forked from Bastion/Bastion
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ |
---@type Tinkr, Bastion |
local Tinkr, Bastion = ... |
---@class Config |
---@field instantiated boolean |
---@field config Tinkr.Util.Config.Instance |
---@field defaults nil | table |
local Config = { |
instantiated = false, |
} |
function Config:__index(k) |
local response = Config[k] |
if response == nil then |
response = rawget(self, k) |
end |
if response == nil and self.instantiated then |
response = self:Read(k) |
end |
return response |
end |
function Config:__newindex(key, value) |
if self.instantiated then |
self:Write(key, value) |
else |
rawset(self, key, value) |
end |
end |
---@generic D |
---@param name string |
---@param defaults? D |
function Config:New(name, defaults) |
local self = setmetatable({}, Config) |
self.config = Tinkr.Util.Config:New(name) |
self.defaults = type(defaults) == "table" and defaults or {} |
self.instantiated = true |
return self |
end |
---@generic D |
---@param key string |
---@param default? D |
---@return D |
function Config:Read(key, default) |
if type(default) == "nil" then |
default = self.defaults[key] |
end |
return self.config:Read(key, default) |
end |
function Config:Reset() |
if type(self.defaults) == "table" then |
-- Clear all values currently in the config. |
for key, _ in pairs( do |
self:Write(key, nil) |
end |
-- Use default table to write new defaults. |
for key, value in pairs(self.defaults) do |
self:Write(key, value) |
end |
return true |
end |
return false |
end |
---@param key string |
---@param value any |
function Config:Write(key, value) |
self.config:Write(key, value) |
end |
---@param key string |
function Config:Sync(key) |
self.config:Sync(key) |
end |
return Config |
@ -0,0 +1,282 @@ |
---@type Tinkr, Bastion |
local Tinkr, Bastion = ... |
local Cache = Bastion.Caches |
local Player = Bastion.UnitManager:Get("player") |
local Target = Bastion.UnitManager:Get("target") |
--- An attempt to integrate HeroLib TTD timers. |
---@class TimeToDie |
local TimeToDie = { |
Settings = { |
-- Refresh time (seconds) : min=0.1, max=2, default = 0.1 |
Refresh = 0.1, |
-- History time (seconds) : min=5, max=120, default = 10+0.4 |
HistoryTime = 10 + 0.4, |
-- Max history count : min=20, max=500, default = 100 |
HistoryCount = 100 |
}, |
Cache = {}, -- A cache of unused { time, value } tables to reduce garbage due to table creation |
---@type table<string, {[1]: {[1]: number[], [2]: number}, [2]: number }> |
Units = {}, -- Used to track units, |
---@type table<string, boolean> |
ExistingUnits = {}, -- Used to track GUIDs of currently existing units (to be compared with tracked units) |
Throttle = 0 |
} |
function TimeToDie:IterableUnits() |
return Bastion.List:New():concat(Bastion.ObjectManager.enemies):concat(Bastion.ObjectManager.explosives):concat( |
Bastion.ObjectManager.incorporeal) |
end |
function TimeToDie:Refresh() |
local currentTime = GetTime() |
local historyCount = self.Settings.HistoryCount |
local historyTime = self.Settings.HistoryTime |
local ttdCache = self.Cache |
local iterableUnits = self:IterableUnits() |
local units = self.Units |
local existingUnits = self.ExistingUnits |
wipe(existingUnits) |
local thisUnit |
---@param unit Unit |
iterableUnits:each(function(unit) |
thisUnit = unit |
if thisUnit:Exists() then |
local unitGUID = thisUnit:GetGUID() |
-- Check if we didn't already scanned this unit. |
if unitGUID and not existingUnits[unitGUID] then |
existingUnits[unitGUID] = true |
local healthPercentage = thisUnit:GetHealthPercent() |
-- Check if it's a valid unit |
if Player:CanAttack(thisUnit) and healthPercentage < 100 then |
local unitTable = units[unitGUID] |
