()
- end,
- ['SetMax'] = function(self, number)
- number = tonumber(number)
- if not number then error('Bar:SetMax(number) needs to be a number.',0) end
- self.settings.max = number
- self:UpdateBar()
- end,
- ['UpdateBar'] = function(self)
- local min, max, value, barWidth = self.settings.min, self.settings.max, self.settings.value, self.settings.barWidth
- local width = round( (value - min) / (max - min) * barWidth )
- if width == 0 then
- self.bar:Hide()
- else
- self.bar:Show()
- self.bar:SetWidth(width)
- end
- end,
- ['IsVisible'] = function(self)
- return self.frame:IsVisible()
- end,
--- | Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function Constructor()
- local self = DiesalGUI:CreateObjectBase(Type)
- local frame = CreateFrame('Frame',nil,UIParent)
- self.frame = frame
- -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- self.defaults = {
- height = 14, -- frame height (not bar)
- width = 96, -- frame width (not bar)
- padding = {1,1,1,1}, -- left, right, top, bottom (bar padding from frame)
- value = 0,
- min = 0,
- max = 100,
- }
- -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- frame:SetScript("OnHide",function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnHide")
- end)
- local bar = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'bar', frame)
- -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- for method, func in pairs(methods) do self[method] = func end
- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- return self
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Branch.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Branch.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index da2b355..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Branch.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
--- $Id: Branch.lua 60 2016-11-04 01:34:23Z diesal2010 $
--- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local DiesalTools = LibStub('DiesalTools-1.0')
-local DiesalStyle = LibStub('DiesalStyle-1.0')
-local DiesalGUI = LibStub('DiesalGUI-1.0')
--- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local sub, format, match, lower = string.sub, string.format, string.match, string.lower
-local tsort = table.sort
-local tostring = tostring
--- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- ~~| TableExplorerBranch |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Type = 'Branch'
-local Version = 1
--- ~~| Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Stylesheet = {
- ['button-highlight'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'HIGHLIGHT',
- color = 'ffffff',
- alpha = .1,
- },
- ['button-selected'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = '0059b3',
- alpha = 0,
- },
-local wireFrameSheet = {
- ['frame-white'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'ffffff',
- },
- ['button-purple'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'aa00ff',
- },
- ['content-yellow'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'fffc00',
- },
--- ~~| Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local methods = {
- ['OnAcquire'] = function(self)
- self:ApplySettings()
- self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
- self:Show()
- end,
- ['OnRelease'] = function(self)
- end,
- ['ApplySettings'] = function(self)
- if not self.settings.position then return false end
- local button = self.button
- local content = self.content
- button:SetHeight(self.settings.buttonHeight)
- if not self.settings.leaf then
- self[self.settings.expanded and "Expand" or "Collapse"](self)
- else
- self:UpdateLines()
- self:UpdateHeight()
- end
- self:ClearAllPoints()
- if self.settings.position == 1 then
- self:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',self.settings.indent,0)
- self:SetPoint('RIGHT')
- else
- local anchor = self.settings.parentObject.children[self.settings.position-1].frame
- self:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',anchor,'BOTTOMLEFT',0,0)
- self:SetPoint('RIGHT')
- end
- end,
- ['Collapse'] = function(self)
- if self.settings.leaf then return end
- self:FireEvent("OnStateChange",false)
- self.settings.expanded = false
- self:SetIconCollapsed()
- self:UpdateLines()
- self.content:Hide()
- self:UpdateHeight()
- end,
- ['Expand'] = function(self)
- if self.settings.leaf then return end
- self:FireEvent("OnStateChange",true)
- self.settings.expanded = true
- self:SetIconExpanded()
- self:UpdateLines()
- self.content:Show()
- self:UpdateHeight()
- end,
- ['UpdateHeight'] = function(self)
- local contentHeight = 0
- local settings = self.settings
- local children = self.children
- if settings.expanded then
- for i=1 , #children do
- contentHeight = contentHeight + children[i].frame:GetHeight()
- end
- end
- self.content:SetHeight(contentHeight)
- self:SetHeight(settings.buttonHeight + contentHeight)
- settings.parentObject:UpdateHeight()
- end,
- ['SetLabel'] = function(self,text)
- self.text:SetText(text)
- end,
- ['SetIconTexture'] = function(self,texture)
- self.icon:SetTexture(texture)
- end,
- ['SetIconCoords'] = function(self,left,right,top,bottom)
- self.icon:SetTexCoord(left,right,top,bottom)
- end,
- ['SetIconExpanded'] = function(self)
- self.icon:SetTexCoord(DiesalTools.GetIconCoords(2,8,16,256,128))
- end,
- ['SetIconCollapsed'] = function(self)
- self.icon:SetTexCoord(DiesalTools.GetIconCoords(1,8,16,256,128))
- end,
- ['SetSelected'] = function(self,state)
- self:UpdateStyle('button-selected',{
- type = 'texture',
- alpha = state and 1 or 0,
- })
- end,
- ['UpdateLines'] = function(self)
- if not self.settings.branches then return end
- local foldColor = '353535'
- local expandColor = '5a5a5a'
- -- Frame Fold Line
- if not self.settings.last and not self.settings.leaf then
- self:UpdateStyle('frame-foldLine',{
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = foldColor,
- position = {6,nil,-11,2},
- width = 1,
- })
- end
- -- expandable Fold Lines
- if not self.settings.leaf then
- self:UpdateStyle('button-square',{
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = foldColor,
- position = {10,nil,-2,nil},
- width = 9,
- height = 9,
- })
- self:UpdateStyle('button-expandH',{
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = expandColor,
- position = {8,nil,-6,nil},
- width = 5,
- height = 1,
- })
- self:UpdateStyle('button-expandV',{
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = expandColor,
- position = {6,nil,-4,nil},
- width = 1,
- height = 5,
- alpha = 1,
- })
- if self.settings.expanded then
- self:UpdateStyle('button-expandV',{
- type = 'texture',
- alpha = 0,
- })
- end
- else -- Leaf nodes
- self:UpdateStyle('button-lineV',{
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = foldColor,
- position = {6,nil,-6,nil},
- height = 1,
- width = 6,
- })
- self:UpdateStyle('button-lineH',{
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = foldColor,
- position = {6,nil,0,0},
- width = 1,
- })
- if self.settings.last then
- self:UpdateStyle('button-lineH',{
- type = 'texture',
- position = {6,nil,0,-7},
- })
- end
- end
- end,
--- ~~| TableExplorerBranch Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function Constructor()
- local self = DiesalGUI:CreateObjectBase(Type)
- local frame = CreateFrame('Frame',nil,UIParent)
- self.frame = frame
- -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- self.defaults = {
- fontObject = DiesalFontNormal,
- branches = true,
- expanded = true,
- buttonHeight = 14,
- indent = 13,
- expIconTex = 'DiesalGUIcons',
- colIconTex = 'DiesalGUIcons',
- expIconCoords = {DiesalTools.GetIconCoords(2,8,16,256,128)},
- colIconCoords = {DiesalTools.GetIconCoords(1,8,16,256,128)},
- }
- -- ~~ Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet
- -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- local button = self:CreateRegion("Button", 'button', frame)
- button:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT')
- button:SetPoint('TOPLEFT')
- button:RegisterForClicks('RightButtonUp','LeftButtonUp')
- button:RegisterForDrag( "LeftButton" )
- button:SetScript("OnClick", function(this,button)
- DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this,button)
- if button == 'LeftButton' then self[not self.settings.expanded and "Expand" or "Collapse"](self) end
- self:FireEvent("OnClick",button)
- end)
- button:SetScript( "OnDoubleClick", function(this,...)
- self:FireEvent("OnDoubleClick",...)
- end)
- button:SetScript( "OnDragStart", function(this,...)
- self:FireEvent("OnDragStart",...)
- end)
- button:SetScript( "OnDragStop", function(this,...)
- self:FireEvent("OnDragStop",...)
- end)
- button:SetScript("OnEnter",function(this,...)
- self:FireEvent("OnEnter",...)
- end)
- button:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this,...)
- self:FireEvent("OnLeave",...)
- end)
- local icon = self:CreateRegion("Texture", 'icon', button)
- DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(icon,{
- position = {0,nil,2,nil},
- height = 16,
- width = 16,
- image = {'DiesalGUIcons'},
- })
- local text = self:CreateRegion("FontString", 'text', button)
- text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",14,-1)
- text:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",-4,0)
- text:SetHeight(0)
- text:SetJustifyH("TOP")
- text:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
- text:SetWordWrap(false)
- local content = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'content', button)
- content:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',button,'BOTTOMLEFT',0,0)
- content:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT')
- content:SetHeight(0)
- -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- for method, func in pairs(methods) do self[method] = func end
- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- return self
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Button.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Button.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e266991..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Button.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
--- $Id: Button.lua 60 2016-11-04 01:34:23Z diesal2010 $
-local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-1.0")
--- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-1.0")
-local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-1.0")
--- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local type, tonumber, select = type, tonumber, select
-local pairs, ipairs, next = pairs, ipairs, next
-local min, max = math.min, math.max
--- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local CreateFrame, UIParent, GetCursorPosition = CreateFrame, UIParent, GetCursorPosition
-local GetScreenWidth, GetScreenHeight = GetScreenWidth, GetScreenHeight
-local GetSpellInfo, GetBonusBarOffset, GetDodgeChance = GetSpellInfo, GetBonusBarOffset, GetDodgeChance
-local GetPrimaryTalentTree, GetCombatRatingBonus = GetPrimaryTalentTree, GetCombatRatingBonus
--- ~~| Button |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local TYPE = "Button"
-local VERSION = 5
--- ~~| Button Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Stylesheet = {
- ['text-color'] = {
- type = 'Font',
- color = 'b8c2cc',
- },
-local wireFrame = {
- ['frame-white'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'ffffff',
- },
--- ~~| Button Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local methods = {
- ['OnAcquire'] = function(self)
- self:ApplySettings()
- self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
- self:Enable()
- -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrameSheet)
- self:Show()
- end,
- ['OnRelease'] = function(self)
- end,
- ['ApplySettings'] = function(self)
- local settings = self.settings
- local frame = self.frame
- self:SetWidth(settings.width)
- self:SetHeight(settings.height)
- end,
- ["SetText"] = function(self, text)
- self.text:SetText(text)
- end,
- ["Disable"] = function(self)
- self.settings.disabled = true
- self.frame:Disable()
- end,
- ["Enable"] = function(self)
- self.settings.disabled = false
- self.frame:Enable()
- end,
- ["RegisterForClicks"] = function(self,...)
- self.frame:RegisterForClicks(...)
- end,
--- ~~| Button Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function Constructor(name)
- local self = DiesalGUI:CreateObjectBase(TYPE)
- local frame = CreateFrame('Button',name,UIParent)
- self.frame = frame
- self.defaults = {
- height = 32,
- width = 32,
- }
- -- ~~ Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet
- -- OnClick, OnEnter, OnLeave, OnDisable, OnEnable
- -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- local text = self:CreateRegion("FontString", 'text', frame)
- text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 4, -1) -- sits below center when rendered off by 1 pixel, fuck you blizzard
- text:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -4, 0)
- text:SetJustifyV("MIDDLE")
- text:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
- frame:SetFontString(text)
- frame:SetScript("OnClick", function(this,button,...)
- DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this,button)
- self:FireEvent("OnClick",button,...)
- end)
- frame:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnEnter")
- end)
- frame:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnLeave")
- end)
- frame:SetScript("OnDisable", function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnDisable")
- end)
- frame:SetScript("OnEnable", function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnEnable")
- end)
- -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- for method, func in pairs(methods) do self[method] = func end
- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- return self
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/CheckBox.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/CheckBox.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index ef28b28..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/CheckBox.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
--- $Id: CheckBox.lua 60 2016-11-04 01:34:23Z diesal2010 $
-local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-1.0")
--- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-1.0")
-local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-1.0")
--- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
-local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
--- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local type, tonumber, select = type, tonumber, select
-local pairs, ipairs, next = pairs, ipairs, next
-local min, max = math.min, math.max
--- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local CreateFrame, UIParent, GetCursorPosition = CreateFrame, UIParent, GetCursorPosition
-local GetScreenWidth, GetScreenHeight = GetScreenWidth, GetScreenHeight
-local GetSpellInfo, GetBonusBarOffset, GetDodgeChance = GetSpellInfo, GetBonusBarOffset, GetDodgeChance
-local GetPrimaryTalentTree, GetCombatRatingBonus = GetPrimaryTalentTree, GetCombatRatingBonus
--- ~~| Button |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local TYPE = "CheckBox"
-local VERSION = 1
--- ~~| Button Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Stylesheet = {
- ['frame-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- color = '000000',
- alpha = .60,
- position = -2
- },
- ['frame-inline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = '000000',
- alpha = .6,
- position = -2
- },
- ['frame-outline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = 'FFFFFF',
- alpha = .02,
- position = -1,
- },
-local checkBoxStyle = {
- base = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'ARTWORK',
- color = Colors.UI_A400,
- position = -3,
- },
- disabled = {
- type = 'texture',
- color = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.35),
- },
- enabled = {
- type = 'texture',
- color = Colors.UI_A400,
- },
-local wireFrame = {
- ['frame-white'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'ffffff',
- },
--- ~~| Button Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local methods = {
- ['OnAcquire'] = function(self)
- self:ApplySettings()
- self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
- self:Enable()
- -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrameSheet)
- self:Show()
- end,
- ['OnRelease'] = function(self) end,
- ['ApplySettings'] = function(self)
- local settings = self.settings
- local frame = self.frame
- self:SetWidth(settings.width)
- self:SetHeight(settings.height)
- end,
- ["SetChecked"] = function(self,value)
- self.settings.checked = value
- self.frame:SetChecked(value)
- self[self.settings.disabled and "Disable" or "Enable"](self)
- end,
- ["GetChecked"] = function(self)
- return self.settings.checked
- end,
- ["Disable"] = function(self)
- self.settings.disabled = true
- DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(self.check,checkBoxStyle.disabled)
- self.frame:Disable()
- end,
- ["Enable"] = function(self)
- self.settings.disabled = false
- DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(self.check,checkBoxStyle.enabled)
- self.frame:Enable()
- end,
- ["RegisterForClicks"] = function(self,...)
- self.frame:RegisterForClicks(...)
- end,
--- ~~| Button Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function Constructor()
- local self = DiesalGUI:CreateObjectBase(TYPE)
- local frame = CreateFrame('CheckButton', nil, UIParent)
- self.frame = frame
- -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- self.defaults = {
- height = 11,
- width = 11,
- }
- -- ~~ Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet
- -- OnValueChanged, OnEnter, OnLeave, OnDisable, OnEnable
- -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- local check = self:CreateRegion("Texture", 'check', frame)
- DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(check,checkBoxStyle.base)
- frame:SetCheckedTexture(check)
- frame:SetScript('OnClick', function(this,button,...)
- DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this,button)
- if not self.settings.disabled then
- self:SetChecked(not self.settings.checked)
- if self.settings.checked then
- -- PlaySound("igMainMenuOptionCheckBoxOn")
- else
- -- PlaySound("igMainMenuOptionCheckBoxOff")
- end
- self:FireEvent("OnValueChanged", self.settings.checked)
- end
- end)
- frame:SetScript('OnEnter', function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnEnter")
- end)
- frame:SetScript('OnLeave', function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnLeave")
- end)
- frame:SetScript("OnDisable", function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnDisable")
- end)
- frame:SetScript("OnEnable", function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnEnable")
- end)
- -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- for method, func in pairs(methods) do self[method] = func end
- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- return self
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/ComboBox.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/ComboBox.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 79f5de0..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/ComboBox.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
--- $Id: ComboBox.lua 60 2016-11-04 01:34:23Z diesal2010 $
-local DiesalGUI = LibStub('DiesalGUI-1.0')
--- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local DiesalTools = LibStub('DiesalTools-1.0')
-local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-1.0")
--- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
-local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
--- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local sub, format, lower, upper,gsub = string.sub, string.format, string.lower, string.upper, string.gsub
-local tsort = table.sort
--- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- ~~| ComboBox |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Type = 'ComboBox'
-local Version = 1
--- ~~| ComboBox Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Stylesheet = {
- ['frame-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- color = '000000',
- alpha = .7,
- },
- ['frame-inline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = '000000',
- alpha = .7,
- },
- ['frame-outline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = 'FFFFFF',
- alpha = .02,
- position = 1,
- },
- ['button-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- gradient = {'VERTICAL',Colors.UI_500_GR[1],Colors.UI_500_GR[2]},
- },
- ['button-outline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'ARTWORK',
- color = '000000',
- alpha = .9,
- },
- ['button-inline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- gradient = {'VERTICAL','FFFFFF','FFFFFF'},
- alpha = {.07,.02},
- position = -1,
- },
- ['button-hover'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'HIGHLIGHT',
- color = 'ffffff',
- alpha = .05,
- },
- ['button-arrow'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- image = {'DiesalGUIcons',{2,1,16,256,128}},
- alpha = .5,
- position = {nil,-4,-5,nil},
- height = 4,
- width = 5,
- },
- ['editBox-hover'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'HIGHLIGHT',
- color = 'ffffff',
- alpha = .1,
- position = {-1,0,-1,-1},
- },
- ['editBox-font'] = {
- type = 'Font',
- color = Colors.UI_TEXT,
- },
- ['dropdown-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- color = Colors.UI_100,
- alpha = .95,
- },
- ['dropdown-inline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = 'ffffff',
- alpha = .02,
- position = -1,
- },
- ['dropdown-shadow'] = {
- type = 'shadow',
- },
--- ~~| ComboBox Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function compare(a,b)
- return a.value < b.value
-local function sortList(list,orderedKeys)
- if orderedKeys then return orderedKeys end
- local sortedList = {}
- local orderedKeys = {}
- for key,value in pairs(list) do
- sortedList[#sortedList + 1] = {key=key,value=value}
- end
- tsort(sortedList,compare)
- for i,value in ipairs(sortedList) do
- orderedKeys[#orderedKeys + 1] = value.key
- end
- return orderedKeys
--- ~~| ComboBox Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local methods = {
- ['OnAcquire'] = function(self)
- self:ApplySettings()
- self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
- -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrameSheet)
- self:Show()
- end,
- ['OnRelease'] = function(self) end,
- ['ApplySettings'] = function(self)
- local settings = self.settings
- local content = self.content
- local frame = self.frame
- local children = self.children
- local dropdown = self.dropdown
- frame:SetWidth(settings.width)
- frame:SetHeight(settings.height)
- self.editBox:SetPoint('RIGHT',-settings.buttonWidth,0)
- self.button:SetWidth(settings.buttonWidth)
- -- dropdown
- content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",settings.dropdownPadding[1],-settings.dropdownPadding[3])
- content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",-settings.dropdownPadding[2],settings.dropdownPadding[4])
- local menuHeight = 0
- for i=1 , #children do
- menuHeight = menuHeight + children[i].frame:GetHeight()
- end
- dropdown:SetHeight(settings.dropdownPadding[3] + menuHeight + settings.dropdownPadding[4])
- end,
- ['SetList'] = function(self,list,orderedKeys)
- self:ReleaseChildren()
- self:SetText('')
- local settings = self.settings
- local orderedKeys = sortList(list,orderedKeys)
- settings.list = list
- for position, key in ipairs(orderedKeys) do
- local comboBoxItem = DiesalGUI:Create('ComboBoxItem')
- self:AddChild(comboBoxItem)
- comboBoxItem:SetParentObject(self)
- comboBoxItem:SetSettings({
- key = key,
- value = list[key],
- position = position,
- },true)
- end
- self:ApplySettings()
- end,
- ['SetValue'] = function(self,key)
- for i=1,#self.children do
- self.children[i]:SetSelected(false)
- end
- for i=1,#self.children do
- if self.children[i].settings.key == key then
- self.children[i]:SetSelected(true)
- self:SetText(self.children[i].settings.value)
- self.editBox:SetCursorPosition(0)
- break end
- end
- end,
- ['SetText'] = function(self,text)
- self.editBox:SetText(text)
- end,
- ['SetJustify'] = function(self,j)
- self.editBox:SetJustifyH(j)
- end,
- ['SetFocus'] = function(self)
- DiesalGUI:SetFocus(self)
- end,
- ['ClearFocus'] = function(self)
- self.dropdown:Hide()
- end,
- ['ClearSelection'] = function(self)
- for i=1,#self.children do
- self.children[i]:SetSelected(false)
- end
- self:SetText('')
- end,
--- ~~| ComboBox Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function Constructor()
- local self = DiesalGUI:CreateObjectBase(Type)
- local frame = CreateFrame('Frame',nil,UIParent)
- self.frame = frame
- -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- self.defaults = {
- width = 100,
- height = 16,
- buttonWidth = 16,
- dropdownPadding = {4,4,4,4},
- dropdownButtonWidth = 16,
- }
- -- ~~ Registered Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -- OnValueSelected, OnRenameValue
- -- OnEnter, OnLeave
- -- OnButtonClick, OnButtonEnter, OnButtonLeave
- -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- local editBox = self:CreateRegion("EditBox", 'editBox', frame)
- editBox:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
- editBox:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT")
- editBox:SetAutoFocus(false)
- editBox:SetJustifyH("RIGHT")
- editBox:SetJustifyV("CENTER")
- editBox:SetTextInsets(1,2,2,0)
- editBox:SetScript('OnEnterPressed', function(this)
- local text = this:GetText()
- DiesalGUI:ClearFocus()
- if text ~= self.settings.oldValue then self:FireEvent("OnRenameValue",self.settings.selectedKey,text) end
- end)
- editBox:HookScript('OnEscapePressed', function(this,...)
- this:SetText(self.settings.oldValue)
- end)
- editBox:HookScript('OnEditFocusGained', function(this)
- self.settings.oldValue = this:GetText()
- end)
- editBox:HookScript('OnEditFocusLost', function(this,...)
- self:SetText(self.settings.oldValue)
- end)
- editBox:SetScript("OnEnter",function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnEnter")
- end)
- editBox:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnLeave")
- end)
- local button = self:CreateRegion("Button", 'button', frame)
- button:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT')
- button:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT')
- button:SetScript("OnEnter",function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnButtonEnter")
- end)
- button:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnButtonLeave")
- end)
- button:SetScript("OnClick", function(this, button)
- self:FireEvent("OnButtonClick")
- local dropdown = self.dropdown
- local visible = dropdown:IsVisible()
- DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this,button)
- dropdown[visible and "Hide" or 'Show'](dropdown)
- end)
- local dropdown = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'dropdown', frame)
- dropdown:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
- dropdown:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT',frame,'BOTTOMRIGHT',0,-2)
- dropdown:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',frame,'BOTTOMLEFT',0,-2)
- dropdown:SetScript("OnShow", function(this) self:SetFocus() end)
- dropdown:Hide()
- self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'content', dropdown)
- -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- for method, func in pairs(methods) do self[method] = func end
- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- return self
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/ComboBoxItem.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/ComboBoxItem.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dd65f5..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/ComboBoxItem.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
--- $Id: ComboBoxItem.lua 60 2016-11-04 01:34:23Z diesal2010 $
-local DiesalGUI = LibStub('DiesalGUI-1.0')
--- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local DiesalTools = LibStub('DiesalTools-1.0')
-local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-1.0")
--- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
-local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
--- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- ~~| ComboBoxItem |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Type = 'ComboBoxItem'
-local Version = 2
--- ~~| ComboBoxItem Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Stylesheet = {
- ['frame-hover'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'HIGHLIGHT',
- color = 'b3d9ff',
- alpha = .05,
- },
--- ~~| ComboBoxItem Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- ~~| ComboBoxItem Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local methods = {
- ['OnAcquire'] = function(self)
- self:ApplySettings()
- self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
- -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrameSheet)
- self:Show()
- end,
- ['OnRelease'] = function(self)
- self.check:Hide()
- end,
- ['ApplySettings'] = function(self)
- if not self.settings.key then return end
- local settings = self.settings
- local comboBoxSettings = settings.parentObject.settings
- local text = self.text
- if settings.position == 1 then
- self:SetPoint('TOPLEFT')
- self:SetPoint('RIGHT')
- else
- self:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',settings.parentObject.children[settings.position-1].frame,'BOTTOMLEFT',0,0)
- self:SetPoint('RIGHT')
- end
- self:SetHeight(comboBoxSettings.dropdownButtonWidth)
- self:SetText(settings.value)
- end,
- ['SetText'] = function(self,text)
- self.text:SetText(text)
- end,
- ['OnClick'] = function(self)
- local settings = self.settings
- local comboBox = settings.parentObject
- local comboBoxSettings = comboBox.settings
- local comboBoxItems = comboBox.children
- for i=1,#comboBoxItems do
- comboBoxItems[i]:SetSelected(false)
- end
- self:SetSelected(true)
- comboBox.dropdown:Hide()
- comboBox:SetText(settings.value)
- comboBox:FireEvent("OnValueSelected",settings.key,settings.value)
- end,
- ['SetSelected'] = function(self,selected)
- if selected then
- self.settings.parentObject.settings.selectedKey = self.settings.key
- self.settings.selected = true
- self.check:Show()
- else
- self.settings.selected = false
- self.check:Hide()
- end
- end,
--- ~~| ComboBoxItem Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function Constructor()
- local self = DiesalGUI:CreateObjectBase(Type)
- local frame = CreateFrame('Button',nil,UIParent)
- self.frame = frame
- -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- self.defaults = { }
- -- ~~ Registered Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- frame:SetScript("OnClick", function(this,button) self:OnClick() end)
- frame:SetScript('OnEnter', function(this) end)
- frame:SetScript('OnLeave', function(this) end)
- local text = self:CreateRegion("FontString", 'text', frame)
- text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",12,-2)
- text:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",0,0)
- text:SetJustifyH("TOP")
- text:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
- text:SetWordWrap(false)
- local check = self:CreateRegion("Texture", 'check', frame)
- DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(check,{
- position = {2,nil,0,nil},
- height = 16,
- width = 16,
- image = {'DiesalGUIcons', {10,5,16,256,128},'FFFF00'},
- })
- check:Hide()
- -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- for method, func in pairs(methods) do self[method] = func end
- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- return self
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/DropDown.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/DropDown.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b93ce9c..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/DropDown.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
--- $Id: DropDown.lua 60 2016-11-04 01:34:23Z diesal2010 $
-local DiesalGUI = LibStub('DiesalGUI-1.0')
--- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local DiesalTools = LibStub('DiesalTools-1.0')
-local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-1.0")
--- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
-local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
--- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local tsort = table.sort
-local sub, format, lower, upper,gsub = string.sub, string.format, string.lower, string.upper, string.gsub
--- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- ~~| Dropdown |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Type = 'Dropdown'
-local Version = 2
--- ~~| Dropdown Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Stylesheet = {
- ['frame-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- gradient = {'VERTICAL',Colors.UI_400_GR[1],Colors.UI_400_GR[2]},
- },
- ['frame-outline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = '000000',
- },
- ['frame-inline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- gradient = {'VERTICAL','FFFFFF','FFFFFF'},
- alpha = {.07,.02},
- position = -1,
- },
- ['frame-hover'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'HIGHLIGHT',
- color = 'ffffff',
- alpha = .05,
- },
- ['frame-arrow'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- image = {'DiesalGUIcons',{2,1,16,256,128}},
- alpha = .5,
- position = {nil,-5,-7,nil},
- height = 3,
- width = 5,
- },
- ['text-color'] = {
- type = 'Font',
- color = Colors.UI_TEXT,
- },
- ['dropdown-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- color = Colors.UI_100,
- alpha = .95,
- },
- ['dropdown-inline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = 'ffffff',
- alpha = .02,
- position = -1,
- },
- ['dropdown-shadow'] = {
- type = 'shadow',
- },
--- ~~| Dropdown Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function compare(a,b)
- return a.value < b.value
-local function sortList(list,orderedKeys)
- if orderedKeys then return orderedKeys end
- local sortedList = {}
- local orderedKeys = {}
- for key,value in pairs(list) do
- sortedList[#sortedList + 1] = {key=key,value=value}
- end
- tsort(sortedList,compare)
- for i,value in ipairs(sortedList) do
- orderedKeys[#orderedKeys + 1] = value.key
- end
- return orderedKeys
--- ~~| Dropdown Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local methods = {
- ['OnAcquire'] = function(self)
- self:ApplySettings()
- self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
- -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrameSheet)
- self:Show()
- end,
- ['OnRelease'] = function(self)
- end,
- ['ApplySettings'] = function(self)
- local settings = self.settings
- local content = self.content
- local frame = self.frame
- local children = self.children
- local dropdown = self.dropdown
- frame:SetWidth(settings.width)
- frame:SetHeight(settings.height)
- content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",settings.dropdownPadLeft,-settings.dropdownPadTop)
- content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",-settings.dropdownPadRight,settings.dropdownPadBottom)
- local menuHeight = 0
- for i=1 , #children do
- menuHeight = menuHeight + children[i].frame:GetHeight()
- end
- dropdown:SetHeight(settings.dropdownPadTop + menuHeight + settings.dropdownPadBottom)
- end,
- ['SetList'] = function(self,list,orderedKeys)
- self:ReleaseChildren()
- self:SetText('')
- local settings = self.settings
- local orderedKeys = sortList(list,orderedKeys)
- settings.list = list
- for position, key in ipairs(orderedKeys) do
- local dropdownItem = DiesalGUI:Create('DropdownItem')
- self:AddChild(dropdownItem)
- dropdownItem:SetParentObject(self)
- dropdownItem:SetSettings({
- key = key,
- value = list[key],
- position = position,
- },true)
- end
- self:ApplySettings()
- end,
- ['SetValue'] = function(self,key)
- local selectionTable = {}
- local selectedKey, dropdownText, selectedValue
- if key ~='CLEAR' then
- if self.settings.multiSelect then
- for i=1,#self.children do
- if self.children[i].settings.key == key then selectedKey = key; self.children[i]:SetSelected(true) end
- if self.children[i].settings.selected then
- if dropdownText then
- dropdownText = format('%s, %s',dropdownText,self.children[i].settings.value)
- else
- dropdownText = self.children[i].settings.value
- end
- selectionTable[#selectionTable+1] = self.children[i].settings.key
- end
- end
- else
- for i=1,#self.children do
- self.children[i]:SetSelected(false)
- if self.children[i].settings.key == key then
- self.children[i]:SetSelected(true)
- dropdownText = self.children[i].settings.value
- selectionTable = {key}
- selectedKey = key
- selectedValue = value
- end
- end
- end
- else
- self:ClearSelection()
- end
- if selectedKey then
- self:SetText(dropdownText)
- self:FireEvent("OnValueChanged",selectedKey,selectedValue,selectionTable)
- else
- self:SetText('')
- self:FireEvent("OnValueChanged",selectedKey,selectedValue,selectionTable)
- end
- end,
- ['ClearSelection'] = function(self)
- for i=1,#self.children do
- self.children[i]:SetSelected(false)
- end
- self:SetText('')
- end,
- ['SetValueTable'] = function(self,keyTable)
- if not self.settings.multiSelect or type(keyTable) ~='table' then return end
- local dropdownItems = self.children
- local selectionTable = {}
- local selectedKey
- local dropdownText
- for i=1,#dropdownItems do
- local dropdownItem = dropdownItems[i]
- dropdownItem:SetSelected(false)
- for _,key in ipairs(keyTable) do
- if dropdownItem.settings.key == key then
- dropdownItem:SetSelected(true)
- if dropdownText then
- dropdownText = format('%s, %s',dropdownText,dropdownItem.settings.value)
- else
- dropdownText = dropdownItem.settings.value
- end
- selectionTable[#selectionTable+1] = dropdownItem.settings.key
- end
- end
- end
- self:FireEvent("OnValueChanged",nil,nil,selectionTable)
- self:SetText(dropdownText)
- end,
- ['SetMultiSelect'] = function(self,state)
- self.settings.multiSelect = state
- end,
- ['SetText'] = function(self,text)
- self.text:SetText(text)
- end,
- ['SetFocus'] = function(self)
- DiesalGUI:SetFocus(self)
- end,
- ['ClearFocus'] = function(self)
- self.dropdown:Hide()
- end,
- ['EnableMouse'] = function(self,state)
- self.frame:EnableMouse(state)
- end,
- ["RegisterForClicks"] = function(self,...)
- self.frame:RegisterForClicks(...)
- end,
- ['SetJustifyV'] = function(self,justify)
- self.text:SetJustifyV(justify)
- end,
- ['SetJustifyH'] = function(self,justify)
- self.text:SetJustifyH(justify)
- end,
--- ~~| Dropdown Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function Constructor()
- local self = DiesalGUI:CreateObjectBase(Type)
- local frame = CreateFrame('Button',nil,UIParent)
- self.frame = frame
- self.defaults = {
- dropdownPadLeft = 4,
- dropdownPadRight = 4,
- dropdownPadTop = 4,
- dropdownPadBottom = 4,
- itemHeight = 16,
- width = 100,
- height = 16,
- }
- -- ~~ Registered Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -- OnValueChanged(event,selectedKey,selectedValue,selectionTable)
- -- OnValueSelected(event,selectedKey,selectedValue,selectionTable)
- -- OnEnter, OnLeave
- -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- frame:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(this, button)
- if button == 'LeftButton' then
- local dropdown = self.dropdown
- local visible = dropdown:IsVisible()
- DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this,button)
- dropdown[visible and "Hide" or 'Show'](dropdown)
- end
- end)
- frame:SetScript("OnClick", function(this, ...)
- self:FireEvent("OnClick", ...)
- end)
- frame:SetScript("OnEnter",function(this,...)
- self:FireEvent("OnEnter",...)
- end)
- frame:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this,...)
- self:FireEvent("OnLeave",...)
- end)
- local text = self:CreateRegion("FontString", 'text', frame)
- text:ClearAllPoints()
- text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 4, -1)
- text:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -14, 1)
- text:SetJustifyV("MIDDLE")
- text:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
- local dropdown = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'dropdown', frame)
- dropdown:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
- dropdown:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT',frame,'BOTTOMRIGHT',0,-2)
- dropdown:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',frame,'BOTTOMLEFT',0,-2)
- dropdown:SetScript("OnShow", function(this) self:SetFocus() end)
- dropdown:Hide()
- self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'content', dropdown)
- -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- for method, func in pairs(methods) do self[method] = func end
- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- return self
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/DropDownItem.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/DropDownItem.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 3aceb55..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/DropDownItem.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
--- $Id: DropDownItem.lua 60 2016-11-04 01:34:23Z diesal2010 $
-local DiesalGUI = LibStub('DiesalGUI-1.0')
--- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local DiesalTools = LibStub('DiesalTools-1.0')
-local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-1.0")
--- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local sub, format, lower, upper,gsub = string.sub, string.format, string.lower, string.upper, string.gsub
--- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- ~~| DropdownItem |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Type = 'DropdownItem'
-local Version = 2
--- ~~| DropdownItem Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Stylesheet = {
- ['frame-hover'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'HIGHLIGHT',
- color = 'b3d9ff',
- alpha = .1,
- },
--- ~~| DropdownItem Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local methods = {
- ['OnAcquire'] = function(self)
- self:ApplySettings()
- self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
- -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrameSheet)
- self:Show()
- end,
- ['OnRelease'] = function(self)
- self.check:Hide()
- end,
- ['ApplySettings'] = function(self)
- if not self.settings.key then return end
- local settings = self.settings
- local dropdownSettings = settings.parentObject.settings
- local text = self.text
- if settings.position == 1 then
- self:SetPoint('TOPLEFT')
- self:SetPoint('RIGHT')
- else
- self:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',settings.parentObject.children[settings.position-1].frame,'BOTTOMLEFT',0,0)
- self:SetPoint('RIGHT')
- end
- self:SetHeight(dropdownSettings.itemHeight)
- self:SetText(settings.value)
- end,
- ['SetText'] = function(self,text)
- self.text:SetText(text)
- end,
- ['OnClick'] = function(self)
- local settings = self.settings
- local dropdown = settings.parentObject
- local dropdownSettings= dropdown.settings
- local dropdownItems = dropdown.children
- local selectionTable = {}
- local dropdownText
- if settings.key ~= 'CLEAR' then
- if dropdownSettings.multiSelect then
- self:SetSelected(not settings.selected)
- for i=1,#dropdownItems do
- if dropdownItems[i].settings.selected then
- if dropdownText then
- dropdownText = format('%s, %s',dropdownText,dropdownItems[i].settings.value)
- else
- dropdownText = dropdownItems[i].settings.value
- end
- selectionTable[#selectionTable+1] = dropdownItems[i].settings.key
- end
- end
- else
- for i=1,#dropdownItems do
- dropdownItems[i]:SetSelected(false)
- end
- self:SetSelected(true)
- dropdownText = settings.value
- selectionTable = {settings.key}
- dropdown.dropdown:Hide()
- end
- else
- dropdown.dropdown:Hide()
- dropdown:ClearSelection()
- end
- dropdown:SetText(dropdownText)
- dropdown:FireEvent("OnValueChanged",settings.key,settings.value,selectionTable)
- dropdown:FireEvent("OnValueSelected",settings.key,settings.value,selectionTable)
- end,
- ['SetSelected'] = function(self,selected)
- if selected then
- self.settings.selected = true
- self.check:Show()
- else
- self.settings.selected = false
- self.check:Hide()
- end
- end,
--- ~~| DropdownItem Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function Constructor()
- local self = DiesalGUI:CreateObjectBase(Type)
- local frame = CreateFrame('Button',nil,UIParent)
- self.frame = frame
- self.defaults = { }
- -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- frame:SetScript("OnClick", function(this,button) self:OnClick() end)
- frame:SetScript('OnEnter', function(this) end)
- frame:SetScript('OnLeave', function(this) end)
- local text = self:CreateRegion("FontString", 'text', frame)
- text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",12,-2)
- text:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",0,0)
- text:SetJustifyH("TOP")
- text:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
- text:SetWordWrap(false)
- local check = self:CreateRegion("Texture", 'check', frame)
- DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(check,{
- position = {2,nil,0,nil},
- height = 16,
- width = 16,
- image = {'DiesalGUIcons', {10,5,16,256,128},'FFFF00'},
- })
- check:Hide()
- -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- for method, func in pairs(methods) do self[method] = func end
- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- return self
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Input.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Input.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b4bb47..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Input.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
--- $Id: Input.lua 60 2016-11-04 01:34:23Z diesal2010 $
-local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-1.0")
--- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-1.0")
-local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-1.0")
--- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
-local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
--- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- | Input |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Type = "Input"
-local Version = 1
--- | Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Stylesheet = {
- ['frame-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- color = '000000',
- alpha = .6,
- },
- ['editBox-outline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = 'FFFFFF',
- alpha = .02,
- position = 1,
- },
- ['editBox-inline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = '000000',
- alpha = .7,
- },
- ['editBox-hover'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'HIGHLIGHT',
- color = 'ffffff',
- alpha = .05,
- position = -1,
- },
- ['editBox-font'] = {
- type = 'Font',
- color = Colors.UI_TEXT,
- },
--- ~~| Spinner Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local methods = {
- ['OnAcquire'] = function(self)
- self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
- self:ApplySettings()
- self:Show()
- end,
- ['OnRelease'] = function(self)
- end,
- ['ApplySettings'] = function(self)
- self:SetWidth( self.settings.width)
- self:SetHeight( self.settings.height)
- end,
- ['GetText'] = function(self)
- return self.editBox:GetText()
- end,
- ['SetText'] = function(self,txt)
- self.editBox:SetText(txt)
- end,
- ['SetTextColor'] = function(self,color,alpha)
- alpha = alpha or 1
- color = {DiesalTools.GetColor(color)}
- self.editBox:SetTextColor(color[1],color[2],color[3],alpha)
- end,
--- | Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function Constructor()
- local self = DiesalGUI:CreateObjectBase(Type)
- local frame = CreateFrame('Frame',nil,UIParent)
- self.frame = frame
- self.defaults = {
- height = 16,
- width = 50,
- mouse = true,
- }
- -- ~~ Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet
- -- OnEnter, OnLeave, OnEnterPressed, OnValueChanged
- -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- frame:SetScript("OnHide",function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnHide")
- end)
- local editBox = self:CreateRegion("EditBox", 'editBox', frame)
- editBox:SetAllPoints()
- editBox:SetAutoFocus(false)
- editBox:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
- editBox:SetJustifyV("CENTER")
- editBox:SetTextInsets(3,0,2,0)
- editBox:SetScript('OnEnterPressed', function(this,...)
- self:FireEvent("OnEnterPressed",...)
- DiesalGUI:ClearFocus()
- end)
- editBox:HookScript('OnEscapePressed', function(this,...)
- self:FireEvent("OnEscapePressed",...)
- end)
- editBox:HookScript('OnEditFocusLost', function(this,...)
- self:FireEvent("OnEditFocusLost",...)
- end)
- editBox:HookScript('OnEditFocusGained', function(this,...)
- self:FireEvent("OnEditFocusGained",...)
- end)
- editBox:SetScript("OnEnter",function(this,...)
- self:FireEvent("OnEnter",...)
- end)
- editBox:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this,...)
- self:FireEvent("OnLeave",...)
- end)
- -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- for method, func in pairs(methods) do self[method] = func end
- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- return self
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/QuickDoc.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/QuickDoc.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f36ac1..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/QuickDoc.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
--- $Id: QuickDoc.lua 60 2016-11-04 01:34:23Z diesal2010 $
--- | Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-1.0")
-local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-1.0")
-local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-1.0")
-local DiesalMenu = LibStub('DiesalMenu-1.0')
--- | Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local print, type, select, tostring, tonumber = print, type, select, tostring, tonumber
-local sub, format, match, lower = string.sub, string.format, string.match, string.lower
-local table_sort = table.sort
-local abs = math.abs
--- | WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- | TableExplorer |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local QuickDoc
-local Type = "QuickDoc"
-local Version = 1
--- | Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local windowStylesheet = {
- ['content-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- color = '131517',
- },
--- | Local |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local doc = {
- { type = 'section',
- margin = {0,0,0,0},
- padding = {0,0,0,0},
- style = {},
- { type = 'single-line', text = 'Editor',
- font = nil.
- fontSize = 14,
- text = 'Editor',
- },
- { type = 'columns', text = 'Editor',
- font = nil.
- fontSize = 14,
- text = 'Editor',
- },
- }
--- | Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local methods = {
- ['OnAcquire'] = function(self)
- self.settings = DiesalTools.TableCopy( self.defaults )
- self:ApplySettings()
- self:Show()
- end,
- ['OnRelease'] = function(self)
- self.tree:ReleaseChildren()
- end,
- ['ApplySettings'] = function(self)
- end,
- ['BuildDoc'] = function(self,doc)
- if #doc == 0 then error('BuildDoc(doc) doc requires atleast one section')
- local settings = self.settings
- -- reset
- self:ReleaseChildren()
- -- setup
- settings.doc = doc
- if #doc == 0 then
- tree:UpdateHeight()
- self.statusText:SetText('|cffff0000Table is empty.')
- return end
- -- sort tree table
- local sortedTable = sortTable(settings.exploredTable)
- -- build Tree Branches
- for position, key in ipairs(sortedTable) do
- if self.settings.endtime <= time() then self:Timeout() return end
- self:BuildBranch(self.tree,key[2],settings.exploredTable[key[2]],position,1,position == #sortedTable)
- end
- end,
- ['BuildSection'] = function(self,parent,key,value,position,depth,last)
- local tree = self.tree
- local leaf = type(value) ~= 'table' or next(value) == nil or depth >= self.settings.maxDepth
- local branch = DiesalGUI:Create('Branch')
- -- | Reset Branch |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- branch:ReleaseChildren()
- -- | setup Branch |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- branch:SetParentObject(parent)
- parent:AddChild(branch)
- branch:SetSettings({
- key = key,
- value = value,
- position = position,
- depth = depth,
- last = last,
- leaf = leaf,
- })
- branch:SetEventListener('OnClick',function(this,event,button)
- if button =='RightButton' then
- if not next(this.settings.menuData) then return end
- DiesalMenu:Menu(this.settings.menuData,this.frame,10,-10)
- end
- end)
- self:SetBranchLabel(branch,key,value,leaf)
- self:SetBranchMenu(branch,key,value)
- self:SetBranchIcon(branch,type(value))
- if value == tree or leaf then branch:ApplySettings() return end
- -- | sort Branch Table |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- local sortedTable = sortTable(value)
- -- | build Branch Branches |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- for position, key in ipairs(sortedTable) do
- if self.settings.endtime <= time() then self:Timeout() return end
- self:BuildBranch(branch,key[2],value[key[2]],position,depth+1,position == #sortedTable)
- end
- -- | Update Branch | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- branch:ApplySettings()
- end,
- ['Show'] = function(self)
- self.window:Show()
- end,
--- ~~| TableExplorer Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function Constructor()
- QuickDoc = DiesalGUI:CreateObjectBase(Type)
- -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- QuickDoc.defaults = {
- }
- -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- local window = DiesalGUI:Create('Window')
- window:SetSettings({
- header = false,
- footer = false,
- top = UIParent:GetHeight() - 100,
- left = 100,
- height = 300,
- width = 400,
- minWidth = 200,
- minHeight = 200,
- },true)
- window:SetStylesheet(windowStylesheet)
- -- ~~ Frames ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- QuickDoc.window = window
- QuickDoc.content = window.content
- QuickDoc.frame = window.frame
- -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- for method, func in pairs(methods) do QuickDoc[method] = func end
- -- ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- return QuickDoc
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/ScrollFrame.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/ScrollFrame.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 42e8696..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/ScrollFrame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
--- $Id: ScrollFrame.lua 60 2016-11-04 01:34:23Z diesal2010 $
-local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-1.0")
--- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-1.0")
-local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-1.0")
--- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
-local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
--- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local type, select, pairs, tonumber = type, select, pairs, tonumber
-local setmetatable, getmetatable, next = setmetatable, getmetatable, next
-local sub, format, lower, upper = string.sub, string.format, string.lower, string.upper
-local floor, ceil, min, max, abs, modf = math.floor, math.ceil, math.min, math.max, math.abs, math.modf
--- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local GetCursorPosition = GetCursorPosition
--- ~~| ScrollFrame |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Type = 'ScrollFrame'
-local Version = 3
--- ~~| ScrollFrame Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Stylesheet = {
- ['track-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- color = '000000',
- alpha = .3,
- },
- ['grip-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- color = Colors.UI_400,
- },
- ['grip-inline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = 'FFFFFF',
- alpha = .02,
- },
-local wireFrame = {
- ['frame-white'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'ffffff',
- },
- ['scrollFrameContainer-yellow'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'ffff00',
- },
- ['scrollFrame-orange'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'ff7f00',
- },
- ['scrollBar-blue'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = '0080ff',
- },
- ['track-green'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = '00ff00',
- },
- ['grip-purple'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'a800ff',
- },
--- ~~| ScrollFrame Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local internal
--- ~~| ScrollFrame Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local methods = {
- ['OnAcquire'] = function(self)
- self:ApplySettings()
- self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
- --self:SetStylesheet(wireFrame)
- self:Show()
- end,
- ['OnRelease'] = function(self)
- end,
- ['ApplySettings'] = function(self)
- local settings = self.settings
- local scrollFrame = self.scrollFrame
- scrollFrame:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',settings.contentPadding[1],-settings.contentPadding[3])
- scrollFrame:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT',-settings.contentPadding[2],settings.contentPadding[4])
- self.scrollBar:SetWidth(settings.scrollBarWidth)
- self.scrollBar:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT',-settings.scrollBarPadding[2],-settings.scrollBarPadding[3])
- self.scrollBar:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT',-settings.scrollBarPadding[2],settings.scrollBarPadding[4])
- if settings.scrollBarButtons then
- self.track:SetPoint('TOP',0,-settings.scrollBarButtonHeight)
- self.track:SetPoint('BOTTOM',0,settings.scrollBarButtonHeight)
- self.buttonDown:SetHeight(settings.scrollBarButtonHeight)
- self.buttonUp:SetHeight(settings.scrollBarButtonHeight)
- self.buttonUp:Show()
- self.buttonDown:Show()
- else
- self.track:SetPoint('TOP',0,0)
- self.track:SetPoint('BOTTOM',0,0)
- self.buttonUp:Hide()
- self.buttonDown:Hide()
- end
- self.content:SetHeight(settings.contentHeight)
- end,
- ['SetContentHeight'] = function(self,height)
- height = height < 1 and 1 or height -- height of 0 wont hide scrollbar
- self.settings.contentHeight = height
- self.content:SetHeight(height)
- end,
- ['SetGripSize'] = function(self)
- local contentSize = self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange() + self.scrollFrame:GetHeight()
- local windowSize = self.scrollFrame:GetHeight()
- local trackSize = self.track:GetHeight()
- local windowContentRatio = windowSize / contentSize
- local gripSize = DiesalTools.Round(trackSize * windowContentRatio)
- gripSize = max(gripSize, 10) -- might give this a setting?
- gripSize = min(gripSize, trackSize)
- self.grip:SetHeight(gripSize)
- end,
- ['SetScrollThumbPosition'] = function(self)
- local verticalScrollRange = self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange() -- windowScrollAreaSize (rounded no need to round)
- if verticalScrollRange < 1 then self.grip:SetPoint('TOP',0,0) return end
- local verticalScroll = self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScroll() -- windowPosition
- local trackSize = self.track:GetHeight()
- local gripSize = self.grip:GetHeight()
- local windowPositionRatio = verticalScroll / verticalScrollRange
- local trackScrollAreaSize = trackSize - gripSize
- local gripPositionOnTrack = DiesalTools.Round(trackScrollAreaSize * windowPositionRatio)
- self.grip:SetPoint('TOP',0,-gripPositionOnTrack)
- end,
- ['ShowScrollBar'] = function(self,show)
- if show then
- self.scrollFrameContainer:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT',-(self.settings.scrollBarWidth + self.settings.scrollBarPadding[1] + self.settings.scrollBarPadding[2]),0)
- self.scrollBar:Show()
- else
- self.scrollBar:Hide()
- self.scrollFrameContainer:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT',0,0)
- end
- end,
- ['ScrollToBottom'] = function(self)
- local scrollRange = self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange()
- if scrollRange > 0 and scrollRange ~= self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScroll() then
- self.scrollFrame:SetVerticalScroll(scrollRange)
- end
- end,
- ['SetVerticalScroll'] = function(self,num)
- self.scrollFrame:SetVerticalScroll(num)
- end,
- ['GetVerticalScroll'] = function(self)
- return self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScroll()
- end,
- ['GetVerticalScrollRange'] = function(self)
- return self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange()
- end,
- ['VerticallyScroll'] = function(self,num)
- if num < 0 then
- self.scrollFrame:SetVerticalScroll(max( self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScroll() + num, 0))
- else
- self.scrollFrame:SetVerticalScroll(min( self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScroll() + num, self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange()))
- end
- end,
--- ~~| ScrollFrame Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function Constructor()
- local self = DiesalGUI:CreateObjectBase(Type)
- local frame = CreateFrame('Frame',nil,UIParent)
- self.frame = frame
- -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- self.defaults = {
- height = 300,
- width = 500,
- scrollBarButtonHeight = 4,
- scrollBarWidth = 4,
- scrollBarButtons = false,
- scrollBarPadding = {0,0,0,0},
- contentPadding = {0,0,0,0},
- contentHeight = 1,
- }
- -- ~~ Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet
- -- OnHide
- -- ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- frame:SetScript("OnHide",function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnHide")
- end)
- local scrollFrameContainer = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'scrollFrameContainer', frame)
- scrollFrameContainer:SetAllPoints()
- local scrollFrame = self:CreateRegion("ScrollFrame", 'scrollFrame', scrollFrameContainer)
- scrollFrame:EnableMouseWheel(true)
- scrollFrame:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", function(this,delta)
- DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this,'MouseWheel')
- if delta > 0 then
- self:VerticallyScroll(-25)
- else
- self:VerticallyScroll(25)
- end
- end)
- scrollFrame:SetScript("OnVerticalScroll", function(this,offset)
- -- self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange() windowScrollAreaSize
- if this:GetVerticalScrollRange() < 1 then -- nothing to scroll
- self:ShowScrollBar(false)
- else
- self:ShowScrollBar(true)
- end
- self:SetScrollThumbPosition()
- end)
- scrollFrame:SetScript("OnScrollRangeChanged", function(this,horizontalScrollRange, verticalScrollRange)
- if verticalScrollRange < 1 then -- nothing to scroll
- this:SetVerticalScroll(0)
- self:ShowScrollBar(false)
- return end
- this:SetVerticalScroll(min(this:GetVerticalScroll(),verticalScrollRange))
- self:ShowScrollBar(true)
- self:SetGripSize()
- self:SetScrollThumbPosition()
- end)
- scrollFrame:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", function(this,width,height)
- self.content:SetWidth(width)
- end)
- scrollFrame:SetScrollChild(self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'content', scrollFrame))
- scrollFrame:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton")
- scrollFrame:SetScript( "OnDragStart", function(this,...)
- self:FireEvent("OnDragStart",...)
