--[[ Generated with https://github.com/TypeScriptToLua/TypeScriptToLua ]] -- Lua Library inline imports local function __TS__ObjectKeys(obj) local result = {} local len = 0 for key in pairs(obj) do len = len + 1 result[len] = key end return result end local function __TS__ArrayForEach(self, callbackFn, thisArg) for i = 1, #self do callbackFn(thisArg, self[i], i - 1, self) end end -- End of Lua Library inline imports local ____exports = {} local _Tinkr = ... local Tinkr = _Tinkr local function Print(____bindingPattern0) local color local level local prefix local text text = ____bindingPattern0.text prefix = ____bindingPattern0.prefix level = ____bindingPattern0.level color = ____bindingPattern0.color local textColor = color if not textColor then textColor = level == "error" and "FF76CE" or (level == "info" and "94FFD8" or (level == "warn" and "FDFFC2" or "A3D8FF")) end print((((("|cFF" .. textColor) .. "[") .. (prefix or "Mekanome")) .. "]|r |cFFFFFFFF ") .. text) end local function GetObject(token) return Object(token) end local function Error(text) Print({text = text, prefix = "ERROR", level = "error"}) error(text) end local Mekanome = {enabled = false, Print = Print, Error = Error, GetObject = GetObject} local function Load(path) return Tinkr.Util.Evaluator:LoadString( Tinkr.Util.File:Read(path), {Tinkr, Mekanome}, path ).default end local function LoadDirectoryFiles(path) local directories = ListDirectories(path) for ____, directory in ipairs(directories) do LoadDirectoryFiles((path .. "/") .. directory) end local files = ListFiles(path) for ____, file in ipairs(files) do Load((path .. "/") .. file) Print({text = (path .. "/") .. file, prefix = "Loaded"}) end end local function Init() Print({text = "(V) (°,,,,°) (V)"}) LoadDirectoryFiles("scripts/utils") LoadDirectoryFiles("scripts/managers") LoadDirectoryFiles("scripts/actions") local keys = __TS__ObjectKeys(Mekanome) __TS__ArrayForEach( keys, function(____, key) local module = Mekanome[key] if module ~= nil and type(module) == "table" and module.Init ~= nil then module:Init() Print({text = key, prefix = "Initialized", level = "info"}) end end ) end Init() ____exports.default = {} return ____exports