---@class ClassMagic local ClassMagic = {} ClassMagic.__index = ClassMagic ---@return any function ClassMagic:Resolve(Class, key) if Class[key] or Class[key] == false then return Class[key] end if Class['Get' .. key:sub(1, 1):upper() .. key:sub(2)] then local func = Class['Get' .. key:sub(1, 1):upper() .. key:sub(2)] -- Call the function and return the result if there's more than one return value return it as a table local result = { func(self) } if #result > 1 then return result end return result[1] end if Class['Get' .. key:upper()] then local func = Class['Get' .. key:upper()] -- Call the function and return the result if there's more than one return value return it as a table local result = { func(self) } if #result > 1 then return result end return result[1] end if Class['Is' .. key:upper()] then local func = Class['Is' .. key:upper()] -- Call the function and return the result if there's more than one return value return it as a table local result = { func(self) } if #result > 1 then return result end return result[1] end return Class[key] end return ClassMagic