- end)
- local scrollBar = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'scrollBar', frame)
- scrollBar:Hide()
- local buttonUp = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'buttonUp', scrollBar)
- buttonUp:SetPoint('TOPLEFT')
- buttonUp:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT')
- local buttonDown = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'buttonDown', scrollBar)
- buttonDown:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT')
- buttonDown:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT')
- local track = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'track', scrollBar)
- track:SetPoint('LEFT')
- track:SetPoint('RIGHT')
- local grip = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'grip', track)
- grip:SetPoint('LEFT')
- grip:SetPoint('RIGHT')
- grip:SetPoint('TOP')
- grip:EnableMouse(true)
- grip:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function(this,button)
- DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this,button)
- if button ~= 'LeftButton' then return end
- local MouseY = select(2, GetCursorPosition()) / this:GetEffectiveScale()
- local effectiveScale = this:GetEffectiveScale()
- local trackScrollAreaSize = track:GetHeight() - this:GetHeight()
- local gripPositionOnTrack = abs(select(5,this:GetPoint(1)))
- this:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(this)
- local newGripPosition = gripPositionOnTrack + (MouseY - (select(2, GetCursorPosition()) / effectiveScale ))
- newGripPosition = min(max(newGripPosition,0),trackScrollAreaSize)
- -- local newGripPositionRatio = newGripPosition / trackScrollAreaSize
- -- local windowPosition = newGripPositionRatio * scrollArea:GetVerticalScrollRange()
- scrollFrame:SetVerticalScroll((newGripPosition / trackScrollAreaSize) * scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange())
- end)
- end)
- grip:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(this,button)
- this:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(this) end)
- end)
- -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- for method, func in pairs(methods) do self[method] = func end
- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- return self
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/ScrollingEditBox.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/ScrollingEditBox.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e11950..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/ScrollingEditBox.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
--- $Id: ScrollingEditBox.lua 60 2016-11-04 01:34:23Z diesal2010 $
-local DiesalGUI = LibStub('DiesalGUI-1.0')
--- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local DiesalTools = LibStub('DiesalTools-1.0')
-local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-1.0")
--- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
-local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
--- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local type, select, pairs, tonumber = type, select, pairs, tonumber
-local setmetatable, getmetatable, next = setmetatable, getmetatable, next
-local sub, format, lower, upper = string.sub, string.format, string.lower, string.upper
-local floor, ceil, min, max, abs, modf = math.floor, math.ceil, math.min, math.max, math.abs, math.modf
--- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local GetCursorPosition = GetCursorPosition
--- ~~| ScrollingEditBox |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Type = 'ScrollingEditBox'
-local Version = 3
--- ~~| ScrollingEditBox Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Stylesheet = {
- ['track-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- color = '000000',
- alpha = .3,
- },
- ['grip-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- color = Colors.UI_400,
- },
- ['grip-inline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = 'FFFFFF',
- alpha = .02,
- },
-local wireFrame = {
- ['frame-white'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'ffffff',
- },
- ['scrollFrameContainer-yellow'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- color = 'fffc00',
- },
- ['scrollFrame-orange'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = 'ffd400',
- },
- ['editBox-red'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'ARTWORK',
- color = 'ff0000',
- aplha = .5,
- },
- ['scrollBar-blue'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = '00aaff',
- },
- ['track-green'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = '55ff00',
- },
--- ~~| ScrollingEditBox Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- ~~| ScrollingEditBox Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local methods = {
- ['OnAcquire'] = function(self)
- self:ApplySettings()
- self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
- -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrame)
- self:Show()
- end,
- ['OnRelease'] = function(self) end,
- ['ApplySettings'] = function(self)
- local settings = self.settings
- self.scrollFrame:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',settings.contentPadding[1],-settings.contentPadding[3])
- self.scrollFrame:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT',-settings.contentPadding[2],settings.contentPadding[4])
- self.scrollBar:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT',0,-settings.contentPadding[3] + 1)
- self.scrollBar:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT',0,settings.contentPadding[4] - 1)
- self.scrollBar:SetWidth(settings.scrollBarWidth)
- self.buttonDown:SetHeight(settings.scrollBarButtonHeight)
- self.buttonUp:SetHeight(settings.scrollBarButtonHeight)
- self.editBox:SetJustifyH(settings.justifyH)
- self.editBox:SetJustifyV(settings.justifyV)
- end,
- ['ShowScrollBar'] = function(self,show)
- if show then
- self.scrollFrameContainer:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT',-(self.settings.scrollBarWidth + 1),0)
- self.scrollBar:Show()
- else
- self.scrollBar:Hide()
- self.scrollFrameContainer:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT',0,0)
- end
- end,
- ['SetContentHeight'] = function(self,height)
- self.settings.contentHeight = height
- self.content:SetHeight(height)
- end,
- ['SetGripSize'] = function(self)
- local contentSize = self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange() + self.scrollFrame:GetHeight()
- local windowSize = self.scrollFrame:GetHeight()
- local trackSize = self.track:GetHeight()
- local windowContentRatio = windowSize / contentSize
- local gripSize = DiesalTools.Round(trackSize * windowContentRatio)
- gripSize = max(gripSize, 10) -- might give this a setting?
- gripSize = min(gripSize, trackSize)
- self.grip:SetHeight(gripSize)
- end,
- ['SetScrollThumbPosition'] = function(self)
- local verticalScrollRange = self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange() -- windowScrollAreaSize (rounded no need to round)
- if verticalScrollRange < 1 then self.grip:SetPoint('TOP',0,0) return end
- local verticalScroll = self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScroll() -- windowPosition
- local trackSize = self.track:GetHeight()
- local gripSize = self.grip:GetHeight()
- local windowPositionRatio = verticalScroll / verticalScrollRange
- local trackScrollAreaSize = trackSize - gripSize
- local gripPositionOnTrack = DiesalTools.Round(trackScrollAreaSize * windowPositionRatio)
- self.grip:SetPoint('TOP',0,-gripPositionOnTrack)
- end,
- ['SetVerticalScroll'] = function(self,scroll) -- user scrolled only
- self.settings.forceScrollBottom = DiesalTools.Round(scroll) == DiesalTools.Round(self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange())
- self.scrollFrame:SetVerticalScroll(scroll)
- end,
- ['SetText'] = function(self,txt)
- self.settings.text = txt
- self.editBox:SetText(txt or '')
- end,
--- ~~| ScrollingEditBox Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function Constructor()
- local self = DiesalGUI:CreateObjectBase(Type)
- local frame = CreateFrame('Frame',nil,UIParent)
- self.frame = frame
- -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- self.defaults = {
- scrollBarButtonHeight = 1,
- scrollBarWidth = 4,
- contentPadding = {0,0,0,0},
- justifyH = "LEFT",
- justifyV = "TOP",
- forceScrollBottom = true,
- }
- -- ~~ Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet
- -- OnHide
- -- ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- frame:SetScript("OnHide",function(this) self:FireEvent("OnHide") end)
- local scrollFrameContainer = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'scrollFrameContainer', frame)
- scrollFrameContainer:SetAllPoints()
- local scrollFrame = self:CreateRegion("ScrollFrame", 'scrollFrame', scrollFrameContainer)
- scrollFrame:EnableMouseWheel(true)
- scrollFrame:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", function(this,delta)
- DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this,'MouseWheel')
- if delta > 0 then
- self:SetVerticalScroll(max( this:GetVerticalScroll() - 50, 0))
- else
- self:SetVerticalScroll(min( this:GetVerticalScroll() + 50, this:GetVerticalScrollRange()))
- end
- end)
- scrollFrame:SetScript("OnVerticalScroll", function(this,offset)
- -- self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange() windowScrollAreaSize
- if this:GetVerticalScrollRange() < 1 then -- nothing to scroll
- self:ShowScrollBar(false)
- else
- self:ShowScrollBar(true)
- end
- self:SetScrollThumbPosition()
- end)
- scrollFrame:SetScript("OnScrollRangeChanged", function(this,xOffset, verticalScrollRange)
- if verticalScrollRange < 1 then -- nothing to scroll
- this:SetVerticalScroll(0)
- self:ShowScrollBar(false)
- return end
- if self.settings.forceScrollBottom then
- this:SetVerticalScroll(verticalScrollRange)
- else
- this:SetVerticalScroll(min(this:GetVerticalScroll(),verticalScrollRange))
- end
- self:ShowScrollBar(true)
- self:SetGripSize()
- self:SetScrollThumbPosition()
- end)
- scrollFrame:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", function(this,width,height)
- self.editBox:SetWidth(width)
- end)
- local editBox = self:CreateRegion("EditBox", 'editBox', scrollFrame)
- editBox:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
- editBox:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
- editBox:SetAutoFocus(false)
- editBox:SetMultiLine(true)
- editBox:HookScript('OnEditFocusLost',function(this)
- this:HighlightText(0,0)
- -- this:SetText(self.settings.text)
- end)
- editBox:HookScript('OnEditFocusGained',function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnEditFocusGained")
- end)
- editBox:HookScript('OnEscapePressed',function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnEscapePressed")
- end)
- editBox:HookScript('OnTabPressed',function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnTabPressed")
- end)
- editBox:HookScript('OnCursorChanged',function(this,...)
- self:FireEvent("OnCursorChanged",...)
- end)
- editBox:HookScript('OnTextChanged',function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnTextChanged")
- end)
- scrollFrame:SetScrollChild(editBox)
- local scrollBar = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'scrollBar', frame)
- scrollBar:Hide()
- local buttonUp = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'buttonUp', scrollBar)
- buttonUp:SetPoint('TOPLEFT')
- buttonUp:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT')
- local buttonDown = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'buttonDown', scrollBar)
- buttonDown:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT')
- buttonDown:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT')
- local track = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'track', scrollBar)
- track:SetPoint('LEFT')
- track:SetPoint('RIGHT')
- track:SetPoint('TOP',buttonUp,'BOTTOM',0,0)
- track:SetPoint('BOTTOM',buttonDown,'TOP',0,0)
- local grip = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'grip', track)
- grip:SetPoint('LEFT')
- grip:SetPoint('RIGHT')
- grip:SetPoint('TOP')
- grip:EnableMouse(true)
- grip:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function(this,button)
- DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this,button)
- if button ~= 'LeftButton' then return end
- local MouseY = select(2, GetCursorPosition()) / this:GetEffectiveScale()
- local effectiveScale = this:GetEffectiveScale()
- local trackScrollAreaSize = track:GetHeight() - this:GetHeight()
- local gripPositionOnTrack = abs(select(5,this:GetPoint(1)))
- this:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(this)
- local newGripPosition = gripPositionOnTrack + (MouseY - (select(2, GetCursorPosition()) / effectiveScale ))
- newGripPosition = min(max(newGripPosition,0),trackScrollAreaSize)
- -- local newGripPositionRatio = newGripPosition / trackScrollAreaSize
- -- local windowPosition = newGripPositionRatio * scrollArea:GetVerticalScrollRange()
- self:SetVerticalScroll((newGripPosition / trackScrollAreaSize) * scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange())
- end)
- end)
- grip:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(this,button)
- this:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(this) end)
- end)
- -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- for method, func in pairs(methods) do self[method] = func end
- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- return self
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/ScrollingMessageFrame.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/ScrollingMessageFrame.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c79d85..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/ScrollingMessageFrame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
--- $Id: ScrollingMessageFrame.lua 60 2016-11-04 01:34:23Z diesal2010 $
-local DiesalGUI = LibStub('DiesalGUI-1.0')
--- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local DiesalTools = LibStub('DiesalTools-1.0')
--- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local type, select, pairs, tonumber = type, select, pairs, tonumber
-local setmetatable, getmetatable, next = setmetatable, getmetatable, next
-local sub, format, lower, upper = string.sub, string.format, string.lower, string.upper
-local floor, ceil, min, max, abs, modf = math.floor, math.ceil, math.min, math.max, math.abs, math.modf
--- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local GetCursorPosition = GetCursorPosition
--- ~~| ScrollingMessageFrame |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Type = 'ScrollingMessageFrame'
-local Version = 1
--- ~~| ScrollingMessageFrame Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Stylesheet = {
- ['track-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- color = '0e0e0e',
- },
- ['track-outline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = '060606',
- },
- ['grip-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- gradient = 'HORIZONTAL',
- color = '5d5d5d',
- colorEnd = '252525',
- },
- ['grip-outline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = '060606',
- },
-local wireFrame = {
- ['frame-white'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'ffffff',
- },
- ['scrollFrameContainer-yellow'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'fffc00',
- },
- ['scrollFrame-orange'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'ffd400',
- },
- ['scrollingMessageFrame-red'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = 'ff0000',
- aplha = .5,
- },
- ['scrollBar-blue'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = '00aaff',
- },
- ['track-green'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = '55ff00',
- },
--- ~~| ScrollingMessageFrame Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- ~~| ScrollingMessageFrame Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local methods = {
- ['OnAcquire'] = function(self)
- self:ApplySettings()
- self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrame)
- self:Show()
- end,
- ['OnRelease'] = function(self)
- end,
- ['ApplySettings'] = function(self)
- local settings = self.settings
- local scrollFrame = self.scrollFrame
- scrollFrame:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',settings.contentPadLeft,-settings.contentPadTop)
- scrollFrame:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT',-settings.contentPadRight,settings.contentPadBottom)
- self.scrollBar:SetWidth(settings.scrollBarWidth)
- self.buttonDown:SetHeight(settings.scrollBarButtonHeight)
- self.buttonUp:SetHeight(settings.scrollBarButtonHeight)
- end,
- ['ShowScrollBar'] = function(self,show)
- if show then
- self.scrollFrameContainer:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT',-(self.settings.scrollBarWidth + 1),0)
- self.scrollBar:Show()
- else
- self.scrollBar:Hide()
- self.scrollFrameContainer:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT',0,0)
- end
- end,
- ['SetContentHeight'] = function(self,height)
- self.settings.contentHeight = height
- self.content:SetHeight(height)
- end,
- ['SetGripSize'] = function(self)
- local contentSize = self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange() + self.scrollFrame:GetHeight()
- local windowSize = self.scrollFrame:GetHeight()
- local trackSize = self.track:GetHeight()
- local windowContentRatio = windowSize / contentSize
- local gripSize = DiesalTools.Round(trackSize * windowContentRatio)
- gripSize = max(gripSize, 10) -- might give this a setting?
- gripSize = min(gripSize, trackSize)
- self.grip:SetHeight(gripSize)
- end,
- ['SetScrollThumbPosition'] = function(self)
- local verticalScrollRange = self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange() -- windowScrollAreaSize (rounded no need to round)
- if verticalScrollRange < 1 then self.grip:SetPoint('TOP',0,0) return end
- local verticalScroll = self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScroll() -- windowPosition
- local trackSize = self.track:GetHeight()
- local gripSize = self.grip:GetHeight()
- local windowPositionRatio = verticalScroll / verticalScrollRange
- local trackScrollAreaSize = trackSize - gripSize
- local gripPositionOnTrack = DiesalTools.Round(trackScrollAreaSize * windowPositionRatio)
- self.grip:SetPoint('TOP',0,-gripPositionOnTrack)
- end,
- ['SetVerticalScroll'] = function(self,scroll) -- user scrolled only
- self.settings.forceScrollBottom = DiesalTools.Round(scroll) == DiesalTools.Round(self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange())
- self.scrollFrame:SetVerticalScroll(scroll)
- end,
- ['AddMessage'] = function(self,msg)
- if not msg then return end
- self.scrollingMessageFrame:AddMessage(msg)
- ChatFrame1:AddMessage(self.scrollingMessageFrame:GetNumRegions() )
- end,
- ['SetText'] = function(self,txt)
- -- self.editBox:SetText(txt or '')
- end,
--- ~~| ScrollingMessageFrame Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function Constructor()
- local self = DiesalGUI:CreateObjectBase(Type)
- local frame = CreateFrame('Frame',nil,UIParent)
- self.frame = frame
- -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- self.defaults = {
- scrollBarButtonHeight = 1,
- scrollBarWidth = 6,
- contentPadLeft = 0,
- contentPadRight = 0,
- contentPadTop = 0,
- contentPadBottom = 0,
- forceScrollBottom = true,
- }
- -- ~~ Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet
- -- OnHide
- -- ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- frame:SetScript("OnHide",function(this) self:FireEvent("OnHide") end)
- local scrollFrameContainer = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'scrollFrameContainer', frame)
- scrollFrameContainer:SetAllPoints()
- local scrollFrame = self:CreateRegion("ScrollFrame", 'scrollFrame', scrollFrameContainer)
- scrollFrame:EnableMouseWheel(true)
- scrollFrame:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", function(this,delta)
- DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this,'MouseWheel')
- if delta > 0 then
- self:SetVerticalScroll(max( this:GetVerticalScroll() - 50, 0))
- else
- self:SetVerticalScroll(min( this:GetVerticalScroll() + 50, this:GetVerticalScrollRange()))
- end
- end)
- scrollFrame:SetScript("OnVerticalScroll", function(this,offset)
- -- self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange() windowScrollAreaSize
- if this:GetVerticalScrollRange() < 1 then -- nothing to scroll
- self:ShowScrollBar(false)
- else
- self:ShowScrollBar(true)
- end
- self:SetScrollThumbPosition()
- end)
- scrollFrame:SetScript("OnScrollRangeChanged", function(this,xOffset, verticalScrollRange)
- if verticalScrollRange < 1 then -- nothing to scroll
- this:SetVerticalScroll(0)
- self:ShowScrollBar(false)
- return end
- if self.settings.forceScrollBottom then
- this:SetVerticalScroll(verticalScrollRange)
- else
- this:SetVerticalScroll(min(this:GetVerticalScroll(),verticalScrollRange))
- end
- self:ShowScrollBar(true)
- self:SetGripSize()
- self:SetScrollThumbPosition()
- end)
- scrollFrame:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", function(this,width,height)
- self.scrollingMessageFrame:SetWidth(width)
- end)
- local scrollingMessageFrame = self:CreateRegion("ScrollingMessageFrame", 'scrollingMessageFrame', scrollFrame)
- scrollingMessageFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
- scrollingMessageFrame:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
- scrollingMessageFrame:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
- scrollingMessageFrame:SetJustifyV("TOP")
- scrollingMessageFrame:SetInsertMode("BOTTOM")
- scrollingMessageFrame:SetMaxLines(500)
- scrollingMessageFrame:SetHeight(500)
- scrollingMessageFrame:SetFading(false)
- scrollFrame:SetScrollChild(scrollingMessageFrame)
- local scrollBar = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'scrollBar', frame)
- scrollBar:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT')
- scrollBar:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT')
- scrollBar:Hide()
- local buttonUp = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'buttonUp', scrollBar)
- buttonUp:SetPoint('TOPLEFT')
- buttonUp:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT')
- local buttonDown = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'buttonDown', scrollBar)
- buttonDown:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT')
- buttonDown:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT')
- local track = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'track', scrollBar)
- track:SetPoint('LEFT')
- track:SetPoint('RIGHT')
- track:SetPoint('TOP',buttonUp,'BOTTOM',0,0)
- track:SetPoint('BOTTOM',buttonDown,'TOP',0,0)
- local grip = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'grip', track)
- grip:SetPoint('LEFT')
- grip:SetPoint('RIGHT')
- grip:SetPoint('TOP')
- grip:EnableMouse(true)
- grip:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function(this,button)
- DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this,button)
- if button ~= 'LeftButton' then return end
- local MouseY = select(2, GetCursorPosition()) / this:GetEffectiveScale()
- local effectiveScale = this:GetEffectiveScale()
- local trackScrollAreaSize = track:GetHeight() - this:GetHeight()
- local gripPositionOnTrack = abs(select(5,this:GetPoint(1)))
- this:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(this)
- local newGripPosition = gripPositionOnTrack + (MouseY - (select(2, GetCursorPosition()) / effectiveScale ))
- newGripPosition = min(max(newGripPosition,0),trackScrollAreaSize)
- -- local newGripPositionRatio = newGripPosition / trackScrollAreaSize
- -- local windowPosition = newGripPositionRatio * scrollArea:GetVerticalScrollRange()
- self:SetVerticalScroll((newGripPosition / trackScrollAreaSize) * scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange())
- end)
- end)
- grip:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(this,button)
- this:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(this) end)
- end)
- -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- for method, func in pairs(methods) do self[method] = func end
- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- return self
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Spinner.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Spinner.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d72119..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Spinner.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
- -- $Id: Spinner.lua 60 2016-11-04 01:34:23Z diesal2010 $
-local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-1.0")
--- | Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-1.0")
-local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-1.0")
--- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
-local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
-local round = DiesalTools.Round
--- | Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local type, tonumber, select = type, tonumber, select
-local pairs, ipairs, next = pairs, ipairs, next
-local min, max = math.min, math.max
--- | WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- | Spinner |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Type = "Spinner"
-local Version = 3
--- | Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Stylesheet = {
- ['frame-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- color = '000000',
- alpha = .6,
- },
- ['frame-inline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = '000000',
- alpha = .6,
- },
- ['frame-outline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = 'FFFFFF',
- alpha = .02,
- position = 1,
- },
- ['frame-hover'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'HIGHLIGHT',
- color = 'FFFFFF',
- alpha = .25,
- position = -1,
- },
- ['editBox-font'] = {
- type = 'Font',
- color = Colors.UI_TEXT,
- },
- ['bar-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- gradient = {'VERTICAL',Colors.UI_A100,ShadeColor(Colors.UI_A100,.1)},
- },
- ['bar-inline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- gradient = {'VERTICAL','FFFFFF','FFFFFF'},
- alpha = {.07,.02},
- },
- ['bar-outline'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'ARTWORK',
- color = '000000',
- alpha = .7,
- width = 1,
- position = {nil,1,0,0},
- },
-local wireFrame = {
- ['frame-white'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'ffffff',
- },
- ['editBox-purple'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'aa00ff',
- },
- ['buttonUp-yellow'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'fffc00',
- },
- ['buttonDown-orange'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'ffd400',
- },
- ['bar-green'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = '55ff00',
- },
--- | Internal Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function processNumber(self, number)
- local settings = self.settings
- local number, oldNumber = tonumber(number), self:GetNumber()
- if not number then
- number = oldNumber or settings.min
- else
- number = max(min(number,settings.max),settings.min)
- end
- settings.number = number
- self.editBox:SetText( (settings.prefix or '')..number..(settings.suffix or '') )
- self.editBox:HighlightText(0,0) -- clear any selcted text
- self.editBox:SetCursorPosition(0)
- self:UpdateBar()
- if number ~= oldNumber then return number end
--- | Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local methods = {
- ['OnAcquire'] = function(self)
- self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
- -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrame)
- self:ApplySettings()
- self:Show()
- end,
- ['OnRelease'] = function(self) end,
- ['ApplySettings'] = function(self)
- local settings = self.settings
- local frame = self.frame
- local buttonUp = self.buttonUp
- local buttonDown = self.buttonDown
- local editBox = self.editBox
- local buttonsWidth = settings.buttons and settings.buttonsWidth or 0
- local buttonHeight = round(settings.height / 2)
- -- Apply Settings
- self:SetWidth(settings.width)
- self:SetHeight(settings.height)
- editBox:EnableMouse(settings.mouse)
- editBox:EnableMouseWheel(settings.mouseWheel)
- editBox:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT',-buttonsWidth,0)
- buttonUp[settings.buttons and "Show" or "Hide"](buttonUp)
- buttonUp:EnableMouse(settings.mouse)
- buttonUp:SetHeight(buttonHeight)
- buttonUp:SetWidth(buttonsWidth)
- buttonDown[settings.buttons and "Show" or "Hide"](buttonDown)
- buttonDown:EnableMouse(settings.mouse)
- buttonDown:SetHeight(buttonHeight)
- buttonDown:SetWidth(buttonsWidth)
- self:UpdateBar()
- end,
- ['EnableMouse'] = function(self,enable)
- self.settings.mouse = enable
- self.buttonUp:EnableMouse(enable)
- self.buttonDown:EnableMouse(enable)
- self.editBox:EnableMouse(enable)
- self.editBox:EnableMouseWheel(enable)
- end,
- ['GetNumber'] = function(self)
- return self.settings.number
- end,
- ['SetNumber'] = function(self,number)
- local newNumber = processNumber(self, number)
- if newNumber then self:FireEvent("OnValueChanged",false,newNumber) end
- end,
- ['SetPrefix'] = function(self,prefix)
- self.settings.prefix = prefix
- processNumber(self, self.settings.number)
- end,
- ['SetSuffix'] = function(self,suffix)
- self.settings.suffix = suffix
- processNumber(self, self.settings.number)
- end,
- ['OnSpin'] = function(self,delta)
- local step = IsShiftKeyDown() and self.settings.shiftStep or self.settings.step
- local oldNumber = self.settings.number
- local newNumber
- if delta > 0 then
- newNumber = processNumber(self, round(oldNumber,step)+step)
- else
- newNumber = processNumber(self, round(oldNumber,step)-step)
- end
- if newNumber then self:FireEvent("OnValueChanged",true,newNumber) end
- end,
- ['UpdateBar'] = function(self)
- if not self.settings.bar then return end
- local settings = self.settings
- local barWidth = self:GetWidth() - (settings.buttons and settings.buttonsWidth or 0) - 2 -- bar padding
- local number = settings.number or settings.min
- local width = round(((number - settings.min) / (settings.max - settings.min) * barWidth ))
- if width == 0 then
- self.bar:Hide()
- else
- self.bar:Show()
- self.bar:SetWidth(width)
- end
- end,
- ['SetTextColor'] = function(self,color,alpha)
- alpha = alpha or 1
- color = {DiesalTools.GetColor(color)}
- self.editBox:SetTextColor(color[1],color[2],color[3],alpha)
- end,
--- | Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function Constructor()
- local self = DiesalGUI:CreateObjectBase(Type)
- local frame = CreateFrame('Frame',nil,UIParent)
- self.frame = frame
- -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- self.defaults = {
- height = 16,
- width = 29,
- mouse = true,
- mouseWheel = true,
- buttons = false,
- buttonsWidth= 8,
- bar = true,
- min = 0,
- max = 100,
- step = 5,
- shiftStep = 1,
- }
- -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- frame:SetScript("OnHide",function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnHide")
- end)
- frame:SetScript('OnSizeChanged', function() self:UpdateBar() end )
- local editBox = self:CreateRegion("EditBox", 'editBox', frame)
- editBox:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
- editBox:SetAutoFocus(false)
- editBox:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
- editBox:SetJustifyV("CENTER")
- editBox:SetTextInsets(1,0,2,0)
- editBox:SetText(self.defaults.min)
- editBox:SetScript('OnEnterPressed', function(this,...)
- local number = this:GetNumber() or self.settings.number -- if entered text or nothing revert to old value
- local newNumber = processNumber(self, number)
- if newNumber then self:FireEvent("OnValueChanged",true,newNumber)end
- self:FireEvent("OnEnterPressed",...)
- DiesalGUI:ClearFocus()
- end)
- editBox:HookScript('OnEditFocusLost', function(this,...)
- processNumber(self, self.settings.number)
- end)
- editBox:HookScript('OnEditFocusGained', function(this)
- this:SetText( self.settings.number )
- this:HighlightText()
- end)
- editBox:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", function(this,delta)
- DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this,'MouseWheel')
- self:OnSpin(delta)
- end)
- editBox:SetScript("OnEnter",function(this,...)
- self:FireEvent("OnEnter",...)
- end)
- editBox:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this,...)
- self:FireEvent("OnLeave",...)
- end)
- local bar = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'bar', frame)
- bar:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',1,-1)
- bar:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT',-1,1)
- local buttonUp = self:CreateRegion("Button", 'buttonUp', frame)
- buttonUp:SetPoint('TOP',0,0)
- buttonUp:SetPoint('RIGHT')
- buttonUp:SetScript("OnClick", function(this)
- DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this,button)
- PlaySound("gsTitleOptionExit")
- self:OnSpin(1)
- end)
- local buttonDown = self:CreateRegion("Button", 'buttonDown', frame)
- buttonDown:SetPoint('BOTTOM',0,0)
- buttonDown:SetPoint('RIGHT')
- buttonDown:SetScript("OnClick", function(this)
- DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this,button)
- PlaySound("gsTitleOptionExit")
- self:OnSpin(-1)
- end)
- -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- for method, func in pairs(methods) do self[method] = func end
- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- return self
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Toggle.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Toggle.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c86127..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Toggle.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
--- $Id: Toggle.lua 60 2018-09-22 08:28:01Z DarkRotations $
-local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-1.0")
--- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-1.0")
-local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-1.0")
--- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
-local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
--- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local type, tonumber, select = type, tonumber, select
-local pairs, ipairs, next = pairs, ipairs, next
-local min, max = math.min, math.max
--- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local CreateFrame, UIParent, GetCursorPosition = CreateFrame, UIParent, GetCursorPosition
-local GetScreenWidth, GetScreenHeight = GetScreenWidth, GetScreenHeight
-local GetSpellInfo, GetBonusBarOffset, GetDodgeChance = GetSpellInfo, GetBonusBarOffset, GetDodgeChance
-local GetPrimaryTalentTree, GetCombatRatingBonus = GetPrimaryTalentTree, GetCombatRatingBonus
--- ~~| Button |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local TYPE = "Toggle"
-local VERSION = 1
--- ~~| Button Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Stylesheet = {
- ['frame-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- color = '333333',
- alpha = .95,
- position = -2
- },
- ['frame-inline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = '000000',
- alpha = .6,
- position = -2
- },
- ['frame-outline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = 'FFFFFF',
- alpha = .1,
- position = -1,
- },
-local checkBoxStyle = {
- base = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'ARTWORK',
- color = '00FF00',
- position = -3,
- },
- disabled = {
- type = 'texture',
- color = '00FFFF',
- },
- enabled = {
- type = 'texture',
- color = Colors.UI_A400,
- },
-local wireFrame = {
- ['frame-white'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'ffffff',
- },
--- ~~| Button Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local methods = {
- ['OnAcquire'] = function(self)
- self:ApplySettings()
- self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
- self:Enable()
- -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrameSheet)
- self.fontString:SetFontObject("DiesalFontNormal")
- self.fontString:SetText()
- self:Show()
- end,
- ['OnRelease'] = function(self) end,
- ['ApplySettings'] = function(self)
- local settings = self.settings
- local frame = self.frame
- self:SetWidth(settings.width)
- self:SetHeight(settings.height)
- end,
- ["SetChecked"] = function(self,value)
- self.settings.checked = value
- self.frame:SetChecked(value)
- self[self.settings.disabled and "Disable" or "Enable"](self)
- end,
- ["GetChecked"] = function(self)
- return self.settings.checked
- end,
- ["Disable"] = function(self)
- self.settings.disabled = true
- DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(self.check,self.checkBoxStyle and self.checkBoxStyle.disabled or checkBoxStyle.disabled)
- self.frame:Disable()
- end,
- ["Enable"] = function(self)
- self.settings.disabled = false
- DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(self.check,self.checkBoxStyle and self.checkBoxStyle.enabled or checkBoxStyle.enabled)
- self.frame:Enable()
- end,
- ["RegisterForClicks"] = function(self,...)
- self.frame:RegisterForClicks(...)
- end,
- ["SetText"] = function(self, text)
- self.fontString:SetText(text)
- end,
--- ~~| Button Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function Constructor()
- local self = DiesalGUI:CreateObjectBase(TYPE)
- local frame = CreateFrame('CheckButton', nil, UIParent)
- local fontString = frame:CreateFontString()
- self.frame = frame
- self.fontString = fontString
- -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- self.defaults = {
- height = 11,
- width = 11,
- }
- -- ~~ Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet
- -- OnValueChanged, OnEnter, OnLeave, OnDisable, OnEnable
- -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- local check = self:CreateRegion("Texture", 'check', frame)
- self.check = check
- DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(check,self.checkBoxStyle and self.checkBoxStyle.base or checkBoxStyle.base)
- frame:SetCheckedTexture(check)
- frame:SetScript('OnClick', function(this,button,...)
- DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this,button)
- if not self.settings.disabled then
- self:SetChecked(not self.settings.checked)
- if self.settings.checked then
- ----PlaySound("igMainMenuOptionCheckBoxOn")
- else
- ----PlaySound("igMainMenuOptionCheckBoxOff")
- end
- self:FireEvent("OnValueChanged", self.settings.checked)
- end
- end)
- frame:SetScript('OnEnter', function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnEnter")
- end)
- frame:SetScript('OnLeave', function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnLeave")
- end)
- frame:SetScript("OnDisable", function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnDisable")
- end)
- frame:SetScript("OnEnable", function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnEnable")
- end)
- fontString:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", check, "TOPRIGHT", 5, 2)
- -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- for method, func in pairs(methods) do self[method] = func end
- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- return self
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Tree.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Tree.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 9eafdeb..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Tree.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
--- $Id: Tree.lua 60 2016-11-04 01:34:23Z diesal2010 $
--- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-1.0")
-local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-1.0")
--- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local sub, format, match, lower = string.sub, string.format, string.match, string.lower
-local tsort = table.sort
--- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- ~~| Tree |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Type = "Tree"
-local Version = 4
--- ~~| Tree Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Stylesheet = {
- ['content-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- color = 'ffffff',
- alpha = .01,
- },
--- ~~| Tree Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function collapse(branch)
- if branch.Collapse then branch:Collapse() end
- if branch.children and next(branch.children) then
- for i=1, #branch.children do
- collapse(branch.children[i])
- end
- end
--- ~~| Tree Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local methods = {
- ['OnAcquire'] = function(self)
- -- self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
- -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrameSheet)
- self:ApplySettings()
- self:Show()
- end,
- ['OnRelease'] = function(self)
- end,
- ['ApplySettings'] = function(self)
- end,
- ['UpdateHeight'] = function(self)
- local height = 0
- for i=1 , #self.children do
- height = height + self.children[i].frame:GetHeight()
- end
- height = DiesalTools.Round(height)
- if self.settings.height ~= height then
- self.settings.height = height
- self:SetHeight(height)
- self:FireEvent("OnHeightChange",height)
- end
- end,
- ['CollapseAll'] = function(self, subBranches)
- if subBranches then
- collapse(self)
- else
- for i=1, #self.children do
- self.children[i]:Collapse()
- end
- end
- end,
- ['ExpandAll'] = function(self)
- for i=1 , #self.children do
- self.children[i]:Expand()
- end
- end,
--- ~~| Tree Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function Constructor()
- local self = DiesalGUI:CreateObjectBase(Type)
- local frame = CreateFrame('Frame',nil,UIParent)
- self.frame = frame
- -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- self.defaults = { depth = 0 }
- -- ~~ Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet
- -- OnHeightChange
- -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- local content = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'content', frame)
- content:SetAllPoints()
- -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- for method, func in pairs(methods) do self[method] = func end
- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- return self
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Window.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Window.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 1205684..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-1.0/Objects/Window.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
--- $Id: Window.lua 60 2016-11-04 01:34:23Z diesal2010 $
-local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-1.0")
--- | Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-1.0")
-local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-1.0")
-local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
--- | Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local type, select, pairs, tonumber = type, select, pairs, tonumber
-local floor, ceil = math.floor, math.ceil
--- | WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- | Window |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Type = "Window"
-local Version = 14
--- ~~| Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Stylesheet = {
- ['frame-outline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- color = '000000',
- },
- ['frame-shadow'] = {
- type = 'shadow',
- },
- ['titleBar-color'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- color = Colors.UI_400_GR[2],
- alpha = .95,
- },
- -- ['titleBar-background'] = {
- -- type = 'texture',
- -- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- -- gradient = {'VERTICAL',Colors.UI_400_GR[1],Colors.UI_400_GR[2]},
- -- alpha = .95,
- -- position = {-1,-1,-1,0},
- -- },
- ['titletext-Font'] = {
- type = 'font',
- color = 'd8d8d8',
- },
- ['closeButton-icon'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'ARTWORK',
- image = {'DiesalGUIcons', {9,5,16,256,128}},
- alpha = .3,
- position = {-2,nil,-1,nil},
- width = 16,
- height = 16,
- },
- ['closeButton-iconHover'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'HIGHLIGHT',
- image = {'DiesalGUIcons', {9,5,16,256,128}, 'b30000'},
- alpha = 1,
- position = {-2,nil,-1,nil},
- width = 16,
- height = 16,
- },
- ['header-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- gradient = {'VERTICAL',Colors.UI_400_GR[1],Colors.UI_400_GR[2]},
- alpha = .95,
- position = {0,0,0,-1},
- },
- ['header-inline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- gradient = {'VERTICAL','ffffff','ffffff'},
- alpha = {.05,.02},
- position = {0,0,0,-1},
- },
- ['header-divider'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = '000000',
- alpha = 1,
- position = {0,0,nil,0},
- height = 1,
- },
- ['content-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- color = Colors.UI_100,
- alpha = .95,
- },
- ['content-outline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = 'FFFFFF',
- alpha = .01
- },
- ['footer-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- gradient = {'VERTICAL',Colors.UI_400_GR[1],Colors.UI_400_GR[2]},
- alpha = .95,
- position = {0,0,-1,0},
- },
- ['footer-divider'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- color = '000000',
- position = {0,0,0,nil},
- height = 1,
- },
- ['footer-inline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- gradient = {'VERTICAL','ffffff','ffffff'},
- alpha = {.05,.02},
- position = {0,0,-1,0},
- debug = true,
- },
-local wireFrame = {
- ['frame-white'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'ffffff',
- },
- ['titleBar-yellow'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'fffc00',
- },
- ['closeButton-orange'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'ffd400',
- },
- ['header-blue'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = '00aaff',
- },
- ['footer-green'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = '55ff00',
- },
-local sizerWireFrame = {
- ['sizerR-yellow'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'fffc00',
- },
- ['sizerB-green'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = '55ff00',
- },
- ['sizerBR-blue'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = '00aaff',
- },
--- | Window Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function round(num)
- if num >= 0 then return floor(num+.5)
- else return ceil(num-.5) end
--- | Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local methods = {
- ['OnAcquire'] = function(self)
- self:ApplySettings()
- self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
- -- self:SetStylesheet(sizerWireFrame)
- self:Show()
- end,
- ['OnRelease'] = function(self) end,
- ['SetTopLevel'] = function(self)
- DiesalGUI:SetTopLevel(self.frame)
- end,
- ['SetContentHeight'] = function(self, height)
- local contentHeight = round(self.content:GetHeight())
- self.frame:SetHeight( (self.settings.height - contentHeight) + height )
- end,
- ['ApplySettings'] = function(self)
- local settings = self.settings
- local frame = self.frame
- local titleBar = self.titleBar
- local closeButton = self.closeButton
- local header = self.header
- local content = self.content
- local footer = self.footer
- local headerHeight = settings.header and settings.headerHeight or 0
- local footerHeight = settings.footer and settings.footerHeight or 0
- frame:SetMinResize(settings.minWidth,settings.minHeight)
- frame:SetMaxResize(settings.maxWidth,settings.maxHeight)
- self:UpdatePosition()
- self:UpdateSizers()
- titleBar:SetHeight(settings.titleBarHeight)
- closeButton:SetHeight(settings.titleBarHeight)
- closeButton:SetWidth(settings.titleBarHeight)
- content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",settings.padding[1],-(settings.titleBarHeight + headerHeight))
- content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",-settings.padding[2],footerHeight + settings.padding[4])
- header:SetHeight(headerHeight)
- footer:SetHeight(footerHeight)
- header[settings.header and "Show" or "Hide"](header)
- footer[settings.footer and "Show" or "Hide"](footer)
- header:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",self.titleBar,"BOTTOMLEFT",settings.padding[1],0)
- header:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",self.titleBar,"BOTTOMRIGHT",-settings.padding[2],0)
- footer:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",settings.padding[1],settings.padding[4])
- footer:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",-settings.padding[2],settings.padding[4])
- end,
- ['UpdatePosition'] = function(self)
- self.frame:ClearAllPoints()
- if self.settings.top and self.settings.left then
- self.frame:SetPoint("TOP",UIParent,"BOTTOM",0,self.settings.top)
- self.frame:SetPoint("LEFT",UIParent,"LEFT",self.settings.left,0)
- else
- self.frame:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,"CENTER")
- end
- self.frame:SetWidth(self.settings.width)
- self.frame:SetHeight(self.settings.height)
- end,
- ['UpdateSizers'] = function(self)
- local settings = self.settings
- local frame = self.frame
- local sizerB = self.sizerB
- local sizerR = self.sizerR
- local sizerBR = self.sizerBR
- sizerBR[settings.sizerBR and "Show" or "Hide"](sizerBR)
- sizerBR:SetSize(settings.sizerBRWidth,settings.sizerBRHeight)
- sizerB[settings.sizerB and "Show" or "Hide"](sizerB)
- sizerB:SetHeight(settings.sizerHeight)
- sizerB:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",frame,"BOTTOMRIGHT",-settings.sizerBRWidth,0)
- sizerR[settings.sizerR and "Show" or "Hide"](sizerR)
- sizerR:SetWidth(settings.sizerWidth)
- sizerR:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",frame,"TOPRIGHT",0,-settings.titleBarHeight)
- sizerR:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",frame,"BOTTOMRIGHT",0,settings.sizerBRHeight)
- end,
- ['SetTitle'] = function(self,title,subtitle)
- local settings = self.settings
- settings.title = title or settings.title
- settings.subTitle = subtitle or settings.subTitle
- self.titletext:SetText(('%s |cff7f7f7f%s'):format(settings.title,settings.subTitle))
- end,
--- | Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function Constructor()
- local self = DiesalGUI:CreateObjectBase(Type)
- local frame = CreateFrame('Frame',nil,UIParent)
- self.frame = frame
- self.defaults = {
- height = 300,
- width = 500,
- minHeight = 200,
- minWidth = 200,
- maxHeight = 9999,
- maxWidth = 9999,
- left = nil,
- top = nil,
- titleBarHeight= 18,
- title = '',
- subTitle = '',
- padding = {1,1,0,1},
- header = false,
- headerHeight = 21,
- footer = false,
- footerHeight = 21,
- sizerR = true,
- sizerB = true,
- sizerBR = true,
- sizerWidth = 6,
- sizerHeight = 6,
- sizerBRHeight = 6,
- sizerBRWidth = 6,
- }
- -- ~~ Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet
- -- OnSizeChanged, OnDragStop, OnHide, OnShow, OnClose
- -- ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- frame:EnableMouse()
- frame:SetMovable(true)
- frame:SetResizable(true)
- frame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function(this,button)
- DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this,button)
- end)
- frame:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", function(this,width,height)
- self.settings.width = DiesalTools.Round(width)
- self.settings.height = DiesalTools.Round(height)
- self:FireEvent( "OnSizeChanged", self.settings.width, self.settings.height )
- end)
- frame:SetScript("OnHide",function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnHide")
- end)
- frame:SetScript("OnShow",function(this)
- self:FireEvent("OnShow")
- end)
- frame:SetToplevel(true)
- frame.obj = self
- local titleBar = self:CreateRegion("Button", 'titleBar', frame)
- titleBar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
- titleBar:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
- titleBar:EnableMouse()
- titleBar:SetScript("OnMouseDown",function(this,button)
- DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this,button)
- frame:StartMoving()
- end)
- titleBar:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(this)
- frame:StopMovingOrSizing()
- self.settings.top = DiesalTools.Round(frame:GetTop())
- self.settings.left = DiesalTools.Round(frame:GetLeft())
- self:UpdatePosition()
- self:FireEvent( "OnDragStop", self.settings.left, self.settings.top )
- end)
- local closeButton = self:CreateRegion("Button", 'closeButton', titleBar)
- closeButton:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -1, 1)
- closeButton:SetScript("OnClick", function(this,button)
- DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this,button)
- --PlaySound("gsTitleOptionExit")
- self:FireEvent("OnClose")
- self:Hide()
- end)
- local titletext = self:CreateRegion("FontString", 'titletext', titleBar)
- titletext:SetWordWrap(false)
- titletext:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 4, -5)
- titletext:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -20, -5)
- titletext:SetJustifyH("TOP")
- titletext:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
- self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'header', frame)
- self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'content', frame)
- self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'footer', frame)
- local sizerBR = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'sizerBR', frame)
- sizerBR:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",frame,"BOTTOMRIGHT",0,0)
- sizerBR:EnableMouse()
- sizerBR:SetScript("OnMouseDown",function(this,button)
- DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this,button)
- frame:StartSizing("BOTTOMRIGHT")
- end)
- sizerBR:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(this)
- frame:StopMovingOrSizing()
- self:UpdatePosition()
- self:FireEvent( "OnSizeStop", self.settings.width, self.settings.height )
- end)
- local sizerB = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'sizerB', frame)
- sizerB:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",frame,"BOTTOMLEFT",0,0)
- sizerB:EnableMouse()
- sizerB:SetScript("OnMouseDown",function(this,button)
- DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this,button)
- frame:StartSizing("BOTTOM")
- end)
- sizerB:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(this)
- frame:StopMovingOrSizing()
- self:UpdatePosition()
- self:FireEvent( "OnSizeStop", self.settings.width, self.settings.height )
- end)
- local sizerR = self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'sizerR', frame)
- sizerR:EnableMouse()
- sizerR:SetScript("OnMouseDown",function(this,button)
- DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this,button)
- frame:StartSizing("RIGHT")
- end)
- sizerR:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(this)
- frame:StopMovingOrSizing()
- self:UpdatePosition()
- self:FireEvent( "OnSizeStop", self.settings.width, self.settings.height )
- end)
- -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- for method, func in pairs(methods) do self[method] = func end
- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- return self
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/DiesalGUI-2.0.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/DiesalGUI-2.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f98e03f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/DiesalGUI-2.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "DiesalGUI-2.0", 1
+---@alias Diesal.GUI DiesalGUI-2.0
+---@class DiesalGUI-2.0
+---@field ObjectBase Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase.Methods
+---@field ObjectFactory Diesal.GUI.Object.Factory
+---@field ObjectVersions Diesal.GUI.Object.Versions
+---@field ObjectPool Diesal.GUI.Object.Pool
+---@field counts Diesal.GUI.Object.Counts
+local DiesalGUI, oldMinor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+if not DiesalGUI then
+ return
+local DiesalGUIDebug = false
+local DiesalGUIDebugRedFont = RED_FONT_COLOR or CreateColor(1, 0.12549020349979, 0.12549020349979, 1)
+local DiesalGUIDebugWhiteFont = WHITE_FONT_COLOR or CreateColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
+local DiesalGUIDebugPrint = function(...)
+ if not DiesalGUIDebug then
+ return
+ end
+ local args = { ... }
+ local msgPrefix = DiesalGUIDebugRedFont:WrapTextInColorCode("[DiesalGUI Debug]: ")
+ local str = ""
+ for i = 1, #args do
+ str = str .. tostring(args[i]) .. " "
+ end
+ print(msgPrefix .. DiesalGUIDebugWhiteFont:WrapTextInColorCode(str))
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Padding : { [1]: left, [2]: right, [3]: top, [4]: bottom }
+---@alias Diesal.Object.Constructed DiesalAccordian | DiesalAccordianSection | DiesalBar | DiesalBranch | DiesalButton | DiesalCheckBox | DiesalComboBox | DiesalComboBoxItem | DiesalDropDown | DiesalDropDownItem | DiesalInput | DiesalQuickDoc | DiesalScrollFrame | DiesalScrollingEditBox | DiesalScrollingMessageFrame | DiesalSpinner | DiesalText | DiesalTree | DiesalWindow
+---@alias Diesal.Container Diesal.GUI.Object.Window | Diesal.GUI.Object.Accordian
+---@alias Diesal.Container.Contents DiesalAccordian | DiesalAccordianSection | DiesalBar | DiesalBranch | DiesalButton | DiesalCheckBox | DiesalComboBox | DiesalComboBoxItem | DiesalDropDown | DiesalDropDownItem | FontString | DiesalInput | DiesalQuickDoc | DiesalScrollFrame | DiesalScrollingEditBox | DiesalScrollingMessageFrame | DiesalSpinner | DiesalTree | DiesalText | DiesalWindow | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+DiesalGUI.Debug = {
+ Print = DiesalGUIDebugPrint,
+ Enabled = DiesalGUIDebug,
+ RedFont = DiesalGUIDebugRedFont,
+ WhiteFont = DiesalGUIDebugWhiteFont,
+local CallbackHandler = LibStub("CallbackHandler-1.0")
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+local type, select, tonumber = type, select, tonumber
+local setmetatable, getmetatable, next = setmetatable, getmetatable, next
+local pairs, ipairs = pairs, ipairs
+local tinsert, tremove = table.insert, table.remove
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+DiesalGUI.callbacks = DiesalGUI.callbacks or CallbackHandler:New(DiesalGUI)
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.Factory : { [Diesal.Object.Type]: fun(name?: string): Diesal.Object }
+DiesalGUI.ObjectFactory = DiesalGUI.ObjectFactory or {}
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.Versions : { [Diesal.Object.Type]: number }
+DiesalGUI.ObjectVersions = DiesalGUI.ObjectVersions or {}
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.Pool : { [Diesal.Object.Type]: { [Diesal.Object]: boolean } }
+DiesalGUI.ObjectPool = DiesalGUI.ObjectPool or {}
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.Counts : { [Diesal.Object.Type]: number }
+DiesalGUI.counts = DiesalGUI.counts or {}
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.AntiPool : { [Diesal.Object.Type]: boolean }
+DiesalGUI.AntiPool = DiesalGUI.AntiPool or {}
+local ObjectFactory = DiesalGUI.ObjectFactory
+local ObjectVersions = DiesalGUI.ObjectVersions
+local ObjectPool = DiesalGUI.ObjectPool
+local function OnMouse(frame, button)
+ DiesalGUI:ClearFocus()
+-- Capture mouse clicks on the WorldFrame
+---@param frame Frame
+---@param button Button
+local function WorldFrameOnMouse(frame, button)
+ OnMouse(frame, button)
+---@alias Diesal.Object
+---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field
+_G.WorldFrame:HookScript("OnMouseDown", WorldFrameOnMouse)
+-- Objects (widgets) that are defined for use in DiesalGUI
+---@alias Diesal.Object.Type
+-- Returns a new object
+---@generic T
+---@param objectType `T` | Diesal.Object.Type
+---@param base? boolean
+---@return T newObj
+local function newObject(objectType, base)
+ if not ObjectFactory[objectType] then
+ error("Attempt to construct unknown Object type", 2)
+ end
+ if base then
+ return ObjectFactory.DiesalObjectBase(objectType)
+ end
+ ObjectPool[objectType] = ObjectPool[objectType] or {}
+ local newObj = next(ObjectPool[objectType])
+ if not newObj then
+ newObj = ObjectFactory[objectType]()
+ else
+ ObjectPool[objectType][newObj] = nil
+ end
+ return newObj
+-- Releases an object into ReleasedObjects
+---@param obj Diesal.Object
+---@param objectType Diesal.Object.Type
+local function releaseObject(obj, objectType)
+ ObjectPool[objectType] = ObjectPool[objectType] or {}
+ if ObjectPool[objectType][obj] then
+ error("Attempt to Release Object that is already released", 2)
+ end
+ ObjectPool[objectType][obj] = true
+-- Registers an Object constructor in the ObjectFactory
+---@generic T : Diesal.Object.Type
+---@param Type `T`
+---@param constructor fun(name: string): T
+---@param version number
+function DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, constructor, version)
+ assert(type(constructor) == "function")
+ assert(type(version) == "number")
+ local oldVersion = ObjectVersions[Type]
+ if oldVersion and oldVersion >= version then
+ return
+ end
+ ObjectVersions[Type] = version
+ ObjectFactory[Type] = constructor
+--[[ -- Registers an Object constructor in the ObjectFactory
+---@generic T : Diesal.Object.Type
+---@param Type `T`
+---@param constructor fun(self: Diesal.GUI, type: string | Diesal.Object.Type): Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+---@param version number
+function DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectBaseConstructor(Type, constructor, version)
+ assert(type(constructor) == "function")
+ assert(type(version) == "number")
+ local oldVersion = ObjectVersions[Type]
+ if oldVersion and oldVersion >= version then
+ return
+ end
+ ObjectVersions[Type] = version
+ ObjectFactory[Type] = constructor
+ self.CreateObjectBase = constructor
+end ]]
+-- Create a new Object
+---@generic T
+---@param objectType `T` | Diesal.Object.Type
+---@param name? string | boolean
+---@param methods? table
+---@return T object
+function DiesalGUI:Create(objectType, name, methods)
+ local base = (name ~= nil and type(name) == "boolean") and name or nil
+ local name = (name ~= nil and type(name) == "string") and name or nil
+ if ObjectFactory[objectType] then
+ local object
+ if name then -- needs a specific name, bypass the objectPool and create a new object
+ object = ObjectFactory[objectType](name)
+ else
+ object = newObject(objectType, base)
+ end
+ object:SetMethods(methods)
+ object:ResetSettings()
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ if object.OnAcquire then
+ object:OnAcquire()
+ end
+ return object
+ ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: missing-return
+ end
+---@param duration number
+---@param callback fun(...)
+function DiesalGUI:CreateThrottle(duration, callback)
+ assert(callback and type(callback) == "function", "callback has to be a function ")
+ assert(duration and type(duration) == "number", "duration has to be a number ")
+ ---@class Throttle : AnimationGroup, Object, FrameScriptObject
+ local throttle = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent):CreateAnimationGroup()
+ throttle.anim = throttle:CreateAnimation("Animation")
+ throttle.args = {}
+ local mt = getmetatable(throttle)
+ ---@cast mt Throttle, metatable
+ mt.__index.SetCallback = function(this, callback)
+ assert(callback and type(callback) == "function", "callback required to be a function ")
+ this:SetScript("OnFinished", function()
+ callback(unpack(this.args))
+ end)
+ end
+ mt.__index.AddCallback = function(this, callback)
+ assert(callback and type(callback) == "function", "callback required to be a function ")
+ this:HookScript("OnFinished", function()
+ callback(unpack(this.args))
+ end)
+ end
+ mt.__index.SetDuration = function(this, callback)
+ assert(callback and type(callback) == "number", "duration has to be a number ")
+ this.anim:SetDuration(callback)
+ end
+ mt.__call = function(this, ...)
+ this.args = { ... }
+ this:Stop()
+ this:Play()
+ end
+ throttle = setmetatable(throttle, mt)
+ throttle:SetScript("OnFinished", function()
+ callback(unpack(throttle.args))
+ end)
+ throttle:SetDuration(duration)
+ return throttle
+---@param object Diesal.Object
+function DiesalGUI:Release(object)
+ if object.OnRelease then
+ object:OnRelease()
+ end
+ object:FireEvent("OnRelease")
+ object:ReleaseChildren()
+ object:ReleaseTextures()
+ object:ResetFonts()
+ object:ResetEventListeners()
+ object.frame:ClearAllPoints()
+ object.frame:Hide()
+ object.frame:SetParent(UIParent)
+ releaseObject(object, object.type)
+---@alias Diesal.GUI.Object.Focusable
+-- Set FocusedObject: Menu, Dropdown, editBox etc....
+---@param object Diesal.GUI.Object.Focusable
+function DiesalGUI:SetFocus(object)
+ if self.FocusedObject and self.FocusedObject ~= object then
+ DiesalGUI:ClearFocus()
+ end
+ self.FocusedObject = object
+-- Clear focus from the FocusedObject
+function DiesalGUI:ClearFocus()
+ local FocusedObject = self.FocusedObject
+ if FocusedObject then
+ if FocusedObject.ClearFocus then -- FocusedObject is Focusable Frame
+ FocusedObject:ClearFocus()
+ end
+ self.FocusedObject = nil
+ end
+-- Mouse Input capture for any DiesalGUI interactive region
+---@param frame Frame
+---@param button MouseButton | "MouseWheel"
+function DiesalGUI:OnMouse(frame, button)
+ -- print(button)
+ OnMouse(frame, button)
+ DiesalGUI.callbacks:Fire("DiesalGUI_OnMouse", frame, button)
+--- A type-based counter to count the number of widgets created.
