- Added new spells: HandOfReckoning, EyeOfTyr, DivineSteed, and Rebuke.
- Introduced helper functions: GetEnemiesInRange(range) and GetLowestThreatEnemy().
- Added new APLs for Interrupt and Threat Management.
- Enhanced main rotation logic with dynamic target selection and threat management.
- Defensive APL improvements, including the addition of EyeOfTyr for damage reduction.
- Incorporated range checks (IsWithinCombatDistance) for more accurate spell casting.
- Improved HammerOfWrath conditions for better usage based on target health and active buffs.
- Optimized Default APL for better resource management and cooldown handling.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed target selection issues when current target is dead or out of range.
- Improved performance by refining spell casting logic and target selection.
- Added mount detection to pause rotation while mounted.
- Enhanced code structure, readability, and added more comments for better understanding.