forked from Bastion/Bastion
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ |
---@type Tinkr, Bastion |
local Tinkr, Bastion = ... |
---@class Bastion.APLActor.Table.Base |
---@field type "spell" | "item" | "apl" | "sequencer" | "variable" | "action" |
---@alias Bastion.APLActor.Table Bastion.APL.Actor.Spell.Table | Bastion.APL.Actor.Item.Table | Bastion.APL.Actor.APL.Table | Bastion.APL.Actor.Sequencer.Table | Bastion.APL.Actor.Variable.Table | Bastion.APL.Actor.Action.Table |
-- Create an APL actor for the APL class |
---@class Bastion.APLActor |
---@field actor Bastion.APLActor.Table |
---@field enabled boolean |
---@field traits Bastion.APLTrait[] |
---@field name string |
local APLActor = {} |
APLActor.__index = APLActor |
-- Constructor |
---@param actor Bastion.APLActor.Table |
function APLActor:New(actor) |
local self = setmetatable({}, APLActor) |
if actor.type == "spell" then |
local name = actor.spell:GetName() or "Unknown" |
local id = actor.spell:GetID() or 0 |
|||| = string.format("[%s] `%s`<%s>", "spell", name, id) |
elseif actor.type == "item" then |
local name = actor.item:GetName() or "Unknown" |
local id = actor.item:GetID() or 0 |
|||| = string.format("[%s] `%s`<%s>", "item", name, id) |
elseif actor.type == "apl" then |
|||| = string.format("[%s] `%s`", "apl", |
elseif actor.type == "sequencer" then |
|||| = string.format("[%s]", "sequencer") |
elseif actor.type == "variable" then |
|||| = string.format("[%s] `%s`", "variable", actor.variable) |
elseif actor.type == "action" then |
|||| = string.format("[%s] `%s`", "action", actor.action) |
else |
|||| = string.format("[%s] Unknown", actor.type) |
end |
|||| = actor |
self.enabled = true |
self.traits = {} |
return self |
end |
-- Add a trait to the APL actor |
---@param ... Bastion.APLTrait |
---@return Bastion.APLActor |
function APLActor:AddTraits(...) |
for _, trait in ipairs({ ... }) do |
table.insert(self.traits, trait) |
end |
return self |
end |
-- Get the actor |
---@return Bastion.APLActor.Table |
function APLActor:GetActor() |
return |
end |
-- Evaulate the APL actor |
---@return boolean |
function APLActor:Evaluate() |
for _, trait in ipairs(self.traits) do |
if not trait:Evaluate(self:GetActor()) then |
return false |
end |
end |
return true |
end |
-- Execute |
function APLActor:Execute() |
local actorTable = self:GetActor() |
-- If the actor is a sequencer we don't want to continue executing the APL if the sequencer is not finished |
if actorTable.type == "sequencer" then |
---@cast actorTable Bastion.APL.Actor.Sequencer.Table |
if actorTable.condition and actorTable.condition() and not actorTable.sequencer:Finished() then |
actorTable.sequencer:Execute() |
return true |
end |
if not actorTable.condition and not actorTable.sequencer:Finished() then |
actorTable.sequencer:Execute() |
return true |
end |
-- Check if the sequencer can be reset and reset it if it can |
if actorTable.sequencer:ShouldReset() then |
actorTable.sequencer:Reset() |
end |
end |
if actorTable.type == "apl" then |
---@cast actorTable Bastion.APL.Actor.APL.Table |
if actorTable.condition and actorTable.condition() then |
-- print("Bastion: APL:Execute: Executing sub APL " .. |
if actorTable.apl:Execute() then |
return true |
end |
end |
end |
if actorTable.type == "spell" then |
---@cast actorTable Bastion.APL.Actor.Spell.Table |
return actorTable.spell:CastableIf(actorTable.castableFunc):OnCast(actorTable.onCastFunc):Cast(, |
actorTable.condition) |
end |
if actorTable.type == "item" then |
---@cast actorTable Bastion.APL.Actor.Item.Table |
return actorTable.item:UsableIf(actorTable.usableFunc):Use(, actorTable.condition) |
end |
if self:GetActor().type == "action" then |
---@cast actorTable Bastion.APL.Actor.Action.Table |
-- print("Bastion: APL:Execute: Executing action " .. actorTable.action) |
self:GetActor().cb() |
end |
if actorTable.type == "variable" then |
---@cast actorTable Bastion.APL.Actor.Variable.Table |
-- print("Bastion: APL:Execute: Setting variable " .. actorTable.variable) |
actorTable._apl.variables[actorTable.variable] = actorTable.cb(actorTable._apl) |
end |
return false |
end |
-- has traits |
---@return boolean |
function APLActor:HasTraits() |
return #self.traits > 0 |
end |
-- tostring |
---@return string |
function APLActor:__tostring() |
return string.format("Bastion.__APLActor(%s)", |
end |
return APLActor |
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ |
---@type Tinkr, Bastion |
local Tinkr, Bastion = ... |
-- Create an APL trait for the APL class |
---@class Bastion.APLTrait |
---@field cb fun(actor?: Bastion.APLActor.Table):boolean |
---@field lastcall number |
local APLTrait = {} |
APLTrait.__index = APLTrait |
-- Constructor |
---@param cb fun(actor?: Bastion.APLActor.Table):boolean |