+---@param objectType Diesal.Object.Type
+function DiesalGUI:GetNextObjectNum(objectType)
+ if not self.counts[objectType] then
+ self.counts[objectType] = 0
+ end
+ self.counts[objectType] = self.counts[objectType] + 1
+ return self.counts[objectType]
+--- Return the number of created widgets for this type.
+---@param objectType Diesal.Object.Type
+function DiesalGUI:GetObjectCount(objectType)
+ return self.counts[objectType] or 0
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/DiesalGUI-2.0.xml b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/DiesalGUI-2.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b218729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/DiesalGUI-2.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Accordian.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Accordian.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03ac8b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Accordian.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+---@type Diesal.GUI
+local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Tools
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Style
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+local Type = "DiesalAccordian"
+local Version = 2
+---@type Diesal.Style.Stylesheet
+local Stylesheet = {
+ ["frame-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ color = "FF0000",
+ },
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Accordian.Methods
+local methods = {
+ ---@param self DiesalAccordian
+ OnAcquire = function(self)
+ -- self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
+ -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrameSheet)
+ self:ResetSettings(true)
+ self:Show()
+ end,
+ ---@param self DiesalAccordian
+ OnRelease = function(self) end,
+ ---@param self DiesalAccordian
+ ApplySettings = function(self) end,
+ ---@param self DiesalAccordian
+ CollapseAll = function(self)
+ for i = 1, #self.children do
+ self.children[i]:Collapse()
+ end
+ end,
+ ---@param self DiesalAccordian
+ ExpandAll = function(self)
+ for i = 1, #self.children do
+ self.children[i]:Expand()
+ end
+ end,
+---@class DiesalAccordian : Diesal.GUI.Object.Accordian
+local function Constructor()
+ ---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.Accordian : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase, Diesal.GUI.Accordian.Methods
+ ---@field content Frame
+ ---@field children DiesalAccordianSection[]
+ local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true)
+ self.isContainer = true
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ self.frame = frame
+ self.defaults = {}
+ -- Events
+ -- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet
+ -- OnHeightChange
+ local content = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "content", frame)
+ content:SetAllPoints()
+ -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self:SetMethods(methods)
+ --[[ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ self[method] = func
+ end ]]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ return self
+DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/AccordianSection.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/AccordianSection.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5b6cba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/AccordianSection.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+---@type Diesal.GUI
+local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Tools
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Style
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
+local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
+local Type = "DiesalAccordianSection"
+local Version = 3
+---@type Diesal.Style.Stylesheet
+local Stylesheet = {
+ ["button-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ gradient = { "VERTICAL", Colors.UI_400_GR[1], Colors.UI_400_GR[2] },
+ alpha = 0.95,
+ position = { 0, 0, -1, 0 },
+ },
+ ["button-outline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ color = "000000",
+ position = { 1, 1, 0, 1 },
+ },
+ ["button-inline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "ARTWORK",
+ gradient = { "VERTICAL", "ffffff", "ffffff" },
+ alpha = { 0.03, 0.02 },
+ position = { 0, 0, -1, 0 },
+ },
+ ["button-hover"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "HIGHLIGHT",
+ color = "ffffff",
+ alpha = 0.1,
+ },
+ ["button-leftExpandIcon"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ position = { 0, nil, -1, nil },
+ height = 16,
+ width = 16,
+ image = { "DiesalGUIcons", { 3, 6, 16, 256, 128 }, HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.65) },
+ alpha = 1,
+ },
+ ["button-leftCollapseIcon"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ position = { 0, nil, -1, nil },
+ height = 16,
+ width = 16,
+ image = { "DiesalGUIcons", { 4, 6, 16, 256, 128 }, HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.65) },
+ alpha = 1,
+ },
+ ["content-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ color = Colors.UI_300,
+ alpha = 0.95,
+ position = { 0, 0, -1, 0 },
+ },
+ ["content-topShadow"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "ARTWORK",
+ gradient = { "VERTICAL", "000000", "000000" },
+ alpha = { 0.05, 0 },
+ position = { 0, 0, -1, nil },
+ height = 4,
+ },
+ ["content-bottomShadow"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "ARTWORK",
+ gradient = { "VERTICAL", "000000", "000000" },
+ alpha = { 0, 0.05 },
+ position = { 0, 0, nil, 0 },
+ height = 4,
+ },
+ ["content-inline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "ARTWORK",
+ color = "ffffff",
+ alpha = 0.02,
+ position = { 0, 0, -1, 0 },
+ },
+ ["text-Font"] = {
+ type = "font",
+ color = Colors.UI_F450,
+ },
+local wireFrameSheet = {
+ ["frame-white"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "ffffff",
+ alpha = 1,
+ },
+ ["button-purple"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "aa00ff",
+ alpha = 0.5,
+ },
+ ["content-yellow"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "fffc00",
+ alpha = 0.5,
+ },
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Accordian.Section.Methods
+local methods = {
+ ---@param self DiesalAccordianSection
+ OnAcquire = function(self)
+ self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
+ self:Show()
+ end,
+ ---@param self DiesalAccordianSection
+ OnRelease = function(self) end,
+ ---@param self DiesalAccordianSection
+ ApplySettings = function(self)
+ self.button:SetHeight(self.settings.buttonHeight)
+ -- postion
+ self:ClearAllPoints()
+ if self.settings.position == 1 then
+ self:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+ self:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+ else
+ local anchor = self.settings.parentObject.children[self.settings.position - 1].frame
+ self:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", anchor, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
+ self:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+ end
+ -- set section name
+ self.text:SetText(self.settings.sectionName)
+ -- set section state
+ self[self.settings.expanded and "Expand" or "Collapse"](self)
+ -- set button visibility
+ self:SetButton(self.settings.button)
+ end,
+ ---@param self DiesalAccordianSection
+ Collapse = function(self)
+ if not self.settings.button then
+ self:UpdateHeight()
+ return
+ end
+ self.settings.expanded = false
+ self:FireEvent("OnStateChange", self.settings.position, "Collapse")
+ self.textures["button-leftCollapseIcon"]:SetAlpha(self.textures["button-leftCollapseIcon"].style.alpha[1])
+ self.textures["button-leftExpandIcon"]:SetAlpha(0)
+ self.content:Hide()
+ self:UpdateHeight()
+ end,
+ ---@param self DiesalAccordianSection
+ Expand = function(self)
+ self.settings.expanded = true
+ self:FireEvent("OnStateChange", self.settings.position, "Expand")
+ self.textures["button-leftExpandIcon"]:SetAlpha(self.textures["button-leftExpandIcon"].style.alpha[1])
+ self.textures["button-leftCollapseIcon"]:SetAlpha(0)
+ self.content:Show()
+ self:UpdateHeight()
+ end,
+ ---@param self DiesalAccordianSection
+ ---@param state boolean
+ SetButton = function(self, state)
+ self.settings.button = state
+ self.button[state and "Show" or "Hide"](self.button)
+ if not state then
+ self:Expand()
+ else
+ self:UpdateHeight()
+ end
+ end,
+ ---@param self DiesalAccordianSection | Diesal.GUI.Object.Accordian.Section
+ UpdateHeight = function(self)
+ local settings, children = self.settings, self.children
+ local contentHeight = 0
+ self.content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.frame, 0, settings.button and -settings.buttonHeight or 0)
+ if settings.expanded then
+ contentHeight = settings.contentPadding[3] + settings.contentPadding[4]
+ for i = 1, #children do
+ contentHeight = contentHeight + children[i].frame:GetHeight()
+ end
+ end
+ self.content:SetHeight(contentHeight)
+ self:SetHeight((settings.button and settings.buttonHeight or 0) + contentHeight)
+ self:FireEvent("OnHeightChange", contentHeight)
+ end,
+---@class DiesalAccordianSection : Diesal.GUI.Object.Accordian.Section
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.Accordian.Section.Settings.Default
+---@field button boolean
+---@field contentPadding Diesal.GUI.Padding
+---@field expanded boolean
+---@field buttonHeight number
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.Accordian.Section.Settings : Diesal.GUI.Object.Accordian.Section.Settings.Default
+---@field sectionName string
+---@field position number
+---@field parentObject Diesal.GUI.Object.Accordian
+local function Constructor()
+ ---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.Accordian.Section : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase, Diesal.GUI.Accordian.Section.Methods
+ ---@field button Button
+ ---@field text Diesal.GUI.Region.FontString
+ ---@field content Frame
+ ---@field settings Diesal.GUI.Object.Accordian.Section.Settings
+ ---@field defaults Diesal.GUI.Object.Accordian.Section.Settings.Default
+ local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true)
+ self.isContainer = true
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ self.frame = frame
+ self.defaults = {
+ button = true,
+ contentPadding = { 0, 0, 3, 1 },
+ expanded = true,
+ buttonHeight = 16,
+ }
+ local button = self:CreateRegion("Button", "button", frame)
+ button:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
+ button:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+ button:SetScript("OnClick", function(this, b)
+ DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this, b)
+ self[self.settings.expanded and "Collapse" or "Expand"](self)
+ end)
+ local text = self:CreateRegion("FontString", "text", button)
+ text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 15, -2)
+ text:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -15, 0)
+ text:SetHeight(0)
+ text:SetJustifyH("MIDDLE")
+ text:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+ text:SetWordWrap(false)
+ local content = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "content", frame)
+ content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, 0, 0)
+ content:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", frame, 0, 0)
+ content:SetHeight(10)
+ -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self:SetMethods(methods)
+ --[[ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ self[method] = func
+ end ]]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ return self
+DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Bar.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Bar.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b382b9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Bar.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+---@type Diesal.GUI
+local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Tools
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Style
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+-- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
+local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
+-- | Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local type, tonumber, select = type, tonumber, select
+local pairs, ipairs, next = pairs, ipairs, next
+local min, max = math.min, math.max
+-- | WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- | Spinner |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Type = "DiesalBar"
+local Version = 1
+-- | Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Stylesheet = {
+ ["frame-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ color = "000000",
+ alpha = 0.60,
+ },
+ ["frame-outline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "FFFFFF",
+ alpha = 0.02,
+ position = 1,
+ },
+ ["frame-inline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "000000",
+ alpha = 0.60,
+ },
+ ["bar-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ gradient = { "VERTICAL", Colors.UI_A100, ShadeColor(Colors.UI_A100, 0.1) },
+ position = 0,
+ },
+ ["bar-inline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ gradient = { "VERTICAL", "FFFFFF", "FFFFFF" },
+ alpha = { 0.07, 0.02 },
+ position = 0,
+ },
+ ["bar-outline"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "ARTWORK",
+ color = "000000",
+ alpha = 0.7,
+ width = 1,
+ position = { nil, 1, 0, 0 },
+ },
+local wireFrame = {
+ ["frame-white"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "ffffff",
+ },
+ ["bar-green"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "55ff00",
+ },
+-- | Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function round(num)
+ return floor((num + 1 / 2) / 1) * 1
+-- | Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.Bar.Methods
+---@field OnAcquire fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Bar)
+---@field OnRelease fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Bar)
+---@field ApplySettings fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Bar)
+---@field UpdateSize fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Bar)
+---@field SetColor fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Bar, color: string, colorTop: string, gradientDirection: string)
+---@field SetSize fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Bar, width: number, height: number)
+---@field SetValue fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Bar, number: number, min: number, max: number)
+---@field SetMin fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Bar, number: number)
+---@field SetMax fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Bar, number: number)
+---@field UpdateBar fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Bar)
+---@field IsVisible fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Bar): boolean
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
+ self:ApplySettings()
+ -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrame)
+ self:Show()
+ end,
+ ["OnRelease"] = function(self) end,
+ ["ApplySettings"] = function(self)
+ self:UpdateSize()
+ end,
+ ["UpdateSize"] = function(self)
+ self:SetWidth(self.settings.width)
+ self:SetHeight(self.settings.height)
+ self.bar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.settings.padding[1], -self.settings.padding[3])
+ self.bar:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", self.settings.padding[1], self.settings.padding[4])
+ self.settings.barWidth = self.settings.width - self.settings.padding[1] - self.settings.padding[2]
+ self:UpdateBar()
+ end,
+ ["SetColor"] = function(self, color, colorTop, gradientDirection) end,
+ ["SetSize"] = function(self, width, height)
+ width, height = tonumber(width), tonumber(height)
+ if not width then
+ error("Bar:SetSize(width, height) width to be a number.", 0)
+ end
+ if not height then
+ error("Bar:SetSize(width, height) height to be a number.", 0)
+ end
+ self.settings.width, self.settings.height = width, height
+ self:UpdateSize()
+ end,
+ ["SetValue"] = function(self, number, mi, ma)
+ number, mi, ma = tonumber(number), tonumber(mi), tonumber(ma)
+ if not number then
+ error("Bar:SetValue(number) number needs to be a number.", 0)
+ end
+ self.settings.min = mi or self.settings.min
+ self.settings.max = ma or self.settings.max
+ self.settings.value = number
+ self:UpdateBar()
+ end,
+ ["SetMin"] = function(self, number)
+ number = tonumber(number)
+ if not number then
+ error("Bar:SetMin(number) needs to be a number.", 0)
+ end
+ self.settings.min = number
+ self:UpdateBar()
+ end,
+ ["SetMax"] = function(self, number)
+ number = tonumber(number)
+ if not number then
+ error("Bar:SetMax(number) needs to be a number.", 0)
+ end
+ self.settings.max = number
+ self:UpdateBar()
+ end,
+ ["UpdateBar"] = function(self)
+ local min, max, value, barWidth = self.settings.min, self.settings.max, self.settings.value, self.settings.barWidth
+ local width = round((value - min) / (max - min) * barWidth)
+ if width == 0 then
+ self.bar:Hide()
+ else
+ self.bar:Show()
+ self.bar:SetWidth(width)
+ end
+ end,
+ ["IsVisible"] = function(self)
+ return self.frame:IsVisible()
+ end,
+---@class DiesalBar : Diesal.GUI.Object.Bar
+-- | Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function Constructor()
+ ---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.Bar : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase, Diesal.GUI.Object.Bar.Methods
+ ---@field bar Frame
+ ---@field settings { height: number, width: number, padding: number[], value: number, min: number, max: number, barWidth: number }
+ local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true)
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ self.frame = frame
+ -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self.defaults = {
+ height = 14, -- frame height (not bar)
+ width = 96, -- frame width (not bar)
+ padding = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, -- left, right, top, bottom (bar padding from frame)
+ value = 0,
+ min = 0,
+ max = 100,
+ }
+ -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ frame:SetScript("OnHide", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnHide")
+ end)
+ local bar = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "bar", frame)
+ -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self:SetMethods(methods)
+ --[[ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ self[method] = func
+ end ]]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ return self
+DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Branch.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Branch.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af4203d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Branch.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+---@type Diesal.GUI
+local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Tools
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Style
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+-- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local sub, format, match, lower = string.sub, string.format, string.match, string.lower
+local tsort = table.sort
+local tostring = tostring
+-- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- ~~| TableExplorerBranch |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Type = "DiesalBranch"
+local Version = 1
+-- ~~| Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Stylesheet = {
+ ["button-highlight"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "HIGHLIGHT",
+ color = "ffffff",
+ alpha = 0.1,
+ },
+ ["button-selected"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "0059b3",
+ alpha = 0,
+ },
+local wireFrameSheet = {
+ ["frame-white"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "ffffff",
+ },
+ ["button-purple"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "aa00ff",
+ },
+ ["content-yellow"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "fffc00",
+ },
+-- ~~| Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Branch.Methods
+---@field OnAcquire fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Branch)
+---@field OnRelease fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Branch)
+---@field ApplySettings fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Branch): boolean | nil
+---@field Collapse fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Branch)
+---@field Expand fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Branch)
+---@field UpdateHeight fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Branch)
+---@field SetLabel fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Branch, text: string)
+---@field SetIconTexture fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Branch, texture: string)
+---@field SetIconCoords fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Branch, left: number, right: number, top: number, bottom: number)
+---@field SetIconExpanded fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Branch)
+---@field SetIconCollapsed fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Branch)
+---@field SetSelected fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Branch, state: boolean)
+---@field UpdateLines fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Branch)
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:ApplySettings()
+ self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
+ self:Show()
+ end,
+ ["OnRelease"] = function(self) end,
+ ["ApplySettings"] = function(self)
+ if not self.settings.position then
+ return false
+ end
+ local button = self.button
+ local content = self.content
+ button:SetHeight(self.settings.buttonHeight)
+ if not self.settings.leaf then
+ self[self.settings.expanded and "Expand" or "Collapse"](self)
+ else
+ self:UpdateLines()
+ self:UpdateHeight()
+ end
+ self:ClearAllPoints()
+ if self.settings.position == 1 then
+ self:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.settings.indent, 0)
+ self:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+ else
+ local anchor = self.settings.parentObject.children[self.settings.position - 1].frame
+ self:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", anchor, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
+ self:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+ end
+ end,
+ ["Collapse"] = function(self)
+ if self.settings.leaf then
+ return
+ end
+ self:FireEvent("OnStateChange", false)
+ self.settings.expanded = false
+ self:SetIconCollapsed()
+ self:UpdateLines()
+ self.content:Hide()
+ self:UpdateHeight()
+ end,
+ ["Expand"] = function(self)
+ if self.settings.leaf then
+ return
+ end
+ self:FireEvent("OnStateChange", true)
+ self.settings.expanded = true
+ self:SetIconExpanded()
+ self:UpdateLines()
+ self.content:Show()
+ self:UpdateHeight()
+ end,
+ ["UpdateHeight"] = function(self)
+ local contentHeight = 0
+ local settings = self.settings
+ local children = self.children
+ if settings.expanded then
+ for i = 1, #children do
+ contentHeight = contentHeight + children[i].frame:GetHeight()
+ end
+ end
+ self.content:SetHeight(contentHeight)
+ self:SetHeight(settings.buttonHeight + contentHeight)
+ settings.parentObject:UpdateHeight()
+ end,
+ ["SetLabel"] = function(self, text)
+ self.text:SetText(text)
+ end,
+ ["SetIconTexture"] = function(self, texture)
+ self.icon:SetTexture(texture)
+ end,
+ ["SetIconCoords"] = function(self, left, right, top, bottom)
+ self.icon:SetTexCoord(left, right, top, bottom)
+ end,
+ ["SetIconExpanded"] = function(self)
+ self.icon:SetTexCoord(DiesalTools.GetIconCoords(2, 8, 16, 256, 128))
+ end,
+ ["SetIconCollapsed"] = function(self)
+ self.icon:SetTexCoord(DiesalTools.GetIconCoords(1, 8, 16, 256, 128))
+ end,
+ ["SetSelected"] = function(self, state)
+ self:UpdateStyle("button-selected", {
+ type = "texture",
+ alpha = state and 1 or 0,
+ })
+ end,
+ ["UpdateLines"] = function(self)
+ if not self.settings.branches then
+ return
+ end
+ local foldColor = "353535"
+ local expandColor = "5a5a5a"
+ -- Frame Fold Line
+ if not self.settings.last and not self.settings.leaf then
+ self:UpdateStyle("frame-foldLine", {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = foldColor,
+ position = { 6, nil, -11, 2 },
+ width = 1,
+ })
+ end
+ -- expandable Fold Lines
+ if not self.settings.leaf then
+ self:UpdateStyle("button-square", {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = foldColor,
+ position = { 10, nil, -2, nil },
+ width = 9,
+ height = 9,
+ })
+ self:UpdateStyle("button-expandH", {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = expandColor,
+ position = { 8, nil, -6, nil },
+ width = 5,
+ height = 1,
+ })
+ self:UpdateStyle("button-expandV", {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = expandColor,
+ position = { 6, nil, -4, nil },
+ width = 1,
+ height = 5,
+ alpha = 1,
+ })
+ if self.settings.expanded then
+ self:UpdateStyle("button-expandV", {
+ type = "texture",
+ alpha = 0,
+ })
+ end
+ else -- Leaf nodes
+ self:UpdateStyle("button-lineV", {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = foldColor,
+ position = { 6, nil, -6, nil },
+ height = 1,
+ width = 6,
+ })
+ self:UpdateStyle("button-lineH", {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = foldColor,
+ position = { 6, nil, 0, 0 },
+ width = 1,
+ })
+ if self.settings.last then
+ self:UpdateStyle("button-lineH", {
+ type = "texture",
+ position = { 6, nil, 0, -7 },
+ })
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+---@class DiesalBranch : Diesal.GUI.Object.Branch
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.Branch.Settings.Default
+---@field fontObject Font
+---@field branches boolean
+---@field expanded boolean
+---@field buttonHeight number
+---@field indent number
+---@field expIconTex string
+---@field colIconTex string
+---@field expIconCoords {[1]: number, [2]: number, [3]: number, [4]: number }
+---@field colIconCoords {[1]: number, [2]: number, [3]: number, [4]: number }
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.Branch.Settings : Diesal.GUI.Object.Branch.Settings.Default
+---@field parentObject Diesal.GUI.Object.Accordian.Section
+---@field last boolean
+---@field position number
+---@field leaf boolean
+-- ~~| TableExplorerBranch Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function Constructor()
+ ---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.Branch : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase, Diesal.GUI.Branch.Methods
+ ---@field button Button
+ ---@field icon Texture
+ ---@field text Diesal.GUI.Region.FontString
+ ---@field content Frame
+ ---@field defaults Diesal.GUI.Object.Branch.Settings.Default
+ ---@field settings Diesal.GUI.Object.Branch.Settings
+ local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true)
+ self.isContainer = true
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ self.frame = frame
+ -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self.defaults = {
+ fontObject = DiesalFontNormal,
+ branches = true,
+ expanded = true,
+ buttonHeight = 14,
+ indent = 13,
+ expIconTex = "DiesalGUIcons",
+ colIconTex = "DiesalGUIcons",
+ expIconCoords = { DiesalTools.GetIconCoords(2, 8, 16, 256, 128) },
+ colIconCoords = { DiesalTools.GetIconCoords(1, 8, 16, 256, 128) },
+ }
+ -- ~~ Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet
+ -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ local button = self:CreateRegion("Button", "button", frame)
+ button:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
+ button:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+ button:RegisterForClicks("RightButtonUp", "LeftButtonUp")
+ button:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton")
+ ---@param this Button
+ ---@param button MouseButton
+ button:SetScript("OnClick", function(this, button)
+ DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this, button)
+ if button == "LeftButton" then
+ self[not self.settings.expanded and "Expand" or "Collapse"](self)
+ end
+ self:FireEvent("OnClick", button)
+ end)
+ ---@param this Button
+ button:SetScript("OnDoubleClick", function(this, ...)
+ self:FireEvent("OnDoubleClick", ...)
+ end)
+ ---@param this Button
+ button:SetScript("OnDragStart", function(this, ...)
+ self:FireEvent("OnDragStart", ...)
+ end)
+ ---@param this Button
+ button:SetScript("OnDragStop", function(this, ...)
+ self:FireEvent("OnDragStop", ...)
+ end)
+ ---@param this Button
+ button:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this, ...)
+ self:FireEvent("OnEnter", ...)
+ end)
+ ---@param this Button
+ button:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this, ...)
+ self:FireEvent("OnLeave", ...)
+ end)
+ local icon = self:CreateRegion("Texture", "icon", button)
+ DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(icon, {
+ position = { 0, nil, 2, nil },
+ height = 16,
+ width = 16,
+ image = { "DiesalGUIcons" },
+ })
+ local text = self:CreateRegion("FontString", "text", button)
+ text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 14, -1)
+ text:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -4, 0)
+ text:SetHeight(0)
+ text:SetJustifyH("TOP")
+ text:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+ text:SetWordWrap(false)
+ local content = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "content", button)
+ content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", button, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
+ content:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
+ content:SetHeight(0)
+ -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self:SetMethods(methods)
+ --[[ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ self[method] = func
+ end ]]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ return self
+DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Button.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Button.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c65dcdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Button.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+---@type Diesal.GUI
+local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Tools
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Style
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+-- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local type, tonumber, select = type, tonumber, select
+local pairs, ipairs, next = pairs, ipairs, next
+local min, max = math.min, math.max
+-- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local CreateFrame, UIParent, GetCursorPosition = CreateFrame, UIParent, GetCursorPosition
+local GetScreenWidth, GetScreenHeight = GetScreenWidth, GetScreenHeight
+local GetSpellInfo, GetBonusBarOffset, GetDodgeChance = GetSpellInfo, GetBonusBarOffset, GetDodgeChance
+local GetCombatRatingBonus = GetCombatRatingBonus
+-- ~~| Button |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Type = "DiesalButton"
+local Version = 5
+-- ~~| Button Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Stylesheet = {
+ ["text-color"] = {
+ type = "Font",
+ color = "b8c2cc",
+ },
+local wireFrame = {
+ ["frame-white"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "ffffff",
+ },
+-- ~~| Button Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Button.Methods
+---@field OnAcquire fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Button)
+---@field OnRelease fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Button)
+---@field ApplySettings fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Button): boolean | nil
+---@field SetText fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Button, text: string)
+---@field Disable fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Button)
+---@field Enable fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Button)
+---@field RegisterForClicks fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Button, ...)
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:ApplySettings()
+ self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
+ self:Enable()
+ -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrameSheet)
+ self:Show()
+ end,
+ ["OnRelease"] = function(self) end,
+ ["ApplySettings"] = function(self)
+ local settings = self.settings
+ local frame = self.frame
+ self:SetWidth(settings.width)
+ self:SetHeight(settings.height)
+ end,
+ ["SetText"] = function(self, text)
+ self.text:SetText(text)
+ end,
+ ["Disable"] = function(self)
+ self.settings.disabled = true
+ self.frame:Disable()
+ end,
+ ["Enable"] = function(self)
+ self.settings.disabled = false
+ self.frame:Enable()
+ end,
+ ["RegisterForClicks"] = function(self, ...)
+ self.frame:RegisterForClicks(...)
+ end,
+---@class DiesalButton : Diesal.GUI.Object.Button
+-- ~~| Button Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function Constructor(name)
+ ---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.Button : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase, Diesal.GUI.Button.Methods
+ ---@field text Diesal.GUI.Region.FontString
+ ---@field settings { disabled: boolean, height: number, width: number }
+ local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true)
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Button", name, UIParent)
+ self.frame = frame
+ self.defaults = {
+ height = 32,
+ width = 32,
+ }
+ -- ~~ Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet
+ -- OnClick, OnEnter, OnLeave, OnDisable, OnEnable
+ -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ local text = self:CreateRegion("FontString", "text", frame)
+ text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 4, -1) -- sits below center when rendered off by 1 pixel, fuck you blizzard
+ text:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -4, 0)
+ text:SetJustifyV("MIDDLE")
+ text:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
+ frame:SetFontString(text)
+ ---@param this Button
+ ---@param button MouseButton
+ frame:SetScript("OnClick", function(this, button, ...)
+ DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this, button)
+ self:FireEvent("OnClick", button, ...)
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnEnter")
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnLeave")
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnDisable", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnDisable")
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnEnable", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnEnable")
+ end)
+ -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self:SetMethods(methods)
+ --[[ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ self[method] = func
+ end ]]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ return self
+DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/CheckBox.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/CheckBox.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..070cd7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/CheckBox.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+---@type Diesal.GUI
+local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Tools
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Style
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+-- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
+local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
+-- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local type, tonumber, select = type, tonumber, select
+local pairs, ipairs, next = pairs, ipairs, next
+local min, max = math.min, math.max
+-- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local CreateFrame, UIParent, GetCursorPosition = CreateFrame, UIParent, GetCursorPosition
+local GetScreenWidth, GetScreenHeight = GetScreenWidth, GetScreenHeight
+local GetSpellInfo, GetBonusBarOffset, GetDodgeChance = GetSpellInfo, GetBonusBarOffset, GetDodgeChance
+local GetCombatRatingBonus = GetCombatRatingBonus
+-- ~~| Button |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Type = "DiesalCheckBox"
+local Version = 1
+-- ~~| Button Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Stylesheet = {
+ ["frame-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ color = "000000",
+ alpha = 0.60,
+ position = -2,
+ },
+ ["frame-inline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "000000",
+ alpha = 0.6,
+ position = -2,
+ },
+ ["frame-outline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "FFFFFF",
+ alpha = 0.02,
+ position = -1,
+ },
+local checkBoxStyle = {
+ base = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "ARTWORK",
+ color = Colors.UI_A400,
+ position = -3,
+ },
+ disabled = {
+ type = "texture",
+ color = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.35),
+ },
+ enabled = {
+ type = "texture",
+ color = Colors.UI_A400,
+ },
+local wireFrame = {
+ ["frame-white"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "ffffff",
+ },
+-- ~~| Button Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+---@class Diesal.GUI.CheckBox.Settings
+---@field height number
+---@field width number
+---@field checked boolean
+---@field disabled boolean
+---@class Diesal.GUI.CheckBox.Methods
+local methods = {
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.CheckBox
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:ApplySettings()
+ self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
+ self:Enable()
+ -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrameSheet)
+ self:Show()
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.CheckBox
+ ["OnRelease"] = function(self) end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.CheckBox
+ ["ApplySettings"] = function(self)
+ local settings = self.settings
+ local frame = self.frame
+ self:SetWidth(settings.width)
+ self:SetHeight(settings.height)
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.CheckBox
+ ---@param value boolean
+ ["SetChecked"] = function(self, value)
+ self.settings.checked = value
+ self.frame:SetChecked(value)
+ self.value = self.settings.checked
+ self[self.settings.disabled and "Disable" or "Enable"](self)
+ end,
+ ["GetChecked"] = function(self)
+ return self.settings.checked
+ end,
+ ["Disable"] = function(self)
+ self.settings.disabled = true
+ DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(self.check, checkBoxStyle.disabled)
+ self.frame:Disable()
+ end,
+ ["Enable"] = function(self)
+ self.settings.disabled = false
+ DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(self.check, checkBoxStyle.enabled)
+ self.frame:Enable()
+ end,
+ ["RegisterForClicks"] = function(self, ...)
+ self.frame:RegisterForClicks(...)
+ end,
+---@class DiesalCheckBox : Diesal.GUI.Object.CheckBox
+-- ~~| Button Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function Constructor()
+ ---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.CheckBox : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase, Diesal.GUI.CheckBox.Methods
+ ---@field check Texture
+ ---@field settings Diesal.GUI.CheckBox.Settings
+ ---@field value boolean
+ local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true)
+ local frame = CreateFrame("CheckButton", nil, UIParent)
+ self.frame = frame
+ -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self.defaults = {
+ height = 11,
+ width = 11,
+ }
+ -- ~~ Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet
+ -- OnValueChanged, OnEnter, OnLeave, OnDisable, OnEnable
+ -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ local check = self:CreateRegion("Texture", "check", frame)
+ DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(check, checkBoxStyle.base)
+ frame:SetCheckedTexture(check)
+ frame:SetScript("OnClick", function(this, button, ...)
+ DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this, button)
+ if not self.settings.disabled then
+ self:SetChecked(not self.settings.checked)
+ if self.settings.checked then
+ PlaySound(856)
+ else
+ PlaySound(857)
+ end
+ self:FireEvent("OnValueChanged", self.settings.checked)
+ end
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnEnter")
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnLeave")
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnDisable", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnDisable")
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnEnable", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnEnable")
+ end)
+ -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self:SetMethods(methods)
+ --[[ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ self[method] = func
+ end ]]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ return self
+DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/ComboBox.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/ComboBox.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f518512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/ComboBox.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+---@type Diesal.GUI
+local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Tools
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Style
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+-- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
+local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
+-- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local sub, format, lower, upper, gsub = string.sub, string.format, string.lower, string.upper, string.gsub
+local tsort = table.sort
+-- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- ~~| ComboBox |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Type = "DiesalComboBox"
+local Version = 1
+-- ~~| ComboBox Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Stylesheet = {
+ ["frame-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ color = "000000",
+ alpha = 0.7,
+ },
+ ["frame-inline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "000000",
+ alpha = 0.7,
+ },
+ ["frame-outline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "FFFFFF",
+ alpha = 0.02,
+ position = 1,
+ },
+ ["button-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ gradient = { "VERTICAL", Colors.UI_500_GR[1], Colors.UI_500_GR[2] },
+ },
+ ["button-outline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "ARTWORK",
+ color = "000000",
+ alpha = 0.9,
+ },
+ ["button-inline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ gradient = { "VERTICAL", "FFFFFF", "FFFFFF" },
+ alpha = { 0.07, 0.02 },
+ position = -1,
+ },
+ ["button-hover"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "HIGHLIGHT",
+ color = "ffffff",
+ alpha = 0.05,
+ },
+ ["button-arrow"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ image = { "DiesalGUIcons", { 2, 1, 16, 256, 128 } },
+ alpha = 0.5,
+ position = { nil, -4, -5, nil },
+ height = 4,
+ width = 5,
+ },
+ ["editBox-hover"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "HIGHLIGHT",
+ color = "ffffff",
+ alpha = 0.1,
+ position = { -1, 0, -1, -1 },
+ },
+ ["editBox-font"] = {
+ type = "Font",
+ color = Colors.UI_TEXT,
+ },
+ ["dropdown-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ color = Colors.UI_100,
+ alpha = 0.95,
+ },
+ ["dropdown-inline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "ffffff",
+ alpha = 0.02,
+ position = -1,
+ },
+ ["dropdown-shadow"] = {
+ type = "shadow",
+ },
+-- ~~| ComboBox Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function compare(a, b)
+ return a.value < b.value
+local function sortList(list, orderedKeys)
+ if orderedKeys then
+ return orderedKeys
+ end
+ local sortedList = {}
+ local orderedKeys = {}
+ for key, value in pairs(list) do
+ sortedList[#sortedList + 1] = { key = key, value = value }
+ end
+ tsort(sortedList, compare)
+ for i, value in ipairs(sortedList) do
+ orderedKeys[#orderedKeys + 1] = value.key
+ end
+ return orderedKeys
+-- ~~| ComboBox Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+---@class Diesal.GUI.ComboBox.Methods
+---@field OnAcquire fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.ComboBox)
+---@field OnRelease fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.ComboBox)
+---@field ApplySettings fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.ComboBox): boolean | nil
+---@field SetList fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.ComboBox, list: table, orderedKeys: table)
+---@field SetValue fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.ComboBox, key: string)
+---@field SetText fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.ComboBox, text: string)
+---@field SetJustify fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.ComboBox, j: string)
+---@field SetFocus fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.ComboBox)
+---@field ClearFocus fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.ComboBox)
+---@field ClearSelection fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.ComboBox)
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:ApplySettings()
+ self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
+ -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrameSheet)
+ self:Show()
+ end,
+ ["OnRelease"] = function(self) end,
+ ["ApplySettings"] = function(self)
+ local settings = self.settings
+ local content = self.content
+ local frame = self.frame
+ local children = self.children
+ local dropdown = self.dropdown
+ frame:SetWidth(settings.width)
+ frame:SetHeight(settings.height)
+ self.editBox:SetPoint("RIGHT", -settings.buttonWidth, 0)
+ self.button:SetWidth(settings.buttonWidth)
+ -- dropdown
+ content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", settings.dropdownPadding[1], -settings.dropdownPadding[3])
+ content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -settings.dropdownPadding[2], settings.dropdownPadding[4])
+ local menuHeight = 0
+ for i = 1, #children do
+ menuHeight = menuHeight + children[i].frame:GetHeight()
+ end
+ dropdown:SetHeight(settings.dropdownPadding[3] + menuHeight + settings.dropdownPadding[4])
+ end,
+ ["SetList"] = function(self, list, orderedKeys)
+ self:ReleaseChildren()
+ self:SetText("")
+ local settings = self.settings
+ local orderedKeys = sortList(list, orderedKeys)
+ settings.list = list
+ for position, key in ipairs(orderedKeys) do
+ local comboBoxItem = DiesalGUI:Create("DiesalComboBoxItem") --[[ @asDiesal.GUI.Object.ComboBox.Itemm ]]
+ self:AddChild(comboBoxItem)
+ comboBoxItem:SetParentObject(self)
+ comboBoxItem:SetSettings({
+ key = key,
+ value = list[key],
+ position = position,
+ }, true)
+ end
+ self:ApplySettings()
+ end,
+ ["SetValue"] = function(self, key)
+ for i = 1, #self.children do
+ self.children[i]:SetSelected(false)
+ end
+ for i = 1, #self.children do
+ if self.children[i].settings.key == key then
+ self.children[i]:SetSelected(true)
+ self:SetText(self.children[i].settings.value)
+ self.editBox:SetCursorPosition(0)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ ["SetText"] = function(self, text)
+ self.editBox:SetText(text)
+ end,
+ ["SetJustify"] = function(self, j)
+ self.editBox:SetJustifyH(j)
+ end,
+ ["SetFocus"] = function(self)
+ DiesalGUI:SetFocus(self)
+ end,
+ ["ClearFocus"] = function(self)
+ self.dropdown:Hide()
+ end,
+ ["ClearSelection"] = function(self)
+ for i = 1, #self.children do
+ self.children[i]:SetSelected(false)
+ end
+ self:SetText("")
+ end,
+---@class DiesalComboBox : Diesal.GUI.Object.ComboBox
+-- ~~| ComboBox Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function Constructor()
+ ---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.ComboBox : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase, Diesal.GUI.ComboBox.Methods
+ ---@field editBox Diesal.GUI.Region.EditBox
+ ---@field button Button
+ ---@field dropdown Frame
+ ---@field content Frame
+ ---@field children Diesal.GUI.Object.ComboBox.Item[]
+ ---@field settings { width: number, height: number, buttonWidth: number, dropdownPadding: table, dropdownButtonWidth: number, list: table, selectedKey: string, selectedValue: string, oldValue: string}
+ local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true)
+ self.isContainer = true
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ self.frame = frame
+ -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self.defaults = {
+ width = 100,
+ height = 16,
+ buttonWidth = 16,
+ dropdownPadding = { 4, 4, 4, 4 },
+ dropdownButtonWidth = 16,
+ }
+ -- ~~ Registered Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- OnValueSelected, OnRenameValue
+ -- OnEnter, OnLeave
+ -- OnButtonClick, OnButtonEnter, OnButtonLeave
+ -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ local editBox = self:CreateRegion("EditBox", "editBox", frame)
+ editBox:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+ editBox:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT")
+ editBox:SetAutoFocus(false)
+ editBox:SetJustifyH("RIGHT")
+ editBox:SetJustifyV("CENTER")
+ editBox:SetTextInsets(1, 2, 2, 0)
+ editBox:SetScript("OnEnterPressed", function(this)
+ local text = this:GetText()
+ DiesalGUI:ClearFocus()
+ if text ~= self.settings.oldValue then
+ self:FireEvent("OnRenameValue", self.settings.selectedKey, text)
+ end
+ end)
+ editBox:HookScript("OnEscapePressed", function(this, ...)
+ this:SetText(self.settings.oldValue)
+ end)
+ editBox:HookScript("OnEditFocusGained", function(this)
+ self.settings.oldValue = this:GetText()
+ end)
+ editBox:HookScript("OnEditFocusLost", function(this, ...)
+ self:SetText(self.settings.oldValue)
+ end)
+ editBox:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnEnter")
+ end)
+ editBox:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnLeave")
+ end)
+ local button = self:CreateRegion("Button", "button", frame)
+ button:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
+ button:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+ button:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnButtonEnter")
+ end)
+ button:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnButtonLeave")
+ end)
+ ---@param this Button
+ ---@param b MouseButton
+ button:SetScript("OnClick", function(this, b)
+ self:FireEvent("OnButtonClick")
+ local dropdown = self.dropdown
+ local visible = dropdown:IsVisible()
+ DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this, b)
+ dropdown[visible and "Hide" or "Show"](dropdown)
+ end)
+ local dropdown = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "dropdown", frame)
+ dropdown:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+ dropdown:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", frame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -2)
+ dropdown:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -2)
+ dropdown:SetScript("OnShow", function(this)
+ this:SetFocus()
+ end)
+ dropdown:Hide()
+ self:CreateRegion("Frame", "content", dropdown)
+ -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self:SetMethods(methods)
+ --[[ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ self[method] = func
+ end ]]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ return self
+DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/ComboBoxItem.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/ComboBoxItem.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eac5a03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/ComboBoxItem.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+---@type Diesal.GUI
+local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Tools
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Style
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+-- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
+local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
+-- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- ~~| ComboBoxItem |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Type = "DiesalComboBoxItem"
+local Version = 2
+-- ~~| ComboBoxItem Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Stylesheet = {
+ ["frame-hover"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "HIGHLIGHT",
+ color = "b3d9ff",
+ alpha = 0.05,
+ },
+-- ~~| ComboBoxItem Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- ~~| ComboBoxItem Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+---@class Diesal.GUI.ComboBoxItem.Methods
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:ApplySettings()
+ self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
+ -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrameSheet)
+ self:Show()
+ end,
+ ["OnRelease"] = function(self)
+ self.check:Hide()
+ end,
+ ["ApplySettings"] = function(self)
+ if not self.settings.key then
+ return
+ end
+ local settings = self.settings
+ local comboBoxSettings = settings.parentObject.settings
+ local text = self.text
+ if settings.position == 1 then
+ self:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+ self:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+ else
+ self:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", settings.parentObject.children[settings.position - 1].frame, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
+ self:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+ end
+ self:SetHeight(comboBoxSettings.dropdownButtonWidth)
+ self:SetText(settings.value)
+ end,
+ ["SetText"] = function(self, text)
+ self.text:SetText(text)
+ end,
+ ["OnClick"] = function(self)
+ local settings = self.settings
+ local comboBox = settings.parentObject
+ local comboBoxSettings = comboBox.settings
+ local comboBoxItems = comboBox.children
+ for i = 1, #comboBoxItems do
+ comboBoxItems[i]:SetSelected(false)
+ end
+ self:SetSelected(true)
+ comboBox.dropdown:Hide()
+ comboBox:SetText(settings.value)
+ comboBox:FireEvent("OnValueSelected", settings.key, settings.value)
+ end,
+ ["SetSelected"] = function(self, selected)
+ if selected then
+ self.settings.parentObject.settings.selectedKey = self.settings.key
+ self.settings.selected = true
+ self.check:Show()
+ else
+ self.settings.selected = false
+ self.check:Hide()
+ end
+ end,
+---@class Diesal.GUI.ComboBoxItem.Settings
+---@field parentObject Diesal.GUI.Object.ComboBox
+---@field position number
+---@field key string
+---@field value string
+---@field selected boolean
+---@class DiesalComboBoxItem : Diesal.GUI.Object.ComboBox.Item
+local function Constructor()
+ ---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.ComboBox.Item : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase, Diesal.GUI.ComboBoxItem.Methods
+ ---@field text FontString
+ ---@field check Texture
+ ---@field settings Diesal.GUI.ComboBoxItem.Settings
+ local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true)
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Button", nil, UIParent)
+ self.frame = frame
+ self.defaults = {}
+ frame:SetScript("OnClick", function(this, button)
+ self:OnClick()
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this) end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this) end)
+ ---@type Diesal.GUI.Region.FontString
+ local text = self:CreateRegion("FontString", "text", frame)
+ text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 12, -2)
+ text:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
+ text:SetJustifyH("TOP")
+ text:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+ text:SetWordWrap(false)
+ local check = self:CreateRegion("Texture", "check", frame) --[[ @as Texture ]]
+ DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(check, {
+ position = { 2, nil, 0, nil },
+ height = 16,
+ width = 16,
+ image = { "DiesalGUIcons", { 10, 5, 16, 256, 128 }, "FFFF00" },
+ })
+ check:Hide()
+ -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self:SetMethods(methods)
+ --[[ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ self[method] = func
+ end ]]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ return self
+DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/DropDown.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/DropDown.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7584698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/DropDown.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+---@type Diesal.GUI
+local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Tools
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Style
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+-- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
+local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
+-- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local tsort = table.sort
+local sub, format, lower, upper, gsub = string.sub, string.format, string.lower, string.upper, string.gsub
+-- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- ~~| Dropdown |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Type = "DiesalDropDown"
+local Version = 2
+-- ~~| Dropdown Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Stylesheet = {
+ ["frame-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ gradient = { "VERTICAL", Colors.UI_400_GR[1], Colors.UI_400_GR[2] },
+ },
+ ["frame-outline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "000000",
+ },
+ ["frame-inline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ gradient = { "VERTICAL", "FFFFFF", "FFFFFF" },
+ alpha = { 0.07, 0.02 },
+ position = -1,
+ },
+ ["frame-hover"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "HIGHLIGHT",
+ color = "ffffff",
+ alpha = 0.05,
+ },
+ ["frame-arrow"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ image = { "DiesalGUIcons", { 2, 1, 16, 256, 128 } },
+ alpha = 0.5,
+ position = { nil, -5, -7, nil },
+ height = 3,
+ width = 5,
+ },
+ ["text-color"] = {
+ type = "Font",
+ color = Colors.UI_TEXT,
+ },
+ ["dropdown-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ color = Colors.UI_100,
+ alpha = 0.95,
+ },
+ ["dropdown-inline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "ffffff",
+ alpha = 0.02,
+ position = -1,
+ },
+ ["dropdown-shadow"] = {
+ type = "shadow",
+ },
+-- ~~| Dropdown Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function compare(a, b)
+ return a.value < b.value
+local function sortList(list, orderedKeys)
+ if orderedKeys then
+ return orderedKeys
+ end
+ local sortedList = {}
+ local orderedKeys = {}
+ for key, value in pairs(list) do
+ sortedList[#sortedList + 1] = { key = key, value = value }
+ end
+ tsort(sortedList, compare)
+ for i, value in ipairs(sortedList) do
+ orderedKeys[#orderedKeys + 1] = value.key
+ end
+ return orderedKeys
+-- ~~| Dropdown Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+---@class Diesal.GUI.DropDown.Methods
+local methods = {
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown
+ OnAcquire = function(self)
+ self:ApplySettings()
+ self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
+ -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrameSheet)
+ self:Show()
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown
+ OnRelease = function(self) end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown
+ ApplySettings = function(self)
+ local settings = self.settings
+ local content = self.content
+ local frame = self.frame
+ local children = self.children
+ local dropdown = self.dropdown
+ frame:SetWidth(settings.width)
+ frame:SetHeight(settings.height)
+ content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", dropdown, settings.dropdownPadLeft, -settings.dropdownPadTop)
+ content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", dropdown, -settings.dropdownPadRight, settings.dropdownPadBottom)
+ local menuHeight = 0
+ for i = 1, #children do
+ menuHeight = menuHeight + children[i].frame:GetHeight()
+ end
+ dropdown:SetHeight(settings.dropdownPadTop + menuHeight + settings.dropdownPadBottom)
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown
+ ---@param list table
+ ---@param orderedKeys? table
+ SetList = function(self, list, orderedKeys)
+ self:ReleaseChildren()
+ self:SetText("")
+ local settings = self.settings
+ --local orderedKeys = sortList(list, orderedKeys)
+ settings.list = list
+ local foldColor = "353535"
+ local expandColor = "5a5a5a"
+ for position, item in ipairs(list) do
+ local dropdownItem = DiesalGUI:Create("DiesalDropDownItem")
+ self:AddChild(dropdownItem)
+ dropdownItem:SetParentObject(self)
+ dropdownItem:SetSettings({
+ key = item.key,
+ value = item.value,
+ position = position,
+ clickable = item.clickable,
+ indent = item.indent or 0,
+ }, true)
+ if item.indent > 0 then
+ local leftOffset = -6 + (-6 * item.indent)
+ dropdownItem:UpdateStyle("frame-lineV", {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = foldColor,
+ position = { leftOffset, nil, -8, nil },
+ height = 1,
+ width = 6,
+ })
+ dropdownItem:UpdateStyle("frame-lineH", {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = foldColor,
+ position = { leftOffset, nil, 0, 0 },
+ width = 1,
+ })
+ if item.last then
+ dropdownItem:UpdateStyle("frame-lineH", {
+ type = "texture",
+ position = { leftOffset, nil, 0, -7 },
+ })
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --[[ for position, key in ipairs(orderedKeys) do
+ ---@type Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown.Item
+ local dropdownItem = DiesalGUI:Create("DiesalDropDownItem")
+ self:AddChild(dropdownItem)
+ dropdownItem:SetParentObject(self)
+ dropdownItem:SetSettings({
+ key = key,
+ value = list[key],
+ position = position,
+ }, true)
+ end ]]
+ self:ApplySettings()
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown
+ SetValue = function(self, key)
+ local selectionTable = {}
+ local selectedKey, dropdownText, selectedValue
+ if key ~= "CLEAR" then
+ if self.settings.multiSelect then
+ for i = 1, #self.children do
+ if self.children[i].settings.key == key then
+ selectedKey = key
+ self.children[i]:SetSelected(true)
+ end
+ if self.children[i].settings.selected then
+ if dropdownText then
+ dropdownText = format("%s, %s", dropdownText, self.children[i].settings.value)
+ else
+ dropdownText = self.children[i].settings.value
+ end
+ selectionTable[#selectionTable + 1] = self.children[i].settings.key
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ for i = 1, #self.children do
+ local child = self.children[i]
+ child:SetSelected(false)
+ if child.settings.key == key then
+ child:SetSelected(true)
+ dropdownText = child.settings.value
+ selectionTable = { key }
+ selectedKey = key
+ selectedValue = self.value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ self:ClearSelection()
+ end
+ if selectedKey then
+ self:SetText(dropdownText)
+ self:FireEvent("OnValueChanged", selectedKey, selectedValue, selectionTable)
+ else
+ self:SetText("")
+ self:FireEvent("OnValueChanged", selectedKey, selectedValue, selectionTable)
+ end
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown
+ ClearSelection = function(self)
+ for i = 1, #self.children do
+ self.children[i]:SetSelected(false)
+ end
+ self:SetText("")
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown
+ SetValueTable = function(self, keyTable)
+ if not self.settings.multiSelect or type(keyTable) ~= "table" then
+ return
+ end
+ local dropdownItems = self.children
+ local selectionTable = {}
+ local selectedKey
+ local dropdownText
+ for i = 1, #dropdownItems do
+ local dropdownItem = dropdownItems[i]
+ dropdownItem:SetSelected(false)
+ for _, key in ipairs(keyTable) do
+ if dropdownItem.settings.key == key then
+ dropdownItem:SetSelected(true)
+ dropdownText = dropdownText and format("%s, %s", dropdownText, dropdownItem.settings.value) or dropdownItem.settings.value
+ selectionTable[#selectionTable + 1] = dropdownItem.settings.key
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ self:FireEvent("OnValueChanged", nil, nil, selectionTable)
+ self:SetText(dropdownText)
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown
+ SetMultiSelect = function(self, state)
+ self.settings.multiSelect = state
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown
+ SetText = function(self, text)
+ self.text:SetText(text)
+ for i = 1, #self.children do
+ local child = self.children[i]
+ if child.settings.value == text then
+ self.value = child.settings.key
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown
+ SetFocus = function(self)
+ DiesalGUI:SetFocus(self)
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown
+ ClearFocus = function(self)
+ self.dropdown:Hide()
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown
+ EnableMouse = function(self, state)
+ self.frame:EnableMouse(state)
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown
+ RegisterForClicks = function(self, ...)
+ self.frame:RegisterForClicks(...)
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown
+ SetJustifyV = function(self, justify)
+ self.text:SetJustifyV(justify)
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown
+ SetJustifyH = function(self, justify)
+ self.text:SetJustifyH(justify)
+ end,
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Obeject.DropDown.Settings
+---@field dropdownPadLeft number
+---@field dropdownPadRight number
+---@field dropdownPadTop number
+---@field dropdownPadBottom number
+---@field itemHeight number
+---@field width number
+---@field height number
+---@field list table
+---@field multiSelect boolean
+---@class DiesalDropDown : Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown
+-- ~~| Dropdown Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function Constructor()
+ ---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase, Diesal.GUI.DropDown.Methods
+ ---@field settings Diesal.GUI.Obeject.DropDown.Settings
+ ---@field children Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown.Item[]
+ ---@field text FontString
+ ---@field dropdown Frame
+ ---@field content Frame
+ ---@field value string
+ local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true)
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Button", nil, UIParent)
+ self.frame = frame
+ self.isContainer = true
+ self.defaults = {
+ dropdownPadLeft = 4,
+ dropdownPadRight = 4,
+ dropdownPadTop = 4,
+ dropdownPadBottom = 4,
+ itemHeight = 16,
+ width = 100,
+ height = 16,
+ }
+ -- ~~ Registered Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- OnValueChanged(event,selectedKey,selectedValue,selectionTable)
+ -- OnValueSelected(event,selectedKey,selectedValue,selectionTable)
+ -- OnEnter, OnLeave
+ -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ frame:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(this, button)
+ if button == "LeftButton" then
+ local dropdown = self.dropdown
+ local visible = dropdown:IsVisible()
+ DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this, button)
+ dropdown[visible and "Hide" or "Show"](dropdown)
+ end
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnClick", function(this, ...)
+ self:FireEvent("OnClick", ...)
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this, ...)
+ self:FireEvent("OnEnter", ...)
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this, ...)
+ self:FireEvent("OnLeave", ...)