-- Check if we have seen one time this unit, if we don't then initialize it. |
if not unitTable or healthPercentage > unitTable[1][1][2] then |
unitTable = { {}, currentTime } |
units[unitGUID] = unitTable |
end |
local values = unitTable[1] |
local time = currentTime - unitTable[2] |
-- Check if the % HP changed since the last check (or if there were none) |
if not values or healthPercentage ~= values[2] then |
local value |
local lastIndex = #ttdCache |
-- Check if we can re-use a table from the cache |
if lastIndex == 0 then |
value = { time, healthPercentage } |
else |
value = ttdCache[lastIndex] |
ttdCache[lastIndex] = nil |
value[1] = time |
value[2] = healthPercentage |
end |
tableinsert(values, 1, value) |
local n = #values |
-- Delete values that are no longer valid |
while (n > historyCount) or (time - values[n][1] > historyTime) do |
ttdCache[#Cache + 1] = values[n] |
values[n] = nil |
n = n - 1 |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
return false |
end) |
-- Not sure if it's even worth it to do this here |
-- Ideally this should be event driven or done at least once a second if not less |
for key in pairs(units) do |
if not existingUnits[key] then |
units[key] = nil |
end |
end |
end |
TimeToDie.specialTTDPercentageData = { |
--- Dragonflight |
----- Dungeons ----- |
--- Brackenhide Hollow |
-- Decatriarch Wratheye |
[186121] = 5, |
--- Shadowlands |
----- Dungeons ----- |
--- De Other Side |
-- Mueh'zala leaves the fight at 10%. |
[166608] = 10, |
--- Mists of Tirna Scithe |
-- Tirnenns leaves the fight at 20%. |
[164929] = 20, -- Tirnenn Villager |
[164804] = 20, -- Droman Oulfarran |
--- Sanguine Depths |
-- General Kaal leaves the fight at 50%. |
[162099] = 50, |
----- Castle Nathria ----- |
--- Stone Legion Generals |
-- General Kaal leaves the fight at 50% if General Grashaal has not fight yet. We take 49% as check value since it get -95% dmg reduction at 50% until intermission is over. |
---@param self Unit |
[168112] = function(self) return (not self:CheckHPFromBossList(168113, 99) and 49) or 0 end, |
--- Sun King's Salvation |
-- Shade of Kael'thas fight is 60% -> 45% and then 10% -> 0%. |
---@param self Unit |
[165805] = function(self) return (self:GetHealthPercent() > 20 and 45) or 0 end, |
----- Sanctum of Domination ----- |
--- Eye of the Jailer leaves at 66% and 33% |
---@param self Unit |
[180018] = function(self) |
return (self:GetHealthPercent() > 66 and 66) or |
(self:GetHealthPercent() <= 66 and self:GetHealthPercent() > 33 and 33) or 0 |
end, |
--- Painsmith Raznal leaves at 70% and 40% |
---@param self Unit |
[176523] = function(self) |
return (self:GetHealthPercent() > 70 and 70) or |
(self:GetHealthPercent() <= 70 and self:GetHealthPercent() > 40 and 40) or 0 |
end, |
--- Fatescribe Roh-Kalo phases at 70% and 40% |
---@param self Unit |
[179390] = function(self) |
return (self:GetHealthPercent() > 70 and 70) or |
(self:GetHealthPercent() <= 70 and self:GetHealthPercent() > 40 and 40) or 0 |
end, |
--- Sylvanas Windrunner intermission at 83% and "dies" at 50% (45% in MM) |
---@param self Unit |
[180828] = function(self) |
local _, _, difficultyId = GetInstanceInfo() |
return (self:GetHealthPercent() > 83 and 83) or |
((difficultyId == 16 and 45) or 50) |
end, |
--- Legion |
----- Open World ----- |
--- Stormheim Invasion |
-- Lord Commander Alexius |
[118566] = 85, |
----- Dungeons ----- |
--- Halls of Valor |
-- Hymdall leaves the fight at 10%. |
[94960] = 10, |
-- Fenryr leaves the fight at 60%. We take 50% as check value since it doesn't get immune at 60%. |
---@param self Unit |
[95674] = function(self) return (self:GetHealthPercent() > 50 and 60) or 0 end, |
