-- APL (Attack priority list) class local APL = {} APL.__index = APL -- Constructor function APL:New(name) local self = setmetatable({}, APL) self.apl = {} self.variables = {} self.name = name return self end -- Add a variable to the APL function APL:SetVariable(name, value) self.variables[name] = value end -- Get and evaluate a variable function APL:GetVariable(name) return self.variables[name] end -- Add a manual action to the APL function APL:AddAction(action, cb) table.insert(self.apl, { action = action, cb = cb }) end -- Add a spell to the APL function APL:AddSpell(spell, condition) local castableFunc = spell.CastableIfFunc local target = spell:GetTarget() table.insert(self.apl, { spell = spell, condition = condition, castableFunc = castableFunc, target = target }) end -- Add an item to the APL function APL:AddItem(item, condition) local usableFunc = item.UsableIfFunc local target = item:GetTarget() table.insert(self.apl, { item = item, condition = condition, usableFunc = usableFunc, target = target }) end -- Add an APL to the APL (for sub APLs) function APL:AddAPL(apl, condition) table.insert(self.apl, { apl = apl, condition = condition }) end -- Execute the APL function APL:Execute() for _, actor in ipairs(self.apl) do if actor.apl then if actor.condition() then -- print("Bastion: APL:Execute: Executing sub APL " .. actor.apl.name) actor.apl:Execute() end end if actor.spell then if actor.condition then -- print("Bastion: APL:Execute: Condition for spell " .. actor.spell:GetName()) actor.spell:CastableIf(actor.castableFunc):Cast(actor.target, actor.condition) end -- print("Bastion: APL:Execute: No condition for spell " .. actor.spell:GetName()) actor.spell:CastableIf(actor.castableFunc):Cast(actor.target) end if actor.item then if actor.condition then -- print("Bastion: APL:Execute: Condition for spell " .. actor.spell:GetName()) actor.item:UsableIf(actor.usableFunc):Use(actor.target, actor.condition) end -- print("Bastion: APL:Execute: No condition for spell " .. actor.spell:GetName()) actor.item:UsableIf(actor.usableFunc):Use(actor.target) end if actor.action then -- print("Bastion: APL:Execute: Executing action " .. actor.action) actor.cb(self) end end end -- tostring function APL:__tostring() return "Bastion.__APL(" .. self.name .. ")" end return APL