+ end)
+ local text = self:CreateRegion("FontString", "text", frame)
+ text:ClearAllPoints()
+ text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 4, -1)
+ text:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -14, 1)
+ text:SetJustifyV("MIDDLE")
+ text:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+ local dropdown = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "dropdown", frame)
+ dropdown:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+ dropdown:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", frame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -2)
+ dropdown:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -2)
+ dropdown:SetScript("OnShow", function(this)
+ self:SetFocus()
+ end)
+ dropdown:Hide()
+ self:CreateRegion("Frame", "content", dropdown)
+ -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self:SetMethods(methods)
+ --[[ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ self[method] = func
+ end ]]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ return self
+DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/DropDownItem.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/DropDownItem.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5920d6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/DropDownItem.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+---@type Diesal.GUI
+local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Tools
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Style
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+-- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local sub, format, lower, upper, gsub = string.sub, string.format, string.lower, string.upper, string.gsub
+-- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- ~~| DropdownItem |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Type = "DiesalDropDownItem"
+local Version = 2
+-- ~~| DropdownItem Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Stylesheet = {
+ ["frame-hover"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "HIGHLIGHT",
+ color = "b3d9ff",
+ alpha = 0.1,
+ },
+-- ~~| DropdownItem Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+---@class Diesal.GUI.DropDownItem.Methods
+local methods = {
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown.Item
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:ApplySettings()
+ self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
+ -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrameSheet)
+ self:Show()
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown.Item
+ ["OnRelease"] = function(self)
+ self.check:Hide()
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown.Item
+ ["ApplySettings"] = function(self)
+ if not self.settings.key then
+ return
+ end
+ local settings = self.settings
+ local dropdownSettings = settings.parentObject.settings
+ local text = self.text
+ if settings.position == 1 then
+ self:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+ else
+ self:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", settings.parentObject.children[settings.position - 1].frame, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
+ end
+ self:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+ self:SetHeight(dropdownSettings.itemHeight)
+ self:SetText(settings.value)
+ if settings.clickable == false then
+ self:UpdateStyle("frame-hover", {
+ type = "texture",
+ alpha = 0.0,
+ })
+ end
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown.Item
+ ["SetText"] = function(self, text)
+ local indentText = self.settings.indent == 0 and "" or (" " .. (" "):rep(self.settings.indent) .. " ")
+ self.text:SetText(indentText .. text)
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown.Item
+ ["OnClick"] = function(self)
+ local settings = self.settings
+ local dropdown = settings.parentObject
+ local dropdownSettings = dropdown.settings
+ local dropdownItems = dropdown.children
+ local selectionTable = {}
+ local dropdownText
+ print(settings.key, settings.value, settings.clickable)
+ if not settings.clickable then
+ return
+ end
+ if settings.key ~= "CLEAR" then
+ if dropdownSettings.multiSelect then
+ self:SetSelected(not settings.selected)
+ for i = 1, #dropdownItems do
+ if dropdownItems[i].settings.selected then
+ dropdownText = dropdownText and format("%s, %s", dropdownText, dropdownItems[i].settings.value) or dropdownItems[i].settings.value
+ selectionTable[#selectionTable + 1] = dropdownItems[i].settings.key
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ for i = 1, #dropdownItems do
+ if dropdownItems[i].SetSelected then
+ dropdownItems[i]:SetSelected(false)
+ end
+ end
+ self:SetSelected(true)
+ dropdownText = settings.value
+ selectionTable = { settings.key }
+ dropdown.dropdown:Hide()
+ end
+ else
+ dropdown.dropdown:Hide()
+ dropdown:ClearSelection()
+ end
+ dropdown:SetText(dropdownText)
+ dropdown:FireEvent("OnValueChanged", settings.key, settings.value, selectionTable)
+ dropdown:FireEvent("OnValueSelected", settings.key, settings.value, selectionTable)
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown.Item
+ ["SetSelected"] = function(self, selected)
+ self.settings.selected = selected and true or false
+ self.check[selected and "Show" or "Hide"](self.check)
+ end,
+---@class Diesal.GUI.DropDownItem.Settings : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase.Settings
+---@field key string
+---@field value string
+---@field position number
+---@field selected boolean
+---@field clickable boolean
+---@field indent number
+---@field header boolean
+---@class DiesalDropDownItem : Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown.Item
+-- ~~| DropdownItem Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function Constructor()
+ ---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.DropDown.Item : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase, Diesal.GUI.DropDownItem.Methods
+ ---@field check Texture
+ ---@field text FontString
+ ---@field settings Diesal.GUI.DropDownItem.Settings
+ local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true)
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Button", nil, UIParent)
+ self.frame = frame
+ self.defaults = {}
+ -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ frame:SetScript("OnClick", function(this, button)
+ self:OnClick()
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this) end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this) end)
+ local text = self:CreateRegion("FontString", "text", frame)
+ text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 12, -2)
+ text:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
+ text:SetJustifyH("TOP")
+ text:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+ text:SetWordWrap(false)
+ local check = self:CreateRegion("Texture", "check", frame)
+ DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(check, {
+ position = { 2, nil, 0, nil },
+ height = 16,
+ width = 16,
+ image = { "DiesalGUIcons", { 10, 5, 16, 256, 128 }, "FFFF00" },
+ })
+ check:Hide()
+ -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self:SetMethods(methods)
+ --[[ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ self[method] = func
+ end ]]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ return self
+DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Input.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Input.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41af156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Input.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+---@type Diesal.GUI
+local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Tools
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Style
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+-- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
+local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
+-- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- | Input |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Type = "DiesalInput"
+local Version = 1
+-- | Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Stylesheet = {
+ ["frame-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ color = "000000",
+ alpha = 0.6,
+ },
+ ["editBox-outline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "FFFFFF",
+ alpha = 0.02,
+ position = 1,
+ },
+ ["editBox-inline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "000000",
+ alpha = 0.7,
+ },
+ ["editBox-hover"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "HIGHLIGHT",
+ color = "ffffff",
+ alpha = 0.05,
+ position = -1,
+ },
+ ["editBox-font"] = {
+ type = "Font",
+ color = Colors.UI_TEXT,
+ },
+-- ~~| Spinner Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Input.Methods
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
+ self:ApplySettings()
+ self:Show()
+ end,
+ ["OnRelease"] = function(self) end,
+ ["ApplySettings"] = function(self)
+ self:SetWidth(self.settings.width)
+ self:SetHeight(self.settings.height)
+ end,
+ ["GetText"] = function(self)
+ return self.editBox:GetText()
+ end,
+ ["SetText"] = function(self, txt)
+ self.editBox:SetText(txt)
+ end,
+ ["SetTextColor"] = function(self, color, alpha)
+ alpha = alpha or 1
+ color = { DiesalTools.GetColor(color) }
+ self.editBox:SetTextColor(color[1], color[2], color[3], alpha)
+ end,
+---@class DiesalInput : Diesal.GUI.Object.Input
+-- | Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function Constructor()
+ ---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.Input : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase, Diesal.GUI.Input.Methods
+ local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true)
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ self.frame = frame
+ self.defaults = {
+ height = 16,
+ width = 50,
+ mouse = true,
+ }
+ -- ~~ Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet
+ -- OnEnter, OnLeave, OnEnterPressed, OnValueChanged
+ -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ frame:SetScript("OnHide", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnHide")
+ end)
+ ---@type Diesal.GUI.Region.EditBox
+ local editBox = self:CreateRegion("EditBox", "editBox", frame)
+ editBox:SetAllPoints()
+ editBox:SetAutoFocus(false)
+ editBox:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+ editBox:SetJustifyV("CENTER")
+ editBox:SetTextInsets(3, 0, 2, 0)
+ editBox:SetScript("OnEnterPressed", function(this, ...)
+ self:FireEvent("OnEnterPressed", ...)
+ DiesalGUI:ClearFocus()
+ end)
+ editBox:HookScript("OnEscapePressed", function(this, ...)
+ self:FireEvent("OnEscapePressed", ...)
+ end)
+ editBox:HookScript("OnEditFocusLost", function(this, ...)
+ self:FireEvent("OnEditFocusLost", ...)
+ end)
+ editBox:HookScript("OnEditFocusGained", function(this, ...)
+ self:FireEvent("OnEditFocusGained", ...)
+ end)
+ editBox:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this, ...)
+ self:FireEvent("OnEnter", ...)
+ end)
+ editBox:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this, ...)
+ self:FireEvent("OnLeave", ...)
+ end)
+ -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self:SetMethods(methods)
+ --[[ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ self[method] = func
+ end ]]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ return self
+DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/ObjectBase.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/ObjectBase.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..175a7de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/ObjectBase.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+---@type Tinkr, Bastion
+---@type Diesal.GUI
+local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Tools
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Style
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+local Type = "DiesalObjectBase"
+local Version = 1
+---@class Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase.Methods
+local ObjectBase = {
+ --#region Diesal.GUI.Objectbase.BaseMethods
+ --#region BlizzardFrameMethods
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ Hide = function(self)
+ self.frame:Hide()
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ Show = function(self)
+ self.frame:Show()
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param parent Frame
+ SetParent = function(self, parent)
+ local frame = self.frame
+ frame:SetParent(nil)
+ frame:SetParent(parent)
+ self.settings.parent = parent
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ GetWidth = function(self)
+ return self.frame:GetWidth()
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ SetWidth = function(self, width)
+ self.settings.width = width
+ self.frame:SetWidth(width)
+ self:FireEvent("OnWidthSet", width)
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ GetHeight = function(self)
+ return self.frame:GetHeight()
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param height number
+ SetHeight = function(self, height)
+ self.settings.height = height
+ self.frame:SetHeight(height)
+ self:FireEvent("OnHeightSet", height)
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@return number width, number height
+ GetSize = function(self)
+ return self.frame:GetSize()
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param width number
+ ---@param height number
+ SetSize = function(self, width, height)
+ self.settings.width = width
+ self.settings.height = height
+ --TODO: Transition to SetSize?
+ self.frame:SetSize(width, height)
+ --self.frame:SetHeight(height)
+ --self.frame:SetWidth(width)
+ self:FireEvent("OnWidthSet", width)
+ self:FireEvent("OnHeightSet", height)
+ self:FireEvent("OnSizeSet", width, height)
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ IsVisible = function(self)
+ return self.frame:IsVisible()
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ IsShown = function(self)
+ return self.frame:IsShown()
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ SetPoint = function(self, ...)
+ self.frame:SetPoint(...)
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ SetAllPoints = function(self, ...)
+ return self.frame:SetAllPoints(...)
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ClearAllPoints = function(self)
+ return self.frame:ClearAllPoints()
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ GetNumPoints = function(self)
+ return self.frame:GetNumPoints()
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ GetPoint = function(self, ...)
+ return self.frame:GetPoint(...)
+ end,
+ --#endregion BlizzardFrameMethods
+ ---@class Diesal.GUI.Region.FontString : { defaultFontObject: Font }, FontString
+ ---@class Diesal.GUI.Region.EditBox : EditBox, FontableFrameMixin
+ ---@field defaultFontObject Font
+ ---@class Diesal.GUI.Region.ScrollingMessageFrame : ScrollingMessageFrame
+ ---@field defaultFontObject Font
+ ---@alias Diesal.GUI.Region.Custom
+ ---|Diesal.GUI.Region.FontString
+ ---|Diesal.GUI.Region.EditBox
+ ---|Diesal.GUI.Region.ScrollingMessageFrame
+ ---@alias Diesal.GUI.Parent.Region
+ ---|Frame
+ ---|Texture
+ ---|Diesal.Object
+ --#region DiesalObjectMethods
+ ---@generic RT
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param regionType `RT` | "FontString" | "Texture" | "EditBox" | "ScrollingMessageFrame" | FrameType
+ ---@param regionName string
+ ---@param parentRegion Diesal.GUI.Parent.Region
+ ---@param defaultFontObject? Font
+ ---@param ... any
+ ---@return RT
+ CreateRegion = function(self, regionType, regionName, parentRegion, defaultFontObject, ...)
+ if regionType == "FontString" then
+ ---@type Diesal.GUI.Region.FontString
+ local fontString = parentRegion:CreateFontString()
+ fontString.defaultFontObject = defaultFontObject or _G.DiesalFontNormal
+ fontString:SetFont(fontString.defaultFontObject:GetFont())
+ fontString:SetTextColor(fontString.defaultFontObject:GetTextColor())
+ fontString:SetSpacing(fontString.defaultFontObject:GetSpacing())
+ self[regionName] = fontString
+ self.fontStrings[regionName] = fontString
+ return fontString
+ end
+ if regionType == "Texture" then
+ self[regionName] = parentRegion:CreateTexture(...)
+ return self[regionName]
+ end
+ if regionType == "EditBox" then
+ local editBox = CreateFrame("EditBox", nil, parentRegion, ...) ---@cast editBox Diesal.GUI.Region.EditBox
+ -- set Default font properties
+ editBox.defaultFontObject = defaultFontObject or _G.DiesalFontNormal
+ editBox:SetFont(editBox.defaultFontObject:GetFont())
+ editBox:SetTextColor(editBox.defaultFontObject:GetTextColor())
+ editBox:SetSpacing(editBox.defaultFontObject:GetSpacing())
+ editBox:HookScript("OnEscapePressed", function(this)
+ DiesalGUI:ClearFocus()
+ end)
+ editBox:HookScript("OnEditFocusGained", function(this)
+ DiesalGUI:SetFocus(this)
+ GameTooltip:Hide()
+ end)
+ self[regionName] = editBox
+ return editBox
+ end
+ if regionType == "ScrollingMessageFrame" then
+ local srollingMessageFrame = CreateFrame("ScrollingMessageFrame", nil, parentRegion, ...) ---@cast srollingMessageFrame Diesal.GUI.Region.ScrollingMessageFrame
+ -- set Default font properties
+ srollingMessageFrame.defaultFontObject = defaultFontObject or _G.DiesalFontNormal
+ srollingMessageFrame:SetFont(srollingMessageFrame.defaultFontObject:GetFont())
+ srollingMessageFrame:SetTextColor(srollingMessageFrame.defaultFontObject:GetTextColor())
+ srollingMessageFrame:SetSpacing(srollingMessageFrame.defaultFontObject:GetSpacing())
+ self[regionName] = srollingMessageFrame
+ return srollingMessageFrame
+ end
+ self[regionName] = CreateFrame(regionType, nil, parentRegion, ...)
+ return self[regionName]
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param methods? table
+ SetMethods = function(self, methods)
+ if methods and type(methods) == "table" then
+ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ if type(func) == "function" then
+ self.methods[method] = func
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ResetFonts = function(self)
+ for name, fontString in pairs(self.fontStrings) do
+ fontString:SetFont(fontString.defaultFontObject:GetFont())
+ fontString:SetTextColor(fontString.defaultFontObject:GetTextColor())
+ fontString:SetSpacing(fontString.defaultFontObject:GetSpacing())
+ end
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param object Diesal.Object
+ AddChild = function(self, object)
+ tinsert(self.children, object)
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ Release = function(self)
+ DiesalGUI:Release(self)
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param object Diesal.Object
+ ReleaseChild = function(self, object)
+ local children = self.children
+ for i = 1, #children do
+ if children[i] == object then
+ children[i]:Release()
+ tremove(children, i)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ReleaseChildren = function(self)
+ local children = self.children
+ for i = 1, #children do
+ children[i]:Release()
+ children[i] = nil
+ end
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param parent? Diesal.Object
+ SetParentObject = function(self, parent)
+ local frame = self.frame
+ local settings = self.settings
+ frame:SetParent(nil)
+ if parent then
+ frame:SetParent(parent.content)
+ settings.parent = parent.content
+ end
+ settings.parentObject = parent
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param settings table
+ ---@param apply? boolean
+ SetSettings = function(self, settings, apply)
+ for key, value in pairs(settings) do
+ self.settings[key] = value
+ end
+ if apply then
+ self:ApplySettings()
+ end
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param apply? boolean
+ ResetSettings = function(self, apply)
+ self.settings = DiesalTools.TableCopy(self.defaults or {})
+ if apply then
+ self:ApplySettings()
+ end
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param event string
+ FireEvent = function(self, event, ...)
+ if self.eventListeners[event] then
+ return self.eventListeners[event](self, event, ...)
+ end
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param event string
+ ---@param listener fun(self: T, event: string, ...)
+ SetEventListener = function(self, event, listener)
+ if type(listener) == "function" then
+ self.eventListeners[event] = listener
+ else
+ error("listener is required to be a function", 2)
+ end
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ResetEventListeners = function(self)
+ for k in pairs(self.eventListeners) do
+ self.eventListeners[k] = nil
+ end
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param name string
+ ---@param style Diesal.Style.Style
+ SetStyle = function(self, name, style)
+ DiesalStyle:SetObjectStyle(self, name, style)
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param name string
+ ---@param style Diesal.Style.Style
+ UpdateStyle = function(self, name, style)
+ DiesalStyle:UpdateObjectStyle(self, name, style)
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param Stylesheet Diesal.Style.Stylesheet
+ UpdateStylesheet = function(self, Stylesheet)
+ DiesalStyle:UpdateObjectStylesheet(self, Stylesheet)
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param Stylesheet Diesal.Style.Stylesheet
+ SetStylesheet = function(self, Stylesheet)
+ DiesalStyle:SetObjectStylesheet(self, Stylesheet)
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param name string
+ ReleaseTexture = function(self, name)
+ if not self.textures[name] then
+ return
+ end
+ DiesalStyle:ReleaseTexture(self, name)
+ end,
+ ---@generic T : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@param self T | Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ReleaseTextures = function(self)
+ DiesalStyle:ReleaseTextures(self)
+ end,
+ --#endregion DiesalObjectMethods
+ --#endregion Diesal.GUI.Objectbase.BaseMethods
+DiesalGUI.ObjectBase = ObjectBase
+---@class Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase.Settings
+---@field parent Frame
+---@field parentObject Diesal.Object
+---@field height number
+---@field width number
+---@class Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase.Methods
+---@field OnAcquire fun()
+---@field OnRelease fun()
+---@field ApplySettings fun()
+---@alias DiesalObjectBase Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+-- Returns an Object Base
+---@param objectType string | Diesal.Object.Type
+local Constructor = function(objectType)
+ ---@class Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase.Methods
+ ---@field frame Frame
+ ---@field isContainer boolean
+ ---@field type Diesal.Object.Type
+ ---@field fontStrings { [string]: Diesal.GUI.Region.FontString }
+ ---@field textures { [string]: Diesal.Style.Texture }
+ ---@field children { [number]: Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase }
+ ---@field eventListeners { [string]: fun(self: self, event: string, ...) }
+ ---@field settings Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase.Settings
+ ---@field defaults Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase.Settings
+ local object = {
+ isContainer = false,
+ type = objectType,
+ fontStrings = {},
+ textures = {},
+ children = {},
+ eventListeners = {},
+ methods = {},
+ }
+ for k, v in pairs(ObjectBase) do
+ object.methods[k] = v
+ end
+ setmetatable(object, {
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ __index = function(self, k)
+ local response = rawget(object, k)
+ if response ~= nil then
+ return response
+ end
+ -- Look for replaced methods.
+ response = object.methods[k]
+ if response ~= nil then
+ return response
+ end
+ return rawget(object, k)
+ end,
+ })
+ return object
+DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version)
+--[[ function DiesalGUI:CreateObjectBase(objectType)
+ local object = {
+ isContainer = false,
+ type = objectType,
+ fontStrings = {},
+ textures = {},
+ children = {},
+ eventListeners = {},
+ }
+ setmetatable(object, { __index = ObjectBase })
+ return object
+end ]]
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/QuickDoc.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/QuickDoc.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb1aa0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/QuickDoc.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+---@type Diesal.GUI
+local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Tools
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Style
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+-- | Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local print, type, select, tostring, tonumber = print, type, select, tostring, tonumber
+local sub, format, match, lower = string.sub, string.format, string.match, string.lower
+local table_sort = table.sort
+local abs = math.abs
+-- | WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- | TableExplorer |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Type = "DiesalQuickDoc"
+local Version = 1
+-- | Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local windowStylesheet = {
+ ["content-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ color = "131517",
+ },
+-- | Local |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local doc = {
+ {
+ type = "section",
+ margin = { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+ padding = { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+ style = {},
+ { type = "single-line", text = "Editor", font = nil, fontSize = 14 },
+ { type = "columns", text = "Editor", font = nil, fontSize = 14 },
+ },
+-- | Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+---@class Diesal.GUI.QuickDoc.Methods
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self.settings = DiesalTools.TableCopy(self.defaults)
+ self:ApplySettings()
+ self:Show()
+ end,
+ ["OnRelease"] = function(self)
+ self.tree:ReleaseChildren()
+ end,
+ ["ApplySettings"] = function(self) end,
+ ["BuildDoc"] = function(self, doc)
+ -- if #doc == 0 then error('BuildDoc(doc) doc requires atleast one section')
+ -- local settings = self.settings
+ -- -- reset
+ -- self:ReleaseChildren()
+ -- -- setup
+ -- settings.doc = doc
+ --
+ -- if #doc == 0 then
+ -- tree:UpdateHeight()
+ -- self.statusText:SetText('|cffff0000Table is empty.')
+ -- return end
+ -- -- sort tree table
+ -- local sortedTable = sortTable(settings.exploredTable)
+ -- -- build Tree Branches
+ -- for position, key in ipairs(sortedTable) do
+ -- if self.settings.endtime <= time() then self:Timeout() return end
+ -- self:BuildBranch(self.tree,key[2],settings.exploredTable[key[2]],position,1,position == #sortedTable)
+ -- end
+ end,
+ ["BuildSection"] = function(self, parent, key, value, position, depth, last)
+ -- local tree = self.tree
+ -- local leaf = type(value) ~= 'table' or next(value) == nil or depth >= self.settings.maxDepth
+ -- local branch = DiesalGUI:Create('Branch')
+ -- -- | Reset Branch |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- branch:ReleaseChildren()
+ -- -- | setup Branch |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- branch:SetParentObject(parent)
+ -- parent:AddChild(branch)
+ -- branch:SetSettings({
+ -- key = key,
+ -- value = value,
+ -- position = position,
+ -- depth = depth,
+ -- last = last,
+ -- leaf = leaf,
+ -- })
+ -- branch:SetEventListener('OnClick',function(this,event,button)
+ -- if button =='RightButton' then
+ -- if not next(this.settings.menuData) then return end
+ -- DiesalMenu:Menu(this.settings.menuData,this.frame,10,-10)
+ -- end
+ -- end)
+ --
+ -- self:SetBranchLabel(branch,key,value,leaf)
+ -- self:SetBranchMenu(branch,key,value)
+ -- self:SetBranchIcon(branch,type(value))
+ --
+ -- if value == tree or leaf then branch:ApplySettings() return end
+ -- -- | sort Branch Table |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- local sortedTable = sortTable(value)
+ -- -- | build Branch Branches |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- for position, key in ipairs(sortedTable) do
+ -- if self.settings.endtime <= time() then self:Timeout() return end
+ -- self:BuildBranch(branch,key[2],value[key[2]],position,depth+1,position == #sortedTable)
+ -- end
+ -- -- | Update Branch | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- branch:ApplySettings()
+ end,
+ ["Show"] = function(self)
+ self.window:Show()
+ end,
+---@class DiesalQuickDoc : Diesal.GUI.Object.QuickDoc
+-- ~~| TableExplorer Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function Constructor()
+ ---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.QuickDoc : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase, Diesal.GUI.QuickDoc.Methods
+ local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true)
+ self.isContainer = true
+ self.defaults = {}
+ ---@type Diesal.GUI.Object.Window
+ local window = DiesalGUI:Create("DiesalWindow")
+ window:SetSettings({
+ header = false,
+ footer = false,
+ top = UIParent:GetHeight() - 100,
+ left = 100,
+ height = 300,
+ width = 400,
+ minWidth = 200,
+ minHeight = 200,
+ }, true)
+ window:SetStylesheet(windowStylesheet)
+ -- ~~ Frames ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self.window = window
+ self.content = window.content
+ self.frame = window.frame
+ -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self:SetMethods(methods)
+ --[[ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ self[method] = func
+ end ]]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ return self
+DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/ScrollFrame.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/ScrollFrame.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03c1a79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/ScrollFrame.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+---@type Diesal.GUI
+local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Tools
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Style
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+-- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
+local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
+-- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local type, select, pairs, tonumber = type, select, pairs, tonumber
+local setmetatable, getmetatable, next = setmetatable, getmetatable, next
+local sub, format, lower, upper = string.sub, string.format, string.lower, string.upper
+local floor, ceil, min, max, abs, modf = math.floor, math.ceil, math.min, math.max, math.abs, math.modf
+-- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local GetCursorPosition = GetCursorPosition
+-- ~~| ScrollFrame |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Type = "DiesalScrollFrame"
+local Version = 3
+-- ~~| ScrollFrame Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Stylesheet = {
+ ["track-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ color = "000000",
+ alpha = 0.3,
+ },
+ ["grip-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ color = Colors.UI_400,
+ },
+ ["grip-inline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "FFFFFF",
+ alpha = 0.02,
+ },
+local wireFrame = {
+ ["frame-white"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "ffffff",
+ },
+ ["scrollFrameContainer-yellow"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "ffff00",
+ },
+ ["scrollFrame-orange"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "ff7f00",
+ },
+ ["scrollBar-blue"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "0080ff",
+ },
+ ["track-green"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "00ff00",
+ },
+ ["grip-purple"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "a800ff",
+ },
+-- ~~| ScrollFrame Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local internal
+---@class DiesalScrollFrame : Diesal.GUI.Object.ScrollFrame
+-- ~~| ScrollFrame Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+---@class Diesal.GUI.ScrollFrame.Methods
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:ApplySettings()
+ self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
+ --self:SetStylesheet(wireFrame)
+ self:Show()
+ end,
+ ["OnRelease"] = function(self) end,
+ ["ApplySettings"] = function(self)
+ local settings = self.settings
+ local scrollFrame = self.scrollFrame
+ scrollFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", settings.contentPadding[1], -settings.contentPadding[3])
+ scrollFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -settings.contentPadding[2], settings.contentPadding[4])
+ self.scrollBar:SetWidth(settings.scrollBarWidth)
+ self.scrollBar:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -settings.scrollBarPadding[2], -settings.scrollBarPadding[3])
+ self.scrollBar:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -settings.scrollBarPadding[2], settings.scrollBarPadding[4])
+ if settings.scrollBarButtons then
+ self.track:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -settings.scrollBarButtonHeight)
+ self.track:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0, settings.scrollBarButtonHeight)
+ self.buttonDown:SetHeight(settings.scrollBarButtonHeight)
+ self.buttonUp:SetHeight(settings.scrollBarButtonHeight)
+ self.buttonUp:Show()
+ self.buttonDown:Show()
+ else
+ self.track:SetPoint("TOP", 0, 0)
+ self.track:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0, 0)
+ self.buttonUp:Hide()
+ self.buttonDown:Hide()
+ end
+ self.content:SetHeight(settings.contentHeight)
+ end,
+ ---@param height number
+ ["SetContentHeight"] = function(self, height)
+ height = height < 1 and 1 or height -- height of 0 wont hide scrollbar
+ self.settings.contentHeight = height
+ self.content:SetHeight(height)
+ end,
+ ["SetGripSize"] = function(self)
+ local contentSize = self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange() + self.scrollFrame:GetHeight()
+ local windowSize = self.scrollFrame:GetHeight()
+ local trackSize = self.track:GetHeight()
+ local windowContentRatio = windowSize / contentSize
+ local gripSize = DiesalTools.Round(trackSize * windowContentRatio)
+ gripSize = max(gripSize, 10) -- might give this a setting?
+ gripSize = min(gripSize, trackSize)
+ self.grip:SetHeight(gripSize)
+ end,
+ ["SetScrollThumbPosition"] = function(self)
+ local verticalScrollRange = self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange() -- windowScrollAreaSize (rounded no need to round)
+ if verticalScrollRange < 1 then
+ self.grip:SetPoint("TOP", 0, 0)
+ return
+ end
+ local verticalScroll = self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScroll() -- windowPosition
+ local trackSize = self.track:GetHeight()
+ local gripSize = self.grip:GetHeight()
+ local windowPositionRatio = verticalScroll / verticalScrollRange
+ local trackScrollAreaSize = trackSize - gripSize
+ local gripPositionOnTrack = DiesalTools.Round(trackScrollAreaSize * windowPositionRatio)
+ self.grip:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -gripPositionOnTrack)
+ end,
+ ---@param show? boolean
+ ["ShowScrollBar"] = function(self, show)
+ if show then
+ self.scrollFrameContainer:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -(self.settings.scrollBarWidth + self.settings.scrollBarPadding[1] + self.settings.scrollBarPadding[2]), 0)
+ self.scrollBar:Show()
+ else
+ self.scrollBar:Hide()
+ self.scrollFrameContainer:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
+ end
+ end,
+ ["ScrollToBottom"] = function(self)
+ local scrollRange = self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange()
+ if scrollRange > 0 and scrollRange ~= self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScroll() then
+ self.scrollFrame:SetVerticalScroll(scrollRange)
+ end
+ end,
+ ---@param num number
+ ["SetVerticalScroll"] = function(self, num)
+ self.scrollFrame:SetVerticalScroll(num)
+ end,
+ ["GetVerticalScroll"] = function(self)
+ return self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScroll()
+ end,
+ ["GetVerticalScrollRange"] = function(self)
+ return self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange()
+ end,
+ ---@param num number
+ ["VerticallyScroll"] = function(self, num)
+ if num < 0 then
+ self.scrollFrame:SetVerticalScroll(max(self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScroll() + num, 0))
+ else
+ self.scrollFrame:SetVerticalScroll(min(self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScroll() + num, self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange()))
+ end
+ end,
+-- ~~| ScrollFrame Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function Constructor()
+ ---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.ScrollFrame : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase, Diesal.GUI.ScrollFrame.Methods
+ ---@field scrollFrameContainer Frame
+ ---@field scrollFrame ScrollFrame
+ ---@field content Frame
+ ---@field scrollBar Frame
+ ---@field buttonUp Frame
+ ---@field buttonDown Frame
+ ---@field track Frame
+ ---@field grip Frame
+ ---@field parent Diesal.GUI.Object.Window
+ local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true)
+ self.isContainer = true
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ self.frame = frame
+ -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self.defaults = {
+ height = 300,
+ width = 500,
+ scrollBarButtonHeight = 4,
+ scrollBarWidth = 4,
+ scrollBarButtons = false,
+ scrollBarPadding = { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+ contentPadding = { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+ contentHeight = 1,
+ }
+ -- ~~ Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet
+ -- OnHide
+ -- ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ frame:SetScript("OnHide", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnHide")
+ end)
+ local scrollFrameContainer = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "scrollFrameContainer", frame)
+ scrollFrameContainer:SetAllPoints()
+ local scrollFrame = self:CreateRegion("ScrollFrame", "scrollFrame", scrollFrameContainer)
+ scrollFrame:EnableMouseWheel(true)
+ scrollFrame:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", function(this, delta)
+ DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this, "MouseWheel")
+ if delta > 0 then
+ self:VerticallyScroll(-25)
+ else
+ self:VerticallyScroll(25)
+ end
+ end)
+ scrollFrame:SetScript("OnVerticalScroll", function(this, offset)
+ -- self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange() windowScrollAreaSize
+ if this:GetVerticalScrollRange() < 1 then -- nothing to scroll
+ self:ShowScrollBar(false)
+ else
+ self:ShowScrollBar(true)
+ end
+ self:SetScrollThumbPosition()
+ end)
+ scrollFrame:SetScript("OnScrollRangeChanged", function(this, horizontalScrollRange, verticalScrollRange)
+ if verticalScrollRange < 1 then -- nothing to scroll
+ this:SetVerticalScroll(0)
+ self:ShowScrollBar(false)
+ return
+ end
+ this:SetVerticalScroll(min(this:GetVerticalScroll(), verticalScrollRange))
+ self:ShowScrollBar(true)
+ self:SetGripSize()
+ self:SetScrollThumbPosition()
+ end)
+ scrollFrame:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", function(this, width, height)
+ self.content:SetWidth(width)
+ end)
+ scrollFrame:SetScrollChild(self:CreateRegion("Frame", "content", scrollFrame))
+ scrollFrame:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton")
+ scrollFrame:SetScript("OnDragStart", function(this, ...)
+ self:FireEvent("OnDragStart", ...)
+ end)
+ local scrollBar = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "scrollBar", frame)
+ scrollBar:Hide()
+ local buttonUp = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "buttonUp", scrollBar)
+ buttonUp:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+ buttonUp:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
+ local buttonDown = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "buttonDown", scrollBar)
+ buttonDown:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT")
+ buttonDown:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+ local track = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "track", scrollBar)
+ track:SetPoint("LEFT")
+ track:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+ local grip = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "grip", track)
+ grip:SetPoint("LEFT")
+ grip:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+ grip:SetPoint("TOP")
+ grip:EnableMouse(true)
+ grip:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function(this, button)
+ DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this, button)
+ if button ~= "LeftButton" then
+ return
+ end
+ local MouseY = select(2, GetCursorPosition()) / this:GetEffectiveScale()
+ local effectiveScale = this:GetEffectiveScale()
+ local trackScrollAreaSize = track:GetHeight() - this:GetHeight()
+ local gripPositionOnTrack = abs(select(5, this:GetPoint(1)))
+ this:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(this)
+ local newGripPosition = gripPositionOnTrack + (MouseY - (select(2, GetCursorPosition()) / effectiveScale))
+ newGripPosition = min(max(newGripPosition, 0), trackScrollAreaSize)
+ -- local newGripPositionRatio = newGripPosition / trackScrollAreaSize
+ -- local windowPosition = newGripPositionRatio * scrollArea:GetVerticalScrollRange()
+ scrollFrame:SetVerticalScroll((newGripPosition / trackScrollAreaSize) * scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange())
+ end)
+ end)
+ grip:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(this, button)
+ this:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(this) end)
+ end)
+ -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self:SetMethods(methods)
+ --[[ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ self[method] = func
+ end ]]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ return self
+DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/ScrollingEditBox.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/ScrollingEditBox.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..254b6ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/ScrollingEditBox.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+---@type Diesal.GUI
+local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Tools
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Style
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+-- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
+local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
+-- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local type, select, pairs, tonumber = type, select, pairs, tonumber
+local setmetatable, getmetatable, next = setmetatable, getmetatable, next
+local sub, format, lower, upper = string.sub, string.format, string.lower, string.upper
+local floor, ceil, min, max, abs, modf = math.floor, math.ceil, math.min, math.max, math.abs, math.modf
+-- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local GetCursorPosition = GetCursorPosition
+-- ~~| ScrollingEditBox |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Type = "DiesalScrollingEditBox"
+local Version = 3
+-- ~~| ScrollingEditBox Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Stylesheet = {
+ ["track-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ color = "000000",
+ alpha = 0.3,
+ },
+ ["grip-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ color = Colors.UI_400,
+ },
+ ["grip-inline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "FFFFFF",
+ alpha = 0.02,
+ },
+local wireFrame = {
+ ["frame-white"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "ffffff",
+ },
+ ["scrollFrameContainer-yellow"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ color = "fffc00",
+ },
+ ["scrollFrame-orange"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "ffd400",
+ },
+ ["editBox-red"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "ARTWORK",
+ color = "ff0000",
+ aplha = 0.5,
+ },
+ ["scrollBar-blue"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "00aaff",
+ },
+ ["track-green"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "55ff00",
+ },
+-- ~~| ScrollingEditBox Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- ~~| ScrollingEditBox Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+---@class Diesal.GUI.ScrollingEditBox.Methods
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:ApplySettings()
+ self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
+ -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrame)
+ self:Show()
+ end,
+ ["OnRelease"] = function(self) end,
+ ["ApplySettings"] = function(self)
+ local settings = self.settings
+ self.scrollFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", settings.contentPadding[1], -settings.contentPadding[3])
+ self.scrollFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -settings.contentPadding[2], settings.contentPadding[4])
+ self.scrollBar:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", 0, -settings.contentPadding[3] + 1)
+ self.scrollBar:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, settings.contentPadding[4] - 1)
+ self.scrollBar:SetWidth(settings.scrollBarWidth)
+ self.buttonDown:SetHeight(settings.scrollBarButtonHeight)
+ self.buttonUp:SetHeight(settings.scrollBarButtonHeight)
+ self.editBox:SetJustifyH(settings.justifyH)
+ self.editBox:SetJustifyV(settings.justifyV)
+ end,
+ ["ShowScrollBar"] = function(self, show)
+ if show then
+ self.scrollFrameContainer:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -(self.settings.scrollBarWidth + 1), 0)
+ self.scrollBar:Show()
+ else
+ self.scrollBar:Hide()
+ self.scrollFrameContainer:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
+ end
+ end,
+ ["SetContentHeight"] = function(self, height)
+ self.settings.contentHeight = height
+ self.content:SetHeight(height)
+ end,
+ ["SetGripSize"] = function(self)
+ local contentSize = self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange() + self.scrollFrame:GetHeight()
+ local windowSize = self.scrollFrame:GetHeight()
+ local trackSize = self.track:GetHeight()
+ local windowContentRatio = windowSize / contentSize
+ local gripSize = DiesalTools.Round(trackSize * windowContentRatio)
+ gripSize = max(gripSize, 10) -- might give this a setting?
+ gripSize = min(gripSize, trackSize)
+ self.grip:SetHeight(gripSize)
+ end,
+ ["SetScrollThumbPosition"] = function(self)
+ local verticalScrollRange = self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange() -- windowScrollAreaSize (rounded no need to round)
+ if verticalScrollRange < 1 then
+ self.grip:SetPoint("TOP", 0, 0)
+ return
+ end
+ local verticalScroll = self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScroll() -- windowPosition
+ local trackSize = self.track:GetHeight()
+ local gripSize = self.grip:GetHeight()
+ local windowPositionRatio = verticalScroll / verticalScrollRange
+ local trackScrollAreaSize = trackSize - gripSize
+ local gripPositionOnTrack = DiesalTools.Round(trackScrollAreaSize * windowPositionRatio)
+ self.grip:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -gripPositionOnTrack)
+ end,
+ ["SetVerticalScroll"] = function(self, scroll) -- user scrolled only
+ self.settings.forceScrollBottom = DiesalTools.Round(scroll) == DiesalTools.Round(self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange())
+ self.scrollFrame:SetVerticalScroll(scroll)
+ end,
+ ["SetText"] = function(self, txt)
+ self.settings.text = txt
+ self.value = txt
+ self.editBox:SetText(txt or "")
+ end,
+---@class DiesalScrollingEditBox : Diesal.GUI.Object.ScrollingEditBox
+-- ~~| ScrollingEditBox Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function Constructor()
+ ---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.ScrollingEditBox : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase, Diesal.GUI.ScrollingEditBox.Methods
+ local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true)
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ self.frame = frame
+ -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self.defaults = {
+ scrollBarButtonHeight = 1,
+ scrollBarWidth = 4,
+ contentPadding = { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+ justifyH = "LEFT",
+ justifyV = "TOP",
+ forceScrollBottom = true,
+ }
+ -- ~~ Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet
+ -- OnHide
+ -- ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ frame:SetScript("OnHide", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnHide")
+ end)
+ local scrollFrameContainer = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "scrollFrameContainer", frame)
+ scrollFrameContainer:SetAllPoints()
+ local scrollFrame = self:CreateRegion("ScrollFrame", "scrollFrame", scrollFrameContainer)
+ scrollFrame:EnableMouseWheel(true)
+ scrollFrame:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", function(this, delta)
+ DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this, "MouseWheel")
+ if delta > 0 then
+ self:SetVerticalScroll(max(this:GetVerticalScroll() - 50, 0))
+ else
+ self:SetVerticalScroll(min(this:GetVerticalScroll() + 50, this:GetVerticalScrollRange()))
+ end
+ end)
+ scrollFrame:SetScript("OnVerticalScroll", function(this, offset)
+ -- self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange() windowScrollAreaSize
+ if this:GetVerticalScrollRange() < 1 then -- nothing to scroll
+ self:ShowScrollBar(false)
+ else
+ self:ShowScrollBar(true)
+ end
+ self:SetScrollThumbPosition()
+ end)
+ scrollFrame:SetScript("OnScrollRangeChanged", function(this, xOffset, verticalScrollRange)
+ if verticalScrollRange < 1 then -- nothing to scroll
+ this:SetVerticalScroll(0)
+ self:ShowScrollBar(false)
+ return
+ end
+ if self.settings.forceScrollBottom then
+ this:SetVerticalScroll(verticalScrollRange)
+ else
+ this:SetVerticalScroll(min(this:GetVerticalScroll(), verticalScrollRange))
+ end
+ self:ShowScrollBar(true)
+ self:SetGripSize()
+ self:SetScrollThumbPosition()
+ end)
+ scrollFrame:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", function(this, width, height)
+ self.editBox:SetWidth(width)
+ end)
+ local editBox = self:CreateRegion("EditBox", "editBox", scrollFrame)
+ editBox:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+ editBox:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
+ editBox:SetAutoFocus(false)
+ editBox:SetMultiLine(true)
+ editBox:HookScript("OnEditFocusLost", function(this)
+ this:HighlightText(0, 0)
+ this:SetText(self.settings.text)
+ end)
+ editBox:HookScript("OnEditFocusGained", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnEditFocusGained")
+ end)
+ editBox:HookScript("OnEscapePressed", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnEscapePressed")
+ end)
+ editBox:HookScript("OnTabPressed", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnTabPressed")
+ end)
+ editBox:HookScript("OnCursorChanged", function(this, ...)
+ self:FireEvent("OnCursorChanged", ...)
+ end)
+ editBox:HookScript("OnTextChanged", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnTextChanged")
+ end)
+ scrollFrame:SetScrollChild(editBox)
+ local scrollBar = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "scrollBar", frame)
+ scrollBar:Hide()
+ local buttonUp = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "buttonUp", scrollBar)
+ buttonUp:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+ buttonUp:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
+ local buttonDown = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "buttonDown", scrollBar)
+ buttonDown:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT")
+ buttonDown:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+ local track = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "track", scrollBar)
+ track:SetPoint("LEFT")
+ track:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+ track:SetPoint("TOP", buttonUp, "BOTTOM", 0, 0)
+ track:SetPoint("BOTTOM", buttonDown, "TOP", 0, 0)
+ local grip = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "grip", track)
+ grip:SetPoint("LEFT")
+ grip:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+ grip:SetPoint("TOP")
+ grip:EnableMouse(true)
+ grip:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function(this, button)
+ DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this, button)
+ if button ~= "LeftButton" then
+ return
+ end
+ local MouseY = select(2, GetCursorPosition()) / this:GetEffectiveScale()
+ local effectiveScale = this:GetEffectiveScale()
+ local trackScrollAreaSize = track:GetHeight() - this:GetHeight()
+ local gripPositionOnTrack = abs(select(5, this:GetPoint(1)))
+ this:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(this)
+ local newGripPosition = gripPositionOnTrack + (MouseY - (select(2, GetCursorPosition()) / effectiveScale))
+ newGripPosition = min(max(newGripPosition, 0), trackScrollAreaSize)
+ -- local newGripPositionRatio = newGripPosition / trackScrollAreaSize
+ -- local windowPosition = newGripPositionRatio * scrollArea:GetVerticalScrollRange()
+ self:SetVerticalScroll((newGripPosition / trackScrollAreaSize) * scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange())
+ end)
+ end)
+ grip:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(this, button)
+ this:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(this) end)
+ end)
+ -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self:SetMethods(methods)
+ --[[ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ self[method] = func
+ end ]]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ return self
+DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/ScrollingMessageFrame.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/ScrollingMessageFrame.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..884b552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/ScrollingMessageFrame.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+---@type Diesal.GUI
+local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Tools
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Style
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+-- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local type, select, pairs, tonumber = type, select, pairs, tonumber
+local setmetatable, getmetatable, next = setmetatable, getmetatable, next
+local sub, format, lower, upper = string.sub, string.format, string.lower, string.upper
+local floor, ceil, min, max, abs, modf = math.floor, math.ceil, math.min, math.max, math.abs, math.modf
+-- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local GetCursorPosition = GetCursorPosition
+-- ~~| ScrollingMessageFrame |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Type = "DiesalScrollingMessageFrame"
+local Version = 1
+-- ~~| ScrollingMessageFrame Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Stylesheet = {
+ ["track-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ color = "0e0e0e",
+ },
+ ["track-outline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "060606",
+ },
+ ["grip-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ gradient = "HORIZONTAL",
+ color = "5d5d5d",
+ colorEnd = "252525",
+ },
+ ["grip-outline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "060606",
+ },
+local wireFrame = {
+ ["frame-white"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "ffffff",
+ },
+ ["scrollFrameContainer-yellow"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "fffc00",
+ },
+ ["scrollFrame-orange"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "ffd400",
+ },
+ ["scrollingMessageFrame-red"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "ff0000",
+ aplha = 0.5,
+ },
+ ["scrollBar-blue"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "00aaff",
+ },
+ ["track-green"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "55ff00",
+ },
+-- ~~| ScrollingMessageFrame Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+---@class DiesalScrollingMessageFrame : Diesal.GUI.Object.ScrollingMessageFrame
+-- ~~| ScrollingMessageFrame Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+---@class Diesal.GUI.ScrollingMessageFrame.Methods
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:ApplySettings()
+ self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
+ self:SetStylesheet(wireFrame)
+ self:Show()
+ end,
+ ["OnRelease"] = function(self) end,
+ ["ApplySettings"] = function(self)
+ local settings = self.settings
+ local scrollFrame = self.scrollFrame
+ scrollFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", settings.contentPadLeft, -settings.contentPadTop)
+ scrollFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -settings.contentPadRight, settings.contentPadBottom)
+ self.scrollBar:SetWidth(settings.scrollBarWidth)
+ self.buttonDown:SetHeight(settings.scrollBarButtonHeight)
+ self.buttonUp:SetHeight(settings.scrollBarButtonHeight)
+ end,
+ ["ShowScrollBar"] = function(self, show)
+ if show then
+ self.scrollFrameContainer:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -(self.settings.scrollBarWidth + 1), 0)
+ self.scrollBar:Show()
+ else
+ self.scrollBar:Hide()
+ self.scrollFrameContainer:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
+ end
+ end,
+ ["SetContentHeight"] = function(self, height)
+ self.settings.contentHeight = height
+ self.content:SetHeight(height)
+ end,
+ ["SetGripSize"] = function(self)
+ local contentSize = self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange() + self.scrollFrame:GetHeight()
+ local windowSize = self.scrollFrame:GetHeight()
+ local trackSize = self.track:GetHeight()
+ local windowContentRatio = windowSize / contentSize
+ local gripSize = DiesalTools.Round(trackSize * windowContentRatio)
+ gripSize = max(gripSize, 10) -- might give this a setting?
+ gripSize = min(gripSize, trackSize)
+ self.grip:SetHeight(gripSize)
+ end,
+ ["SetScrollThumbPosition"] = function(self)
+ local verticalScrollRange = self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange() -- windowScrollAreaSize (rounded no need to round)
+ if verticalScrollRange < 1 then
+ self.grip:SetPoint("TOP", 0, 0)
+ return
+ end
+ local verticalScroll = self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScroll() -- windowPosition
+ local trackSize = self.track:GetHeight()
+ local gripSize = self.grip:GetHeight()
+ local windowPositionRatio = verticalScroll / verticalScrollRange
+ local trackScrollAreaSize = trackSize - gripSize
+ local gripPositionOnTrack = DiesalTools.Round(trackScrollAreaSize * windowPositionRatio)
+ self.grip:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -gripPositionOnTrack)
+ end,
+ ["SetVerticalScroll"] = function(self, scroll) -- user scrolled only
+ self.settings.forceScrollBottom = DiesalTools.Round(scroll) == DiesalTools.Round(self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange())
+ self.scrollFrame:SetVerticalScroll(scroll)
+ end,
+ ["AddMessage"] = function(self, msg)
+ if not msg then
+ return
+ end
+ self.scrollingMessageFrame:AddMessage(msg)
+ -- ChatFrame1:AddMessage(self.scrollingMessageFrame:GetNumRegions() )
+ end,
+ ["SetText"] = function(self, txt)
+ -- self.editBox:SetText(txt or '')
+ end,
+-- ~~| ScrollingMessageFrame Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function Constructor()
+ ---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.ScrollingMessageFrame : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase, Diesal.GUI.ScrollingMessageFrame.Methods
+ local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true)
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ self.frame = frame
+ -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self.defaults = {
+ scrollBarButtonHeight = 1,
+ scrollBarWidth = 6,
+ contentPadLeft = 0,
+ contentPadRight = 0,
+ contentPadTop = 0,
+ contentPadBottom = 0,
+ forceScrollBottom = true,
+ }
+ -- ~~ Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet
+ -- OnHide
+ -- ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ frame:SetScript("OnHide", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnHide")
+ end)
+ local scrollFrameContainer = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "scrollFrameContainer", frame)
+ scrollFrameContainer:SetAllPoints()
+ local scrollFrame = self:CreateRegion("ScrollFrame", "scrollFrame", scrollFrameContainer)
+ scrollFrame:EnableMouseWheel(true)
+ scrollFrame:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", function(this, delta)
+ DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this, "MouseWheel")
+ if delta > 0 then
+ self:SetVerticalScroll(max(this:GetVerticalScroll() - 50, 0))
+ else
+ self:SetVerticalScroll(min(this:GetVerticalScroll() + 50, this:GetVerticalScrollRange()))
+ end
+ end)
+ scrollFrame:SetScript("OnVerticalScroll", function(this, offset)
+ -- self.scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange() windowScrollAreaSize
+ if this:GetVerticalScrollRange() < 1 then -- nothing to scroll
+ self:ShowScrollBar(false)
+ else
+ self:ShowScrollBar(true)
+ end
+ self:SetScrollThumbPosition()
+ end)
+ scrollFrame:SetScript("OnScrollRangeChanged", function(this, xOffset, verticalScrollRange)
+ if verticalScrollRange < 1 then -- nothing to scroll
+ this:SetVerticalScroll(0)
+ self:ShowScrollBar(false)
+ return
+ end
+ if self.settings.forceScrollBottom then
+ this:SetVerticalScroll(verticalScrollRange)
+ else
+ this:SetVerticalScroll(min(this:GetVerticalScroll(), verticalScrollRange))
+ end
+ self:ShowScrollBar(true)
+ self:SetGripSize()
+ self:SetScrollThumbPosition()
+ end)
+ scrollFrame:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", function(this, width, height)
+ self.scrollingMessageFrame:SetWidth(width)
+ end)
+ local scrollingMessageFrame = self:CreateRegion("ScrollingMessageFrame", "scrollingMessageFrame", scrollFrame)
+ scrollingMessageFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+ scrollingMessageFrame:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
+ scrollingMessageFrame:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+ scrollingMessageFrame:SetJustifyV("TOP")
+ scrollingMessageFrame:SetInsertMode("BOTTOM")
+ scrollingMessageFrame:SetMaxLines(500)
+ scrollingMessageFrame:SetHeight(500)
+ scrollingMessageFrame:SetFading(false)
+ scrollFrame:SetScrollChild(scrollingMessageFrame)
+ local scrollBar = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "scrollBar", frame)
+ scrollBar:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
+ scrollBar:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+ scrollBar:Hide()
+ local buttonUp = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "buttonUp", scrollBar)
+ buttonUp:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+ buttonUp:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
+ local buttonDown = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "buttonDown", scrollBar)
+ buttonDown:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT")
+ buttonDown:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+ local track = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "track", scrollBar)
+ track:SetPoint("LEFT")
+ track:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+ track:SetPoint("TOP", buttonUp, "BOTTOM", 0, 0)
+ track:SetPoint("BOTTOM", buttonDown, "TOP", 0, 0)
+ local grip = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "grip", track)
+ grip:SetPoint("LEFT")
+ grip:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+ grip:SetPoint("TOP")
+ grip:EnableMouse(true)
+ grip:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function(this, button)
+ DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this, button)
+ if button ~= "LeftButton" then
+ return
+ end
+ local MouseY = select(2, GetCursorPosition()) / this:GetEffectiveScale()
+ local effectiveScale = this:GetEffectiveScale()
+ local trackScrollAreaSize = track:GetHeight() - this:GetHeight()
+ local gripPositionOnTrack = abs(select(5, this:GetPoint(1)))
+ this:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(this)
+ local newGripPosition = gripPositionOnTrack + (MouseY - (select(2, GetCursorPosition()) / effectiveScale))
+ newGripPosition = min(max(newGripPosition, 0), trackScrollAreaSize)
+ -- local newGripPositionRatio = newGripPosition / trackScrollAreaSize
+ -- local windowPosition = newGripPositionRatio * scrollArea:GetVerticalScrollRange()
+ self:SetVerticalScroll((newGripPosition / trackScrollAreaSize) * scrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange())
+ end)
+ end)
+ grip:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(this, button)
+ this:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(this) end)
+ end)
+ -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self:SetMethods(methods)
+ --[[ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ self[method] = func
+ end ]]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ return self
+DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Spinner.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Spinner.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0738b71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Spinner.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+---@type Diesal.GUI
+local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Tools
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Style
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+-- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
+local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
+local round = DiesalTools.Round
+-- | Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local type, tonumber, select = type, tonumber, select
+local pairs, ipairs, next = pairs, ipairs, next
+local min, max = math.min, math.max
+-- | WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- | Spinner |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Type = "DiesalSpinner"
+local Version = 3
+-- | Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Stylesheet = {
+ ["frame-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ color = "000000",
+ alpha = 0.6,
+ },
+ ["frame-inline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "000000",
+ alpha = 0.6,
+ },
+ ["frame-outline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "FFFFFF",
+ alpha = 0.02,
+ position = 1,
+ },
+ ["frame-hover"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "HIGHLIGHT",
+ color = "FFFFFF",
+ alpha = 0.25,
+ position = -1,
+ },
+ ["editBox-font"] = {
+ type = "Font",
+ color = Colors.UI_TEXT,
+ },
+ ["bar-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ gradient = { "VERTICAL", Colors.UI_A100, ShadeColor(Colors.UI_A100, 0.1) },
+ },
+ ["bar-inline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ gradient = { "VERTICAL", "FFFFFF", "FFFFFF" },
+ alpha = { 0.07, 0.02 },
+ },
+ ["bar-outline"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "ARTWORK",
+ color = "000000",
+ alpha = 0.7,
+ width = 1,
+ position = { nil, 1, 0, 0 },
+ },
+local wireFrame = {
+ ["frame-white"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "ffffff",
+ },
+ ["editBox-purple"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "aa00ff",
+ },
+ ["buttonUp-yellow"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "fffc00",
+ },
+ ["buttonDown-orange"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "ffd400",
+ },
+ ["bar-green"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "55ff00",
+ },
+-- | Internal Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function processNumber(self, number)
+ local settings = self.settings
+ local number, oldNumber = tonumber(number), self:GetNumber()
+ if not number then
+ number = oldNumber or settings.min
+ else
+ number = max(min(number, settings.max), settings.min)
+ end
+ settings.number = number
+ self.editBox:SetText((settings.prefix or "") .. number .. (settings.suffix or ""))
+ self.editBox:HighlightText(0, 0) -- clear any selcted text
+ self.editBox:SetCursorPosition(0)
+ self:UpdateBar()
+ if number ~= oldNumber then
+ return number
+ end
+-- | Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Spinner.Methods
+local methods = {
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.Spinner
+ OnAcquire = function(self)
+ self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
+ -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrame)
+ self:ApplySettings()
+ self:Show()
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.Spinner
+ OnRelease = function(self) end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.Spinner
+ ApplySettings = function(self)
+ local settings = self.settings
+ local frame = self.frame
+ local buttonUp = self.buttonUp
+ local buttonDown = self.buttonDown
+ local editBox = self.editBox
+ local buttonsWidth = settings.buttons and settings.buttonsWidth or 0
+ local buttonHeight = round(settings.height / 2)
+ -- Apply Settings
+ self:SetWidth(settings.width)
+ self:SetHeight(settings.height)
+ editBox:EnableMouse(settings.mouse)
+ editBox:EnableMouseWheel(settings.mouseWheel)
+ editBox:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -buttonsWidth, 0)
+ buttonUp[settings.buttons and "Show" or "Hide"](buttonUp)
+ buttonUp:EnableMouse(settings.mouse)
+ buttonUp:SetHeight(buttonHeight)
+ buttonUp:SetWidth(buttonsWidth)
+ buttonDown[settings.buttons and "Show" or "Hide"](buttonDown)
+ buttonDown:EnableMouse(settings.mouse)
+ buttonDown:SetHeight(buttonHeight)
+ buttonDown:SetWidth(buttonsWidth)
+ self:UpdateBar()
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.Spinner
+ EnableMouse = function(self, enable)
+ self.settings.mouse = enable
+ self.buttonUp:EnableMouse(enable)
+ self.buttonDown:EnableMouse(enable)
+ self.editBox:EnableMouse(enable)
+ self.editBox:EnableMouseWheel(enable)
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.Spinner
+ GetNumber = function(self)
+ return self.settings.number
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.Spinner
+ SetNumber = function(self, number)
+ local newNumber = processNumber(self, number)
+ if newNumber then
+ self:FireEvent("OnValueChanged", false, newNumber)
+ end
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.Spinner
+ SetPrefix = function(self, prefix)
+ self.settings.prefix = prefix
+ processNumber(self, self.settings.number)
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.Spinner
+ SetSuffix = function(self, suffix)
+ self.settings.suffix = suffix
+ processNumber(self, self.settings.number)
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.Spinner
+ OnSpin = function(self, delta)
+ local step = IsShiftKeyDown() and self.settings.shiftStep or self.settings.step
+ local oldNumber = self.settings.number
+ local newNumber
+ if delta > 0 then
+ newNumber = processNumber(self, round(oldNumber, step) + step)
+ else
+ newNumber = processNumber(self, round(oldNumber, step) - step)
+ end
+ if newNumber then
+ self:FireEvent("OnValueChanged", true, newNumber)
+ end
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.Spinner
+ UpdateBar = function(self)
+ if not self.settings.bar then
+ return
+ end
+ local settings = self.settings
+ local barWidth = self:GetWidth() - (settings.buttons and settings.buttonsWidth or 0) - 2 -- bar padding
+ local number = settings.number or settings.min
+ local width = round(((number - settings.min) / (settings.max - settings.min) * barWidth))
+ if width == 0 then
+ self.bar:Hide()
+ else
+ self.bar:Show()
+ self.bar:SetWidth(width)
+ end
+ self.value = settings.number
+ end,
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.Spinner
+ SetTextColor = function(self, color, alpha)
+ alpha = alpha or 1
+ color = { DiesalTools.GetColor(color) }
+ self.editBox:SetTextColor(color[1], color[2], color[3], alpha)
+ end,
+---@class DiesalSpinner : Diesal.GUI.Object.Spinner
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.Spinner.Settings.Defaults
+---@field height number
+---@field width number
+---@field mouse boolean
+---@field mouseWheel boolean
+---@field buttons boolean
+---@field buttonsWidth number
+---@field bar boolean
+---@field min number
+---@field max number
+---@field step number
+---@field shiftStep number
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.Spinner.Settings: Diesal.GUI.Object.Spinner.Settings.Defaults
+---@field number number
+-- | Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function Constructor()
+ ---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.Spinner : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase, Diesal.GUI.Spinner.Methods
+ ---@field settings Diesal.GUI.Object.Spinner.Settings
+ local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true)
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ self.frame = frame
+ -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self.defaults = {
+ height = 16,
+ width = 29,
+ mouse = true,
+ mouseWheel = true,
+ buttons = false,
+ buttonsWidth = 8,
+ bar = true,
+ min = 0,
+ max = 100,
+ step = 5,
+ shiftStep = 1,
+ }
+ -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ frame:SetScript("OnHide", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnHide")
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", function()
+ self:UpdateBar()
+ end)
+ local editBox = self:CreateRegion("EditBox", "editBox", frame) --[[ @asDiesal.GUI.Region.EditBoxx ]]
+ editBox:SetPoint("TOP")
+ editBox:SetPoint("BOTTOM")
+ editBox:SetAutoFocus(false)
+ editBox:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
+ editBox:SetJustifyV("CENTER")
+ editBox:SetTextInsets(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ editBox:SetText(self.defaults.min)
+ editBox:SetScript("OnEnterPressed", function(this, ...)