-- Odyn leaves the fight at 80%. |
[95676] = 80, |
--- Maw of Souls |
-- Helya leaves the fight at 70%. |
[96759] = 70, |
----- Trial of Valor ----- |
--- Odyn |
-- Hyrja & Hymdall leaves the fight at 25% during first stage and 85%/90% during second stage (HM/MM). |
---@param self Unit |
[114360] = function(self) |
local _, _, difficultyId = GetInstanceInfo() |
return (not self:CheckHPFromBossList(114263, 99) and 25) or |
(difficultyId == 16 and 85) or 90 |
end, |
---@param self Unit |
[114361] = function(self) |
return (not self:CheckHPFromBossList(114263, 99) and 25) or |
(difficultyId == 16 and 85) or 90 |
end, |
-- Odyn leaves the fight at 10%. |
[114263] = 10, |
----- Nighthold ----- |
--- Elisande leaves the fight two times at 10% then normally dies. She looses 50% power per stage (100 -> 50 -> 0). |
---@param self Unit |
[106643] = function(self) return (self:GetPower() > 0 and 10) or 0 end, |
--- Warlord of Draenor (WoD) |
----- Dungeons ----- |
--- Shadowmoon Burial Grounds |
-- Carrion Worm doesn't die but leave the area at 10%. |
[88769] = 10, |
[76057] = 10, |
----- HellFire Citadel ----- |
--- Hellfire Assault |
-- Mar'Tak doesn't die and leave fight at 50% (blocked at 1hp anyway). |
[93023] = 50, |
--- Classic |
----- Dungeons ----- |
--- Uldaman |
-- Dwarves |
[184580] = 5, |
[184581] = 5, |
[184582] = 5, |
} |
-- Returns the max fight length of boss units, or the current selected target if no boss units |
---@param enemies? List |
---@param bossOnly? boolean |
function TimeToDie.FightRemains(enemies, bossOnly) |
local bossExists, maxTimeToDie |
for i = 1, 4 do |
local bossUnit = Bastion.UnitManager:Get(string.format("boss%d", i)) |
if bossUnit:Exists() then |
bossExists = true |
if not bossUnit:TimeToDieIsNotValid() then |
maxTimeToDie = math.max(maxTimeToDie or 0, bossUnit:TimeToDie2()) |
end |
end |
end |
if bossExists or bossOnly then |
-- If we have a boss list but no valid boss time, return invalid |
return maxTimeToDie or 11111 |
end |
-- If we specify an AoE range, iterate through all the targets in the specified range |
if enemies then |
---@param enemy Unit |
enemies:each(function(enemy) |
if (enemy:InCombatOdds() > 80 or enemy:IsDummy()) and enemy:TimeToDieIsNotValid() then |
maxTimeToDie = math.max(maxTimeToDie or 0, enemy:TimeToDie2()) |
end |
return false |
end) |
if maxTimeToDie then |
return maxTimeToDie |
end |
end |
return Target:TimeToDie2() |
end |
-- Returns the max fight length of boss units, 11111 if not a boss fight |
function TimeToDie.BossFightRemains() |
return TimeToDie.FightRemains(nil, true) |
end |
-- Get if the Time To Die is Valid for a boss fight remains |
function TimeToDie.BossFightRemainsIsNotValid() |
return TimeToDie.BossFightRemains() >= 7777 |
end |
-- Returns if the current fight length meets the requirements. |
---@param enemies? List |
---@param operator CompareThisTable |
---@param value number |
---@param checkIfValid boolean |
---@param bossOnly boolean |
function TimeToDie.FilteredFightRemains(enemies, operator, value, checkIfValid, bossOnly) |
local fightRemains = TimeToDie.FightRemains(enemies, bossOnly) |
if checkIfValid and fightRemains >= 7777 then |
return false |
end |
return Utils.CompareThis(operator, fightRemains, value) or false |
end |
-- Returns if the current boss fight length meets the requirements, 11111 if not a boss fight. |
---@param operator CompareThisTable |
---@param value number |
---@param checkIfValid boolean |
function TimeToDie.BossFilteredFightRemains(operator, value, checkIfValid) |
return TimeToDie.FilteredFightRemains(nil, operator, value, checkIfValid, true) |
end |
return TimeToDie |
Reference in new issue