---@return Bastion.APLTrait |
function APLTrait:New(cb) |
local self = setmetatable({}, APLTrait) |
self.cb = cb |
self.lastcall = 0 |
return self |
end |
-- Evaulate the APL trait |
---@param actor? Bastion.APLActor.Table |
---@return boolean |
function APLTrait:Evaluate(actor) |
if GetTime() - self.lastcall > 0.1 then |
self.lastresult = self.cb(actor) |
self.lastcall = GetTime() |
return self.lastresult |
end |
return self.lastresult |
end |
-- tostring |
---@return string |
function APLTrait:__tostring() |
return "Bastion.__APLTrait" |
end |
return APLTrait |
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ |
---@type Tinkr, Bastion |
local Tinkr, Bastion = ... |
-- Create a notification class for the notifications list (takes icon and text) |
---@class Bastion.Notification |
---@field icon Texture |
---@field text FontString |
---@field frame Frame |
---@field addedAt number |
---@field duration number |
---@field list Bastion.NotificationList |
local Notification = { |
} |
Notification.__index = Notification |
-- Constructor |
---@param list Bastion.NotificationList |
---@param icon string |
---@param text string |
---@param duration number |
---@return Bastion.Notification |
function Notification:New(list, icon, text, duration) |
local self = setmetatable({}, Notification) |
if not duration then duration = 2 end |
-- Create a frame for the notification |
self.frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, list.frame) |
self.frame:SetSize(5, 5) |
self.frame:SetPoint("CENTER", list.frame, "CENTER", 0, 0) |
self.frame:SetFrameStrata("HIGH") |
-- Create a texture for the icon |
self.icon = self.frame:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK") |
self.icon:SetSize(32, 32) |
self.icon:SetPoint("LEFT", self.frame, "LEFT", 0, 0) |
self.icon:SetTexture(icon) |
-- Create a fontstring for the text |
self.text = self.frame:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "NumberFontNormal") |
self.text:SetPoint("LEFT", self.frame, "LEFT", 32 + 16, 0) |
self.text:SetText(text) |
self.text:SetFont("Fonts\\OpenSans-Bold.ttf", 18, "") |
-- set the frame size to the size of the text + icon |
self.frame:SetSize(self.text:GetStringWidth() + 32 + 16, 32) |
self.addedAt = GetTime() |
self.duration = duration |
self.list = list |
return self |
end |
-- Remove notification |
---@return nil |
function Notification:Remove() |
-- Fade out the notification frame and remove it after the fade |
UIFrameFadeOut(self.frame, 0.2, 1, 0) |
C_Timer.After(0.5, function() |
self.frame:Hide() |
self.frame:ClearAllPoints() |
self.frame:SetParent(nil) |
self.frame = nil |
self.list:Update() |
end) |
end |
return Notification |
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ |
---@type Tinkr, Bastion |
local Tinkr, Bastion = ... |
-- Create a NotificationList class |
---@class Bastion.NotificationList |
---@field frame Frame |
local NotificationList = { |
notifications = {} |
} |
NotificationList.__index = NotificationList |
-- Constructor |
---@return Bastion.NotificationList |
function NotificationList:New() |
local self = setmetatable({}, NotificationList) |
-- Create a frame for the notifications |
self.frame = CreateFrame("Frame", "BastionNotificationList", UIParent) |
self.frame:SetSize(600, 60) |
self.frame:SetPoint("TOP", UIParent, "TOP", 0, -100) |
self.frame:SetFrameStrata("HIGH") |
-- Remove notifications after 5 seconds |
C_Timer.NewTicker(0.1, function() |
for i, notification in ipairs(self.notifications) do |
if GetTime() - notification.addedAt > notification.duration then |
notification:Remove() |
table.remove(self.notifications, i) |
end |
end |
end) |
return self |
end |
-- Add a notification to the list |
---@param icon string |
---@param text string |
---@param duration number |
---@return nil |
function NotificationList:AddNotification(icon, text, duration) |
-- Create a new notification |
local notification = Bastion.Notification:New(self, icon, text, duration) |
-- Add the notification to the list |
table.insert(self.notifications, notification) |
UIFrameFadeIn(notification.frame, 0.2, 0, 1) |
-- Update the notifications |
self:Update() |
end |
-- Update the notifications |
---@return nil |
function NotificationList:Update() |
-- Loop through the notifications |
for i, notification in ipairs(self.notifications) do |
-- Set the position of the notification |
notification.frame:SetPoint("CENTER", self.frame, "CENTER", 0, -42 * (i - 1)) |
end |
end |
-- Remove a notification from the list |
---@param notification Bastion.Notification |
---@return nil |
function NotificationList:RemoveNotification(notification) |
-- Loop through the notifications |
for i, v in ipairs(self.notifications) do |
-- Check if the notification is the one we want to remove |
if v == notification then |