+ local number = this:GetNumber() or self.settings.number -- if entered text or nothing revert to old value
+ local newNumber = processNumber(self, number)
+ if newNumber then
+ self:FireEvent("OnValueChanged", true, newNumber)
+ end
+ self:FireEvent("OnEnterPressed", ...)
+ DiesalGUI:ClearFocus()
+ end)
+ editBox:HookScript("OnEditFocusLost", function(this, ...)
+ processNumber(self, self.settings.number)
+ end)
+ editBox:HookScript("OnEditFocusGained", function(this)
+ this:SetText(self.settings.number)
+ this:HighlightText()
+ end)
+ editBox:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", function(this, delta)
+ DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this, "MouseWheel")
+ self:OnSpin(delta)
+ end)
+ editBox:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this, ...)
+ self:FireEvent("OnEnter", ...)
+ end)
+ editBox:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this, ...)
+ self:FireEvent("OnLeave", ...)
+ end)
+ local bar = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "bar", frame)
+ bar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 1, -1)
+ bar:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", -1, 1)
+ local buttonUp = self:CreateRegion("Button", "buttonUp", frame)
+ buttonUp:SetPoint("TOP", 0, 0)
+ buttonUp:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+ buttonUp:SetScript("OnClick", function(this, button)
+ DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this, button)
+ PlaySound(799)
+ self:OnSpin(1)
+ end)
+ local buttonDown = self:CreateRegion("Button", "buttonDown", frame)
+ buttonDown:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0, 0)
+ buttonDown:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+ buttonDown:SetScript("OnClick", function(this, button)
+ DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this, button)
+ PlaySound(799)
+ self:OnSpin(-1)
+ end)
+ -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self:SetMethods(methods)
+ --[[ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ self[method] = func
+ end ]]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ return self
+DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Text.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Text.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd8b9a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Text.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+---@type Diesal.GUI
+local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Tools
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Style
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+local Type = "DiesalText"
+local Version = 1
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Text.Methods : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+---@field OnAcquire fun(self:Diesal.GUI.Object.Text, ...)
+---@field OnRelease fun(self:Diesal.GUI.Object.Text, ...)
+local methods = {
+ OnAcquire = function(self, ...)
+ self:Show()
+ end,
+ OnRelease = function(self, ...)
+ --self.fontString:SetText("")
+ end,
+---@class DiesalText : Diesal.GUI.Object.Text
+local function Constructor()
+ ---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.Text : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase, Diesal.GUI.Text.Methods, Frame
+ ---@field fontString FontString
+ local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true)
+ self.defaults = {}
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ self.frame = frame
+ self:CreateRegion("FontString", "fontString", frame)
+ --local fontString = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "DiesalFontNormal")
+ --self.fontString = fontString
+ self.fontStrings[#self.fontStrings + 1] = self.fontString
+ self:SetMethods(methods)
+ --[[ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ self[method] = func
+ end ]]
+ return self
+DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Toggle.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Toggle.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a55a66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Toggle.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+---@type Tinkr, Bastion
+Tinkr, Bastion = ...
+---@type Diesal.GUI
+local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Tools
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Style
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+-- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
+local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
+-- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local type, tonumber, select = type, tonumber, select
+local pairs, ipairs, next = pairs, ipairs, next
+local min, max = math.min, math.max
+-- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local CreateFrame, UIParent, GetCursorPosition = CreateFrame, UIParent, GetCursorPosition
+-- ~~| Button |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Type = "DiesalToggle"
+local Version = 1
+-- ~~| Button Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Stylesheet = {
+ ["frame-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ color = "000000",
+ alpha = 0.60,
+ position = -2,
+ },
+ ["frame-inline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "000000",
+ alpha = 0.6,
+ position = -2,
+ },
+ ["frame-outline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "FFFFFF",
+ alpha = 0.1,
+ position = -1,
+ },
+local checkBoxStyle = {
+ base = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "ARTWORK",
+ color = Colors.UI_A400,
+ position = -3,
+ },
+ disabled = {
+ type = "texture",
+ color = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.35),
+ },
+ enabled = {
+ type = "texture",
+ color = Colors.UI_A400,
+ },
+local wireFrame = {
+ ["frame-white"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "ffffff",
+ },
+-- ~~| Button Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Toggle.Methods
+local methods = {
+ ---@param self DiesalToggle
+ OnAcquire = function(self)
+ self:ApplySettings()
+ self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
+ self:Enable()
+ -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrameSheet)
+ self.label:SetFontObject(DiesalFontNormal)
+ self.label:SetText()
+ self:Show()
+ end,
+ ---@param self DiesalToggle
+ OnRelease = function(self) end,
+ ---@param self DiesalToggle
+ ApplySettings = function(self)
+ local settings = self.settings
+ local frame = self.frame
+ self:SetWidth(settings.width)
+ self:SetHeight(settings.height)
+ end,
+ ---@param self DiesalToggle
+ ---@param value boolean
+ SetChecked = function(self, value)
+ self.settings.checked = value
+ self.frame:SetChecked(value)
+ self[self.settings.disabled and "Disable" or "Enable"](self)
+ end,
+ ---@param self DiesalToggle
+ GetChecked = function(self)
+ return self.settings.checked
+ end,
+ ---@param self DiesalToggle
+ Disable = function(self)
+ self.settings.disabled = true
+ DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(self.check, self.checkBoxStyle and self.checkBoxStyle.disabled or checkBoxStyle.disabled)
+ self.frame:Disable()
+ end,
+ ---@param self DiesalToggle
+ Enable = function(self)
+ self.settings.disabled = false
+ DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(self.check, self.checkBoxStyle and self.checkBoxStyle.enabled or checkBoxStyle.enabled)
+ self.frame:Enable()
+ end,
+ ---@param self DiesalToggle
+ ---@param ... any
+ RegisterForClicks = function(self, ...)
+ self.frame:RegisterForClicks(...)
+ end,
+ ---@param self DiesalToggle
+ ---@param text? string
+ SetText = function(self, text)
+ self.label:SetText(text)
+ self.frame:SetHitRectInsets(0, -self.label:GetWidth(), 0, 0)
+ end,
+---@alias DiesalToggle Diesal.GUI.Object.Toggle
+---@class Diesal.Style.CheckBox.Style
+---@field base {type: "texture", layer: "ARTWORK", color: string, position: number}
+---@field disabled {type: "texture", color: string}
+---@field enabled {type: "texture", color: string}}
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Toggle.Settings
+---@field height number
+---@field width number
+---@field checked boolean
+---@field disabled boolean
+---@field tooltip? string
+-- ~~| Button Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function Constructor()
+ ---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.Toggle : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase, Diesal.GUI.Toggle.Methods
+ ---@field check Texture
+ ---@field settings Diesal.GUI.Toggle.Settings
+ ---@field checkBoxStyle? Diesal.Style.CheckBox.Style
+ ---@field label FontString
+ local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true)
+ local frame = CreateFrame("CheckButton", nil, UIParent)
+ local fontString = self:CreateRegion("FontString", "label", frame)
+ self.frame = frame
+ local c, a = 0.5, 0.5
+ local tex = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+ tex:SetAllPoints()
+ tex:SetColorTexture(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self.defaults = {
+ height = 12,
+ width = 12,
+ }
+ -- ~~ Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet
+ -- OnValueChanged, OnEnter, OnLeave, OnDisable, OnEnable
+ -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ local check = self:CreateRegion("Texture", "check", frame)
+ -- Setting self.check again is pointless when CreateRegion already does it....
+ -- self.check = check
+ DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(check, self.checkBoxStyle and self.checkBoxStyle.base or checkBoxStyle.base)
+ frame:SetCheckedTexture(check)
+ frame:SetScript("OnClick", function(this, button, ...)
+ DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this, button)
+ if not self.settings.disabled then
+ self:SetChecked(not self.settings.checked)
+ if self.settings.checked then
+ PlaySound(856)
+ else
+ PlaySound(857)
+ end
+ self:FireEvent("OnValueChanged", self.settings.checked)
+ end
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
+ if self.settings.tooltip then
+ GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT", 0, 2)
+ GameTooltip:AddLine(self.settings.tooltip)
+ GameTooltip:Show()
+ end
+ self:FireEvent("OnEnter")
+ tex:SetColorTexture(c, c, c, a)
+ -- SetCursor([[Interface\Cursor\Cast]])
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
+ if self.settings.tooltip then
+ GameTooltip:Hide()
+ end
+ self:FireEvent("OnLeave")
+ tex:SetColorTexture(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ -- SetCursor(nil)
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnDisable", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnDisable")
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnEnable", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnEnable")
+ end)
+ fontString:SetPoint("LEFT", frame, "RIGHT", 5, 0)
+ fontString:SetHeight(0)
+ fontString:SetJustifyH("MIDDLE")
+ fontString:SetJustifyV("MIDDLE")
+ fontString:SetWordWrap(false)
+ -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self:SetMethods(methods)
+ --[[ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ self[method] = func
+ end ]]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ return self
+DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Tree.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Tree.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee568c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Tree.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+---@type Diesal.GUI
+local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Tools
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Style
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+-- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local sub, format, match, lower = string.sub, string.format, string.match, string.lower
+local tsort = table.sort
+-- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- ~~| Tree |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Type = "DiesalTree"
+local Version = 4
+---@class DTree : Diesal.GUI.Object.Tree
+-- ~~| Tree Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Stylesheet = {
+ ["content-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ color = "ffffff",
+ alpha = 0.01,
+ },
+-- ~~| Tree Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function collapse(branch)
+ if branch.Collapse then
+ branch:Collapse()
+ end
+ if branch.children and next(branch.children) then
+ for i = 1, #branch.children do
+ collapse(branch.children[i])
+ end
+ end
+-- ~~| Tree Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Tree.Methods
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ -- self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
+ -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrameSheet)
+ self:ApplySettings()
+ self:Show()
+ end,
+ ["OnRelease"] = function(self) end,
+ ["ApplySettings"] = function(self) end,
+ ["UpdateHeight"] = function(self)
+ local height = 0
+ for i = 1, #self.children do
+ height = height + self.children[i].frame:GetHeight()
+ end
+ height = DiesalTools.Round(height)
+ if self.settings.height ~= height then
+ self.settings.height = height
+ self:SetHeight(height)
+ self:FireEvent("OnHeightChange", height)
+ end
+ end,
+ ["CollapseAll"] = function(self, subBranches)
+ if subBranches then
+ collapse(self)
+ else
+ for i = 1, #self.children do
+ self.children[i]:Collapse()
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ ["ExpandAll"] = function(self)
+ for i = 1, #self.children do
+ self.children[i]:Expand()
+ end
+ end,
+---@class DiesalTree : Diesal.GUI.Object.Tree
+-- ~~| Tree Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function Constructor()
+ ---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.Tree : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase, Diesal.GUI.Tree.Methods
+ local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true)
+ self.isContainer = true
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ self.frame = frame
+ -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self.defaults = { depth = 0 }
+ -- ~~ Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet
+ -- OnHeightChange
+ -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ local content = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "content", frame)
+ content:SetAllPoints()
+ -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self:SetMethods(methods)
+ --[[ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ self[method] = func
+ end ]]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ return self
+DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Window.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Window.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a8ddc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalGUI-2.0/Objects/Window.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+---@type Diesal.GUI
+local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Tools
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Style
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
+-- | Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local type, select, pairs, tonumber = type, select, pairs, tonumber
+local floor, ceil = math.floor, math.ceil
+-- | WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- | Window |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Type = "DiesalWindow"
+local Version = 14
+-- ~~| Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Stylesheet = {
+ ["frame-outline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ color = "000000",
+ },
+ ["frame-shadow"] = {
+ type = "shadow",
+ },
+ ["titleBar-color"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ color = "000000",
+ alpha = 0.95,
+ },
+ ["titletext-Font"] = {
+ type = "font",
+ color = "d8d8d8",
+ },
+ ["closeButton-icon"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "ARTWORK",
+ image = { "DiesalGUIcons", { 9, 5, 16, 256, 128 } },
+ alpha = 0.3,
+ position = { -2, nil, -1, nil },
+ width = 16,
+ height = 16,
+ },
+ ["closeButton-iconHover"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "HIGHLIGHT",
+ image = { "DiesalGUIcons", { 9, 5, 16, 256, 128 }, "b30000" },
+ alpha = 1,
+ position = { -2, nil, -1, nil },
+ width = 16,
+ height = 16,
+ },
+ ["header-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ gradient = { "VERTICAL", Colors.UI_400_GR[1], Colors.UI_400_GR[2] },
+ alpha = 0.95,
+ position = { 0, 0, 0, -1 },
+ },
+ ["header-inline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ gradient = { "VERTICAL", "ffffff", "ffffff" },
+ alpha = { 0.05, 0.02 },
+ position = { 0, 0, 0, -1 },
+ },
+ ["header-divider"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "000000",
+ alpha = 1,
+ position = { 0, 0, nil, 0 },
+ height = 1,
+ },
+ ["content-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ color = Colors.UI_100,
+ alpha = 0.95,
+ },
+ ["content-outline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "FFFFFF",
+ alpha = 0.01,
+ },
+ ["footer-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ gradient = { "VERTICAL", Colors.UI_400_GR[1], Colors.UI_400_GR[2] },
+ alpha = 0.95,
+ position = { 0, 0, -1, 0 },
+ },
+ ["footer-divider"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ color = "000000",
+ position = { 0, 0, 0, nil },
+ height = 1,
+ },
+ ["footer-inline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ gradient = { "VERTICAL", "ffffff", "ffffff" },
+ alpha = { 0.05, 0.02 },
+ position = { 0, 0, -1, 0 },
+ debug = true,
+ },
+local wireFrame = {
+ ["frame-white"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "ffffff",
+ },
+ ["titleBar-yellow"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "fffc00",
+ },
+ ["closeButton-orange"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "ffd400",
+ },
+ ["header-blue"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "00aaff",
+ },
+ ["footer-green"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "55ff00",
+ },
+local sizerWireFrame = {
+ ["sizerR-yellow"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "fffc00",
+ },
+ ["sizerB-green"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "55ff00",
+ },
+ ["sizerBR-blue"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "00aaff",
+ },
+-- | Window Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function round(num)
+ if num >= 0 then
+ return floor(num + 0.5)
+ else
+ return ceil(num - 0.5)
+ end
+-- | Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Window.Methods
+---@field OnAcquire fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Window)
+---@field OnRelease fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Window)
+---@field SetTopLevel fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Window)
+---@field SetContentHeight fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Window, height: number)
+---@field ApplySettings fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Window)
+---@field UpdatePosition fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Window)
+---@field UpdateSizers fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Window)
+---@field SetTitle fun(self: Diesal.GUI.Object.Window, title?: string, subtitle?: string)
+local methods = {
+ ---@param self Diesal.GUI.Object.Window
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:ApplySettings()
+ self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
+ -- self:SetStylesheet(sizerWireFrame)
+ self:Show()
+ end,
+ ["OnRelease"] = function(self) end,
+ ["SetTopLevel"] = function(self)
+ self.frame:SetToplevel(true)
+ end,
+ ---@param height number
+ ["SetContentHeight"] = function(self, height)
+ local contentHeight = round(self.content:GetHeight())
+ self.frame:SetHeight((self.settings.height - contentHeight) + height)
+ end,
+ ["ApplySettings"] = function(self)
+ local settings = self.settings
+ local frame = self.frame
+ local titleBar = self.titleBar
+ local closeButton = self.closeButton
+ local header = self.header
+ local content = self.content
+ local footer = self.footer
+ local headerHeight = settings.header and settings.headerHeight or 0
+ local footerHeight = settings.footer and settings.footerHeight or 0
+ frame:SetResizeBounds(settings.minWidth, settings.minHeight, settings.maxWidth, settings.maxHeight)
+ self:UpdatePosition()
+ self:UpdateSizers()
+ titleBar:SetHeight(settings.titleBarHeight)
+ closeButton:SetHeight(settings.titleBarHeight)
+ closeButton:SetWidth(settings.titleBarHeight)
+ content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", settings.padding[1], -(settings.titleBarHeight + headerHeight))
+ content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -settings.padding[2], footerHeight + settings.padding[4])
+ header:SetHeight(headerHeight)
+ footer:SetHeight(footerHeight)
+ header[settings.header and "Show" or "Hide"](header)
+ footer[settings.footer and "Show" or "Hide"](footer)
+ header:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.titleBar, "BOTTOMLEFT", settings.padding[1], 0)
+ header:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", self.titleBar, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -settings.padding[2], 0)
+ footer:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", settings.padding[1], settings.padding[4])
+ footer:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -settings.padding[2], settings.padding[4])
+ end,
+ ["UpdatePosition"] = function(self)
+ self.frame:ClearAllPoints()
+ if self.settings.top and self.settings.left then
+ self.frame:SetPoint("TOP", UIParent, "BOTTOM", 0, self.settings.top)
+ self.frame:SetPoint("LEFT", UIParent, "LEFT", self.settings.left, 0)
+ else
+ self.frame:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER")
+ end
+ self.frame:SetWidth(self.settings.width)
+ self.frame:SetHeight(self.settings.height)
+ end,
+ ["UpdateSizers"] = function(self)
+ local settings = self.settings
+ local frame = self.frame
+ local sizerB = self.sizerB
+ local sizerR = self.sizerR
+ local sizerBR = self.sizerBR
+ sizerBR[settings.sizerBR and "Show" or "Hide"](sizerBR)
+ sizerBR:SetSize(settings.sizerBRWidth, settings.sizerBRHeight)
+ sizerB[settings.sizerB and "Show" or "Hide"](sizerB)
+ sizerB:SetHeight(settings.sizerHeight)
+ sizerB:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -settings.sizerBRWidth, 0)
+ sizerR[settings.sizerR and "Show" or "Hide"](sizerR)
+ sizerR:SetWidth(settings.sizerWidth)
+ sizerR:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", 0, -settings.titleBarHeight)
+ sizerR:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, settings.sizerBRHeight)
+ end,
+ ---@param title string
+ ---@param subtitle? string
+ ["SetTitle"] = function(self, title, subtitle)
+ local settings = self.settings
+ settings.title = title or settings.title
+ settings.subTitle = subtitle or settings.subTitle
+ self.titletext:SetText(("%s |cff7f7f7f%s"):format(settings.title, settings.subTitle))
+ end,
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Window.Frame : Frame, { obj: Diesal.GUI.Object.Window }
+---@class Diesal.GUI.Window.Settings
+---@field footer boolean -- false
+---@field footerHeight number -- 21
+---@field header boolean -- false
+---@field headerHeight number -- 21
+---@field height number -- 300
+---@field left? number
+---@field maxHeight number -- 9999
+---@field maxWidth number -- 9999
+---@field minHeight number -- 200
+---@field minWidth number -- 200
+---@field padding { [1]: number, [2]: number, [3]: number, [4]: number }
+---@field sizerB boolean -- true
+---@field sizerBR boolean -- true
+---@field sizerBRHeight number -- 6,
+---@field sizerBRWidth number -- 6,
+---@field sizerHeight number -- 6
+---@field sizerR boolean -- true
+---@field sizerWidth number -- 6
+---@field subTitle string -- ""
+---@field title string -- ""
+---@field titleBarHeight number -- 18,
+---@field top? number
+---@field width number -- 500,
+---@class DiesalWindow : Diesal.GUI.Object.Window
+-- | Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function Constructor()
+ ---@class Diesal.GUI.Object.Window : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase, Diesal.GUI.Window.Methods
+ ---@field frame Diesal.GUI.Window.Frame
+ ---@field titleBar Button
+ ---@field closeButton Button
+ ---@field titletext FontString
+ ---@field header Frame
+ ---@field content Frame
+ ---@field footer Frame
+ ---@field sizerR Frame
+ ---@field sizerB Frame
+ ---@field sizerBR Frame
+ ---@field listener Tinkr.Util.GUIBuilder.Listener
+ ---@field status_listener Tinkr.Util.GUIBuilder.Listener
+ ---@field settings Diesal.GUI.Window.Settings
+ ---@field defaults Diesal.GUI.Window.Settings
+ local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true)
+ self.isContainer = true
+ ---@type Diesal.GUI.Window.Frame
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ self.frame = frame
+ self.defaults = {
+ height = 300,
+ width = 500,
+ minHeight = 200,
+ minWidth = 200,
+ maxHeight = 9999,
+ maxWidth = 9999,
+ left = nil,
+ top = nil,
+ titleBarHeight = 18,
+ title = "",
+ subTitle = "",
+ padding = { 1, 1, 0, 1 },
+ header = false,
+ headerHeight = 21,
+ footer = false,
+ footerHeight = 21,
+ sizerR = true,
+ sizerB = true,
+ sizerBR = true,
+ sizerWidth = 6,
+ sizerHeight = 6,
+ sizerBRHeight = 6,
+ sizerBRWidth = 6,
+ }
+ -- ~~ Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet
+ -- OnSizeChanged, OnDragStop, OnHide, OnShow, OnClose
+ -- ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ frame:EnableMouse()
+ frame:SetMovable(true)
+ frame:SetResizable(true)
+ frame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function(this, button)
+ DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this, button)
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", function(this, width, height)
+ self.settings.width = DiesalTools.Round(width)
+ self.settings.height = DiesalTools.Round(height)
+ self:FireEvent("OnSizeChanged", self.settings.width, self.settings.height)
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnHide", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnHide")
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnShow", function(this)
+ self:FireEvent("OnShow")
+ end)
+ frame:SetToplevel(true)
+ frame.obj = self
+ local titleBar = self:CreateRegion("Button", "titleBar", frame)
+ titleBar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+ titleBar:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
+ titleBar:EnableMouse()
+ titleBar:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function(this, button)
+ DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this, button)
+ frame:StartMoving()
+ end)
+ titleBar:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(this)
+ frame:StopMovingOrSizing()
+ self.settings.top = DiesalTools.Round(frame:GetTop())
+ self.settings.left = DiesalTools.Round(frame:GetLeft())
+ self:UpdatePosition()
+ self:FireEvent("OnDragStop", self.settings.left, self.settings.top)
+ end)
+ local closeButton = self:CreateRegion("Button", "closeButton", titleBar)
+ closeButton:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -1, 1)
+ closeButton:SetScript("OnClick", function(this, button)
+ DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this, button)
+ PlaySound(799)
+ self:FireEvent("OnClose")
+ self:Hide()
+ end)
+ local titletext = self:CreateRegion("FontString", "titletext", titleBar)
+ titletext:SetWordWrap(false)
+ titletext:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 4, -5)
+ titletext:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -20, -5)
+ titletext:SetJustifyH("TOP")
+ titletext:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+ self:CreateRegion("Frame", "header", frame)
+ self:CreateRegion("Frame", "content", frame)
+ self:CreateRegion("Frame", "footer", frame)
+ local sizerBR = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "sizerBR", frame)
+ sizerBR:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
+ sizerBR:EnableMouse()
+ sizerBR:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function(this, button)
+ DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this, button)
+ frame:StartSizing("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+ end)
+ sizerBR:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(this)
+ frame:StopMovingOrSizing()
+ self:UpdatePosition()
+ self:FireEvent("OnSizeStop", self.settings.width, self.settings.height)
+ end)
+ local sizerB = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "sizerB", frame)
+ sizerB:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", frame, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
+ sizerB:EnableMouse()
+ sizerB:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function(this, button)
+ DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this, button)
+ frame:StartSizing("BOTTOM")
+ end)
+ sizerB:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(this)
+ frame:StopMovingOrSizing()
+ self:UpdatePosition()
+ self:FireEvent("OnSizeStop", self.settings.width, self.settings.height)
+ end)
+ local sizerR = self:CreateRegion("Frame", "sizerR", frame)
+ sizerR:EnableMouse()
+ sizerR:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function(this, button)
+ DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this, button)
+ frame:StartSizing("RIGHT")
+ end)
+ sizerR:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(this)
+ frame:StopMovingOrSizing()
+ self:UpdatePosition()
+ self:FireEvent("OnSizeStop", self.settings.width, self.settings.height)
+ end)
+ -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self:SetMethods(methods)
+ --[[ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ self[method] = func
+ end ]]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ return self
+DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalMenu-1.0/DiesalMenu-1.0.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalMenu-1.0/DiesalMenu-1.0.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b7bb3ff..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalMenu-1.0/DiesalMenu-1.0.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
--- $Id: DiesalMenu-1.0.lua 53 2016-07-12 21:56:30Z diesal2010 $
-local MAJOR, MINOR = "DiesalMenu-1.0", "$Rev: 53 $"
-local DiesalMenu, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
-if not DiesalMenu then return end -- No Upgrade needed.
--- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-1.0")
-local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-1.0")
-local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-1.0")
--- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local type, select, tonumber = type, select, tonumber
-local setmetatable, getmetatable, next = setmetatable, getmetatable, next
-local sub, format, lower, upper, match = string.sub, string.format, string.lower, string.upper, string.match
-local pairs, ipairs = pairs,ipairs
-local tinsert, tremove, tconcat, tsort = table.insert, table.remove, table.concat, table.sort
-local floor, ceil, abs, modf = math.floor, math.ceil, math.abs, math.modf
--- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
--- ~~| DiesalMenu Values |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- ~~| DiesalMenu Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- ~~| DiesalStyle Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local MENU
-local CLOSEDELAY = 2
-local closeTimer = CreateFrame('Frame')
-closeTimer:SetScript('OnUpdate', function(this,elapsed)
- if this.count < 0 then
- DiesalMenu:Close()
- this:Hide()
- else
- this.count = this.count - elapsed
- end
--- ~~| DiesalMenu Local Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -- ~~| DiesalMenu API |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-function DiesalMenu:Menu(menuData,anchor,x,y,closeDelay)
- MENU = MENU or DiesalGUI:Create('Menu')
- MENU:ResetSettings()
- if not MENU:BuildMenu(menuData) then MENU:Hide() return end
- MENU:Show()
- MENU:ClearAllPoints()
- MENU:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',anchor,'TOPLEFT',x,y)
- closeTimer.closeDelay = closeDelay or CLOSEDELAY
- DiesalMenu:StartCloseTimer()
- DiesalMenu:SetFocus()
-function DiesalMenu:Close()
- DiesalMenu:StopCloseTimer()
- if not MENU or not MENU:IsVisible() then return end
- MENU:ResetSettings()
- MENU:ReleaseChildren()
- MENU:Hide()
- MENU:ClearAllPoints()
-function DiesalMenu:StartCloseTimer()
- closeTimer.count = closeTimer.closeDelay
- closeTimer:Show()
-function DiesalMenu:StopCloseTimer()
- closeTimer:Hide()
-function DiesalMenu:ClearFocus()
- DiesalMenu:Close()
-function DiesalMenu:SetFocus()
- DiesalGUI:SetFocus(DiesalMenu)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalMenu-1.0/DiesalMenu-1.0.xml b/DiesalLibs/DiesalMenu-1.0/DiesalMenu-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 47ae594..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalMenu-1.0/DiesalMenu-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalMenu-1.0/Objects/Menu.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalMenu-1.0/Objects/Menu.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fdc4ef..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalMenu-1.0/Objects/Menu.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
--- $Id: Menu.lua 60 2016-11-04 01:34:23Z diesal2010 $
-local DiesalMenu = LibStub('DiesalMenu-1.0')
--- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local DiesalGUI = LibStub('DiesalGUI-1.0')
-local DiesalTools = LibStub('DiesalTools-1.0')
-local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-1.0")
--- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
-local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
--- | Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local ipairs, pairs, table_sort = ipairs, pairs, table.sort
--- | WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- | Menu |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Type = 'Menu'
-local Version = 2
--- | Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Stylesheet = {
- ['frame-background'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
- color = Colors.UI_100,
- alpha = .95,
- },
- ['frame-inline'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'BORDER',
- color = 'ffffff',
- alpha = .02,
- position = -1,
- },
- ['frame-shadow'] = {
- type = 'shadow',
- },
-local wireFrame = {
- ['frame-white'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'ffffff',
- },
- ['content-yellow'] = {
- type = 'outline',
- layer = 'OVERLAY',
- color = 'fffc00',
- },
--- | Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function compare(a,b)
- return a[1] < b[1]
-local function sortTable(t)
- local st = {}
- for key, val in pairs(t) do
- st[#st + 1] = {val.order, key}
- end
- table_sort(st,compare)
- return st
--- | Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local methods = {
- ['OnAcquire'] = function(self)
- self.frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
- self:ApplySettings()
- self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
- -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrame)
- end,
- ['OnRelease'] = function(self)
- end,
- ['ApplySettings'] = function(self)
- self:UpdatePosition()
- end,
- ['UpdatePosition'] = function(self)
- self.content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",self.settings.padding[1],-self.settings.padding[3])
- self.content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",-self.settings.padding[2],self.settings.padding[4])
- end,
- ['UpdateSize'] = function(self)
- local menuHeight = 0
- for i=1, #self.children do
- menuHeight = menuHeight + self.children[i].frame:GetHeight()
- end
- self.frame:SetHeight(self.settings.padding[3] + menuHeight + self.settings.padding[4])
- self.frame:SetWidth(self.settings.padding[1] + self.settings.itemWidth + self.settings.padding[2])
- end,
- ['BuildMenu'] = function(self, menuData)
- if menuData then self.settings.menuData = menuData else menuData = self.settings.menuData end
- if not menuData then return end
- -- reset menu
- self:ReleaseChildren()
- self:SetWidth(1)
- -- set menu properties
- for key in pairs(menuData) do
- if menuData[key].check then self.settings.check = true end
- if menuData[key].menuData then self.settings.arrow = true end
- end
- -- create menuItems
- local sortedTable = sortTable(menuData)
- for i = 1, #sortedTable do
- local menuItem = DiesalGUI:Create('MenuItem')
- self:AddChild(menuItem)
- menuItem:SetParentObject(self)
- menuItem:SetSettings({
- itemData = menuData[sortedTable[i][2]],
- position = i,
- },true)
- end
- self:UpdateSize()
- return true
- end,
--- | Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function Constructor()
- local self = DiesalGUI:CreateObjectBase(Type)
- local frame = CreateFrame('Frame',nil,UIParent)
- self.frame = frame
- self.defaults = {
- itemWidth = 0,
- padding = {4,4,8,8},
- }
- -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- frame:SetClampedToScreen( true )
- frame:SetScript('OnEnter', function(this) DiesalMenu:StopCloseTimer() end)
- frame:SetScript('OnLeave', function(this) DiesalMenu:StartCloseTimer() end)
- self:CreateRegion("Frame", 'content', frame)
- -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- for method, func in pairs(methods) do self[method] = func end
- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- return self
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalMenu-1.0/Objects/MenuItem.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalMenu-1.0/Objects/MenuItem.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 459c159..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalMenu-1.0/Objects/MenuItem.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
--- $Id: MenuItem.lua 60 2016-11-04 01:34:23Z diesal2010 $
-local DiesalMenu = LibStub('DiesalMenu-1.0')
--- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local DiesalTools = LibStub('DiesalTools-1.0')
-local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-1.0")
-local DiesalGUI = LibStub('DiesalGUI-1.0')
-local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-1.0")
--- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
-local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
--- | Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- | WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- | MenuItem |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Type = 'MenuItem'
-local Version = 2
--- | Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local Stylesheet = {
- ['frame-hover'] = {
- type = 'texture',
- layer = 'HIGHLIGHT',
- color = Colors.UI_1000,
- alpha = .1,
- },
- ['text-color'] = {
- type = 'Font',
- color = 'cbcbcb',
- },
--- | Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- | Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local methods = {
- ['OnAcquire'] = function(self)
- self:ApplySettings()
- self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
- -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrame)
- self:Show()
- end,
- ['OnRelease'] = function(self)
- end,
- ['ApplySettings'] = function(self)
- if not self.settings.itemData then return false end
- local settings = self.settings
- local menuSettings= settings.parentObject.settings
- local itemData = settings.itemData
- local text = self.text
- local check = self.check
- local arrow = self.arrow
- local checkWidth = menuSettings.check and settings.checkWidth or settings.textPadLeft
- local arrowWidth = menuSettings.arrow and settings.arrowWidth or settings.textPadRight
- local textWidthMax = settings.widthMax - arrowWidth - checkWidth
- if settings.position == 1 then
- self:SetPoint('TOPLEFT')
- self:SetPoint('RIGHT')
- else
- self:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',settings.parentObject.children[settings.position-1].frame,'BOTTOMLEFT',0,0)
- self:SetPoint('RIGHT')
- end
- if itemData.type == 'spacer' then
- self.frame:EnableMouse(false)
- self:SetHeight(settings.spacerHeight)
- else
- self.frame:EnableMouse(true)
- self:SetHeight(settings.height)
- end
- self:SetText(itemData.name)
- text:SetPoint("LEFT",checkWidth, 0)
- text:SetPoint("RIGHT",-arrowWidth, 0)
- arrow[menuSettings.arrow and itemData.menuData and "Show" or "Hide"](arrow)
- check[menuSettings.check and itemData.check and itemData.check() and "Show" or "Hide"](check)
- local textWidth = DiesalTools.Round(text:GetStringWidth()) + 10
- local itemWidth = checkWidth + textWidth + arrowWidth
- menuSettings.itemWidth = min(max(menuSettings.itemWidth,itemWidth),settings.widthMax)
- end,
- ['SetText'] = function(self,text)
- self.text:SetText(text or '')
- end,
- ['OnClick'] = function(self)
- local onClick = self.settings.itemData.onClick
- if onClick then onClick() end
- end,
- ['OnEnter'] = function(self)
- DiesalMenu:StopCloseTimer()
- local menuChildren = self.settings.parentObject.children
- local menuData = self.settings.itemData.menuData
- for i=1, #menuChildren do menuChildren[i]:ReleaseChildren() end
- self:BuildSubMenu(menuData)
- end,
- ['BuildSubMenu'] = function(self,menuData)
- if not menuData then return end
- local subMenu = DiesalGUI:Create('Menu')
- if not subMenu:BuildMenu(menuData) then DiesalGUI:Release(subMenu) return end
- self:AddChild(subMenu)
- subMenu:SetParent(self.frame)
- subMenu:ClearAllPoints()
- subMenu:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',self.frame,'TOPRIGHT',0,0)
- subMenu:Show()
- end,
--- | Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function Constructor()
- local self = DiesalGUI:CreateObjectBase(Type)
- local frame = CreateFrame('Button',nil,UIParent)
- self.frame = frame
- -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- self.defaults = {
- widthMax = 250,
- height = 16,
- spacerHeight = 5,
- checkWidth = 14,
- arrowWidth = 14,
- textPadLeft = 2,
- textPadRight = 2,
- }
- -- ~~ Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet
- -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- frame:SetScript("OnClick", function(this,button) DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this,button); self:OnClick() end)
- frame:SetScript('OnEnter', function(this) self:OnEnter() end)
- frame:SetScript('OnLeave', function(this) DiesalMenu:StartCloseTimer() end)
- local text = self:CreateRegion("FontString", 'text', frame)
- text:SetPoint("TOP",0,-2)
- text:SetPoint("BOTTOM",0,0)
- text:SetJustifyH("TOP")
- text:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
- text:SetWordWrap(false)
- local check = self:CreateRegion("Texture", 'check', frame)
- DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(check,{
- position = {1,nil,0,nil},
- height = 16,
- width = 16,
- image = {'DiesalGUIcons', {10,5,16,256,128},'FFFF00'},
- })
- local arrow = self:CreateRegion("Texture", 'arrow', frame)
- DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(arrow,{
- position = {nil,2,-1,nil},
- height = 16,
- width = 16,
- image = {'DiesalGUIcons', {7,5,16,256,128},'FFFF00'},
- })
- -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- for method, func in pairs(methods) do self[method] = func end
- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- return self
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalMenu-2.0/DiesalMenu-2.0.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalMenu-2.0/DiesalMenu-2.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5cc8c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalMenu-2.0/DiesalMenu-2.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "DiesalMenu-2.0", 1
+---@alias Diesal.Menu DiesalMenu-2.0
+---@class DiesalMenu-2.0
+local DiesalMenu = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+if not DiesalMenu then
+ return
+end -- No Upgrade needed.
+---@type Diesal.Tools
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Style
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.GUI
+local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
+local type, select, tonumber = type, select, tonumber
+local setmetatable, getmetatable, next = setmetatable, getmetatable, next
+local sub, format, lower, upper, match = string.sub, string.format, string.lower, string.upper, string.match
+local pairs, ipairs = pairs, ipairs
+local tinsert, tremove, tconcat, tsort = table.insert, table.remove, table.concat, table.sort
+local floor, ceil, abs, modf = math.floor, math.ceil, math.abs, math.modf
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+---@type Diesal.Menu.Menu
+local MENU
+local CLOSEDELAY = 2
+---@class Diesal.Menu.CloseTimer : Frame
+---@field closeDelay number
+local closeTimer = CreateFrame("Frame")
+---@param this Diesal.Menu.CloseTimer
+---@param elapsed number
+closeTimer:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(this, elapsed)
+ if this.count < 0 then
+ DiesalMenu:Close()
+ this:Hide()
+ else
+ this.count = this.count - elapsed
+ end
+---@param menuData any
+---@param anchor any
+---@param x number
+---@param y number
+---@param closeDelay number
+function DiesalMenu:Menu(menuData, anchor, x, y, closeDelay)
+ MENU = MENU or DiesalGUI:Create("DiesalMenu")
+ MENU:ResetSettings()
+ if not MENU:BuildMenu(menuData) then
+ MENU:Hide()
+ return
+ end
+ MENU:Show()
+ MENU:ClearAllPoints()
+ MENU:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", anchor, "TOPLEFT", x, y)
+ closeTimer.closeDelay = closeDelay or CLOSEDELAY
+ DiesalMenu:StartCloseTimer()
+ DiesalMenu:SetFocus()
+function DiesalMenu:Close()
+ DiesalMenu:StopCloseTimer()
+ if not MENU or not MENU:IsVisible() then
+ return
+ end
+ MENU:ResetSettings()
+ MENU:ReleaseChildren()
+ MENU:Hide()
+ MENU:ClearAllPoints()
+function DiesalMenu:StartCloseTimer()
+ closeTimer.count = closeTimer.closeDelay
+ closeTimer:Show()
+function DiesalMenu:StopCloseTimer()
+ closeTimer:Hide()
+function DiesalMenu:ClearFocus()
+ DiesalMenu:Close()
+function DiesalMenu:SetFocus()
+ DiesalGUI:SetFocus(DiesalMenu)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalMenu-2.0/DiesalMenu-2.0.xml b/DiesalLibs/DiesalMenu-2.0/DiesalMenu-2.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1594ebd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalMenu-2.0/DiesalMenu-2.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalMenu-2.0/Objects/Menu.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalMenu-2.0/Objects/Menu.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..508160e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalMenu-2.0/Objects/Menu.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+---@type Diesal.Menu
+local DiesalMenu = LibStub("DiesalMenu-2.0")
+-- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+---@type Diesal.GUI
+local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Tools
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Style
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+-- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
+local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
+-- | Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local ipairs, pairs, table_sort = ipairs, pairs, table.sort
+-- | WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- | Menu |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Type = "DiesalMenu"
+local Version = 2
+-- | Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Stylesheet = {
+ ["frame-background"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "BACKGROUND",
+ color = Colors.UI_100,
+ alpha = 0.95,
+ },
+ ["frame-inline"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "BORDER",
+ color = "ffffff",
+ alpha = 0.02,
+ position = -1,
+ },
+ ["frame-shadow"] = {
+ type = "shadow",
+ },
+local wireFrame = {
+ ["frame-white"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "ffffff",
+ },
+ ["content-yellow"] = {
+ type = "outline",
+ layer = "OVERLAY",
+ color = "fffc00",
+ },
+-- | Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function compare(a, b)
+ return a[1] < b[1]
+local function sortTable(t)
+ local st = {}
+ for key, val in pairs(t) do
+ st[#st + 1] = { val.order, key }
+ end
+ table_sort(st, compare)
+ return st
+-- | Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+---@class Diesal.Menu.Menu.Methods
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self.frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+ self:ApplySettings()
+ self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
+ -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrame)
+ end,
+ ["OnRelease"] = function(self) end,
+ ["ApplySettings"] = function(self)
+ self:UpdatePosition()
+ end,
+ ["UpdatePosition"] = function(self)
+ self.content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.settings.padding[1], -self.settings.padding[3])
+ self.content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -self.settings.padding[2], self.settings.padding[4])
+ end,
+ ["UpdateSize"] = function(self)
+ local menuHeight = 0
+ for i = 1, #self.children do
+ menuHeight = menuHeight + self.children[i].frame:GetHeight()
+ end
+ self.frame:SetHeight(self.settings.padding[3] + menuHeight + self.settings.padding[4])
+ self.frame:SetWidth(self.settings.padding[1] + self.settings.itemWidth + self.settings.padding[2])
+ end,
+ ["BuildMenu"] = function(self, menuData)
+ if menuData then
+ self.settings.menuData = menuData
+ else
+ menuData = self.settings.menuData
+ end
+ if not menuData then
+ return
+ end
+ -- reset menu
+ self:ReleaseChildren()
+ self:SetWidth(1)
+ -- set menu properties
+ for key in pairs(menuData) do
+ if menuData[key].check then
+ self.settings.check = true
+ end
+ if menuData[key].menuData then
+ self.settings.arrow = true
+ end
+ end
+ -- create menuItems
+ local sortedTable = sortTable(menuData)
+ for i = 1, #sortedTable do
+ local menuItem = DiesalGUI:Create("DiesalMenuItem")
+ self:AddChild(menuItem)
+ menuItem:SetParentObject(self)
+ menuItem:SetSettings({
+ itemData = menuData[sortedTable[i][2]],
+ position = i,
+ }, true)
+ end
+ self:UpdateSize()
+ return true
+ end,
+-- | Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function Constructor()
+ ---@class Diesal.Menu.Menu : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase, Diesal.Menu.Menu.Methods
+ local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true)
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ self.frame = frame
+ self.defaults = {
+ itemWidth = 0,
+ padding = { 4, 4, 8, 8 },
+ }
+ -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ frame:SetClampedToScreen(true)
+ frame:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
+ DiesalMenu:StopCloseTimer()
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
+ DiesalMenu:StartCloseTimer()
+ end)
+ self:CreateRegion("Frame", "content", frame)
+ -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ self[method] = func
+ end
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ return self
+DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalMenu-2.0/Objects/MenuItem.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalMenu-2.0/Objects/MenuItem.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42e9d18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalMenu-2.0/Objects/MenuItem.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+---@type Diesal.Menu
+local DiesalMenu = LibStub("DiesalMenu-2.0")
+-- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+---@type Diesal.Tools
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.Style
+local DiesalStyle = LibStub("DiesalStyle-2.0")
+---@type Diesal.GUI
+local DiesalGUI = LibStub("DiesalGUI-2.0")
+-- ~~| Diesal Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
+local HSL, ShadeColor, TintColor = DiesalTools.HSL, DiesalTools.ShadeColor, DiesalTools.TintColor
+-- | Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- | WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- | MenuItem |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Type = "DiesalMenuItem"
+local Version = 2
+-- | Stylesheets |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local Stylesheet = {
+ ["frame-hover"] = {
+ type = "texture",
+ layer = "HIGHLIGHT",
+ color = Colors.UI_1000,
+ alpha = 0.1,
+ },
+ ["text-color"] = {
+ type = "Font",
+ color = "cbcbcb",
+ },
+-- | Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- | Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+---@class Diesal.Menu.MenuItem
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:ApplySettings()
+ self:SetStylesheet(Stylesheet)
+ -- self:SetStylesheet(wireFrame)
+ self:Show()
+ end,
+ ["OnRelease"] = function(self) end,
+ ["ApplySettings"] = function(self)
+ if not self.settings.itemData then
+ return false
+ end
+ local settings = self.settings
+ local menuSettings = settings.parentObject.settings
+ local itemData = settings.itemData
+ local text = self.text
+ local check = self.check
+ local arrow = self.arrow
+ local checkWidth = menuSettings.check and settings.checkWidth or settings.textPadLeft
+ local arrowWidth = menuSettings.arrow and settings.arrowWidth or settings.textPadRight
+ local textWidthMax = settings.widthMax - arrowWidth - checkWidth
+ if settings.position == 1 then
+ self:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+ self:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+ else
+ self:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", settings.parentObject.children[settings.position - 1].frame, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
+ self:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+ end
+ if itemData.type == "spacer" then
+ self.frame:EnableMouse(false)
+ self:SetHeight(settings.spacerHeight)
+ else
+ self.frame:EnableMouse(true)
+ self:SetHeight(settings.height)
+ end
+ self:SetText(itemData.name)
+ text:SetPoint("LEFT", checkWidth, 0)
+ text:SetPoint("RIGHT", -arrowWidth, 0)
+ arrow[menuSettings.arrow and itemData.menuData and "Show" or "Hide"](arrow)
+ check[menuSettings.check and itemData.check and itemData.check() and "Show" or "Hide"](check)
+ local textWidth = DiesalTools.Round(text:GetStringWidth()) + 10
+ local itemWidth = checkWidth + textWidth + arrowWidth
+ menuSettings.itemWidth = min(max(menuSettings.itemWidth, itemWidth), settings.widthMax)
+ end,
+ ["SetText"] = function(self, text)
+ self.text:SetText(text or "")
+ end,
+ ["OnClick"] = function(self)
+ local onClick = self.settings.itemData.onClick
+ if onClick then
+ onClick()
+ end
+ end,
+ ["OnEnter"] = function(self)
+ DiesalMenu:StopCloseTimer()
+ local menuChildren = self.settings.parentObject.children
+ local menuData = self.settings.itemData.menuData
+ for i = 1, #menuChildren do
+ menuChildren[i]:ReleaseChildren()
+ end
+ self:BuildSubMenu(menuData)
+ end,
+ ["BuildSubMenu"] = function(self, menuData)
+ if not menuData then
+ return
+ end
+ local subMenu = DiesalGUI:Create("DiesalMenu") --[[ @as Diesal.Menu.Menu ]]
+ if not subMenu:BuildMenu(menuData) then
+ DiesalGUI:Release(subMenu)
+ return
+ end
+ self:AddChild(subMenu)
+ subMenu:SetParent(self.frame)
+ subMenu:ClearAllPoints()
+ subMenu:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.frame, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0)
+ subMenu:Show()
+ end,
+-- | Constructor |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function Constructor()
+ ---@class Diesal.Menu.MenuItem : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+ ---@field text FontString
+ ---@field check Texture
+ ---@field arrow Texture
+ local self = DiesalGUI:Create(Type, true)
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Button", nil, UIParent)
+ self.frame = frame
+ -- ~~ Default Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ self.defaults = {
+ widthMax = 250,
+ height = 16,
+ spacerHeight = 5,
+ checkWidth = 14,
+ arrowWidth = 14,
+ textPadLeft = 2,
+ textPadRight = 2,
+ }
+ -- ~~ Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- OnAcquire, OnRelease, OnHeightSet, OnWidthSet
+ -- ~~ Construct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ frame:SetScript("OnClick", function(this, button)
+ DiesalGUI:OnMouse(this, button)
+ self:OnClick()
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
+ self:OnEnter()
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
+ DiesalMenu:StartCloseTimer()
+ end)
+ local text = self:CreateRegion("FontString", "text", frame)
+ text:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -2)
+ text:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0, 0)
+ text:SetJustifyH("TOP")
+ text:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+ text:SetWordWrap(false)
+ local check = self:CreateRegion("Texture", "check", frame)
+ DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(check, {
+ position = { 1, nil, 0, nil },
+ height = 16,
+ width = 16,
+ image = { "DiesalGUIcons", { 10, 5, 16, 256, 128 }, "FFFF00" },
+ })
+ local arrow = self:CreateRegion("Texture", "arrow", frame)
+ DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(arrow, {
+ position = { nil, 2, -1, nil },
+ height = 16,
+ width = 16,
+ image = { "DiesalGUIcons", { 7, 5, 16, 256, 128 }, "FFFF00" },
+ })
+ -- ~~ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ self[method] = func
+ end
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ return self
+DiesalGUI:RegisterObjectConstructor(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/DiesalStyle-1.0.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/DiesalStyle-1.0.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a422d73..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/DiesalStyle-1.0.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1048 +0,0 @@
--- $Id: DiesalStyle-1.0.lua 61 2017-03-28 23:13:41Z diesal2010 $
-local MAJOR, MINOR = "DiesalStyle-1.0", "$Rev: 61 $"
-local DiesalStyle, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
-if not DiesalStyle then return end -- No Upgrade needed.
--- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-1.0")
-local LibSharedMedia = LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0")
--- ~~| Lib Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local GetIconCoords, HSL = DiesalTools.GetIconCoords, DiesalTools.HSL
--- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local type, select, pairs, tonumber = type, select, pairs, tonumber
-local next = next
-local format, sub = string.format, string.sub
-local min, max = math.min, math.max
--- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local errorhandler = geterrorhandler()
--- ~~| DiesalStyle Values |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-DiesalStyle.Media = DiesalStyle.Media or {}
-DiesalStyle.ReleasedTextures = DiesalStyle.ReleasedTextures or {}
-DiesalStyle.TextureFrame = DiesalStyle.TextureFrame or CreateFrame("Frame"); DiesalStyle.TextureFrame:Hide();
-DiesalStyle.Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors or {}
-DiesalStyle.Formatters = DiesalStyle.Formatters or {}
--- ~~| DiesalStyle UpValues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local AddonName = ...
-local ReleasedTextures = DiesalStyle.ReleasedTextures
-local TextureFrame = DiesalStyle.TextureFrame
-local Media = DiesalStyle.Media
-local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
-local Formatters = DiesalStyle.Formatters
--- ~~| Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local OUTLINES = {'_LEFT','_RIGHT','_TOP','_BOTTOM'}
-local MEDIA_PATH = AddonName == 'DiesalLibs' and string.format("Interface\\AddOns\\%s\\%s\\Media\\",AddonName,MAJOR) or string.format("Interface\\AddOns\\%s\\libs\\%s\\Media\\",AddonName,MAJOR)
--- ~~| Local Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local function addMedia(mediaType,name,mediaFile)
- Media[mediaType] = Media[mediaType] or {}
- -- update or create new media entry
- Media[mediaType][name] = MEDIA_PATH..mediaFile
-local function getMedia(mediaType,name)
- if not Media[mediaType] then error('media type: '..mediaType..' does not exist',2) return end
- if not Media[mediaType][name] then error('media: "'..name..'" does not exist',2) return end
- return Media[mediaType][name]
-local function newTexture()
- local newTexture = next(ReleasedTextures)
- if not newTexture then
- newTexture = TextureFrame:CreateTexture()
- else
- newTexture:Show()
- ReleasedTextures[newTexture] = nil
- end
- return newTexture
-local function releaseTexture(texture)
- -- reset texture
- texture:ClearAllPoints()
- texture:SetDrawLayer("ARTWORK", 0)
- -- texture:SetTexCoord(0,1,0,1)
- -- specific order based on testing! for a close as possible full texture reset
- -- texture:SetGradientAlpha('HORIZONTAL',1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
- -- texture:SetColorTexture(0,0,0,0)
- -- texture:SetTexture()
- -- texture:SetVertexColor(1,1,1,1)
- texture:SetParent(TextureFrame)
- texture:Hide()
- texture.style = nil
- if ReleasedTextures[texture] then error("Attempt to Release a texture that is already released", 2) end
- ReleasedTextures[texture] = true
-local function round(number, base)
- base = base or 1
- return floor((number + base/2)/base) * base
-local function GetBlizzColorValues(value)
- if not value then return end
- if type(value) == 'table' and #value >= 3 then
- return value[1]/255, value[2]/255, value[3]/255
- elseif type(value) == 'string' then
- return tonumber(sub(value,1,2),16)/255, tonumber(sub(value,3,4),16)/255, tonumber(sub(value,5,6),16)/255
- end
-local function formatCoords(coords)
- if type(coords) ~= 'table' then return end
- if #coords == 5 then
- return {GetIconCoords(coords[1],coords[2],coords[3],coords[4],coords[5])}
- else
- return coords
- end
-local function formatFile(file)
- if type(file) ~= 'string' and type(file) ~= 'number' then return end
- return Media.texture[file] or file
-local function formatPosition(position)
- if type(position) ~= 'table' and type(position) ~= 'number' then return end
- return type(position) == 'number' and {position,position,position,position} or position
-local function formatOrientation(orientation)
- if type(orientation) ~= 'string' then return end
- return orientation:upper()
-local function formatAlpha(alpha)
- if type(alpha) ~= 'table' and type(alpha) ~= 'number' then return end
- return type(alpha) == 'number' and {alpha,alpha} or alpha
--- error handling
-local function setColor(texture, r, g, b, a)
- local status, err = pcall( texture.SetColorTexture, texture, r, g, b, a )
- if not status then errorhandler('error in "'..(texture.style.name or 'texture')..'" '..texture.style.mode..' or alpha setting',r, g, b, a) end
-local function setGradient(texture, orientation, r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)
- local status, err = pcall( texture.SetGradientAlpha, texture, orientation, r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2 )
- if not status then errorhandler('error in "'..(texture.style.name or 'texture')..'" '..texture.style.mode..' or alpha setting.') end
--- ~~| Media |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-do -- | Set Colors |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- do -- google material colors
- Colors.red_50 = 'fde0dc'
- Colors.red_100 = 'f9bdbb'
- Colors.red_200 = 'f69988'
- Colors.red_300 = 'f36c60'
- Colors.red_400 = 'e84e40'
- Colors.red_500 = 'e51c23'
- Colors.red_600 = 'dd191d'
- Colors.red_700 = 'd01716'
- Colors.red_800 = 'c41411'
- Colors.red_900 = 'b0120a'
- Colors.red_A100 = 'FF8A80'
- Colors.red_A200 = 'FF5252'
- Colors.red_A400 = 'FF1744'
- Colors.red_A700 = 'D50000'
- Colors.pink_50 = 'fce4ec'
- Colors.pink_100 = 'f8bbd0'
- Colors.pink_200 = 'f48fb1'
- Colors.pink_300 = 'f06292'
- Colors.pink_400 = 'ec407a'
- Colors.pink_500 = 'e91e63'
- Colors.pink_600 = 'd81b60'
- Colors.pink_700 = 'c2185b'
- Colors.pink_800 = 'ad1457'
- Colors.pink_900 = '880e4f'
- Colors.pink_A100 = 'FF80AB'
- Colors.pink_A200 = 'FF4081'
- Colors.pink_A400 = 'F50057'
- Colors.pink_A700 = 'C51162'
- Colors.purple_50 = 'f3e5f5'
- Colors.purple_100 = 'e1bee7'
- Colors.purple_200 = 'ce93d8'
- Colors.purple_300 = 'ba68c8'
- Colors.purple_400 = 'ab47bc'
- Colors.purple_500 = '9c27b0'
- Colors.purple_600 = '8e24aa'
- Colors.purple_700 = '7b1fa2'
- Colors.purple_800 = '6a1b9a'
- Colors.purple_900 = '4a148c'
- Colors.purple_A100 = 'EA80FC'
- Colors.purple_A200 = 'E040FB'
- Colors.purple_A400 = 'D500F9'
- Colors.purple_A700 = 'AA00FF'
- Colors.dark_purple_50 = 'ede7f6'
- Colors.dark_purple_100 = 'd1c4e9'
- Colors.dark_purple_200 = 'b39ddb'
- Colors.dark_purple_300 = '9575cd'
- Colors.dark_purple_400 = '7e57c2'
- Colors.dark_purple_500 = '673ab7'
- Colors.dark_purple_600 = '5e35b1'
- Colors.dark_purple_700 = '512da8'
- Colors.dark_purple_800 = '4527a0'
- Colors.dark_purple_900 = '311b92'
- Colors.dark_purple_A100 = 'B388FF'
- Colors.dark_purple_A200 = '7C4DFF'
- Colors.dark_purple_A400 = '651FFF'
- Colors.dark_purple_A700 = '6200EA'
- Colors.indigo_50 = 'e8eaf6'
- Colors.indigo_100 = 'c5cae9'
- Colors.indigo_200 = '9fa8da'
- Colors.indigo_300 = '7986cb'
- Colors.indigo_400 = '5c6bc0'
- Colors.indigo_500 = '3f51b5'
- Colors.indigo_600 = '3949ab'
- Colors.indigo_700 = '303f9f'
- Colors.indigo_800 = '283593'
- Colors.indigo_900 = '1a237e'
- Colors.indigo_A100 = '8C9EFF'
- Colors.indigo_A200 = '536DFE'
- Colors.indigo_A400 = '3D5AFE'
- Colors.indigo_A700 = '304FFE'
- Colors.blue_50 = 'e7e9fd'
- Colors.blue_100 = 'd0d9ff'
- Colors.blue_200 = 'afbfff'
- Colors.blue_300 = '91a7ff'
- Colors.blue_400 = '738ffe'
- Colors.blue_500 = '5677fc'
- Colors.blue_600 = '4e6cef'
- Colors.blue_700 = '455ede'
- Colors.blue_800 = '3b50ce'
- Colors.blue_900 = '2a36b1'
- Colors.blue_A100 = '82B1FF'
- Colors.blue_A200 = '448AFF'
- Colors.blue_A400 = '2979FF'
- Colors.blue_A700 = '2962FF'
- Colors.light_blue_50 = 'e1f5fe'
- Colors.light_blue_100 = 'b3e5fc'
- Colors.light_blue_200 = '81d4fa'
- Colors.light_blue_300 = '4fc3f7'
- Colors.light_blue_400 = '29b6f6'
- Colors.light_blue_500 = '03a9f4'
- Colors.light_blue_600 = '039be5'
- Colors.light_blue_700 = '0288d1'
- Colors.light_blue_800 = '0277bd'
- Colors.light_blue_900 = '01579b'
- Colors.light_blue_A100 = '80D8FF'
- Colors.light_blue_A200 = '40C4FF'
- Colors.light_blue_A400 = '00B0FF'
- Colors.light_blue_A700 = '0091EA'
- Colors.cyan_50 = 'e0f7fa'
- Colors.cyan_100 = 'b2ebf2'
- Colors.cyan_200 = '80deea'
- Colors.cyan_300 = '4dd0e1'
- Colors.cyan_400 = '26c6da'
- Colors.cyan_500 = '00bcd4'
- Colors.cyan_600 = '00acc1'
- Colors.cyan_700 = '0097a7'
- Colors.cyan_800 = '00838f'
- Colors.cyan_900 = '006064'
- Colors.cyan_A100 = '84FFFF'
- Colors.cyan_A200 = '18FFFF'
- Colors.cyan_A400 = '00E5FF'
- Colors.cyan_A700 = '00B8D4'
- Colors.teal_50 = 'e0f2f1'
- Colors.teal_100 = 'b2dfdb'
- Colors.teal_200 = '80cbc4'
- Colors.teal_300 = '4db6ac'
- Colors.teal_400 = '26a69a'
- Colors.teal_500 = '009688'
- Colors.teal_600 = '00897b'
- Colors.teal_700 = '00796b'
- Colors.teal_800 = '00695c'
- Colors.teal_900 = '004d40'
- Colors.teal_A100 = 'A7FFEB'
- Colors.teal_A200 = '64FFDA'
- Colors.teal_A400 = '1DE9B6'
- Colors.teal_A700 = '00BFA5'
- Colors.green_50 = 'd0f8ce'
- Colors.green_100 = 'a3e9a4'
- Colors.green_200 = '72d572'
- Colors.green_300 = '42bd41'
- Colors.green_400 = '2baf2b'
- Colors.green_500 = '4CAF50'
- Colors.green_600 = '0a8f08'
- Colors.green_700 = '0a7e07'
- Colors.green_800 = '056f00'
- Colors.green_900 = '0d5302'
- Colors.green_A100 = 'B9F6CA'
- Colors.green_A200 = '69F0AE'
- Colors.green_A400 = '00E676'
- Colors.green_A700 = '00C853'
- Colors.light_green_50 = 'f1f8e9'
- Colors.light_green_100 = 'dcedc8'
- Colors.light_green_200 = 'c5e1a5'
- Colors.light_green_300 = 'aed581'
- Colors.light_green_400 = '9ccc65'
- Colors.light_green_500 = '8bc34a'
- Colors.light_green_600 = '7cb342'
- Colors.light_green_700 = '689f38'
- Colors.light_green_800 = '558b2f'
- Colors.light_green_900 = '33691e'
- Colors.light_green_A100 = 'CCFF90'
- Colors.light_green_A200 = 'B2FF59'
- Colors.light_green_A400 = '76FF03'
- Colors.light_green_A700 = '64DD17'
- Colors.lime_50 = 'f9fbe7'
- Colors.lime_100 = 'f0f4c3'
- Colors.lime_200 = 'e6ee9c'
- Colors.lime_300 = 'dce775'
- Colors.lime_400 = 'd4e157'
- Colors.lime_500 = 'cddc39'
- Colors.lime_600 = 'c0ca33'
- Colors.lime_700 = 'afb42b'
- Colors.lime_800 = '9e9d24'
- Colors.lime_900 = '827717'
- Colors.lime_A100 = 'F4FF81'
- Colors.lime_A200 = 'EEFF41'
- Colors.lime_A400 = 'C6FF00'
- Colors.lime_A700 = 'AEEA00'
- Colors.yellow_50 = 'fffde7'
- Colors.yellow_100 = 'fff9c4'
- Colors.yellow_200 = 'fff59d'
- Colors.yellow_300 = 'fff176'
- Colors.yellow_400 = 'ffee58'
- Colors.yellow_500 = 'ffeb3b'
- Colors.yellow_600 = 'fdd835'
- Colors.yellow_700 = 'fbc02d'
- Colors.yellow_800 = 'f9a825'
- Colors.yellow_900 = 'f57f17'
- Colors.yellow_A100 = 'FFFF8D'
- Colors.yellow_A200 = 'FFFF00'
- Colors.yellow_A400 = 'FFEA00'
- Colors.yellow_A700 = 'FFD600'
- Colors.amber_50 = 'fff8e1'
- Colors.amber_100 = 'ffecb3'
- Colors.amber_200 = 'ffe082'
- Colors.amber_300 = 'ffd54f'
- Colors.amber_400 = 'ffca28'
- Colors.amber_500 = 'ffc107'
- Colors.amber_600 = 'ffb300'
- Colors.amber_700 = 'ffa000'
- Colors.amber_800 = 'ff8f00'
- Colors.amber_900 = 'ff6f00'
- Colors.amber_A100 = 'FFE57F'
- Colors.amber_A200 = 'FFD740'
- Colors.amber_A400 = 'FFC400'
- Colors.amber_A700 = 'FFAB00'
- Colors.orange_50 = 'fff3e0'
- Colors.orange_100 = 'ffe0b2'
- Colors.orange_200 = 'ffcc80'
- Colors.orange_300 = 'ffb74d'
- Colors.orange_400 = 'ffa726'
- Colors.orange_500 = 'ff9800'
- Colors.orange_600 = 'fb8c00'
- Colors.orange_700 = 'f57c00'
- Colors.orange_800 = 'ef6c00'
- Colors.orange_900 = 'e65100'
- Colors.orange_A100 = 'FFD180'
- Colors.orange_A200 = 'FFAB40'
- Colors.orange_A400 = 'FF9100'
- Colors.orange_A700 = 'FF6D00'
- Colors.deep_orange_50 = 'fbe9e7'
- Colors.deep_orange_100 = 'ffccbc'
- Colors.deep_orange_200 = 'ffab91'
- Colors.deep_orange_300 = 'ff8a65'
- Colors.deep_orange_400 = 'ff7043'
- Colors.deep_orange_500 = 'ff5722'
- Colors.deep_orange_600 = 'f4511e'
- Colors.deep_orange_700 = 'e64a19'
- Colors.deep_orange_800 = 'd84315'
- Colors.deep_orange_900 = 'bf360c'
- Colors.deep_orange_A100 = 'FF9E80'
- Colors.deep_orange_A200 = 'FF6E40'
- Colors.deep_orange_A400 = 'FF3D00'
- Colors.deep_orange_A700 = 'DD2C00'
- Colors.brown_50 = 'efebe9'
- Colors.brown_100 = 'd7ccc8'
- Colors.brown_200 = 'bcaaa4'
- Colors.brown_300 = 'a1887f'
- Colors.brown_400 = '8d6e63'
- Colors.brown_500 = '795548'
- Colors.brown_600 = '6d4c41'
- Colors.brown_700 = '5d4037'
- Colors.brown_800 = '4e342e'
- Colors.brown_900 = '3e2723'
- Colors.gray_50 = 'fafafa'
- Colors.gray_100 = 'f5f5f5'
- Colors.gray_200 = 'eee'
- Colors.gray_300 = 'e0e0e0'
- Colors.gray_400 = 'bdbdbd'
- Colors.gray_500 = '9e9e9e'
- Colors.gray_600 = '757575'
- Colors.gray_700 = '616161'
- Colors.gray_800 = '424242'
- Colors.gray_900 = '212121'
- Colors.blue_gray_50 = 'eceff1'
- Colors.blue_gray_100 = 'cfd8dc'
- Colors.blue_gray_200 = 'b0bec5'
- Colors.blue_gray_300 = '90a4ae'
- Colors.blue_gray_400 = '78909c'
- Colors.blue_gray_500 = '607d8b'
- Colors.blue_gray_600 = '546e7a'
- Colors.blue_gray_700 = '455a64'
- Colors.blue_gray_800 = '37474f'
- Colors.blue_gray_900 = '263238'
- end
- do -- Base UI Colors
- Colors.UI_Hue = 210
- Colors.UI_Saturation = .24
- Colors.UI_TEXT = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.9)
- -- level 1
- Colors.UI_100 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.03) -- BG
- Colors.UI_150 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.05)
- -- level 2
- Colors.UI_200 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.07)
- -- level 3
- Colors.UI_300 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.12)
- Colors.UI_300_GR = {HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.12),HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.11)}
- Colors.UI_350 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.15)
- Colors.UI_350_GR = {HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.17),HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.14)}
- -- level 4
- Colors.UI_400 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.20)
- Colors.UI_400_GR = {HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.20),HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.17)}
- Colors.UI_450_GR = {HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.24),HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.20)}
- -- level 5
- Colors.UI_500 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.29)
- Colors.UI_500_GR = {HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.29),HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.26)}
- Colors.UI_600_GR = {HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.35),HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.32)}
- -- font Colors -35
- Colors.UI_F450 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.75)
- Colors.UI_F350 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,.60)
- Colors.UI_1000 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,Colors.UI_Saturation,1)
- Colors.UI_A900 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,1,.7)
- Colors.UI_A800 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,1,.65)
- Colors.UI_A700 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,1,.6)
- Colors.UI_A600 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,1,.55)
- Colors.UI_A500 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,1,.5)
- Colors.UI_A400 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,1,.45)
- Colors.UI_A300 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,1,.4)
- Colors.UI_A200 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,1,.35)
- Colors.UI_A100 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue,1,.3)
- end
-do -- | Text Formatters |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Formatters.tooltip = '|cff'..Colors.gray_50..'%s\n|cff'..Colors.yellow_500..'%s'
-do -- | Set Media |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- addMedia('font','calibrib','calibrib.ttf')
- -- monospaced
- addMedia('font','DejaVuSansMono','DejaVuSansMono.ttf')
- addMedia('font','DejaVuSansMonoBold','DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf')
- addMedia('font','FiraMonoMedium','FiraMono-Medium.ttf')
- addMedia('font','FiraMonoRegular','FiraMono-Regular.ttf')
- addMedia('font','FiraMonoBold','FiraMono-Bold.ttf')
- addMedia('font','HackRegular','Hack-Regular.ttf')
- addMedia('font','HackBold','Hack-Bold.ttf')
- addMedia('font','InconsolataRegular','Inconsolata-Regular.ttf')
- addMedia('font','InconsolataBold','Inconsolata-Bold.ttf')
- addMedia('font','LucidiaMono','LUCON.ttf')
- addMedia('font','MonoFur','monof55.ttf')
- addMedia('font','MonoFurItalic','monof56.ttf')
- addMedia('font','OfficeCodeProRegular','OfficeCodePro-Regular.ttf')
- addMedia('font','OfficeCodeProMedium','OfficeCodePro-Medium.ttf')
- addMedia('font','OfficeCodeProBold','OfficeCodePro-Bold.ttf')
- addMedia('font','RobotoMonoRegular','RobotoMono-Regular.ttf')
- addMedia('font','RobotoMonoMedium','RobotoMono-Medium.ttf')
- addMedia('font','RobotoMonoBold','RobotoMono-Bold.ttf')
- addMedia('font','SourceCodeProRegular','SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf')
- addMedia('font','SourceCodeProMedium','SourceCodePro-Medium.ttf')
- addMedia('font','SourceCodeProSemibold','SourceCodePro-Semibold.ttf')
- addMedia('font','SourceCodeProBold','SourceCodePro-Bold.ttf')
- addMedia('font','SourceCodeProBlack','SourceCodePro-Black.ttf')
- addMedia('font','UbuntuMonoBold','UbuntuMono-B.ttf')
- addMedia('font','UbuntuMonoRegular','UbuntuMono-R.ttf')
- -- pixel fonts
- addMedia('font','FiraSans','FiraSans-Regular.ttf')
- addMedia('font','Standard0755','Standard0755.ttf')
- addMedia('font','FFF Intelligent Thin Condensed','FFF Intelligent Thin Condensed.ttf')
- addMedia('texture','DiesalGUIcons','DiesalGUIcons16x256x128.tga')
- addMedia('texture','DiesalGUIcons64','DiesalGUIcons64x256x256.tga')
- addMedia('texture','DiesalGUIcons32','DiesalGUIcons32x256x256.tga')
- addMedia('texture','DiesalButtonIcons32','DiesalButtonIcons32x128x512.tga')
- addMedia('border','shadow','shadow.tga')
- addMedia('border','shadowNoDist','shadowNoDist.tga')
-do -- | Add LibSharedMedia |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- LibSharedMedia:Register("font","Calibri Bold",getMedia('font','calibrib'))
- LibSharedMedia:Register("font","Fira Sans",getMedia('font','FiraSans'))
- -- monospaced
- -- LibSharedMedia:Register("font","DejaVuSansMono",getMedia('font','DejaVuSansMono'))
- -- LibSharedMedia:Register("font","Hack",getMedia('font','Hack'))
- -- LibSharedMedia:Register("font","Inconsolata",getMedia('font','Inconsolata'))
- -- LibSharedMedia:Register("font","Fira Sans",getMedia('font','FiraSans'))
- -- LibSharedMedia:Register("font","Source Code Pro",getMedia('font','SourceCodePro'))
- -- pixel fonts
- LibSharedMedia:Register("font","Standard0755",getMedia('font','Standard0755'))
- LibSharedMedia:Register("font","FFF Intelligent",getMedia('font','FFF Intelligent Thin Condensed'))
-do -- | Set Fonts |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- CreateFont("DiesalFontNormal")
- DiesalFontNormal:SetFont( getMedia('font','calibrib'),11 )
- CreateFont("DiesalFontPixel")
- DiesalFontPixel:SetFont( getMedia('font','Standard0755'), 8 )
- CreateFont("DiesalFontPixelOutLine")
- DiesalFontPixelOutLine:SetFont( getMedia('font','Standard0755'), 8, "OUTLINE, MONOCHROME" )
- DiesalFontPixelOutLine:SetSpacing(2)
- CreateFont("DiesalFontPixel2")
- DiesalFontPixel2:SetFont( getMedia('font','FFF Intelligent Thin Condensed'), 8, "OUTLINE, MONOCHROME" )
--- ~~| DiesalStyle API |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
---[[ Texture style table format
-style.layer BACKGROUND | BORDER | ARTWORK | OVERLAY | HIGHLIGHT (texture in this layer is automatically shown when the mouse is over the containing Frame)
-**FontStrings always appear on top of all textures in a given draw layer. avoid using sublayer
--- ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-style.alpha alpha [0 - 1]
-style.alphaEnd alpha [0 - 1]
-style.color hexColor | {Red, Green, Blue} [0-255]
-style.colorEnd hexColor | {Red, Green, Blue} [0-255]
-style.gradient VERTICAL | HORIZONTAL
--- ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-style.texFile texture fileName
-style.texTile true | false
-style.texCoord {left, right, top, bottom} [0-1] | {column,row,size,textureWidth,TextureHeight}
-style.texColor hexColor | {Red,Green,Blue} [0-255]
-style.texColorAlpha alpha [0 - 1]
--- ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-style.offset offset | {Left, Right, Top, Bottom}
-style.width width
-style.height height
--- type = 'fill',
--- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
--- gradient = {'VERTICAL','744d00','996600'}
--- gradient_orientation = 'VERTICAL'|'HORIZONTAL ',
--- gradient_color = {colorStart,colorEnd},
--- image = {'texture-file', {left,right,top,bottom}, color, tiling_h, tiling_v}
--- image_file = 'texture-file'
--- image_coords = {left,right,top,bottom} | {row, coloumn, size, image width, image height }
--- image_color = "FFFFFF"
--- image_tiling = {'HORIZNONTAL','VERTICAL'}
--- color = 'FFFFFF',
--- alpha = 1 | {1,1}
--- position = 0 | {0,0,0,0}
-function DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(texture,style)
- -- | Setup Texture.style |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- if not texture.style or style.clear then texture.style = {} end
- -- debugging
- texture.style.name = style.name or texture.style.name
- texture.style.debug = style.debug or texture.style.debug
- -- | Format Settings |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -- Gradient ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- if style.gradient and type(style.gradient) == 'table' then
- texture.style.gradient = {
- orientation = formatOrientation(style.gradient[1]),
- color = style.gradient[2] and style.gradient[3] and {style.gradient[2],style.gradient[3]},
- }
- end
- style.gradient_orientation = formatOrientation(style.gradient_orientation) -- fuck you
- if not texture.style.gradient and (style.gradient_orientation or style.gradient_alpha or style.gradient_color) then texture.style.gradient = {} end
- -- Image ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- if style.image and type(style.image) == 'table' then
- texture.style.image = {
- file = formatFile(style.image[1]),
- coords = formatCoords(style.image[2]),
- color = style.image[3],
- tiling = {style.image[4],style.image[5]},
- }
- end
- if not texture.style.image and style.image_file then texture.style.image = {} end
- -- | Update Settings |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- texture.style.layer = style.layer or texture.style.layer or DEFAULT_LAYER
- texture.style.position = formatPosition(style.position) or texture.style.position or {0,0,0,0}
- texture.style.width = style.width or texture.style.width
- texture.style.height = style.height or texture.style.height
- texture.style.color = style.color or texture.style.color
- texture.style.alpha = formatAlpha(style.alpha) or texture.style.alpha or {1,1}
- -- gradient
- if texture.style.gradient then
- texture.style.gradient.orientation = style.gradient_orientation or texture.style.gradient.orientation or DEFAULT_GRADIENT_ORIENTATION
- texture.style.gradient.color = style.gradient_color or texture.style.gradient.color or {DEFAULT_COLOR,DEFAULT_COLOR}
- end
- -- image
- if texture.style.image then
- texture.style.image.file = formatFile(style.image_file) or texture.style.image.file
- texture.style.image.coords = formatCoords(style.image_coords) or texture.style.image.coords or {0,1,0,1}
- texture.style.image.color = style.image_color or texture.style.image.color
- texture.style.image.tiling = style.image_tiling or texture.style.image.tiling
- end
- -- | Apply Settings |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -- layer
- texture:SetDrawLayer(texture.style.layer, 0)
- -- position
- texture:ClearAllPoints() -- clear offsets
- if texture.style.position[1] then texture:SetPoint("LEFT", -texture.style.position[1],0) end
- if texture.style.position[2] then texture:SetPoint("RIGHT", texture.style.position[2],0) end
- if texture.style.position[3] then texture:SetPoint("TOP", 0,texture.style.position[3]) end
- if texture.style.position[4] then texture:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0,-texture.style.position[4]) end
- -- size
- if texture.style.width then texture:SetWidth(texture.style.width) end
- if texture.style.height then texture:SetHeight(texture.style.height) end
- if style.debug then print(texture:GetHeight(),texture.style.position[1], texture.style.position[2], texture.style.position[3], texture.style.position[4]) end
- -- [1] Texture > [2] gradient > [3] color
- if texture.style.image then -- [1] Texture
- -- set mode
- texture.style.mode = 'image'
- -- clear any old settings
- texture:SetGradientAlpha('HORIZONTAL',1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) -- clear gradient
- texture:SetColorTexture(1,1,1,1) -- clear color
- -- apply settings
- texture:SetTexCoord(texture.style.image.coords[1],texture.style.image.coords[2],texture.style.image.coords[3],texture.style.image.coords[4])
- texture:SetTexture(texture.style.image.file,texture.style.image.tiling and texture.style.image.tiling[1], texture.style.image.tiling and texture.style.image.tiling[2])
- texture:SetHorizTile(texture.style.image.tiling[1])
- texture:SetVertTile(texture.style.image.tiling[2])
- local r,g,b = GetBlizzColorValues(texture.style.image.color)
- texture:SetVertexColor(r or 1, g or 1, b or 1, texture.style.alpha[1])
- elseif texture.style.gradient then -- [2] gradient
- -- set mode
- texture.style.mode = 'gradient'
- -- clear any old settings
- texture:SetTexture() -- clear image
- texture:SetColorTexture(1,1,1,1) -- clear color
- -- apply settings
- local r1,g1,b1 = GetBlizzColorValues(texture.style.gradient.color[texture.style.gradient.orientation == 'HORIZONTAL' and 1 or 2])
- local r2,g2,b2 = GetBlizzColorValues(texture.style.gradient.color[texture.style.gradient.orientation == 'HORIZONTAL' and 2 or 1])
- local a1,a2 = texture.style.alpha[texture.style.gradient.orientation == 'HORIZONTAL' and 1 or 2], texture.style.alpha[texture.style.gradient.orientation == 'HORIZONTAL' and 2 or 1]
- setGradient(texture, texture.style.gradient.orientation, r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)
- elseif texture.style.color then -- [3] color
- -- set mode
- texture.style.mode = 'color'
- -- clear any old settings
- texture:SetTexture() -- clear image
- texture:SetGradientAlpha('HORIZONTAL',1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) -- clear gradient
- -- apply settings
- local r,g,b = GetBlizzColorValues(texture.style.color)
- setColor(texture, r, g, b, texture.style.alpha[1])
- else
- -- set mode
- texture.style.mode = 'none!'
- -- clear the texture
- texture:SetTexture() -- clear image
- texture:SetGradientAlpha('HORIZONTAL',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) -- clear gradient
- texture:SetColorTexture(0,0,0,0) -- clear color
- end
-function DiesalStyle:StyleOutline(leftTexture,rightTexture,topTexture,bottomTexture,style)
- -- | Setup Texture.style |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- if not leftTexture.style or style.clear then leftTexture.style = {}; rightTexture.style = leftTexture.style; topTexture.style = leftTexture.style; bottomTexture.style = leftTexture.style end
- local texture = leftTexture
- -- debugging
- texture.style.name = style.name or texture.style.name
- texture.style.debug = style.debug or texture.style.debug
- -- | Format Settings |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- if style.gradient and type(style.gradient) == 'table' then
- texture.style.gradient = {
- orientation = formatOrientation(style.gradient[1]),
- color = style.gradient[2] and style.gradient[3] and {style.gradient[2],style.gradient[3]},
- }
- end
- style.gradient_orientation = formatOrientation(style.gradient_orientation) -- fuck you
- if not texture.style.gradient and (style.gradient_orientation or style.gradient_alpha or style.gradient_color) then texture.style.gradient = {} end
- -- | Update Settings |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- texture.style.layer = style.layer or texture.style.layer or DEFAULT_LAYER
- texture.style.position = formatPosition(style.position) or texture.style.position or {0,0,0,0}
- texture.style.width = style.width or texture.style.width
- texture.style.height = style.height or texture.style.height
- texture.style.color = style.color or texture.style.color
- texture.style.alpha = formatAlpha(style.alpha) or texture.style.alpha or {1,1}
- -- gradient
- if texture.style.gradient then
- texture.style.gradient.orientation = style.gradient_orientation or texture.style.gradient.orientation or DEFAULT_GRADIENT_ORIENTATION
- texture.style.gradient.color = style.gradient_color or texture.style.gradient.color or {DEFAULT_COLOR,DEFAULT_COLOR}
- end
- -- | Apply Settings |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -- layer
- leftTexture:SetDrawLayer(texture.style.layer, 0)
- rightTexture:SetDrawLayer(texture.style.layer, 0)
- topTexture:SetDrawLayer(texture.style.layer, 0)
- bottomTexture:SetDrawLayer(texture.style.layer, 0)
- -- position
- leftTexture:ClearAllPoints()
- rightTexture:ClearAllPoints()
- topTexture:ClearAllPoints()
- bottomTexture:ClearAllPoints()
- if texture.style.position [1] then leftTexture:SetPoint("LEFT", -texture.style.position [1],0)
- else leftTexture:SetPoint("RIGHT", -texture.style.width,0) end
- if texture.style.position [3] then leftTexture:SetPoint("TOP", 0,texture.style.position [3]) end
- if texture.style.position [4] then leftTexture:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0,-texture.style.position [4]) end
- if texture.style.position [2] then rightTexture:SetPoint("RIGHT", texture.style.position [2],0)
- else rightTexture:SetPoint("LEFT", texture.style.width-(texture.style.position [1]+1),0) end
- if texture.style.position [3] then rightTexture:SetPoint("TOP", 0,texture.style.position [3]) end
- if texture.style.position [4] then rightTexture:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0,-texture.style.position [4]) end
- if texture.style.position [1] then topTexture:SetPoint("LEFT", -texture.style.position [1]+1,0) end
- if texture.style.position [2] then topTexture:SetPoint("RIGHT", (texture.style.position [2])-1,0) end
- if texture.style.position [3] then topTexture:SetPoint("TOP", 0,texture.style.position [3])
- else topTexture:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0,texture.style.height-1) end
- if texture.style.position [1] then bottomTexture:SetPoint("LEFT", -texture.style.position [1]+1,0) end
- if texture.style.position [2] then bottomTexture:SetPoint("RIGHT", texture.style.position [2]-1,0) end
- if texture.style.position [4] then bottomTexture:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0,-texture.style.position [4])
- else bottomTexture:SetPoint("TOP", 0,-(texture.style.height+1)+(texture.style.position [3]+2)) end
- -- size
- leftTexture:SetWidth(1)
- if texture.style.height then leftTexture:SetHeight(texture.style.height) end
- rightTexture:SetWidth(1)
- if texture.style.height then rightTexture:SetHeight(texture.style.height) end
- topTexture:SetHeight(1)
- if texture.style.width then topTexture:SetWidth(texture.style.width-2) end
- bottomTexture:SetHeight(1)
- if texture.style.width then bottomTexture:SetWidth(texture.style.width-2) end
- -- texture
- if texture.style.gradient then
- -- set mode
- texture.style.mode = 'gradient'
- -- clear any old settings
- leftTexture:SetTexture() -- clear image
- -- leftTexture:SetAlpha(1) -- reset alpha
- rightTexture:SetTexture() -- clear image
- -- rightTexture:SetAlpha(1) -- reset alpha
- topTexture:SetTexture() -- clear image
- -- topTexture:SetAlpha(1) -- reset alpha
- bottomTexture:SetTexture() -- clear image
- -- bottomTexture:SetAlpha(1) -- reset alpha
- local r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2,a1,a2
- if texture.style.gradient.orientation == 'HORIZONTAL' then
- -- clear settings
- leftTexture:SetGradientAlpha('HORIZONTAL',1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
- rightTexture:SetGradientAlpha('HORIZONTAL',1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
- topTexture:SetColorTexture(1,1,1,1) -- clear color
- bottomTexture:SetColorTexture(1,1,1,1) -- clear color
- -- aply settings
- r1,g1,b1 = GetBlizzColorValues(texture.style.gradient.color[1])
- r2,g2,b2 = GetBlizzColorValues(texture.style.gradient.color[2])
- a1,a2 = texture.style.alpha[1], texture.style.alpha[2]
- setColor( leftTexture, r1,g1,b1,a1 )
- setColor( rightTexture, r2,g2,b2,a2 )
- setGradient(topTexture, 'HORIZONTAL', r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)
- setGradient(bottomTexture,'HORIZONTAL', r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)
- elseif texture.style.gradient.orientation == 'VERTICAL' then
- -- clear settings
- leftTexture:SetColorTexture(1,1,1,1) -- clear color
- rightTexture:SetColorTexture(1,1,1,1) -- clear color
- topTexture:SetGradientAlpha('HORIZONTAL',1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
- bottomTexture:SetGradientAlpha('HORIZONTAL',1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
- -- aply settings
- r1,g1,b1 = GetBlizzColorValues(texture.style.gradient.color[2])
- r2,g2,b2 = GetBlizzColorValues(texture.style.gradient.color[1])
- a1,a2 = texture.style.alpha[2], texture.style.alpha[1]
- setColor( topTexture, r2,g2,b2,a2 )
- setColor( bottomTexture, r1,g1,b1,a1 )
- setGradient(leftTexture, 'VERTICAL', r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)
- setGradient(rightTexture, 'VERTICAL', r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)
- else
- texture.style.mode = 'gradient: no orientation!'
- -- should never be here
- end
- elseif texture.style.color then
- -- set mode
- texture.style.mode = 'color'
- -- clear any old settings
- leftTexture:SetGradientAlpha('HORIZONTAL',1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
- rightTexture:SetGradientAlpha('HORIZONTAL',1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
- topTexture:SetGradientAlpha('HORIZONTAL',1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
- bottomTexture:SetGradientAlpha('HORIZONTAL',1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
- -- apply settings
- local r,g,b = GetBlizzColorValues(texture.style.color)
- setColor( leftTexture, r,g,b,texture.style.alpha[1] )
- setColor( rightTexture, r,g,b,texture.style.alpha[1] )
- setColor( topTexture, r,g,b,texture.style.alpha[1] )
- setColor( bottomTexture, r,g,b,texture.style.alpha[1] )
- else
- -- set mode
- texture.style.mode = 'none!'
- -- clear the texture
- leftTexture:SetTexture() -- clear image
- leftTexture:SetGradientAlpha('HORIZONTAL',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) -- clear gradient
- leftTexture:SetColorTexture(0,0,0,0) -- clear color
- rightTexture:SetTexture() -- clear image
- rightTexture:SetGradientAlpha('HORIZONTAL',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) -- clear gradient
- rightTexture:SetColorTexture(0,0,0,0) -- clear color
- topTexture:SetTexture() -- clear image
- topTexture:SetGradientAlpha('HORIZONTAL',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) -- clear gradient
- topTexture:SetColorTexture(0,0,0,0) -- clear color
- bottomTexture:SetTexture() -- clear image
- bottomTexture:SetGradientAlpha('HORIZONTAL',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) -- clear gradient
- bottomTexture:SetColorTexture(0,0,0,0) -- clear color
- end
-function DiesalStyle:StyleShadow(object,frame,style)
- object.shadow = object.shadow or CreateFrame("Frame",nil,frame)
- object.shadow:Show()
- if not object.shadow.style or style.clear then object.shadow.style = {} end
- local shadowStyle = object.shadow.style
- -- ~~ Format New Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- local red,green,blue = DiesalTools.GetColor(style.color)
- local offset = style.offset and type(style.offset)=='number' and {style.offset,style.offset,style.offset,style.offset} or style.offset
- -- Setting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Setting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Old Setting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Default ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- shadowStyle.edgeFile = style.edgeFile or shadowStyle.edgeFile or getMedia('border','shadow')
- shadowStyle.edgeSize = style.edgeSize or shadowStyle.edgeSize or 28
- shadowStyle.red = red or shadowStyle.red or 0
- shadowStyle.green = green or shadowStyle.green or 0
- shadowStyle.blue = blue or shadowStyle.blue or 0
- shadowStyle.alpha = style.alpha or shadowStyle.alpha or .45
- shadowStyle.offset = offset or shadowStyle.offset or {20,20,20,20}
- -- ~~ Apply Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- if shadowStyle.offset[1] then object.shadow:SetPoint("LEFT", -shadowStyle.offset[1],0) end
- if shadowStyle.offset[2] then object.shadow:SetPoint("RIGHT", shadowStyle.offset[2],0) end
- if shadowStyle.offset[3] then object.shadow:SetPoint("TOP", 0,shadowStyle.offset[3]) end
- if shadowStyle.offset[4] then object.shadow:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0,-shadowStyle.offset[4]) end
- -- object.shadow:SetBackdrop({ edgeFile = shadowStyle.edgeFile, edgeSize = shadowStyle.edgeSize })
- -- object.shadow:SetBackdropBorderColor(shadowStyle.red, shadowStyle.green, shadowStyle.blue, shadowStyle.alpha)
---[[ Font style table format
-TODO style.offset ( offset|{ Left, Right, Top, Bottom })
-TODO style.width ( width )
-TODO style.height ( height )
-style.font ( Path to a font file )
-style.fontSize ( Size (point size) of the font to be displayed (in pixels) )
-style.flags ( Additional properties specified by one or more of the following tokens: MONOCHROME, OUTLINE | THICKOUTLINE ) (comma delimitered string)
-style.alpha ( alpha )
-style.color ( hexColor|{ Red, Green, Blue } [0-255])
-style.lineSpacing ( number - Sets the font instance's amount of spacing between lines)
-function DiesalStyle:StyleFont(fontInstance,name,style)
- local filename, fontSize, flags = fontInstance:GetFont()
- local red,green,blue,alpha = fontInstance:GetTextColor()
- local lineSpacing = fontInstance:GetSpacing()
- style.red, style.green, style.blue = DiesalTools.GetColor(style.color)
- -- ~~ Set Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- style.filename = style.filename or filename
- style.fontSize = style.fontSize or fontSize
- style.flags = style.flags or flags
- style.red = style.red or red
- style.green = style.green or green
- style.blue = style.blue or blue
- style.alpha = style.alpha or alpha
- style.lineSpacing = style.lineSpacing or lineSpacing
- -- ~~ Apply Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- if style.filename then
- fontInstance:SetFont( style.filename, style.fontSize >= 1 and style.fontSize or 1, style.flags )
- end
- fontInstance:SetTextColor(style.red, style.green, style.blue, style.alpha)
- fontInstance:SetSpacing(style.lineSpacing)
- fontInstance.style = style
-function DiesalStyle:UpdateObjectStyle(object,name,style)
- if not style or type(style) ~='table' then return end
- if type(name) ~='string' then return end
- -- ~~ Clear Texture ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- if style.clear then
- -- clear texture
- if object.textures[name] then DiesalStyle:ReleaseTexture(object,name) end
- -- clear OUTLINE
- for i=1, #OUTLINES do
- if object.textures[name..OUTLINES[i]] then DiesalStyle:ReleaseTexture(object,name..OUTLINES[i]) end
- end
- end
- -- add texture name to style for better debugging
- style.name = name
- -- ~~ Get styleType ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- if not style.type then return end
- local styleType = DiesalTools.Capitalize(style.type)
- if not DiesalStyle['Style'..styleType] then geterrorhandler()(style.type..' is not a valid style type') return end
- -- ~~ Get Frame ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- local framename = name:match('^[ \t]*([%w%d%_]*)')
- local frame = object[framename]
- if not frame then return end
- -- ~~ Style ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- if styleType == 'Texture' then
- local texture = object.textures[name]
- if not texture then
- texture = newTexture()
- object.textures[name] = texture
- end
- texture:SetParent(frame)
- DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(texture,style)
- return end
- if styleType == 'Outline' then
- local textures = {}
- for i=1, #OUTLINES do
- local texture = object.textures[name..OUTLINES[i]]
- if not texture then
- texture = newTexture()
- object.textures[name..OUTLINES[i]] = texture
- end
- texture:SetParent(frame)
- textures[i] = texture
- end
- DiesalStyle:StyleOutline(textures[1],textures[2],textures[3],textures[4],style)
- return end
- if styleType == 'Shadow' then
- DiesalStyle:StyleShadow(object,frame,style)
- return end
- if styleType == 'Font' then
- DiesalStyle:StyleFont(frame,name,style)
- end
-function DiesalStyle:SetObjectStyle(object,name,style)
- if not style or type(style) ~='table' then return end
- if type(name) ~='string' then return end
- -- clear texture
- if object.textures[name] then DiesalStyle:ReleaseTexture(object,name) end
- -- clear OUTLINE
- for i=1, #OUTLINES do
- if object.textures[name..OUTLINES[i]] then DiesalStyle:ReleaseTexture(object,name..OUTLINES[i]) end
- end
- -- Set object style
- DiesalStyle:UpdateObjectStyle(object,name,style)
-function DiesalStyle:UpdateObjectStylesheet(object,Stylesheet)
- if not Stylesheet or type(Stylesheet) ~='table' then return end
- if not object.textures then object.textures = {} end
- for name,style in pairs(Stylesheet) do
- self:UpdateObjectStyle(object,name,style)
- end
-function DiesalStyle:SetObjectStylesheet(object,Stylesheet)
- if not object.textures then object.textures = {} end
- DiesalStyle:ReleaseTextures(object)
- for name,style in pairs(Stylesheet) do
- self:UpdateObjectStyle(object,name,style)
- end
-function DiesalStyle:ReleaseTexture(object,name)
- if not object or not object.textures or not object.textures[name] then
- error('No such texture on ojbect',2)
- return end
- releaseTexture(object.textures[name])
- object.textures[name] = nil
-function DiesalStyle:ReleaseTextures(object)
- for name,texture in pairs(object.textures) do
- releaseTexture(texture)
- object.textures[name] = nil
- end
-function DiesalStyle:GetMedia(mediaType,name)
- return getMedia(mediaType,name)
-function DiesalStyle:AddMedia(mediaType,name,mediaFile)
- addMedia(mediaType,name,mediaFile)
--- deprecated
---- function DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(txture,style)
--- if not texture.style or style.clear then texture.style = {} end
--- -- ~~ Format New Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- local red,green,blue = DiesalTools.GetColor(style.color)
--- local redEnd,greenEnd,blueEnd = DiesalTools.GetColor(style.colorEnd)
--- local texColorRed,texColorGreen,texColorBlue = DiesalTools.GetColor(style.texColor)
--- local offset = style.offset and type(style.offset)=='number' and {style.offset,style.offset,style.offset,style.offset} or style.offset
--- if type(style.texCoord) == 'table' and #style.texCoord > 4 then
--- style.texCoord = DiesalTools.Pack(DiesalTools.GetIconCoords(style.texCoord[1],style.texCoord[2],style.texCoord[3],style.texCoord[4],style.texCoord[5]))
--- end
--- -- Setting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Setting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Old Setting
--- texture.style.layer = style.layer or texture.style.layer
--- texture.style.red = red or texture.style.red
--- texture.style.green = green or texture.style.green
--- texture.style.blue = blue or texture.style.blue
--- texture.style.alpha = style.alpha or texture.style.alpha or 1
--- texture.style.redEnd = redEnd or texture.style.redEnd or texture.style.red
--- texture.style.greenEnd = greenEnd or texture.style.greenEnd or texture.style.green
--- texture.style.blueEnd = blueEnd or texture.style.blueEnd or texture.style.blue
--- texture.style.alphaEnd = style.alphaEnd or texture.style.alphaEnd or texture.style.alpha
--- texture.style.gradient = style.gradient or texture.style.gradient
--- texture.style.texFile = style.texFile or texture.style.texFile
--- texture.style.texTile = style.texTile or texture.style.texTile
--- texture.style.texCoord = style.texCoord or texture.style.texCoord
--- texture.style.texColorRed = texColorRed or texture.style.texColorRed or 1
--- texture.style.texColorGreen = texColorGreen or texture.style.texColorGreen or 1
--- texture.style.texColorBlue = texColorBlue or texture.style.texColorBlue or 1
--- texture.style.texColorAlpha = style.texColorAlpha or style.alpha or texture.style.texColorAlpha or 1
--- texture.style.offset = offset or texture.style.offset or {0,0,0,0}
--- texture.style.width = style.width or texture.style.width
--- texture.style.height = style.height or texture.style.height
--- -- Clear settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- -- clear texture settings, so things play nicely when overwritten [order cleared is significant]
--- texture:ClearAllPoints() -- clear offsets
--- texture:SetTexCoord(0,1,0,1) -- clear texture coords
--- texture:SetTexture() -- clear texture
--- texture:SetGradientAlpha('HORIZONTAL',1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) -- clear gradient
--- texture:SetColorTexture(1,1,1,1) -- clear color
--- -- ~~ Apply Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- texture:SetDrawLayer(texture.style.layer or 'ARTWORK', 0)
--- if texture.style.texCoord and texture.style.texCoord[1] and texture.style.texCoord[2] and texture.style.texCoord[3] and texture.style.texCoord[4] then
--- texture:SetTexCoord(texture.style.texCoord[1],texture.style.texCoord[2],texture.style.texCoord[3],texture.style.texCoord[4])
--- end
--- -- offsets
--- if texture.style.offset[1] then texture:SetPoint("LEFT", -texture.style.offset[1],0) end
--- if texture.style.offset[2] then texture:SetPoint("RIGHT", texture.style.offset[2],0) end
--- if texture.style.offset[3] then texture:SetPoint("TOP", 0,texture.style.offset[3]) end
--- if texture.style.offset[4] then texture:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0,-texture.style.offset[4]) end
--- if texture.style.width then texture:SetWidth(texture.style.width) end
--- if texture.style.height then texture:SetHeight(texture.style.height) end
--- -- precedence [1] Texture , [2] gradient , [3] color
--- if texture.style.texFile then
--- -- [1] Texture
--- if texture.style.texFile and Media.texture[texture.style.texFile] then texture.style.texFile = Media.texture[texture.style.texFile] end
--- texture:SetTexture(texture.style.texFile,texture.style.texTile)
--- texture:SetHorizTile(texture.style.texTile)
--- texture:SetVertTile(texture.style.texTile)
--- texture:SetVertexColor(texture.style.texColorRed,texture.style.texColorGreen,texture.style.texColorBlue,texture.style.texColorAlpha)
--- elseif texture.style.gradient then
--- -- [2] gradient
--- texture:SetAlpha(1)
--- texture:SetGradientAlpha(texture.style.gradient,texture.style.red,texture.style.green,texture.style.blue,texture.style.alpha or 1, texture.style.redEnd,texture.style.greenEnd,texture.style.blueEnd,texture.style.alphaEnd or 1)
--- elseif texture.style.red and texture.style.green and texture.style.blue then
--- -- [3] color
--- texture:SetColorTexture(texture.style.red,texture.style.green,texture.style.blue,texture.style.alpha or 1)
--- end
--- end
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/DiesalStyle-2.0.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/DiesalStyle-2.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da122a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/DiesalStyle-2.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1681 @@
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "DiesalStyle-2.0", 1
+---@alias Diesal.Style DiesalStyle-2.0
+---@class DiesalStyle-2.0
+local DiesalStyle, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+if not DiesalStyle then
+ return
+end -- No Upgrade needed.
+-- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local DiesalTools = LibStub("DiesalTools-2.0")
+local LibSharedMedia = LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0")
+-- ~~| Lib Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local GetIconCoords, HSL = DiesalTools.GetIconCoords, DiesalTools.HSL
+-- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local type, select, pairs, tonumber = type, select, pairs, tonumber
+local next = next
+local format, sub = string.format, string.sub
+local min, max = math.min, math.max
+-- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local errorhandler = geterrorhandler()
+-- ~~| DiesalStyle Values |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+---@type { [string]: { [string]: string } }
+DiesalStyle.Media = DiesalStyle.Media or {}
+DiesalStyle.ReleasedTextures = DiesalStyle.ReleasedTextures or {}
+DiesalStyle.TextureFrame = DiesalStyle.TextureFrame or CreateFrame("Frame")
+DiesalStyle.Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors or {}
+DiesalStyle.Formatters = DiesalStyle.Formatters or {}
+-- ~~| DiesalStyle UpValues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local AddonName = ...
+local ReleasedTextures = DiesalStyle.ReleasedTextures
+local TextureFrame = DiesalStyle.TextureFrame
+local Media = DiesalStyle.Media
+local Colors = DiesalStyle.Colors
+local Formatters = DiesalStyle.Formatters
+-- ~~| Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local OUTLINES = { "_LEFT", "_RIGHT", "_TOP", "_BOTTOM" }
+ or type(AddonName) == "table" and string.format("Interface\\AddOns\\Media\\")
+ or AddonName == "DiesalLibs" and string.format("Interface\\AddOns\\%s\\%s\\Media\\", AddonName, MAJOR)
+ or string.format("Interface\\AddOns\\%s\\Libs\\%s\\Media\\", AddonName, MAJOR)
+-- ~~| Local Methods |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local function addMedia(mediaType, name, mediaFile)
+ Media[mediaType] = Media[mediaType] or {}
+ -- update or create new media entry
+ Media[mediaType][name] = MEDIA_PATH .. mediaFile
+local function getMedia(mediaType, name)
+ if not Media[mediaType] then
+ error("media type: " .. mediaType .. " does not exist", 2)
+ return
+ end
+ if not Media[mediaType][name] then
+ error('media: "' .. name .. '" does not exist', 2)
+ return
+ end
+ return Media[mediaType][name]
+---@return Diesal.Style.Texture
+local function newTexture()
+ local newTexture = next(ReleasedTextures)
+ if not newTexture then
+ newTexture = TextureFrame:CreateTexture()
+ else
+ newTexture:Show()
+ ReleasedTextures[newTexture] = nil
+ end
+ return newTexture
+local function releaseTexture(texture)
+ -- reset texture
+ texture:ClearAllPoints()
+ texture:SetDrawLayer("ARTWORK", 0)
+ -- texture:SetTexCoord(0,1,0,1)
+ -- specific order based on testing! for a close as possible full texture reset
+ -- texture:SetGradientAlpha('HORIZONTAL',1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
+ -- texture:SetColorTexture(0,0,0,0)
+ -- texture:SetTexture()
+ -- texture:SetVertexColor(1,1,1,1)
+ texture:SetParent(TextureFrame)
+ texture:Hide()
+ texture.style = nil
+ if ReleasedTextures[texture] then
+ error("Attempt to Release a texture that is already released", 2)
+ end
+ ReleasedTextures[texture] = true
+local function round(number, base)
+ base = base or 1
+ return floor((number + base / 2) / base) * base
+local function GetBlizzColorValues(value)
+ if not value then
+ return
+ end
+ if type(value) == "table" and #value >= 3 then
+ return value[1] / 255, value[2] / 255, value[3] / 255
+ elseif type(value) == "string" then
+ return tonumber(sub(value, 1, 2), 16) / 255, tonumber(sub(value, 3, 4), 16) / 255, tonumber(sub(value, 5, 6), 16) / 255
+ end
+local function formatCoords(coords)
+ if type(coords) ~= "table" then
+ return
+ end
+ if #coords == 5 then
+ return { GetIconCoords(coords[1], coords[2], coords[3], coords[4], coords[5]) }
+ else
+ return coords
+ end
+local function formatFile(file)
+ if type(file) ~= "string" and type(file) ~= "number" then
+ return
+ end
+ return Media.texture[file] or file
+local function formatPosition(position)
+ if type(position) ~= "table" and type(position) ~= "number" then
+ return
+ end
+ return type(position) == "number" and { position, position, position, position } or position
+---@param orientation string
+local function formatOrientation(orientation)
+ if type(orientation) ~= "string" then
+ return
+ end
+ return orientation:upper()
+local function formatAlpha(alpha)
+ if type(alpha) ~= "table" and type(alpha) ~= "number" then
+ return
+ end
+ return type(alpha) == "number" and { alpha, alpha } or alpha
+local function CreateColor(r, g, b, a)
+ return {
+ r = r or 0,
+ g = g or 0,
+ b = b or 0,
+ a = a or 1,
+ }
+-- error handling
+local function setColor(texture, r, g, b, a)
+ local status, err = pcall(texture.SetColorTexture, texture, r, g, b, a)
+ if not status then
+ errorhandler('error in "' .. (texture.style.name or "texture") .. '" ' .. texture.style.mode .. " or alpha setting", r, g, b, a)
+ end
+local function setGradient(texture, orientation, r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)
+ local status, err = pcall(texture.SetGradient, texture, orientation, CreateColor(r1, g1, b1, a1), CreateColor(r2, g2, b2, a2))
+ if not status then
+ errorhandler('error in "' .. (texture.style.name or "texture") .. '" ' .. texture.style.mode .. " or alpha setting.")