-- Remove the notification from the list |
table.remove(self.notifications, i) |
notification:Remove() |
break |
end |
end |
end |
-- Remove all notifications from the list |
---@return nil |
function NotificationList:RemoveAllNotifications() |
-- Loop through the notifications |
for i, v in ipairs(self.notifications) do |
-- Remove the notification from the list |
table.remove(self.notifications, i) |
self.notifications[i]:Remove() |
end |
end |
-- Remove all notifications |
return NotificationList |
@ -1,147 +0,0 @@ |
-- Create a NotificationsList class |
---@class NotificationsList |
local NotificationsList = { |
notifications = {} |
} |
NotificationsList.__index = NotificationsList |
-- Constructor |
---@return NotificationsList |
function NotificationsList:New() |
local self = setmetatable({}, NotificationsList) |
-- Create a frame for the notifications |
self.frame = CreateFrame("Frame", "BastionNotificationsList", UIParent) |
self.frame:SetSize(600, 60) |
self.frame:SetPoint("TOP", UIParent, "TOP", 0, -100) |
self.frame:SetFrameStrata("HIGH") |
-- Remove notifications after 5 seconds |
C_Timer.NewTicker(0.1, function() |
for i, notification in ipairs(self.notifications) do |
if GetTime() - notification.addedAt > notification.duration then |
notification:Remove() |
table.remove(self.notifications, i) |
end |
end |
end) |
return self |
end |
-- Create a notification class for the notifications list (takes icon and text) |
---@class Notification |
local Notification = { |
} |
Notification.__index = Notification |
-- Constructor |
---@param list NotificationsList |
---@param icon string |
---@param text string |
---@param duration number |
---@return Notification |
function Notification:New(list, icon, text, duration) |
local self = setmetatable({}, Notification) |
if not duration then duration = 2 end |
-- Create a frame for the notification |
self.frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, list.frame) |
self.frame:SetSize(5, 5) |
self.frame:SetPoint("CENTER", list.frame, "CENTER", 0, 0) |
self.frame:SetFrameStrata("HIGH") |
-- Create a texture for the icon |
self.icon = self.frame:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK") |
self.icon:SetSize(32, 32) |
self.icon:SetPoint("LEFT", self.frame, "LEFT", 0, 0) |
self.icon:SetTexture(icon) |
-- Create a fontstring for the text |
self.text = self.frame:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "NumberFontNormal") |
self.text:SetPoint("LEFT", self.frame, "LEFT", 32 + 16, 0) |
self.text:SetText(text) |
self.text:SetFont("Fonts\\OpenSans-Bold.ttf", 18) |
-- set the frame size to the size of the text + icon |
self.frame:SetSize(self.text:GetStringWidth() + 32 + 16, 32) |
self.addedAt = GetTime() |
self.duration = duration |
self.list = list |
return self |
end |
-- Remove notification |
---@return nil |
function Notification:Remove() |
-- Fade out the notification frame and remove it after the fade |
UIFrameFadeOut(self.frame, 0.2, 1, 0) |
C_Timer.After(0.5, function() |
self.frame:Hide() |
self.frame:ClearAllPoints() |
self.frame:SetParent(nil) |
self.frame = nil |
self.list:Update() |
end) |
end |
-- Add a notification to the list |
---@param icon string |
---@param text string |
---@param duration number |
---@return nil |
function NotificationsList:AddNotification(icon, text, duration) |
-- Create a new notification |
local notification = Notification:New(self, icon, text, duration) |
-- Add the notification to the list |
table.insert(self.notifications, notification) |
UIFrameFadeIn(notification.frame, 0.2, 0, 1) |
-- Update the notifications |
self:Update() |
end |
-- Update the notifications |
---@return nil |
function NotificationsList:Update() |
-- Loop through the notifications |
for i, notification in ipairs(self.notifications) do |
-- Set the position of the notification |
notification.frame:SetPoint("CENTER", self.frame, "CENTER", 0, -42 * (i - 1)) |
end |
end |
-- Remove a notification from the list |
---@param notification Notification |
---@return nil |
function NotificationsList:RemoveNotification(notification) |
-- Loop through the notifications |
for i, v in ipairs(self.notifications) do |
-- Check if the notification is the one we want to remove |
if v == notification then |
-- Remove the notification from the list |
table.remove(self.notifications, i) |
notification:Remove() |
break |
end |
end |
end |
-- Remove all notifications from the list |
---@return nil |
function NotificationsList:RemoveAllNotifications() |
-- Loop through the notifications |
for i, v in ipairs(self.notifications) do |
-- Remove the notification from the list |
table.remove(self.notifications, i) |
self.notifications[i]:Remove() |
end |
end |
-- Remove all notifications |
return NotificationsList, Notification |
Reference in new issue