+ end
+-- ~~| Media |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+do -- | Set Colors |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ do -- google material colors
+ Colors.red_50 = "fde0dc"
+ Colors.red_100 = "f9bdbb"
+ Colors.red_200 = "f69988"
+ Colors.red_300 = "f36c60"
+ Colors.red_400 = "e84e40"
+ Colors.red_500 = "e51c23"
+ Colors.red_600 = "dd191d"
+ Colors.red_700 = "d01716"
+ Colors.red_800 = "c41411"
+ Colors.red_900 = "b0120a"
+ Colors.red_A100 = "FF8A80"
+ Colors.red_A200 = "FF5252"
+ Colors.red_A400 = "FF1744"
+ Colors.red_A700 = "D50000"
+ Colors.pink_50 = "fce4ec"
+ Colors.pink_100 = "f8bbd0"
+ Colors.pink_200 = "f48fb1"
+ Colors.pink_300 = "f06292"
+ Colors.pink_400 = "ec407a"
+ Colors.pink_500 = "e91e63"
+ Colors.pink_600 = "d81b60"
+ Colors.pink_700 = "c2185b"
+ Colors.pink_800 = "ad1457"
+ Colors.pink_900 = "880e4f"
+ Colors.pink_A100 = "FF80AB"
+ Colors.pink_A200 = "FF4081"
+ Colors.pink_A400 = "F50057"
+ Colors.pink_A700 = "C51162"
+ Colors.purple_50 = "f3e5f5"
+ Colors.purple_100 = "e1bee7"
+ Colors.purple_200 = "ce93d8"
+ Colors.purple_300 = "ba68c8"
+ Colors.purple_400 = "ab47bc"
+ Colors.purple_500 = "9c27b0"
+ Colors.purple_600 = "8e24aa"
+ Colors.purple_700 = "7b1fa2"
+ Colors.purple_800 = "6a1b9a"
+ Colors.purple_900 = "4a148c"
+ Colors.purple_A100 = "EA80FC"
+ Colors.purple_A200 = "E040FB"
+ Colors.purple_A400 = "D500F9"
+ Colors.purple_A700 = "AA00FF"
+ Colors.dark_purple_50 = "ede7f6"
+ Colors.dark_purple_100 = "d1c4e9"
+ Colors.dark_purple_200 = "b39ddb"
+ Colors.dark_purple_300 = "9575cd"
+ Colors.dark_purple_400 = "7e57c2"
+ Colors.dark_purple_500 = "673ab7"
+ Colors.dark_purple_600 = "5e35b1"
+ Colors.dark_purple_700 = "512da8"
+ Colors.dark_purple_800 = "4527a0"
+ Colors.dark_purple_900 = "311b92"
+ Colors.dark_purple_A100 = "B388FF"
+ Colors.dark_purple_A200 = "7C4DFF"
+ Colors.dark_purple_A400 = "651FFF"
+ Colors.dark_purple_A700 = "6200EA"
+ Colors.indigo_50 = "e8eaf6"
+ Colors.indigo_100 = "c5cae9"
+ Colors.indigo_200 = "9fa8da"
+ Colors.indigo_300 = "7986cb"
+ Colors.indigo_400 = "5c6bc0"
+ Colors.indigo_500 = "3f51b5"
+ Colors.indigo_600 = "3949ab"
+ Colors.indigo_700 = "303f9f"
+ Colors.indigo_800 = "283593"
+ Colors.indigo_900 = "1a237e"
+ Colors.indigo_A100 = "8C9EFF"
+ Colors.indigo_A200 = "536DFE"
+ Colors.indigo_A400 = "3D5AFE"
+ Colors.indigo_A700 = "304FFE"
+ Colors.blue_50 = "e7e9fd"
+ Colors.blue_100 = "d0d9ff"
+ Colors.blue_200 = "afbfff"
+ Colors.blue_300 = "91a7ff"
+ Colors.blue_400 = "738ffe"
+ Colors.blue_500 = "5677fc"
+ Colors.blue_600 = "4e6cef"
+ Colors.blue_700 = "455ede"
+ Colors.blue_800 = "3b50ce"
+ Colors.blue_900 = "2a36b1"
+ Colors.blue_A100 = "82B1FF"
+ Colors.blue_A200 = "448AFF"
+ Colors.blue_A400 = "2979FF"
+ Colors.blue_A700 = "2962FF"
+ Colors.light_blue_50 = "e1f5fe"
+ Colors.light_blue_100 = "b3e5fc"
+ Colors.light_blue_200 = "81d4fa"
+ Colors.light_blue_300 = "4fc3f7"
+ Colors.light_blue_400 = "29b6f6"
+ Colors.light_blue_500 = "03a9f4"
+ Colors.light_blue_600 = "039be5"
+ Colors.light_blue_700 = "0288d1"
+ Colors.light_blue_800 = "0277bd"
+ Colors.light_blue_900 = "01579b"
+ Colors.light_blue_A100 = "80D8FF"
+ Colors.light_blue_A200 = "40C4FF"
+ Colors.light_blue_A400 = "00B0FF"
+ Colors.light_blue_A700 = "0091EA"
+ Colors.cyan_50 = "e0f7fa"
+ Colors.cyan_100 = "b2ebf2"
+ Colors.cyan_200 = "80deea"
+ Colors.cyan_300 = "4dd0e1"
+ Colors.cyan_400 = "26c6da"
+ Colors.cyan_500 = "00bcd4"
+ Colors.cyan_600 = "00acc1"
+ Colors.cyan_700 = "0097a7"
+ Colors.cyan_800 = "00838f"
+ Colors.cyan_900 = "006064"
+ Colors.cyan_A100 = "84FFFF"
+ Colors.cyan_A200 = "18FFFF"
+ Colors.cyan_A400 = "00E5FF"
+ Colors.cyan_A700 = "00B8D4"
+ Colors.teal_50 = "e0f2f1"
+ Colors.teal_100 = "b2dfdb"
+ Colors.teal_200 = "80cbc4"
+ Colors.teal_300 = "4db6ac"
+ Colors.teal_400 = "26a69a"
+ Colors.teal_500 = "009688"
+ Colors.teal_600 = "00897b"
+ Colors.teal_700 = "00796b"
+ Colors.teal_800 = "00695c"
+ Colors.teal_900 = "004d40"
+ Colors.teal_A100 = "A7FFEB"
+ Colors.teal_A200 = "64FFDA"
+ Colors.teal_A400 = "1DE9B6"
+ Colors.teal_A700 = "00BFA5"
+ Colors.green_50 = "d0f8ce"
+ Colors.green_100 = "a3e9a4"
+ Colors.green_200 = "72d572"
+ Colors.green_300 = "42bd41"
+ Colors.green_400 = "2baf2b"
+ Colors.green_500 = "4CAF50"
+ Colors.green_600 = "0a8f08"
+ Colors.green_700 = "0a7e07"
+ Colors.green_800 = "056f00"
+ Colors.green_900 = "0d5302"
+ Colors.green_A100 = "B9F6CA"
+ Colors.green_A200 = "69F0AE"
+ Colors.green_A400 = "00E676"
+ Colors.green_A700 = "00C853"
+ Colors.light_green_50 = "f1f8e9"
+ Colors.light_green_100 = "dcedc8"
+ Colors.light_green_200 = "c5e1a5"
+ Colors.light_green_300 = "aed581"
+ Colors.light_green_400 = "9ccc65"
+ Colors.light_green_500 = "8bc34a"
+ Colors.light_green_600 = "7cb342"
+ Colors.light_green_700 = "689f38"
+ Colors.light_green_800 = "558b2f"
+ Colors.light_green_900 = "33691e"
+ Colors.light_green_A100 = "CCFF90"
+ Colors.light_green_A200 = "B2FF59"
+ Colors.light_green_A400 = "76FF03"
+ Colors.light_green_A700 = "64DD17"
+ Colors.lime_50 = "f9fbe7"
+ Colors.lime_100 = "f0f4c3"
+ Colors.lime_200 = "e6ee9c"
+ Colors.lime_300 = "dce775"
+ Colors.lime_400 = "d4e157"
+ Colors.lime_500 = "cddc39"
+ Colors.lime_600 = "c0ca33"
+ Colors.lime_700 = "afb42b"
+ Colors.lime_800 = "9e9d24"
+ Colors.lime_900 = "827717"
+ Colors.lime_A100 = "F4FF81"
+ Colors.lime_A200 = "EEFF41"
+ Colors.lime_A400 = "C6FF00"
+ Colors.lime_A700 = "AEEA00"
+ Colors.yellow_50 = "fffde7"
+ Colors.yellow_100 = "fff9c4"
+ Colors.yellow_200 = "fff59d"
+ Colors.yellow_300 = "fff176"
+ Colors.yellow_400 = "ffee58"
+ Colors.yellow_500 = "ffeb3b"
+ Colors.yellow_600 = "fdd835"
+ Colors.yellow_700 = "fbc02d"
+ Colors.yellow_800 = "f9a825"
+ Colors.yellow_900 = "f57f17"
+ Colors.yellow_A100 = "FFFF8D"
+ Colors.yellow_A200 = "FFFF00"
+ Colors.yellow_A400 = "FFEA00"
+ Colors.yellow_A700 = "FFD600"
+ Colors.amber_50 = "fff8e1"
+ Colors.amber_100 = "ffecb3"
+ Colors.amber_200 = "ffe082"
+ Colors.amber_300 = "ffd54f"
+ Colors.amber_400 = "ffca28"
+ Colors.amber_500 = "ffc107"
+ Colors.amber_600 = "ffb300"
+ Colors.amber_700 = "ffa000"
+ Colors.amber_800 = "ff8f00"
+ Colors.amber_900 = "ff6f00"
+ Colors.amber_A100 = "FFE57F"
+ Colors.amber_A200 = "FFD740"
+ Colors.amber_A400 = "FFC400"
+ Colors.amber_A700 = "FFAB00"
+ Colors.orange_50 = "fff3e0"
+ Colors.orange_100 = "ffe0b2"
+ Colors.orange_200 = "ffcc80"
+ Colors.orange_300 = "ffb74d"
+ Colors.orange_400 = "ffa726"
+ Colors.orange_500 = "ff9800"
+ Colors.orange_600 = "fb8c00"
+ Colors.orange_700 = "f57c00"
+ Colors.orange_800 = "ef6c00"
+ Colors.orange_900 = "e65100"
+ Colors.orange_A100 = "FFD180"
+ Colors.orange_A200 = "FFAB40"
+ Colors.orange_A400 = "FF9100"
+ Colors.orange_A700 = "FF6D00"
+ Colors.deep_orange_50 = "fbe9e7"
+ Colors.deep_orange_100 = "ffccbc"
+ Colors.deep_orange_200 = "ffab91"
+ Colors.deep_orange_300 = "ff8a65"
+ Colors.deep_orange_400 = "ff7043"
+ Colors.deep_orange_500 = "ff5722"
+ Colors.deep_orange_600 = "f4511e"
+ Colors.deep_orange_700 = "e64a19"
+ Colors.deep_orange_800 = "d84315"
+ Colors.deep_orange_900 = "bf360c"
+ Colors.deep_orange_A100 = "FF9E80"
+ Colors.deep_orange_A200 = "FF6E40"
+ Colors.deep_orange_A400 = "FF3D00"
+ Colors.deep_orange_A700 = "DD2C00"
+ Colors.brown_50 = "efebe9"
+ Colors.brown_100 = "d7ccc8"
+ Colors.brown_200 = "bcaaa4"
+ Colors.brown_300 = "a1887f"
+ Colors.brown_400 = "8d6e63"
+ Colors.brown_500 = "795548"
+ Colors.brown_600 = "6d4c41"
+ Colors.brown_700 = "5d4037"
+ Colors.brown_800 = "4e342e"
+ Colors.brown_900 = "3e2723"
+ Colors.gray_50 = "fafafa"
+ Colors.gray_100 = "f5f5f5"
+ Colors.gray_200 = "eee"
+ Colors.gray_300 = "e0e0e0"
+ Colors.gray_400 = "bdbdbd"
+ Colors.gray_500 = "9e9e9e"
+ Colors.gray_600 = "757575"
+ Colors.gray_700 = "616161"
+ Colors.gray_800 = "424242"
+ Colors.gray_900 = "212121"
+ Colors.blue_gray_50 = "eceff1"
+ Colors.blue_gray_100 = "cfd8dc"
+ Colors.blue_gray_200 = "b0bec5"
+ Colors.blue_gray_300 = "90a4ae"
+ Colors.blue_gray_400 = "78909c"
+ Colors.blue_gray_500 = "607d8b"
+ Colors.blue_gray_600 = "546e7a"
+ Colors.blue_gray_700 = "455a64"
+ Colors.blue_gray_800 = "37474f"
+ Colors.blue_gray_900 = "263238"
+ end
+ do -- Base UI Colors
+ Colors.UI_Hue = 210
+ Colors.UI_Saturation = 0.24
+ Colors.UI_TEXT = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.9)
+ -- level 1
+ Colors.UI_100 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.03) -- BG
+ Colors.UI_150 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.05)
+ -- level 2
+ Colors.UI_200 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.07)
+ -- level 3
+ Colors.UI_300 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.12)
+ Colors.UI_300_GR = { HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.12), HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.11) }
+ Colors.UI_350 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.15)
+ Colors.UI_350_GR = { HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.17), HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.14) }
+ -- level 4
+ Colors.UI_400 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.20)
+ Colors.UI_400_GR = { HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.20), HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.17) }
+ Colors.UI_450_GR = { HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.24), HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.20) }
+ -- level 5
+ Colors.UI_500 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.29)
+ Colors.UI_500_GR = { HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.29), HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.26) }
+ Colors.UI_600_GR = { HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.35), HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.32) }
+ -- font Colors -35
+ Colors.UI_F450 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.75)
+ Colors.UI_F350 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 0.60)
+ Colors.UI_1000 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, Colors.UI_Saturation, 1)
+ Colors.UI_A900 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, 1, 0.7)
+ Colors.UI_A800 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, 1, 0.65)
+ Colors.UI_A700 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, 1, 0.6)
+ Colors.UI_A600 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, 1, 0.55)
+ Colors.UI_A500 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, 1, 0.5)
+ Colors.UI_A400 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, 1, 0.45)
+ Colors.UI_A300 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, 1, 0.4)
+ Colors.UI_A200 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, 1, 0.35)
+ Colors.UI_A100 = HSL(Colors.UI_Hue, 1, 0.3)
+ end
+ -- Class Colors
+ do
+ Colors.WARRIOR = "c79c6e"
+ Colors.PALADIN = "f58cba"
+ Colors.HUNTER = "abd473"
+ Colors.ROGUE = "fff569"
+ Colors.PRIEST = "ffffff"
+ Colors.DEATHKNIGHT = "c41f3b"
+ Colors.SHAMAN = "0070de"
+ Colors.MAGE = "69ccf0"
+ Colors.WARLOCK = "9482c9"
+ Colors.MONK = "00ff96"
+ Colors.DRUID = "ff7d0a"
+ Colors.DEMONHUNTER = "a330c9"
+ Colors.EVOKER = "33937f"
+ end
+do -- | Text Formatters |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Formatters.tooltip = "|cff" .. Colors.gray_50 .. "%s\n|cff" .. Colors.yellow_500 .. "%s"
+do -- | Set Media |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ addMedia("font", "calibrib", "Fonts\\calibrib.ttf")
+ -- monospaced
+ addMedia("font", "DejaVuSansMono", "Fonts\\DejaVuSansMono.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "DejaVuSansMonoBold", "Fonts\\DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "FiraMonoMedium", "Fonts\\FiraMono-Medium.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "FiraMonoRegular", "Fonts\\FiraMono-Regular.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "FiraMonoBold", "Fonts\\FiraMono-Bold.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "HackRegular", "Fonts\\Hack-Regular.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "HackBold", "Fonts\\Hack-Bold.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "InconsolataRegular", "Fonts\\Inconsolata-Regular.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "InconsolataBold", "Fonts\\Inconsolata-Bold.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "LucidiaMono", "Fonts\\LUCON.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "MonoFur", "Fonts\\monof55.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "MonoFurItalic", "Fonts\\monof56.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "OfficeCodeProRegular", "Fonts\\OfficeCodePro-Regular.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "OfficeCodeProMedium", "Fonts\\OfficeCodePro-Medium.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "OfficeCodeProBold", "Fonts\\OfficeCodePro-Bold.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "RobotoMonoRegular", "Fonts\\RobotoMono-Regular.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "RobotoMonoMedium", "Fonts\\RobotoMono-Medium.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "RobotoMonoBold", "Fonts\\RobotoMono-Bold.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "SourceCodeProRegular", "Fonts\\SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "SourceCodeProMedium", "Fonts\\SourceCodePro-Medium.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "SourceCodeProSemibold", "Fonts\\SourceCodePro-Semibold.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "SourceCodeProBold", "Fonts\\SourceCodePro-Bold.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "SourceCodeProBlack", "Fonts\\SourceCodePro-Black.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "UbuntuMonoBold", "Fonts\\UbuntuMono-B.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "UbuntuMonoRegular", "Fonts\\UbuntuMono-R.ttf")
+ -- pixel fonts
+ addMedia("font", "FiraSans", "Fonts\\FiraSans-Regular.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "Standard0755", "Fonts\\Standard0755.ttf")
+ addMedia("font", "FFF Intelligent Thin Condensed", "Fonts\\FFF Intelligent Thin Condensed.ttf")
+ -- Icons
+ addMedia("texture", "DiesalGUIcons", "Textures\\DiesalGUIcons16x256x128.tga")
+ addMedia("texture", "DiesalGUIcons64", "Textures\\DiesalGUIcons64x256x256.tga")
+ addMedia("texture", "DiesalGUIcons32", "Textures\\DiesalGUIcons32x256x256.tga")
+ addMedia("texture", "DiesalButtonIcons32", "Textures\\DiesalButtonIcons32x128x512.tga")
+ -- Shadows
+ addMedia("border", "shadow", "Textures\\shadow.tga")
+ addMedia("border", "shadowNoDist", "Textures\\shadowNoDist.tga")
+do -- | Add LibSharedMedia |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ local font = getMedia("font", "calibrib")
+ if font then
+ LibSharedMedia:Register("font", "Calibri Bold", font)
+ end
+ font = getMedia("font", "FiraSans")
+ if font then
+ LibSharedMedia:Register("font", "Fira Sans", font)
+ end
+ -- monospaced
+ -- LibSharedMedia:Register("font","DejaVuSansMono",getMedia('font','DejaVuSansMono'))
+ -- LibSharedMedia:Register("font","Hack",getMedia('font','Hack'))
+ -- LibSharedMedia:Register("font","Inconsolata",getMedia('font','Inconsolata'))
+ -- LibSharedMedia:Register("font","Fira Sans",getMedia('font','FiraSans'))
+ -- LibSharedMedia:Register("font","Source Code Pro",getMedia('font','SourceCodePro'))
+ -- pixel fonts
+ font = getMedia("font", "Standard0755")
+ if font then
+ LibSharedMedia:Register("font", "Standard0755", font)
+ end
+ font = getMedia("font", "FFF Intelligent Thin Condensed")
+ if font then
+ LibSharedMedia:Register("font", "FFF Intelligent", font)
+ end
+do -- | Set Fonts |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ local font = getMedia("font", "calibrib")
+ if font then
+ DiesalFontNormal = CreateFont("DiesalFontNormal")
+ DiesalFontNormal:SetFont(font, 11, "")
+ end
+ font = getMedia("font", "Standard0755")
+ if font then
+ DiesalFontPixel = CreateFont("DiesalFontPixel")
+ DiesalFontPixel:SetFont(font, 8, "")
+ end
+ font = getMedia("font", "Standard0755")
+ if font then
+ DiesalFontPixelOutLine = CreateFont("DiesalFontPixelOutLine")
+ DiesalFontPixelOutLine:SetFont(font, 8, "OUTLINE, MONOCHROME")
+ DiesalFontPixelOutLine:SetSpacing(2)
+ end
+ font = getMedia("font", "FFF Intelligent Thin Condensed")
+ if font then
+ DiesalFontPixel2 = CreateFont("DiesalFontPixel2")
+ DiesalFontPixel2:SetFont(font, 8, "OUTLINE, MONOCHROME")
+ end
+do -- Set Icons
+ ---@class DiesalStyle.Icon.Coords
+ ---@field column integer
+ ---@field row integer
+ ---@class DiesalStyle.Icon.File
+ ---@field prefix { [1]: string, [2]: string, [3]: string }
+ ---@field size { width: integer, height: integer, icon: integer }
+ ---@class DiesalStyle.Icon
+ ---@field name string
+ ---@field file DiesalStyle.Icon.File
+ ---@field coords DiesalStyle.Icon.Coords
+ ---@class DiesalStyle.Icons : { [string]: table>>>>> }
+ DiesalStyle.Icons = DiesalStyle.Icons or {}
+ local Icons = DiesalStyle.Icons
+ ---@class DiesalStyle.IconsByFileColumnRow : { [string]: DiesalStyle.Icon }
+ local IconsByFileColumnRow = {}
+ ---@class DiesalStyle.IconsByName : { [string]: DiesalStyle.Icon }
+ local IconsByName = {}
+ function DiesalStyle.AddIcons(iconsToAdd)
+ assert(type(iconsToAdd) == "table", "iconsToAdd parameter (1) should be a table")
+ local prefixInfo = {
+ [1] = { prefix = "prefix1", count = 1, file = 1, iconSize = 1 },
+ [2] = { prefix = "prefix2", count = 1, file = 1, iconSize = 1 },
+ [3] = { prefix = "prefix3", count = 1, file = 1, iconSize = 1 },
+ }
+ ---@param prefix integer
+ ---@param key string
+ ---@param table table
+ local function checkType(prefix, key, table)
+ assert(type(key) == "string", string.format("key %d for %s not a string.", prefixInfo[prefix].count, prefixInfo[prefix].prefix))
+ assert(type(table) == "table", string.format("value %d for %s is not a table.", prefixInfo[prefix].count, prefixInfo[prefix].prefix))
+ end
+ for p1, p1Table in pairs(iconsToAdd) do
+ checkType(1, p1, p1Table)
+ Icons[p1] = Icons[p1] or {}
+ for p2, p2Table in pairs(p1Table) do
+ checkType(2, p2, p2Table)
+ Icons[p1][p2] = Icons[p1][p2] or {}
+ for p3, p3Table in pairs(p2Table) do
+ checkType(3, p3, p3Table)
+ local filePrefixes = string.format("%s%s%s", p1, p2, p3)
+ Icons[p1][p2][p3] = Icons[p1][p2][p3] or {}
+ for iconSize, fileDimTable in pairs(p3Table) do
+ assert(type(iconSize) == "number", string.format("icon size key %d for %s is not a number.", prefixInfo[3].iconSize, filePrefixes))
+ filePrefixes = string.format("%s[%d]", filePrefixes, iconSize)
+ Icons[p1][p2][p3][iconSize] = Icons[p1][p2][p3][iconSize] or {}
+ for fileDimKey, iconColumns in pairs(fileDimTable) do
+ assert(type(fileDimKey == "string"), string.format("file dimensions key for file %d in %s is not a string.", prefixInfo[3].file, filePrefixes))
+ local fileDims = strsplittable("x", fileDimKey, 2)
+ assert(type(tonumber(fileDims[1])) == "number", string.format("could not obtain width from %s in %s", fileDimKey, filePrefixes))
+ assert(type(tonumber(fileDims[2])) == "number", string.format("could not obtain height from %s in %s", fileDimKey, filePrefixes))
+ Icons[p1][p2][p3][iconSize][fileDimKey] = Icons[p1][p2][p3][iconSize][fileDimKey] or {}
+ filePrefixes = string.format("%s[%s]", filePrefixes, fileDimKey)
+ local fileWidth = tonumber(fileDims[1]) or 0
+ local fileHeight = tonumber(fileDims[2]) or 0
+ local maxColumns = math.floor(fileWidth / iconSize)
+ local maxRows = math.floor(fileHeight / iconSize)
+ local iconsFileTable = Icons[p1][p2][p3][iconSize][fileDimKey]
+ local columnCount = 0
+ local rowCount = 0
+ for column, rows in pairs(iconColumns) do
+ columnCount = columnCount + 1
+ assert(type(column) == "number", string.format("column %d key in %s is not a number.", columnCount, filePrefixes))
+ assert(type(rows) == "table", string.format("column %d value in %s is not a table.", columnCount, filePrefixes))
+ local filePrefixesColumn = string.format("%s[%d]", filePrefixes, column)
+ iconsFileTable[column] = iconsFileTable[column] or {}
+ for row, icon in pairs(rows) do
+ rowCount = rowCount + 1
+ assert(type(row) == "number", string.format("row %d key in %s is not a number.", rowCount, filePrefixesColumn))
+ assert(type(icon) == "string", string.format("row %d value in %s is not a string.", rowCount, filePrefixesColumn))
+ local filePrefixesColumnRow = string.format("%s[%d]", filePrefixesColumn, row)
+ local iconName = icon
+ iconsFileTable[column][row] = {
+ name = iconName,
+ file = {
+ prefix = {
+ [1] = p1,
+ [2] = p2,
+ [3] = p3,
+ },
+ size = {
+ width = fileWidth,
+ height = fileHeight,
+ icon = iconSize,
+ },
+ },
+ coords = {
+ column = column,
+ row = row,
+ },
+ }
+ IconsByName[iconName] = IconsByName[iconName] or iconsFileTable[column][row]
+ IconsByFileColumnRow[filePrefixesColumnRow] = iconsFileTable[column][row]
+ end
+ rowCount = 1
+ end
+ prefixInfo[3].file = prefixInfo[3].file + 1
+ end
+ prefixInfo[3].iconSize = prefixInfo[3].iconSize + 1
+ end
+ prefixInfo[3].count = prefixInfo[3].count + 1
+ end
+ prefixInfo[2].count = prefixInfo[2].count + 1
+ end
+ prefixInfo[1].count = prefixInfo[1].count + 1
+ end
+ end
+ ---@param iconTable DiesalStyle.Icon
+ local function CreateIconStyle(iconTable)
+ local fileName = string.format("%s%s%s", iconTable.file.prefix[1], iconTable.file.prefix[2], iconTable.file.prefix[3])
+ local iconSize = iconTable.file.size.icon
+ fileName = fileName .. (iconSize ~= 16 and iconSize or "")
+ local fileWidth = iconTable.file.size.width
+ local fileHeight = iconTable.file.size.height
+ local column = iconTable.coords.column
+ local row = iconTable.coords.row
+ return {
+ fileName,
+ {
+ column,
+ row,
+ iconSize,
+ fileWidth,
+ fileHeight,
+ },
+ }
+ end
+ ---@param iconName string
+ function DiesalStyle.GetIconStyleByName(iconName)
+ return IconsByName[iconName] and CreateIconStyle(IconsByName[iconName]) or {}
+ end
+ -- [prefix1][prefix2][prefix3][iconSize][fileWidthxfileHeight][column][row]
+ -- DiesalGUIcons16x256x128.tga, Column 3, Row 4
+ -- [Diesal][GUI][cons][16][256x128][3][4]
+ ---@param iconFile string
+ function DiesalStyle.GetIconByFileColumnRow(iconFile)
+ return IconsByFileColumnRow[iconFile] and CreateIconStyle(IconsByFileColumnRow[iconFile]) or {}
+ end
+ -- Camel Case File Name
+ local DefaultDiesalIcons = {
+ -- Prefix 1
+ Diesal = {
+ -- Prefix 2
+ Button = {
+ -- Prefix 3
+ Icons = {
+ -- Icon Size
+ [32] = {
+ -- WidthxHeight
+ ["128x512"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ [1] = "background-horseshoe",
+ [2] = "hover-horseshoe",
+ [3] = "normal-horseshoe",
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ [1] = "background-crosshair",
+ [2] = "hover-crosshair",
+ [3] = "normal-crosshair",
+ },
+ [3] = {
+ [1] = "background-crossbones",
+ [2] = "hover-crossbones",
+ [3] = "normal-crossbones",
+ },
+ [4] = {
+ [1] = "background-tag",
+ [2] = "hover-tag",
+ [3] = "normal-tag",
+ },
+ [5] = {
+ [1] = "background-crossed-swords",
+ [2] = "hover-crossed-swords",
+ [3] = "normal-crossed-swords",
+ },
+ [6] = {
+ [1] = "background-oc",
+ [2] = "hover-oc",
+ [3] = "normal-oc",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ -- Prefix 2
+ GU = {
+ -- Prefix 3
+ Icons = {
+ -- Icon Size
+ [16] = {
+ -- WidthxHeight
+ ["256x128"] = {
+ -- Column 1
+ [1] = {
+ -- Row 1
+ [1] = "solid-white-arrow-up",
+ [4] = "outline-textured-rewind",
+ [5] = "outline-textured-question-mark",
+ [6] = "outline-textured-cirle-plus",
+ [7] = "outline-textured-file",
+ [8] = "outline-blue-folder-closed",
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ [1] = "solid-white-arrow-down",
+ [4] = "outline-textured-pause",
+ [5] = "outline-textured-cog",
+ [6] = "outline-textured-cirle-minus",
+ [7] = "outline-textured-folder",
+ [8] = "outline-blue-folder-opened",
+ },
+ [3] = {
+ [1] = "solid-white-arrow-right",
+ [4] = "outline-textured-play",
+ [5] = "outline-textured-reload",
+ [6] = "outline-textured-square-minus",
+ [7] = "outline-textured-folder-plus",
+ [8] = "outline-white-file",
+ },
+ [4] = {
+ [1] = "solid-white-arrow-left",
+ [4] = "outline-textured-fast-forward",
+ [5] = "outline-textured-home",
+ [6] = "outline-textured-square-plus",
+ [7] = "outline-textured-folder-minus",
+ [8] = "outline-multi-cluster",
+ },
+ [5] = {
+ [1] = "solid-white-circl",
+ [4] = "outline-textured-back",
+ [5] = "outline-textured-arrow-down",
+ [8] = "outline-multi-diskette",
+ },
+ [6] = {
+ [4] = "outline-textured-forward",
+ [5] = "outline-textured-arrow-up",
+ },
+ [7] = {
+ [5] = "outline-textured-arrow-right",
+ },
+ [8] = {
+ [5] = "outline-textured-arrow-left",
+ },
+ [9] = {
+ [5] = "outline-textured-arrow-close",
+ },
+ [10] = {
+ [5] = "outline-textured-check",
+ },
+ [11] = {
+ [5] = "outline-textured-lock-unclocked",
+ },
+ [12] = {
+ [5] = "outline-textured-lock-locked",
+ },
+ [13] = {
+ [5] = "outline-textured-lock-delete",
+ },
+ [14] = {
+ [4] = "outline-textured-circle",
+ [5] = "outline-textured-power",
+ },
+ [15] = {
+ [4] = "outline-textured-dropplet-down",
+ [5] = "outline-textured-ellipse",
+ },
+ [16] = {
+ [4] = "outline-textured-dropplet-square",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ [32] = {
+ ["256x256"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ [1] = "white-horseshoe",
+ [2] = "black-horseshoe",
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ [1] = "white-crosshair",
+ [2] = "black-crosshair",
+ },
+ [3] = {
+ [1] = "white-crossbones",
+ [2] = "black-crossbones",
+ },
+ [4] = {
+ [1] = "white-tag",
+ [2] = "black-tag",
+ },
+ [5] = {
+ [1] = "white-crossed-swords",
+ [2] = "black-crossed-swords",
+ },
+ [6] = {
+ [1] = "white-oc",
+ [2] = "black-oc",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ [64] = {
+ ["256x256"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ [1] = "marker-droplette-yellow-diamond",
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ [1] = "marker-droplette-green-leaf",
+ },
+ [3] = {
+ [1] = "marker-droplette-teal-star",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ DiesalStyle.AddIcons(DefaultDiesalIcons)
+-- ~~| DiesalStyle API |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Texture style table format
+ style.layer BACKGROUND | BORDER | ARTWORK | OVERLAY | HIGHLIGHT (texture in this layer is automatically shown when the mouse is over the containing Frame)
+ **FontStrings always appear on top of all textures in a given draw layer. avoid using sublayer
+ -- ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ style.alpha alpha [0 - 1]
+ style.alphaEnd alpha [0 - 1]
+ style.color hexColor | {Red, Green, Blue} [0-255]
+ style.colorEnd hexColor | {Red, Green, Blue} [0-255]
+ style.gradient VERTICAL | HORIZONTAL
+ -- ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ style.texFile texture fileName
+ style.texTile true | false
+ style.texCoord {left, right, top, bottom} [0-1] | {column,row,size,textureWidth,TextureHeight}
+ style.texColor hexColor | {Red,Green,Blue} [0-255]
+ style.texColorAlpha alpha [0 - 1]
+ -- ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ style.offset offset | {Left, Right, Top, Bottom}
+ style.width width
+ style.height height
+-- type = 'fill',
+-- layer = 'BACKGROUND',
+-- gradient = {'VERTICAL','744d00','996600'}
+-- gradient_orientation = 'VERTICAL'|'HORIZONTAL ',
+-- gradient_color = {colorStart,colorEnd},
+-- image = {'texture-file', {left,right,top,bottom}, color, tiling_h, tiling_v}
+-- image_file = 'texture-file'
+-- image_coords = {left,right,top,bottom} | {row, coloumn, size, image width, image height }
+-- image_color = "FFFFFF"
+-- image_tiling = {'HORIZNONTAL','VERTICAL'}
+-- color = 'FFFFFF',
+-- alpha = 1 | {1,1}
+-- position = 0 | {0,0,0,0}
+---@alias r number
+---@alias g number
+---@alias b number
+---@class Diesal.Style.RGB : { [1]: r, [2]: g, [3]: b }
+---@alias left number
+---@alias right number
+---@alias top number
+---@alias bottom number
+---@alias column number
+---@alias row number
+---@alias textureWidth number
+---@alias textureHeight number
+---@alias hexString string
+---@alias Diesal.Style.Color hexString | Diesal.Style.RGB
+---@class Diesal.Style.TexCoord : { [1]: left, [2]: right, [3]: top, [4]: bottom }
+---@class Diesal.Style.TexCoord2 : { [1]: column, [2]: row, [3]: size, [4]: textureWidth, [5]: textureHeight }
+ Missing required fields in type `Diesal.Style.Style`:
+ `layer`, `alpha`, `alphaEnd`, `color`, `colorEnd`, `gradient`, `gradient_alpha`, `gradient_orientation`, `gradient_color`, `name`, `debug`, `texFile`, `texTile`, `texCoord`, `texColor`, `texColorAlpha`, `type`, `offset`
+---@class Diesal.Style.Style
+---@field layer? 'BACKGROUND' | 'BORDER' | 'ARTWORK' | 'OVERLAY' | 'HIGHLIGHT'
+---@field alpha? number
+---@field alphaEnd? number
+---@field color? Diesal.Style.Color
+---@field colorEnd? Diesal.Style.Color
+---@field gradient? { [1]: 'VERTICAL' | 'HORIZONTAL', [2]: string, [3]: string }
+---@field gradient_alpha? number
+---@field gradient_orientation? 'VERTICAL' | 'HORIZONTAL'
+---@field gradient_color? {[1]: Diesal.Style.Color, [2]: Diesal.Style.Color }
+---@field image? { [1]: string, [2]: Diesal.Style.TexCoord, [3]: Diesal.Style.Color, [4]: WrapMode, [5]: WrapMode }
+---@field image_file? string
+---@field image_coords? Diesal.Style.TexCoord | Diesal.Style.TexCoord2
+---@field image_color? hexString
+---@field image_tiling? { [1]: WrapMode, [2]: WrapMode }
+---@field name? string
+---@field debug? boolean
+---@field texFile? string
+---@field texTile? boolean
+---@field texCoord? Diesal.Style.TexCoord | Diesal.Style.TexCoord2
+---@field texColor? Diesal.Style.Color
+---@field texColorAlpha? number
+---@field type "texture" | "outline" | "shadow" | "font"
+---@field offset? number | { [1]: left, [2]: right, [3]: top, [4]: bottom }
+---@field width? number
+---@field height? number
+---@field position? Diesal.Style.TexCoord
+---@field clear? boolean
+---@class Diesal.Style.Texture.Style : Diesal.Style.Style
+---@field alpha { [1]: number, [2]: number }
+---@field image { file: string, coords: Diesal.Style.TexCoord, color: Diesal.Style.Color, tiling: { [1]: WrapMode, [2]: WrapMode } }
+---@field gradient { orientation: 'VERTICAL' | 'HORIZONTAL', color: { [1]: Diesal.Style.Color, [2]: Diesal.Style.Color } }
+---@field mode string
+---@class Diesal.Style.Texture : Texture
+---@field style Diesal.Style.Texture.Style?
+---@class Diesal.Style.Stylesheet : {[string]: Diesal.Style.Style | Diesal.Style.Texture.Style}
+---@param texture Texture
+---@param style Diesal.Style.Style
+function DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(texture, style)
+ -- | Setup Texture.style |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ if not texture.style or style.clear then
+ ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: missing-fields, inject-field
+ texture.style = {}
+ end
+ -- debugging
+ texture.style.name = style.name or texture.style.name
+ texture.style.debug = style.debug or texture.style.debug
+ -- | Format Settings |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- Gradient ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ if style.gradient and type(style.gradient) == "table" then
+ local orientation = formatOrientation(style.gradient[1])
+ if orientation then
+ texture.style.gradient = {
+ orientation = orientation,
+ color = style.gradient[2] and style.gradient[3] and { style.gradient[2], style.gradient[3] },
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ local orientation = formatOrientation(style.gradient_orientation)
+ if orientation then
+ style.gradient_orientation = orientation -- fuck you
+ end
+ if not texture.style.gradient and (style.gradient_orientation or style.gradient_alpha or style.gradient_color) then
+ texture.style.gradient = {}
+ end
+ -- Image ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ if style.image and type(style.image) == "table" then
+ local file = formatFile(style.image[1])
+ local coords = formatCoords(style.image[2])
+ if file and coords then
+ texture.style.image = {
+ file = file,
+ coords = coords,
+ color = style.image[3],
+ tiling = { style.image[4], style.image[5] },
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ if not texture.style.image and style.image_file then
+ texture.style.image = {}
+ end
+ -- | Update Settings |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ texture.style.layer = style.layer or texture.style.layer or DEFAULT_LAYER
+ texture.style.position = formatPosition(style.position) or texture.style.position or { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+ texture.style.width = style.width or texture.style.width
+ texture.style.height = style.height or texture.style.height
+ texture.style.color = style.color or texture.style.color
+ texture.style.alpha = formatAlpha(style.alpha) or texture.style.alpha or { 1, 1 }
+ -- gradient
+ if texture.style.gradient then
+ texture.style.gradient.orientation = style.gradient_orientation or texture.style.gradient.orientation or DEFAULT_GRADIENT_ORIENTATION
+ texture.style.gradient.color = style.gradient_color or texture.style.gradient.color or { DEFAULT_COLOR, DEFAULT_COLOR }
+ end
+ -- image
+ if texture.style.image then
+ texture.style.image.file = formatFile(style.image_file) or texture.style.image.file
+ texture.style.image.coords = formatCoords(style.image_coords) or texture.style.image.coords or { 0, 1, 0, 1 }
+ texture.style.image.color = style.image_color or texture.style.image.color
+ texture.style.image.tiling = style.image_tiling or texture.style.image.tiling
+ end
+ -- | Apply Settings |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- layer
+ texture:SetDrawLayer(texture.style.layer, 0)
+ -- position
+ texture:ClearAllPoints() -- clear offsets
+ if texture.style.position[1] then
+ texture:SetPoint("LEFT", -texture.style.position[1], 0)
+ end
+ if texture.style.position[2] then
+ texture:SetPoint("RIGHT", texture.style.position[2], 0)
+ end
+ if texture.style.position[3] then
+ texture:SetPoint("TOP", 0, texture.style.position[3])
+ end
+ if texture.style.position[4] then
+ texture:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0, -texture.style.position[4])
+ end
+ -- size
+ if texture.style.width then
+ texture:SetWidth(texture.style.width)
+ end
+ if texture.style.height then
+ texture:SetHeight(texture.style.height)
+ end
+ if style.debug then
+ print(texture:GetHeight(), texture.style.position[1], texture.style.position[2], texture.style.position[3], texture.style.position[4])
+ end
+ -- [1] Texture > [2] gradient > [3] color
+ if texture.style.image then -- [1] Texture
+ -- set mode
+ texture.style.mode = "image"
+ -- clear any old settings
+ setGradient(texture, "HORIZONTAL", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) -- clear gradient
+ texture:SetColorTexture(1, 1, 1, 1) -- clear color
+ -- apply settings
+ texture:SetTexCoord(texture.style.image.coords[1], texture.style.image.coords[2], texture.style.image.coords[3], texture.style.image.coords[4])
+ texture:SetTexture(texture.style.image.file, texture.style.image.tiling and texture.style.image.tiling[1], texture.style.image.tiling and texture.style.image.tiling[2])
+ texture:SetHorizTile(texture.style.image.tiling[1] and true)
+ texture:SetVertTile(texture.style.image.tiling[2] and true)
+ local r, g, b = GetBlizzColorValues(texture.style.image.color)
+ texture:SetVertexColor(r or 1, g or 1, b or 1, texture.style.alpha[1])
+ elseif texture.style.gradient then -- [2] gradient
+ -- set mode
+ texture.style.mode = "gradient"
+ -- clear any old settings
+ texture:SetTexture() -- clear image
+ texture:SetColorTexture(1, 1, 1, 1) -- clear color
+ -- apply settings
+ local r1, g1, b1 = GetBlizzColorValues(texture.style.gradient.color[texture.style.gradient.orientation == "HORIZONTAL" and 1 or 2])
+ local r2, g2, b2 = GetBlizzColorValues(texture.style.gradient.color[texture.style.gradient.orientation == "HORIZONTAL" and 2 or 1])
+ local a1, a2 =
+ texture.style.alpha[texture.style.gradient.orientation == "HORIZONTAL" and 1 or 2], texture.style.alpha[texture.style.gradient.orientation == "HORIZONTAL" and 2 or 1]
+ setGradient(texture, texture.style.gradient.orientation, r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)
+ elseif texture.style.color then -- [3] color
+ -- set mode
+ texture.style.mode = "color"
+ -- clear any old settings
+ texture:SetTexture() -- clear image
+ setGradient(texture, "HORIZONTAL", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) -- clear gradient
+ -- apply settings
+ local r, g, b = GetBlizzColorValues(texture.style.color)
+ setColor(texture, r, g, b, texture.style.alpha[1])
+ else
+ -- set mode
+ texture.style.mode = "none!"
+ -- clear the texture
+ texture:SetTexture() -- clear image
+ setGradient(texture, "HORIZONTAL", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) -- clear gradient
+ texture:SetColorTexture(0, 0, 0, 0) -- clear color
+ end
+---@param leftTexture Diesal.Style.Texture
+---@param rightTexture Diesal.Style.Texture
+---@param topTexture Diesal.Style.Texture
+---@param bottomTexture Diesal.Style.Texture
+---@param style Diesal.Style.Style
+function DiesalStyle:StyleOutline(leftTexture, rightTexture, topTexture, bottomTexture, style)
+ -- | Setup Texture.style |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ if not leftTexture.style or style.clear then
+ ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: missing-fields
+ leftTexture.style = {}
+ rightTexture.style = leftTexture.style
+ topTexture.style = leftTexture.style
+ bottomTexture.style = leftTexture.style
+ end
+ local texture = leftTexture
+ -- debugging
+ texture.style.name = style.name or texture.style.name
+ texture.style.debug = style.debug or texture.style.debug
+ -- | Format Settings |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ if style.gradient and type(style.gradient) == "table" then
+ texture.style.gradient = {
+ orientation = style.gradient[1]:upper(),
+ color = style.gradient[2] and style.gradient[3] and { style.gradient[2], style.gradient[3] },
+ }
+ end
+ style.gradient_orientation = style.gradient_orientation and style.gradient_orientation:upper() --formatOrientation(style.gradient_orientation) -- fuck you
+ if not texture.style.gradient and (style.gradient_orientation or style.gradient_alpha or style.gradient_color) then
+ texture.style.gradient = {}
+ end
+ -- | Update Settings |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ texture.style.layer = style.layer or texture.style.layer or DEFAULT_LAYER
+ texture.style.position = formatPosition(style.position) or texture.style.position or { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+ texture.style.width = style.width or texture.style.width
+ texture.style.height = style.height or texture.style.height
+ texture.style.color = style.color or texture.style.color
+ texture.style.alpha = formatAlpha(style.alpha) or texture.style.alpha or { 1, 1 }
+ -- gradient
+ if texture.style.gradient then
+ texture.style.gradient.orientation = style.gradient_orientation or texture.style.gradient.orientation or DEFAULT_GRADIENT_ORIENTATION
+ texture.style.gradient.color = style.gradient_color or texture.style.gradient.color or { DEFAULT_COLOR, DEFAULT_COLOR }
+ end
+ -- | Apply Settings |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- layer
+ leftTexture:SetDrawLayer(texture.style.layer, 0)
+ rightTexture:SetDrawLayer(texture.style.layer, 0)
+ topTexture:SetDrawLayer(texture.style.layer, 0)
+ bottomTexture:SetDrawLayer(texture.style.layer, 0)
+ -- position
+ leftTexture:ClearAllPoints()
+ rightTexture:ClearAllPoints()
+ topTexture:ClearAllPoints()
+ bottomTexture:ClearAllPoints()
+ if texture.style.position[1] then
+ leftTexture:SetPoint("LEFT", -texture.style.position[1], 0)
+ else
+ leftTexture:SetPoint("RIGHT", -texture.style.width, 0)
+ end
+ if texture.style.position[3] then
+ leftTexture:SetPoint("TOP", 0, texture.style.position[3])
+ end
+ if texture.style.position[4] then
+ leftTexture:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0, -texture.style.position[4])
+ end
+ if texture.style.position[2] then
+ rightTexture:SetPoint("RIGHT", texture.style.position[2], 0)
+ else
+ rightTexture:SetPoint("LEFT", texture.style.width - (texture.style.position[1] + 1), 0)
+ end
+ if texture.style.position[3] then
+ rightTexture:SetPoint("TOP", 0, texture.style.position[3])
+ end
+ if texture.style.position[4] then
+ rightTexture:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0, -texture.style.position[4])
+ end
+ if texture.style.position[1] then
+ topTexture:SetPoint("LEFT", -texture.style.position[1] + 1, 0)
+ end
+ if texture.style.position[2] then
+ topTexture:SetPoint("RIGHT", texture.style.position[2] - 1, 0)
+ end
+ if texture.style.position[3] then
+ topTexture:SetPoint("TOP", 0, texture.style.position[3])
+ else
+ topTexture:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0, texture.style.height - 1)
+ end
+ if texture.style.position[1] then
+ bottomTexture:SetPoint("LEFT", -texture.style.position[1] + 1, 0)
+ end
+ if texture.style.position[2] then
+ bottomTexture:SetPoint("RIGHT", texture.style.position[2] - 1, 0)
+ end
+ if texture.style.position[4] then
+ bottomTexture:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0, -texture.style.position[4])
+ else
+ bottomTexture:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -(texture.style.height + 1) + (texture.style.position[3] + 2))
+ end
+ -- size
+ leftTexture:SetWidth(1)
+ if texture.style.height then
+ leftTexture:SetHeight(texture.style.height)
+ end
+ rightTexture:SetWidth(1)
+ if texture.style.height then
+ rightTexture:SetHeight(texture.style.height)
+ end
+ topTexture:SetHeight(1)
+ if texture.style.width then
+ topTexture:SetWidth(texture.style.width - 2)
+ end
+ bottomTexture:SetHeight(1)
+ if texture.style.width then
+ bottomTexture:SetWidth(texture.style.width - 2)
+ end
+ -- texture
+ if texture.style.gradient then
+ -- set mode
+ texture.style.mode = "gradient"
+ -- clear any old settings
+ leftTexture:SetTexture() -- clear image
+ -- leftTexture:SetAlpha(1) -- reset alpha
+ rightTexture:SetTexture() -- clear image
+ -- rightTexture:SetAlpha(1) -- reset alpha
+ topTexture:SetTexture() -- clear image
+ -- topTexture:SetAlpha(1) -- reset alpha
+ bottomTexture:SetTexture() -- clear image
+ -- bottomTexture:SetAlpha(1) -- reset alpha
+ local r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, a1, a2
+ if texture.style.gradient.orientation == "HORIZONTAL" then
+ -- clear settings
+ setGradient(leftTexture, "HORIZONTAL", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+ setGradient(rightTexture, "HORIZONTAL", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+ topTexture:SetColorTexture(1, 1, 1, 1) -- clear color
+ bottomTexture:SetColorTexture(1, 1, 1, 1) -- clear color
+ -- aply settings
+ r1, g1, b1 = GetBlizzColorValues(texture.style.gradient.color[1])
+ r2, g2, b2 = GetBlizzColorValues(texture.style.gradient.color[2])
+ a1, a2 = texture.style.alpha[1], texture.style.alpha[2]
+ setColor(leftTexture, r1, g1, b1, a1)
+ setColor(rightTexture, r2, g2, b2, a2)
+ setGradient(topTexture, "HORIZONTAL", r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)
+ setGradient(bottomTexture, "HORIZONTAL", r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)
+ elseif texture.style.gradient.orientation == "VERTICAL" then
+ -- clear settings
+ leftTexture:SetColorTexture(1, 1, 1, 1) -- clear color
+ rightTexture:SetColorTexture(1, 1, 1, 1) -- clear color
+ setGradient(topTexture, "HORIZONTAL", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+ setGradient(bottomTexture, "HORIZONTAL", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+ -- aply settings
+ r1, g1, b1 = GetBlizzColorValues(texture.style.gradient.color[2])
+ r2, g2, b2 = GetBlizzColorValues(texture.style.gradient.color[1])
+ a1, a2 = texture.style.alpha[2], texture.style.alpha[1]
+ setColor(topTexture, r2, g2, b2, a2)
+ setColor(bottomTexture, r1, g1, b1, a1)
+ setGradient(leftTexture, "VERTICAL", r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)
+ setGradient(rightTexture, "VERTICAL", r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)
+ else
+ texture.style.mode = "gradient: no orientation!"
+ -- should never be here
+ end
+ elseif texture.style.color then
+ -- set mode
+ texture.style.mode = "color"
+ -- clear any old settings
+ setGradient(leftTexture, "HORIZONTAL", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+ setGradient(rightTexture, "HORIZONTAL", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+ setGradient(topTexture, "HORIZONTAL", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+ setGradient(bottomTexture, "HORIZONTAL", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+ -- apply settings
+ local r, g, b = GetBlizzColorValues(texture.style.color)
+ setColor(leftTexture, r, g, b, texture.style.alpha[1])
+ setColor(rightTexture, r, g, b, texture.style.alpha[1])
+ setColor(topTexture, r, g, b, texture.style.alpha[1])
+ setColor(bottomTexture, r, g, b, texture.style.alpha[1])
+ else
+ -- set mode
+ texture.style.mode = "none!"
+ -- clear the texture
+ leftTexture:SetTexture() -- clear image
+ setGradient(leftTexture, "HORIZONTAL", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) -- clear gradient
+ leftTexture:SetColorTexture(0, 0, 0, 0) -- clear color
+ rightTexture:SetTexture() -- clear image
+ setGradient(rightTexture, "HORIZONTAL", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) -- clear gradient
+ rightTexture:SetColorTexture(0, 0, 0, 0) -- clear color
+ topTexture:SetTexture() -- clear image
+ setGradient(topTexture, "HORIZONTAL", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) -- clear gradient
+ topTexture:SetColorTexture(0, 0, 0, 0) -- clear color
+ bottomTexture:SetTexture() -- clear image
+ setGradient(bottomTexture, "HORIZONTAL", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) -- clear gradient
+ bottomTexture:SetColorTexture(0, 0, 0, 0) -- clear color
+ end
+---@class Diesal.Style.ShadowStyle : Diesal.Style.Style
+---@field edgeFile? string
+---@field edgeSize? number
+---@field red? number
+---@field green? number
+---@field blue? number
+---@class Diesal.Style.Shadow : Frame, BackdropTemplate
+---@field style Diesal.Style.ShadowStyle
+---@class Diesal.Style.ShadowObject : Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+---@field shadow Diesal.Style.Shadow
+---@param object Diesal.Style.ShadowObject
+---@param frame Frame
+---@param style Diesal.Style.ShadowStyle
+function DiesalStyle:StyleShadow(object, frame, style)
+ object.shadow = object.shadow or CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate") --CreateFrame("Frame",nil,frame)
+ object.shadow:Show()
+ if not object.shadow.style or style.clear then
+ object.shadow.style = {}
+ end
+ local shadowStyle = object.shadow.style
+ -- ~~ Format New Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ local red, green, blue = DiesalTools.GetColor(style.color)
+ local offset = style.offset and type(style.offset) == "number" and { style.offset, style.offset, style.offset, style.offset } or style.offset
+ -- Setting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Setting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Old Setting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Default ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ shadowStyle.edgeFile = style.edgeFile or shadowStyle.edgeFile or getMedia("border", "shadow")
+ shadowStyle.edgeSize = style.edgeSize or shadowStyle.edgeSize or 28
+ shadowStyle.red = red or shadowStyle.red or 0
+ shadowStyle.green = green or shadowStyle.green or 0
+ shadowStyle.blue = blue or shadowStyle.blue or 0
+ shadowStyle.alpha = style.alpha or shadowStyle.alpha or 0.45
+ shadowStyle.offset = offset or shadowStyle.offset or { 20, 20, 20, 20 }
+ -- ~~ Apply Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ if shadowStyle.offset[1] then
+ object.shadow:SetPoint("LEFT", -shadowStyle.offset[1], 0)
+ end
+ if shadowStyle.offset[2] then
+ object.shadow:SetPoint("RIGHT", shadowStyle.offset[2], 0)
+ end
+ if shadowStyle.offset[3] then
+ object.shadow:SetPoint("TOP", 0, shadowStyle.offset[3])
+ end
+ if shadowStyle.offset[4] then
+ object.shadow:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0, -shadowStyle.offset[4])
+ end
+ object.shadow:SetBackdrop({ edgeFile = shadowStyle.edgeFile, edgeSize = shadowStyle.edgeSize })
+ object.shadow:SetBackdropBorderColor(shadowStyle.red, shadowStyle.green, shadowStyle.blue, shadowStyle.alpha)
+--[[ Font style table format
+TODO style.offset ( offset|{ Left, Right, Top, Bottom })
+TODO style.width ( width )
+TODO style.height ( height )
+style.font ( Path to a font file )
+style.fontSize ( Size (point size) of the font to be displayed (in pixels) )
+style.flags ( Additional properties specified by one or more of the following tokens: MONOCHROME, OUTLINE | THICKOUTLINE ) (comma delimitered string)
+style.alpha ( alpha )
+style.color ( hexColor|{ Red, Green, Blue } [0-255])
+style.lineSpacing ( number - Sets the font instance's amount of spacing between lines)
+---@class Diesal.Style.FontStyle
+---@field font string
+---@field filename string
+---@field fontSize number
+---@field flags string
+---@field alpha number
+---@field color Diesal.Style.Color
+---@field lineSpacing number
+---@field red number
+---@field green number
+---@field blue number
+---@class Diesal.Style.FontString : FontString
+---@field style Diesal.Style.FontStyle
+---@param fontInstance Diesal.Style.FontString
+---@param name string
+---@param style Diesal.Style.FontStyle
+function DiesalStyle:StyleFont(fontInstance, name, style)
+ local filename, fontSize, flags = fontInstance:GetFont()
+ local red, green, blue, alpha = fontInstance:GetTextColor()
+ local lineSpacing = fontInstance:GetSpacing()
+ -- Fallback to DiesalFontNormal for Patch 8.1
+ if not filename then
+ filename, fontSize, flags = DiesalFontNormal:GetFont()
+ red, green, blue, alpha = DiesalFontNormal:GetTextColor()
+ lineSpacing = DiesalFontNormal:GetSpacing()
+ end
+ ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: assign-type-mismatch
+ style.red, style.green, style.blue = DiesalTools.GetColor(style.color)
+ -- ~~ Set Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ style.filename = style.filename or filename
+ style.fontSize = style.fontSize or fontSize
+ style.flags = style.flags or flags
+ style.red = style.red or red
+ style.green = style.green or green
+ style.blue = style.blue or blue
+ style.alpha = style.alpha or alpha
+ style.lineSpacing = style.lineSpacing or lineSpacing
+ -- ~~ Apply Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ fontInstance:SetFont(style.filename, style.fontSize, style.flags)
+ fontInstance:SetTextColor(style.red, style.green, style.blue, style.alpha)
+ fontInstance:SetSpacing(style.lineSpacing)
+ fontInstance.style = style
+---@param object Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+---@param name string
+---@param style Diesal.Style.Style
+function DiesalStyle:UpdateObjectStyle(object, name, style)
+ if not style or type(style) ~= "table" then
+ return
+ end
+ if type(name) ~= "string" then
+ return
+ end
+ -- ~~ Clear Texture ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ if style.clear then
+ -- clear texture
+ if object.textures[name] then
+ DiesalStyle:ReleaseTexture(object, name)
+ end
+ -- clear OUTLINE
+ for i = 1, #OUTLINES do
+ if object.textures[name .. OUTLINES[i]] then
+ DiesalStyle:ReleaseTexture(object, name .. OUTLINES[i])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- add texture name to style for better debugging
+ style.name = name
+ -- ~~ Get styleType ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ if not style.type then
+ return
+ end
+ local styleType = DiesalTools.Capitalize(style.type)
+ if not DiesalStyle["Style" .. styleType] then
+ geterrorhandler()(style.type .. " is not a valid style type")
+ return
+ end
+ -- ~~ Get Frame ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ local framename = name:match("^[ \t]*([%w%d%_]*)")
+ local frame = object[framename]
+ if not frame then
+ return
+ end
+ -- ~~ Style ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ if styleType == "Texture" then
+ local texture = object.textures[name]
+ if not texture then
+ texture = newTexture()
+ object.textures[name] = texture
+ end
+ texture:SetParent(frame)
+ DiesalStyle:StyleTexture(texture, style)
+ return
+ end
+ if styleType == "Outline" then
+ local textures = {}
+ for i = 1, #OUTLINES do
+ local texture = object.textures[name .. OUTLINES[i]]
+ if not texture then
+ texture = newTexture()
+ object.textures[name .. OUTLINES[i]] = texture
+ end
+ texture:SetParent(frame)
+ textures[i] = texture
+ end
+ DiesalStyle:StyleOutline(textures[1], textures[2], textures[3], textures[4], style)
+ return
+ end
+ if styleType == "Shadow" then
+ DiesalStyle:StyleShadow(
+ ---@cast object Diesal.Style.ShadowObject
+ object,
+ frame,
+ style --[[ @as Diesal.Style.ShadowStyle ]]
+ )
+ return
+ end
+ if styleType == "Font" then
+ DiesalStyle:StyleFont(frame, name, style --[[ @as Diesal.Style.FontStyle ]])
+ end
+---@param object Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+---@param name string
+---@param style Diesal.Style.Style
+function DiesalStyle:SetObjectStyle(object, name, style)
+ if not style or type(style) ~= "table" then
+ return
+ end
+ if type(name) ~= "string" then
+ return
+ end
+ -- clear texture
+ if object.textures[name] then
+ DiesalStyle:ReleaseTexture(object, name)
+ end
+ -- clear OUTLINE
+ for i = 1, #OUTLINES do
+ if object.textures[name .. OUTLINES[i]] then
+ DiesalStyle:ReleaseTexture(object, name .. OUTLINES[i])
+ end
+ end
+ -- Set object style
+ DiesalStyle:UpdateObjectStyle(object, name, style)
+---@param object Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+---@param Stylesheet Diesal.Style.Stylesheet
+function DiesalStyle:UpdateObjectStylesheet(object, Stylesheet)
+ if not Stylesheet or type(Stylesheet) ~= "table" then
+ return
+ end
+ if not object.textures then
+ object.textures = {}
+ end
+ for name, style in pairs(Stylesheet) do
+ self:UpdateObjectStyle(object, name, style)
+ end
+---@param object Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+---@param Stylesheet Diesal.Style.Stylesheet
+function DiesalStyle:SetObjectStylesheet(object, Stylesheet)
+ if not object.textures then
+ object.textures = {}
+ end
+ DiesalStyle:ReleaseTextures(object)
+ for name, style in pairs(Stylesheet) do
+ self:UpdateObjectStyle(object, name, style)
+ end
+---@param object Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+---@param name string
+function DiesalStyle:ReleaseTexture(object, name)
+ if not object or not object.textures or not object.textures[name] then
+ error("No such texture on ojbect", 2)
+ return
+ end
+ releaseTexture(object.textures[name])
+ object.textures[name] = nil
+---@param object Diesal.GUI.ObjectBase
+function DiesalStyle:ReleaseTextures(object)
+ for name, texture in pairs(object.textures) do
+ releaseTexture(texture)
+ object.textures[name] = nil
+ end
+---@param mediaType string
+---@param name string
+function DiesalStyle:GetMedia(mediaType, name)
+ return getMedia(mediaType, name)
+---@param mediaType string
+---@param name string
+---@param mediaFile string
+function DiesalStyle:AddMedia(mediaType, name, mediaFile)
+ addMedia(mediaType, name, mediaFile)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/DejaVuSansMono.ttf b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/DejaVuSansMono.ttf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/DejaVuSansMono.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/DejaVuSansMono.ttf
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/FFF Intelligent Thin Condensed.ttf b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/FFF Intelligent Thin Condensed.ttf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/FFF Intelligent Thin Condensed.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/FFF Intelligent Thin Condensed.ttf
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/FiraMono-Bold.ttf b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/FiraMono-Bold.ttf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/FiraMono-Bold.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/FiraMono-Bold.ttf
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old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/FiraMono-Medium.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/FiraMono-Medium.ttf
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/FiraMono-Regular.ttf b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/FiraMono-Regular.ttf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/FiraMono-Regular.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/FiraMono-Regular.ttf
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old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/FiraSans-Regular.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/FiraSans-Regular.ttf
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old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/Hack-Bold.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/Hack-Bold.ttf
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/Hack-Regular.ttf b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/Hack-Regular.ttf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/Hack-Regular.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/Hack-Regular.ttf
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/Inconsolata-Bold.ttf b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/Inconsolata-Bold.ttf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/Inconsolata-Bold.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/Inconsolata-Bold.ttf
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/Inconsolata-Regular.ttf b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/Inconsolata-Regular.ttf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/Inconsolata-Regular.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/Inconsolata-Regular.ttf
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old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/LUCON.TTF
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/LUCON.TTF
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/OfficeCodePro-Bold.ttf b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/OfficeCodePro-Bold.ttf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/OfficeCodePro-Bold.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/OfficeCodePro-Bold.ttf
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old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/OfficeCodePro-Medium.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/OfficeCodePro-Medium.ttf
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/OfficeCodePro-Regular.ttf b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/OfficeCodePro-Regular.ttf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/OfficeCodePro-Regular.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/OfficeCodePro-Regular.ttf
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/RobotoMono-Bold.ttf b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/RobotoMono-Bold.ttf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/RobotoMono-Bold.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/RobotoMono-Bold.ttf
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/RobotoMono-Medium.ttf b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/RobotoMono-Medium.ttf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/RobotoMono-Medium.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/RobotoMono-Medium.ttf
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/RobotoMono-Regular.ttf b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/RobotoMono-Regular.ttf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/RobotoMono-Regular.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/RobotoMono-Regular.ttf
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/SourceCodePro-Black.ttf b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/SourceCodePro-Black.ttf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/SourceCodePro-Black.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/SourceCodePro-Black.ttf
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/SourceCodePro-Bold.ttf b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/SourceCodePro-Bold.ttf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/SourceCodePro-Bold.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/SourceCodePro-Bold.ttf
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/SourceCodePro-Medium.ttf b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/SourceCodePro-Medium.ttf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/SourceCodePro-Medium.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/SourceCodePro-Medium.ttf
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/SourceCodePro-Semibold.ttf b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/SourceCodePro-Semibold.ttf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/SourceCodePro-Semibold.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/SourceCodePro-Semibold.ttf
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/Standard0755.ttf b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/Standard0755.ttf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/Standard0755.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/Standard0755.ttf
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/UbuntuMono-B.ttf b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/UbuntuMono-B.ttf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/UbuntuMono-B.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/UbuntuMono-B.ttf
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/UbuntuMono-R.ttf b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/UbuntuMono-R.ttf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/UbuntuMono-R.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/UbuntuMono-R.ttf
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/calibrib.ttf b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/calibrib.ttf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/calibrib.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/calibrib.ttf
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/monof55.ttf b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/monof55.ttf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/monof55.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/monof55.ttf
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/monof56.ttf b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/monof56.ttf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/monof56.ttf
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Fonts/monof56.ttf
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/DiesalButtonIcons32x128x512.tga b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Textures/DiesalButtonIcons32x128x512.tga
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/DiesalButtonIcons32x128x512.tga
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Textures/DiesalButtonIcons32x128x512.tga
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/DiesalGUIcons16x256x128.tga b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Textures/DiesalGUIcons16x256x128.tga
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/DiesalGUIcons16x256x128.tga
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Textures/DiesalGUIcons16x256x128.tga
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/DiesalGUIcons32x256x256.tga b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Textures/DiesalGUIcons32x256x256.tga
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/DiesalGUIcons32x256x256.tga
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Textures/DiesalGUIcons32x256x256.tga
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/DiesalGUIcons64x256x256.tga b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Textures/DiesalGUIcons64x256x256.tga
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/DiesalGUIcons64x256x256.tga
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Textures/DiesalGUIcons64x256x256.tga
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/shadow.tga b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Textures/shadow.tga
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/shadow.tga
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Textures/shadow.tga
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/shadowNoDist.tga b/DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Textures/shadowNoDist.tga
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-1.0/Media/shadowNoDist.tga
rename to DiesalLibs/DiesalStyle-2.0/Media/Textures/shadowNoDist.tga
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalTools-1.0/DiesalTools-1.0.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalTools-1.0/DiesalTools-1.0.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 67ac707..0000000
--- a/DiesalLibs/DiesalTools-1.0/DiesalTools-1.0.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
--- $Id: DiesalTools-1.0.lua 61 2017-03-28 23:13:41Z diesal2010 $
-local MAJOR, MINOR = "DiesalTools-1.0", "$Rev: 61 $"
-local DiesalTools, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
-if not DiesalTools then return end -- No Upgrade needed.
--- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local type, select, pairs, tonumber, tostring = type, select, pairs, tonumber, tostring
-local table_concat = table.concat
-local setmetatable, getmetatable, next = setmetatable, getmetatable, next
-local sub, format, lower, upper,gsub = string.sub, string.format, string.lower, string.upper, string.gsub
-local floor, ceil, abs, modf = math.floor, math.ceil, math.abs, math.modf
--- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local CreateFrame, UIParent, GetCursorPosition = CreateFrame, UIParent, GetCursorPosition
-local GetScreenWidth, GetScreenHeight = GetScreenWidth, GetScreenHeight
--- ~~| Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-local escapeSequences = {
- [ "\a" ] = "\\a", -- Bell
- [ "\b" ] = "\\b", -- Backspace
- [ "\t" ] = "\\t", -- Horizontal tab
- [ "\n" ] = "\\n", -- Newline
- [ "\v" ] = "\\v", -- Vertical tab
- [ "\f" ] = "\\f", -- Form feed
- [ "\r" ] = "\\r", -- Carriage return
- [ "\\" ] = "\\\\", -- Backslash
- [ "\"" ] = "\\\"", -- Quotation mark
- [ "|" ] = "||",
-local lua_keywords = {
- ["and"] = true, ["break"] = true, ["do"] = true,
- ["else"] = true, ["elseif"] = true, ["end"] = true,
- ["false"] = true, ["for"] = true, ["function"] = true,
- ["if"] = true, ["in"] = true, ["local"] = true,
- ["nil"] = true, ["not"] = true, ["or"] = true,
- ["repeat"] = true, ["return"] = true, ["then"] = true,
- ["true"] = true, ["until"] = true, ["while"] = true
-local sub_table = {
-local colors = {
- blue = '|cff'..'00aaff',
- darkblue = '|cff'..'004466',
- orange = '|cff'..'ffaa00',
- darkorange = '|cff'..'4c3300',
- grey = '|cff'..'7f7f7f',
- darkgrey = '|cff'..'414141',
- white = '|cff'..'ffffff',
- red = '|cff'..'ff0000',
- green = '|cff'..'00ff2b',
- yellow = '|cff'..'ffff00',
- lightyellow = '|cff'..'ffea7f',
-local formattedArgs = {}
-local function GetCaller(level)
- -- ADDON:LogMessage(debugstack(10,2, 0))
- for trace in debugstack(level,2, 0):gmatch("(.-)\n") do
- -- Blizzard Sandbox
- local match, _, file, line = trace:find("^.*\\(.-):(%d+)")
- if match then return format('%s[%s%s: %s%s%s]|r',colors.orange,colors.yellow,file,colors.lightyellow,line,colors.orange) end
- -- PQI DataFile
- local match, _, file,line = trace:find('^%[string "[%s%-]*(.-%.lua).-"%]:(%d+)')
- if match then return format('%s[%s%s: %s%s%s]|r',colors.orange,colors.yellow,file,colors.lightyellow,line,colors.orange) end
- -- PQR Ability code
- local match, _, file,line = trace:find('^%[string "(.-)"%]:(%d+)')
- if match then return format('%s[%s%s: %s%s%s]|r',colors.orange,colors.yellow,file,colors.lightyellow,line,colors.orange) end
- end
- return format('%s[%sUnknown Caller%s]|r',colors.orange,colors.red,colors.orange)
-local function round(number, base)
- base = base or 1
- return floor((number + base/2)/base) * base
-local function getRGBColorValues(color,g,b)
- if type(color) == 'number' and type(g) == 'number' and type(b) == 'number' then
- if color <= 1 and g <= 1 and b <= 1 then
- return round(color*255), round(g*255), round(b*255)
- end
- return color[1], color[2], color[3]
- elseif type(color) == 'table' and type(color[1]) == 'number' and type(color[2]) == 'number' and type(color[3]) == 'number' then
- if color[1] <= 1 and color[2] <= 1 and color[3] <= 1 then
- return round(color[1]*255), round(color[2]*255), round(color[3]*255)
- end
- return color[1], color[2], color[3]
- elseif type(color) == 'string' then
- return tonumber(sub(color, 1, 2),16), tonumber(sub(color, 3, 4),16), tonumber(sub(color, 5, 6),16)
- end
-function DiesalTools.GetColor(value)
- if not value then return end
- if type(value) == 'table' and #value >= 3 then
- return value[1]/255, value[2]/255, value[3]/255
- elseif type(value) == 'string' then
- return tonumber(sub(value,1,2),16)/255, tonumber(sub(value,3,4),16)/255, tonumber(sub(value,5,6),16)/255
- end
--- ~~| API |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-function DiesalTools.Stack()
- print("|r------------------------------| Stack Trace |-------------------------------")
- local stack = debugstack(1,12, 0)
- for trace in stack:gmatch("(.-)\n") do
- match, _, file, line, func = trace:find("^.*\\(.-):(%d+).-`(.*)'$")
- if match then print(format("%s[%s%s: %s%s%s] %sfunction|r %s|r",colors.orange,colors.yellow,file,colors.lightyellow,line,colors.orange,colors.blue,func)) end
- end
- print("|r--------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
---[[ copy = TableCopy(src, dest, metatable)
- @Arguments:
- dest Table to copy to
- src Table to copy
- metatable if true copies the metatable as well (boolean)
- @Returns:
- table copy of table
-function DiesalTools.TableCopy(src,dest,metatable)
- if type(src) == 'table' then
- if not dest then dest = {} end
- for sk, sv in next, src, nil do
- dest[DiesalTools.TableCopy(sk)] = DiesalTools.TableCopy(sv)
- end
- if metatable then setmetatable(dest, DiesalTools.TableCopy(getmetatable(src))) end
- else -- number, string, boolean, etc
- dest = src
- end
- return dest
---[[ red, blue, green = GetColor(value)
- @Arguments:
- value Hex color code or a table contating R,G,B color values
- @Returns:
- red Red component of color (0-1) (number)
- green Green component of color(0-1) (number)
- blue Blue component of color (0-1) (number)
--- ]]
--- | Color Tools |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- converts a color from RGB[0-1], RGB[0-255], HEX or HSL to RGB[0-1], RGB[0-255] or HEX
-function DiesalTools.ConvertColor(from,to,v1,v2,v3)
- if not from or not to or not v1 then return end
- if type(v1) == 'table' then v1,v2,v3 = v1[1],v1[2],v1[3] end
- local r, g, b
- from, to = from:lower(), to:lower()
- if from == 'rgb255' and type(v1) == 'number' and type(v2) == 'number' and type(v3) == 'number' then
- r,g,b = v1, v2, v3
- elseif from == 'rgb1' and type(v1) == 'number' and type(v2) == 'number' and type(v3) == 'number' then
- r,g,b = round(v1*255), round(v2*255), round(v3*255)
- elseif from == 'hex' and type(v1) == 'string' and #v1 > 5 then
- r,g,b = tonumber(sub(v1, 1, 2),16), tonumber(sub(v1, 3, 4),16), tonumber(sub(v1, 5, 6),16)
- elseif from == 'hsl' and type(v1) == 'number' and type(v2) == 'number' and type(v3) == 'number' then
- if v2 == 0 then
- v3 = round(v3 * 255)
- r,g,b = v3,v3,v3
- else
- v1, v2, v3 = v1/360*6, min(max(0, v2), 1), min(max(0, v3), 1)
- local c = (1-abs(2*v3-1))*v2
- local x = (1-abs(v1%2-1))*c
- local m = (v3-.5*c)
- r,g,b = 0,0,0
- if v1 < 1 then r,g,b = c,x,0
- elseif v1 < 2 then r,g,b = x,c,0
- elseif v1 < 3 then r,g,b = 0,c,x
- elseif v1 < 4 then r,g,b = 0,x,c
- elseif v1 < 5 then r,g,b = x,0,c
- else r,g,b = c,0,x end
- r,g,b = round((r+m)*255),round((g+m)*255),round((b+m)*255)
- end
- else
- return
- end
- r,g,b = min(255,max(0,r)), min(255,max(0,g)), min(255,max(0,b))
- if to == 'rgb255' then
- return r,g,b
- elseif to == 'rgb1' then
- return r/255,g/255,b/255
- elseif to == 'hex' then
- return format("%02x%02x%02x",r,g,b)
- end
--- Mixes a color with pure white to produce a lighter color
-function DiesalTools.TintColor(color, percent, to, from)
- percent = min(1,max(0,percent))
- from, to = from or 'hex', to and to:lower() or 'hex'
- local r,g,b = DiesalTools.ConvertColor(from,'rgb255',color)
- if to == 'rgb255' then
- return round((255-r)*percent+r), round((255-g)*percent+g), round((255-b)*percent+b)
- elseif to == 'rgb1' then
- return round( ((255-r)*percent+r) / 255 ), round( ((255-g)*percent+g) / 255 ), round( ((255-b)*percent+b) / 255 )
- elseif to == 'hex' then
- return format("%02x%02x%02x", round((255-r)*percent+r), round((255-g)*percent+g), round((255-b)*percent+b) )
- end
- -- return format("%02x%02x%02x", round((255-r)*percent+r), round((255-g)*percent+g), round((255-b)*percent+b) )
--- Mixes a color with pure black to produce a darker color
-function DiesalTools.ShadeColor(color, percent, to, from)
- percent = min(1,max(0,percent))
- from, to = from or 'hex', to and to:lower() or 'hex'
- local r,g,b = DiesalTools.ConvertColor(from,'rgb255',color)
- if to == 'rgb255' then
- return round(-r*percent+r), round(-g*percent+g), round(-b*percent+b)
- elseif to == 'rgb1' then
- return round( (-r*percent+r) / 255 ), round( (-g*percent+g) / 255 ), round( (-b*percent+b) / 255 )
- elseif to == 'hex' then
- return format("%02x%02x%02x", round(-r*percent+r), round(-g*percent+g), round(-b*percent+b) )
- end
--- Mixes a color with the another color to produce an intermediate color.
-function DiesalTools.MixColors(color1, color2, percent, to, from)
- percent = min(1,max(0,percent))
- from, to = from or 'hex', to and to:lower() or 'hex'
- -- to = to and to:lower() or 'hex'
- local r1, g1, b1 = DiesalTools.ConvertColor(from,'rgb255',color1)
- local r2, g2, b2 = DiesalTools.ConvertColor(from,'rgb255',color2)
- if to == 'rgb255' then
- return round((r2-r1)*percent)+r1, round((g2-g1)*percent)+g1, round((b2-b1)*percent)+b1
- elseif to == 'rgb1' then
- return round( ((r2-r1)*percent+r1) / 255 ), round( ((g2-g1)*percent+g1) / 255 ), round( ((b2-b1)*percent+b1) / 255 )
- elseif to == 'hex' then
- return format("%02x%02x%02x", round((r2-r1)*percent)+r1, round((g2-g1)*percent)+g1, round((b2-b1)*percent)+b1 )
- end
---- converts color HSL to HEX
-function DiesalTools.HSL(v1,v2,v3)
- if not v1 then return end
- if type(v1) == 'table' then v1,v2,v3 = v1[1],v1[2],v1[3] end
- local r, g, b
- if v2 == 0 then
- v3 = round(v3 * 255)
- r,g,b = v3,v3,v3
- else
- v1, v2, v3 = v1/360*6, min(max(0, v2), 1), min(max(0, v3), 1)
- local c = (1-abs(2*v3-1))*v2
- local x = (1-abs(v1%2-1))*c
- local m = (v3-.5*c)
- r,g,b = 0,0,0
- if v1 < 1 then r,g,b = c,x,0
- elseif v1 < 2 then r,g,b = x,c,0
- elseif v1 < 3 then r,g,b = 0,c,x
- elseif v1 < 4 then r,g,b = 0,x,c
- elseif v1 < 5 then r,g,b = x,0,c
- else r,g,b = c,0,x end
- r,g,b = round((r+m)*255),round((g+m)*255),round((b+m)*255)
- end
- r,g,b = min(255,max(0,r)), min(255,max(0,g)), min(255,max(0,b))
- return format("%02x%02x%02x",r,g,b)
---[[ GetTxtColor(value)
- @Arguments:
- value Hex color code or a table contating R,G,B color values
- @Returns:
- text coloring escape sequence (|cFFFFFFFF)
--- ]]
-function DiesalTools.GetTxtColor(value)
- if not value then return end
- if type(value) =='table' then value = string.format("%02x%02x%02x", value[1], value[2], value[3]) end
- return format('|cff%s',value)
--- | Texture Tools |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
---[[ Get a piece of a texture as a cooridnate refernce
--- @Param column the column in the texture
--- @Param row the row in the texture
--- @Param size the size in the texture
--- @Param textureWidth total texture width
--- @Param textureHeight total texture height
--- @Return edge coordinates for image cropping, plugs directly into Texture:SetTexCoord(left, right, top, bottom) ]]
-function DiesalTools.GetIconCoords(column,row,size,textureWidth,textureHeight)
- size = size or 16
- textureWidth = textureWidth or 128
- textureHeight = textureHeight or 16
- return (column * size - size) / textureWidth, (column * size) / textureWidth, (row * size - size) / textureHeight, (row * size) / textureHeight
--- | String Tools |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
---[[ Capitalize a string
--- @Param str the string to capatilize
--- @Return the capitilized string ]]
-function DiesalTools.Capitalize(str)
- return (str:gsub("^%l", upper))
---[[ Escape all formatting in a WoW-lua string
--- @Param str the string to escape
--- @Return the escaped string ]]
-function DiesalTools.EscapeString(string)
- return string:gsub( "[%z\1-\31\"\\|\127-\255]", escapeSequences )
---[[ ID = CreateID(s)
--- @Param s string to parse
--- @Return ID string stripped of all non letter characters and color codes.]]
-function DiesalTools.CreateID(s)
- return gsub(s:gsub('c%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x', ''), '[^%a%d]', '')
---[[ str = TrimString(s)
--- @Param s string to parse
--- @Return str string stripped of leading and trailing spaces.]]
-function DiesalTools.TrimString(s)
- return s:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")
---[[ string = SpliceString(string, start, End, txt)
- @Arguments:
- string string to splice
- start starting index of splice
- End ending index of splice
- txt new text to splice in (string)
- @Returns:
- string resulting string of the splice
- @example:
- DiesalTools.SpliceString("123456789",2,4,'NEW') -- returns: "1NEW56789"
-function DiesalTools.SpliceString(string,start,End,txt)
- return string:sub(1, start-1)..txt..string:sub(End+1,-1)
---[[ string = Serialize(table)
- @Param table - table to to serialize
- @Return string - serialized table (string)
- @deserialization:
- local func,err = loadstring('serialized table')
- if err then error(err) end
- return func()
-local function serialize_number(number)
- -- no argument checking - called very often
- local text = ("%.17g"):format(number)
- -- on the same platform tostring() and string.format()
- -- return the same results for 1/0, -1/0, 0/0
- -- so we don't need separate substitution table
- return sub_table[text] or text
-local function impl(t, cat, visited)
- local t_type = type(t)
- if t_type == "table" then
- if not visited[t] then
- visited[t] = true
- cat("{")
- -- Serialize numeric indices
- local next_i = 0
- for i, v in ipairs(t) do
- if i > 1 then -- TODO: Move condition out of the loop
- cat(",")
- end
- impl(v, cat, visited)
- next_i = i
- end
- next_i = next_i + 1
- -- Serialize hash part
- -- Skipping comma only at first element iff there is no numeric part.
- local need_comma = (next_i > 1)
- for k, v in pairs(t) do
- local k_type = type(k)
- if k_type == "string" then
- if need_comma then
- cat(",")
- end
- need_comma = true
- -- TODO: Need "%q" analogue, which would put quotes
- -- only if string does not match regexp below
- if not lua_keywords[k] and ("^[%a_][%a%d_]*$"):match(k) then
- cat(k) cat("=")
- else
- cat(format("[%q]=", k))
- end
- impl(v, cat, visited)
- else
- if
- k_type ~= "number" or -- non-string non-number
- k >= next_i or k < 1 or -- integer key in hash part of the table
- k % 1 ~= 0 -- non-integer key
- then
- if need_comma then
- cat(",")
- end
- need_comma = true
- cat("[")
- impl(k, cat, visited)
- cat("]=")
- impl(v, cat, visited)
- end
- end
- end
- cat("}")
- visited[t] = nil
- else
- -- this loses information on recursive tables
- cat('"table (recursive)"')
- end
- elseif t_type == "number" then
- cat(serialize_number(t))
- elseif t_type == "boolean" then
- cat(tostring(t))
- elseif t == nil then
- cat("nil")
- else
- -- this converts non-serializable (functions) types to strings
- cat(format("%q", tostring(t)))
- end
-local function tstr_cat(cat, t)
- impl(t, cat, {})
-function DiesalTools.Serialize(t)
- local buf = {}
- local cat = function(v) buf[#buf + 1] = v end
- impl(t, cat, {})
- return format('return %s',table_concat(buf))
--- | Math Tools |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
---[[ Round a number
--- @Param number the number to round
--- @Param base the number to round to (can be a decimal) [Default:1]
--- @Return the rounded number to base ]]
-function DiesalTools.Round(number, base)
- base = base or 1
- return floor((number + base/2)/base) * base
---[[ Round a number for printing
--- @Param number the number to round
--- @Param idp number of decimal points to round to [Default:1]
--- @Return the rounded number ]]
-function DiesalTools.RoundPrint(num, idp)
- return string.format("%." .. (idp or 0) .. "f", num)
--- | Frame Tools |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
---[[ GetFrameQuadrant(frame)
- @Arguments:
- frame frame?!!
- @Returns:
- quadrant quadrant of the screen frames center is in
--- ]]
-function DiesalTools.GetFrameQuadrant(frame)
- if not frame:GetCenter() then return "UNKNOWN", frame:GetName() end
- local x, y = frame:GetCenter()
- local screenWidth = GetScreenWidth()
- local screenHeight = GetScreenHeight()
- local quadrant
- if (x > (screenWidth / 4) and x < (screenWidth / 4)*3) and y > (screenHeight / 4)*3 then
- quadrant = "TOP"
- elseif x < (screenWidth / 4) and y > (screenHeight / 4)*3 then
- quadrant = "TOPLEFT"
- elseif x > (screenWidth / 4)*3 and y > (screenHeight / 4)*3 then
- quadrant = "TOPRIGHT"
- elseif (x > (screenWidth / 4) and x < (screenWidth / 4)*3) and y < (screenHeight / 4) then
- quadrant = "BOTTOM"
- elseif x < (screenWidth / 4) and y < (screenHeight / 4) then
- quadrant = "BOTTOMLEFT"
- elseif x > (screenWidth / 4)*3 and y < (screenHeight / 4) then
- quadrant = "BOTTOMRIGHT"
- elseif x < (screenWidth / 4) and (y > (screenHeight / 4) and y < (screenHeight / 4)*3) then
- quadrant = "LEFT"
- elseif x > (screenWidth / 4)*3 and y < (screenHeight / 4)*3 and y > (screenHeight / 4) then
- quadrant = "RIGHT"
- else
- quadrant = "CENTER"
- end
- return quadrant
--- | Misc Tools |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
---[[ Pack(...) blizzard dosnt use 5.2 yet so will have to create this one
- @Arguments:
- ... arguments to pack into a table
- @Returns:
- a new table with all parameters stored into keys 1, 2, etc. and with a field "n" with the total number of parameters
-function DiesalTools.Pack(...)
- return { n = select("#", ...), ... }
---[[ Unpack(...)
- @Arguments:
- t table to unpack
- @Returns:
- ... list of arguments
-function DiesalTools.Unpack(t)
- if t.n then
- return unpack(t,1,t.n)
- end
- return unpack(table)
diff --git a/DiesalLibs/DiesalTools-2.0/DiesalTools-2.0.lua b/DiesalLibs/DiesalTools-2.0/DiesalTools-2.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1434b30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiesalLibs/DiesalTools-2.0/DiesalTools-2.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "DiesalTools-2.0", 1
+---@alias Diesal.Tools DiesalTools-2.0
+---@class DiesalTools-2.0
+local DiesalTools = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+if not DiesalTools then
+ return
+end -- No Upgrade needed.
+-- ~~| Libraries |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- ~~| Lua Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local type, select, pairs, tonumber, tostring = type, select, pairs, tonumber, tostring
+local table_concat = table.concat
+local setmetatable, getmetatable, next = setmetatable, getmetatable, next
+local sub, format, lower, upper, gsub = string.sub, string.format, string.lower, string.upper, string.gsub
+local floor, ceil, abs, modf = math.floor, math.ceil, math.abs, math.modf
+-- ~~| WoW Upvalues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local CreateFrame, UIParent, GetCursorPosition = CreateFrame, UIParent, GetCursorPosition
+local GetScreenWidth, GetScreenHeight = GetScreenWidth, GetScreenHeight
+-- ~~| Locals |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+local escapeSequences = {
+ ["\a"] = "\\a", -- Bell
+ ["\b"] = "\\b", -- Backspace
+ ["\t"] = "\\t", -- Horizontal tab
+ ["\n"] = "\\n", -- Newline
+ ["\v"] = "\\v", -- Vertical tab
+ ["\f"] = "\\f", -- Form feed
+ ["\r"] = "\\r", -- Carriage return
+ ["\\"] = "\\\\", -- Backslash
+ ['"'] = '\\"', -- Quotation mark
+ ["|"] = "||",
+local lua_keywords = {
+ ["and"] = true,
+ ["break"] = true,
+ ["do"] = true,
+ ["else"] = true,
+ ["elseif"] = true,
+ ["end"] = true,
+ ["false"] = true,
+ ["for"] = true,
+ ["function"] = true,
+ ["if"] = true,
+ ["in"] = true,
+ ["local"] = true,
+ ["nil"] = true,
+ ["not"] = true,
+ ["or"] = true,
+ ["repeat"] = true,
+ ["return"] = true,
+ ["then"] = true,
+ ["true"] = true,
+ ["until"] = true,
+ ["while"] = true,
+local sub_table = {}
+local colors = {
+ blue = "|cff" .. "00aaff",
+ darkblue = "|cff" .. "004466",
+ orange = "|cff" .. "ffaa00",
+ darkorange = "|cff" .. "4c3300",
+ grey = "|cff" .. "7f7f7f",
+ darkgrey = "|cff" .. "414141",
+ white = "|cff" .. "ffffff",
+ red = "|cff" .. "ff0000",
+ green = "|cff" .. "00ff2b",
+ yellow = "|cff" .. "ffff00",
+ lightyellow = "|cff" .. "ffea7f",
+local formattedArgs = {}
+---@param level number
+local function GetCaller(level)
+ -- ADDON:LogMessage(debugstack(10,2, 0))
+ for trace in debugstack(level, 2, 0):gmatch("(.-)\n") do
+ -- Blizzard Sandbox
+ local match, _, file, line = trace:find("^.*\\(.-):(%d+)")
+ if match then
+ return format("%s[%s%s: %s%s%s]|r", colors.orange, colors.yellow, file, colors.lightyellow, line, colors.orange)
+ end
+ -- PQI DataFile
+ local match, _, file, line = trace:find('^%[string "[%s%-]*(.-%.lua).-"%]:(%d+)')
+ if match then
+ return format("%s[%s%s: %s%s%s]|r", colors.orange, colors.yellow, file, colors.lightyellow, line, colors.orange)
+ end
+ -- PQR Ability code
+ local match, _, file, line = trace:find('^%[string "(.-)"%]:(%d+)')
+ if match then
+ return format("%s[%s%s: %s%s%s]|r", colors.orange, colors.yellow, file, colors.lightyellow, line, colors.orange)
+ end
+ end
+ return format("%s[%sUnknown Caller%s]|r", colors.orange, colors.red, colors.orange)
+local function round(number, base)
+ base = base or 1
+ return floor((number + base / 2) / base) * base
+local function getRGBColorValues(color, g, b)
+ if type(color) == "number" and type(g) == "number" and type(b) == "number" then
+ if color <= 1 and g <= 1 and b <= 1 then
+ return round(color * 255), round(g * 255), round(b * 255)
+ end
+ return color[1], color[2], color[3]
+ elseif type(color) == "table" and type(color[1]) == "number" and type(color[2]) == "number" and type(color[3]) == "number" then
+ if color[1] <= 1 and color[2] <= 1 and color[3] <= 1 then
+ return round(color[1] * 255), round(color[2] * 255), round(color[3] * 255)
+ end
+ return color[1], color[2], color[3]
+ elseif type(color) == "string" then
+ return tonumber(sub(color, 1, 2), 16), tonumber(sub(color, 3, 4), 16), tonumber(sub(color, 5, 6), 16)
+ end
+function DiesalTools.GetColor(value)
+ if not value then
+ return
+ end
+ if type(value) == "table" and #value >= 3 then
+ return value[1] / 255, value[2] / 255, value[3] / 255
+ elseif type(value) == "string" then
+ return tonumber(sub(value, 1, 2), 16) / 255, tonumber(sub(value, 3, 4), 16) / 255, tonumber(sub(value, 5, 6), 16) / 255
+ end
+-- ~~| API |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+function DiesalTools.Stack()
+ print("|r------------------------------| Stack Trace |-------------------------------")
+ local stack = debugstack(1, 12, 0)
+ for trace in stack:gmatch("(.-)\n") do
+ local match, _, file, line, func = trace:find("^.*\\(.-):(%d+).-`(.*)'$")
+ if match then
+ print(format("%s[%s%s: %s%s%s] %sfunction|r %s|r", colors.orange, colors.yellow, file, colors.lightyellow, line, colors.orange, colors.blue, func))
+ end
+ end
+ print("|r--------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+--[[ copy = TableCopy(src, dest, metatable)
+ @Arguments:
+ dest Table to copy to
+ src Table to copy
+ metatable if true copies the metatable as well (boolean)
+ @Returns:
+ table copy of table
+function DiesalTools.TableCopy(src, dest, metatable)
+ if type(src) == "table" then
+ if not dest then
+ dest = {}
+ end
+ for sk, sv in next, src, nil do
+ dest[DiesalTools.TableCopy(sk)] = DiesalTools.TableCopy(sv)
+ end
+ if metatable then
+ setmetatable(dest, DiesalTools.TableCopy(getmetatable(src)))
+ end
+ else -- number, string, boolean, etc
+ dest = src
+ end
+ return dest
+--[[ red, blue, green = GetColor(value)
+ @Arguments:
+ value Hex color code or a table contating R,G,B color values
+ @Returns:
+ red Red component of color (0-1) (number)
+ green Green component of color(0-1) (number)
+ blue Blue component of color (0-1) (number)
+-- ]]
+-- | Color Tools |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+---@alias ColorType 'rgb255' | 'rgb1' | 'hex' | 'hsl'
+-- converts a color from RGB[0-1], RGB[0-255], HEX or HSL to RGB[0-1], RGB[0-255] or HEX
+---@param from ColorType
+---@param to ColorType
+---@param v1 string | number | table
+---@param v2? string | number
+---@param v3? string | number
+function DiesalTools.ConvertColor(from, to, v1, v2, v3)
+ if not from or not to or not v1 then
+ return
+ end
+ if type(v1) == "table" then
+ v1, v2, v3 = v1[1], v1[2], v1[3]
+ end
+ local r, g, b
+ from, to = from:lower(), to:lower()
+ if from == "rgb255" and type(v1) == "number" and type(v2) == "number" and type(v3) == "number" then
+ r, g, b = v1, v2, v3
+ elseif from == "rgb1" and type(v1) == "number" and type(v2) == "number" and type(v3) == "number" then
+ r, g, b = round(v1 * 255), round(v2 * 255), round(v3 * 255)
+ elseif from == "hex" and type(v1) == "string" and #v1 > 5 then
+ r, g, b = tonumber(sub(v1, 1, 2), 16), tonumber(sub(v1, 3, 4), 16), tonumber(sub(v1, 5, 6), 16)
+ elseif from == "hsl" and type(v1) == "number" and type(v2) == "number" and type(v3) == "number" then
+ if v2 == 0 then
+ v3 = round(v3 * 255)
+ r, g, b = v3, v3, v3
+ else
+ v1, v2, v3 = v1 / 360 * 6, min(max(0, v2), 1), min(max(0, v3), 1)
+ local c = (1 - abs(2 * v3 - 1)) * v2
+ local x = (1 - abs(v1 % 2 - 1)) * c
+ local m = (v3 - 0.5 * c)
+ r, g, b = 0, 0, 0
+ if v1 < 1 then
+ r, g, b = c, x, 0
+ elseif v1 < 2 then
+ r, g, b = x, c, 0
+ elseif v1 < 3 then
+ r, g, b = 0, c, x
+ elseif v1 < 4 then
+ r, g, b = 0, x, c
+ elseif v1 < 5 then
+ r, g, b = x, 0, c
+ else
+ r, g, b = c, 0, x
+ end
+ r, g, b = round((r + m) * 255), round((g + m) * 255), round((b + m) * 255)
+ end
+ else
+ return
+ end
+ r, g, b = min(255, max(0, r)), min(255, max(0, g)), min(255, max(0, b))
+ if to == "rgb255" then
+ return r, g, b
+ elseif to == "rgb1" then
+ return r / 255, g / 255, b / 255
+ elseif to == "hex" then
+ return format("%02x%02x%02x", r, g, b)
+ end
+-- Mixes a color with pure white to produce a lighter color
+function DiesalTools.TintColor(color, percent, to, from)
+ percent = min(1, max(0, percent))
+ from, to = from or "hex", to and to:lower() or "hex"
+ local r, g, b = DiesalTools.ConvertColor(from, "rgb255", color)
+ if to == "rgb255" then
+ return round((255 - r) * percent + r), round((255 - g) * percent + g), round((255 - b) * percent + b)
+ elseif to == "rgb1" then
+ return round(((255 - r) * percent + r) / 255), round(((255 - g) * percent + g) / 255), round(((255 - b) * percent + b) / 255)
+ elseif to == "hex" then
+ return format("%02x%02x%02x", round((255 - r) * percent + r), round((255 - g) * percent + g), round((255 - b) * percent + b))
+ end
+ -- return format("%02x%02x%02x", round((255-r)*percent+r), round((255-g)*percent+g), round((255-b)*percent+b) )
+-- Mixes a color with pure black to produce a darker color
+function DiesalTools.ShadeColor(color, percent, to, from)
+ percent = min(1, max(0, percent))
+ from, to = from or "hex", to and to:lower() or "hex"
+ local r, g, b = DiesalTools.ConvertColor(from, "rgb255", color)
+ if to == "rgb255" then
+ return round(-r * percent + r), round(-g * percent + g), round(-b * percent + b)
+ elseif to == "rgb1" then
+ return round((-r * percent + r) / 255), round((-g * percent + g) / 255), round((-b * percent + b) / 255)
+ elseif to == "hex" then
+ return format("%02x%02x%02x", round(-r * percent + r), round(-g * percent + g), round(-b * percent + b))
+ end
+-- Mixes a color with the another color to produce an intermediate color.
+function DiesalTools.MixColors(color1, color2, percent, to, from)
+ percent = min(1, max(0, percent))
+ from, to = from or "hex", to and to:lower() or "hex"
+ -- to = to and to:lower() or 'hex'
+ local r1, g1, b1 = DiesalTools.ConvertColor(from, "rgb255", color1)
+ local r2, g2, b2 = DiesalTools.ConvertColor(from, "rgb255", color2)
+ if to == "rgb255" then
+ return round((r2 - r1) * percent) + r1, round((g2 - g1) * percent) + g1, round((b2 - b1) * percent) + b1
+ elseif to == "rgb1" then
+ return round(((r2 - r1) * percent + r1) / 255), round(((g2 - g1) * percent + g1) / 255), round(((b2 - b1) * percent + b1) / 255)
+ elseif to == "hex" then
+ return format("%02x%02x%02x", round((r2 - r1) * percent) + r1, round((g2 - g1) * percent) + g1, round((b2 - b1) * percent) + b1)
+ end
+--- converts color HSL to HEX
+function DiesalTools.HSL(v1, v2, v3)
+ if not v1 then
+ return
+ end
+ if type(v1) == "table" then
+ v1, v2, v3 = v1[1], v1[2], v1[3]
+ end
+ local r, g, b
+ if v2 == 0 then
+ v3 = round(v3 * 255)
+ r, g, b = v3, v3, v3
+ else
+ v1, v2, v3 = v1 / 360 * 6, min(max(0, v2), 1), min(max(0, v3), 1)
+ local c = (1 - abs(2 * v3 - 1)) * v2
+ local x = (1 - abs(v1 % 2 - 1)) * c
+ local m = (v3 - 0.5 * c)
+ r, g, b = 0, 0, 0
+ if v1 < 1 then
+ r, g, b = c, x, 0
+ elseif v1 < 2 then
+ r, g, b = x, c, 0
+ elseif v1 < 3 then
+ r, g, b = 0, c, x
+ elseif v1 < 4 then
+ r, g, b = 0, x, c
+ elseif v1 < 5 then
+ r, g, b = x, 0, c
+ else
+ r, g, b = c, 0, x
+ end
+ r, g, b = round((r + m) * 255), round((g + m) * 255), round((b + m) * 255)
+ end
+ r, g, b = min(255, max(0, r)), min(255, max(0, g)), min(255, max(0, b))
+ return format("%02x%02x%02x", r, g, b)
+--[[ GetTxtColor(value)
+ @Arguments:
+ value Hex color code or a table contating R,G,B color values
+ @Returns:
+ text coloring escape sequence (|cFFFFFFFF)
+-- ]]
+function DiesalTools.GetTxtColor(value)
+ if not value then
+ return
+ end
+ if type(value) == "table" then
+ value = string.format("%02x%02x%02x", value[1], value[2], value[3])
+ end
+ return format("|cff%s", value)
+-- | Texture Tools |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+--[[ Get a piece of a texture as a cooridnate refernce
+-- @Param column the column in the texture
+-- @Param row the row in the texture
+-- @Param size the size in the texture
+-- @Param textureWidth total texture width
+-- @Param textureHeight total texture height
+-- @Return edge coordinates for image cropping, plugs directly into Texture:SetTexCoord(left, right, top, bottom) ]]
+function DiesalTools.GetIconCoords(column, row, size, textureWidth, textureHeight)
+ size = size or 16
+ textureWidth = textureWidth or 128
+ textureHeight = textureHeight or 16
+ return (column * size - size) / textureWidth, (column * size) / textureWidth, (row * size - size) / textureHeight, (row * size) / textureHeight
+-- | String Tools |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+--[[ Capitalize a string
+-- @Param str the string to capatilize
+-- @Return the capitilized string ]]
+function DiesalTools.Capitalize(str)
+ return (str:gsub("^%l", upper))
+--[[ Escape all formatting in a WoW-lua string
+-- @Param str the string to escape
+-- @Return the escaped string ]]
+function DiesalTools.EscapeString(string)
+ return string:gsub('[%z\1-\31"\\|\127-\255]', escapeSequences)
+--[[ ID = CreateID(s)
+-- @Param s string to parse
+-- @Return ID string stripped of all non letter characters and color codes.]]
+function DiesalTools.CreateID(s)
+ return gsub(s:gsub("c%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""), "[^%a%d]", "")
+--[[ str = TrimString(s)
+-- @Param s string to parse
+-- @Return str string stripped of leading and trailing spaces.]]
+function DiesalTools.TrimString(s)
+ return s:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")
+--[[ string = SpliceString(string, start, End, txt)
+ @Arguments:
+ string string to splice
+ start starting index of splice
+ End ending index of splice
+ txt new text to splice in (string)
+ @Returns:
+ string resulting string of the splice
+ @example:
+ DiesalTools.SpliceString("123456789",2,4,'NEW') -- returns: "1NEW56789"
+function DiesalTools.SpliceString(string, start, End, txt)
+ return string:sub(1, start - 1) .. txt .. string:sub(End + 1, -1)
+--[[ string = Serialize(table)
+ @Param table - table to to serialize
+ @Return string - serialized table (string)
+ @deserialization:
+ local func,err = loadstring('serialized table')
+ if err then error(err) end
+ return func()
+local function serialize_number(number)
+ -- no argument checking - called very often
+ local text = ("%.17g"):format(number)
+ -- on the same platform tostring() and string.format()
+ -- return the same results for 1/0, -1/0, 0/0
+ -- so we don't need separate substitution table
+ return sub_table[text] or text
+local function impl(t, cat, visited)
+ local t_type = type(t)
+ if t_type == "table" then
+ if not visited[t] then
+ visited[t] = true
+ cat("{")
+ -- Serialize numeric indices
+ local next_i = 0
+ for i, v in ipairs(t) do
+ if i > 1 then -- TODO: Move condition out of the loop
+ cat(",")
+ end
+ impl(v, cat, visited)
+ next_i = i
+ end
+ next_i = next_i + 1
+ -- Serialize hash part
+ -- Skipping comma only at first element iff there is no numeric part.
+ local need_comma = (next_i > 1)
+ for k, v in pairs(t) do
+ local k_type = type(k)
+ if k_type == "string" then
+ if need_comma then
+ cat(",")
+ end
+ need_comma = true
+ -- TODO: Need "%q" analogue, which would put quotes
+ -- only if string does not match regexp below
+ if not lua_keywords[k] and ("^[%a_][%a%d_]*$"):match(k) then
+ cat(k)
+ cat("=")
+ else
+ cat(format("[%q]=", k))
+ end
+ impl(v, cat, visited)
+ else
+ if
+ k_type ~= "number" -- non-string non-number
+ or k >= next_i
+ or k < 1 -- integer key in hash part of the table
+ or k % 1 ~= 0 -- non-integer key
+ then
+ if need_comma then
+ cat(",")
+ end
+ need_comma = true
+ cat("[")
+ impl(k, cat, visited)
+ cat("]=")
+ impl(v, cat, visited)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ cat("}")
+ visited[t] = nil
+ else
+ -- this loses information on recursive tables
+ cat('"table (recursive)"')
+ end
+ elseif t_type == "number" then
+ cat(serialize_number(t))
+ elseif t_type == "boolean" then
+ cat(tostring(t))
+ elseif t == nil then
+ cat("nil")
+ else
+ -- this converts non-serializable (functions) types to strings
+ cat(format("%q", tostring(t)))
+ end
+local function tstr_cat(cat, t)
+ impl(t, cat, {})
+function DiesalTools.Serialize(t)
+ local buf = {}
+ local cat = function(v)
+ buf[#buf + 1] = v
+ end
+ impl(t, cat, {})
+ return format("return %s", table_concat(buf))
+-- | Math Tools |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+--[[ Round a number
+-- @Param number the number to round
+-- @Param base the number to round to (can be a decimal) [Default:1]
+-- @Return the rounded number to base ]]
+---@param number number
+---@param base? number
+function DiesalTools.Round(number, base)
+ base = base or 1
+ return floor((number + base / 2) / base) * base
+--[[ Round a number for printing
+-- @Param number the number to round
+-- @Param idp number of decimal points to round to [Default:1]
+-- @Return the rounded number ]]
+function DiesalTools.RoundPrint(num, idp)
+ return string.format("%." .. (idp or 0) .. "f", num)
+-- | Frame Tools |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+--[[ GetFrameQuadrant(frame)
+ @Arguments:
+ frame frame?!!
+ @Returns:
+ quadrant quadrant of the screen frames center is in
+-- ]]
+function DiesalTools.GetFrameQuadrant(frame)
+ if not frame:GetCenter() then
+ return "UNKNOWN", frame:GetName()
+ end
+ local x, y = frame:GetCenter()
+ local screenWidth = GetScreenWidth()
+ local screenHeight = GetScreenHeight()
+ local quadrant
+ if (x > (screenWidth / 4) and x < (screenWidth / 4) * 3) and y > (screenHeight / 4) * 3 then
+ quadrant = "TOP"
+ elseif x < (screenWidth / 4) and y > (screenHeight / 4) * 3 then
+ quadrant = "TOPLEFT"
+ elseif x > (screenWidth / 4) * 3 and y > (screenHeight / 4) * 3 then
+ quadrant = "TOPRIGHT"
+ elseif (x > (screenWidth / 4) and x < (screenWidth / 4) * 3) and y < (screenHeight / 4) then
+ quadrant = "BOTTOM"
+ elseif x < (screenWidth / 4) and y < (screenHeight / 4) then
+ quadrant = "BOTTOMLEFT"
+ elseif x > (screenWidth / 4) * 3 and y < (screenHeight / 4) then
+ quadrant = "BOTTOMRIGHT"
+ elseif x < (screenWidth / 4) and (y > (screenHeight / 4) and y < (screenHeight / 4) * 3) then
+ quadrant = "LEFT"
+ elseif x > (screenWidth / 4) * 3 and y < (screenHeight / 4) * 3 and y > (screenHeight / 4) then
+ quadrant = "RIGHT"
+ else
+ quadrant = "CENTER"
+ end
+ return quadrant
+-- | Misc Tools |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+--[[ Pack(...) blizzard dosnt use 5.2 yet so will have to create this one
+ @Arguments:
+ ... arguments to pack into a table
+ @Returns:
+ a new table with all parameters stored into keys 1, 2, etc. and with a field "n" with the total number of parameters
+function DiesalTools.Pack(...)
+ return { n = select("#", ...), ... }
+--[[ Unpack(...)
+ @Arguments:
+ t table to unpack
+ @Returns:
+ ... list of arguments
+function DiesalTools.Unpack(t)
+ if t.n then
+ return unpack(t, 1, t.n)
+ end
+ return unpack(table)