local Tinkr, Bastion = ... local RestoModule = Bastion.Module:New('outlaw') local Evaluator = Tinkr.Util.Evaluator local Player = Bastion.UnitManager:Get('player') local None = Bastion.UnitManager:Get('none') local Target = Bastion.UnitManager:Get('target') local RollTheBones = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(315508) local SliceAndDice = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(315496) local BetweenTheEyes = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(315341) local BladeRush = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(271877) local Vanish = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(1856) local Dispatch = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(2098) local Ambush = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(8676) local Stealth = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(1784) local PistolShot = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(185763) local Opportunity = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(195627) local SinisterStrike = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(193315) local GrandMelee = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(193358) local Broadside = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(193356) local TrueBearing = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(193359) local RuthlessPrecision = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(193357) local SkullAndCrossbones = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(199603) local BuriedTreasure = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(199600) local AdrenalineRush = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(13750) local ShadowDance = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(185313) local Audacity = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(381845) local Flagellation = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(323654) local Dreadblades = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(343142) local JollyRoger = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(199603) local BladeFlurry = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(13877) local Kick = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(1766) local MarkedForDeath = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(137619) local CrimsonVial = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(185311) local Shiv = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(5938) local KidneyShot = Bastion.SpellBook:GetSpell(408) local PurgeTarget = Bastion.UnitManager:CreateCustomUnit('purge', function(unit) local purge = nil Bastion.UnitManager:EnumNameplates(function(unit) if unit:IsDead() then return false end if not Player:CanSee(unit) then return false end if Player:GetDistance(unit) > 40 then return false end if unit:GetAuras():HasAnyStealableAura() then purge = unit return true end end) if purge == nil then purge = None end return purge end) local KickTarget = Bastion.UnitManager:CreateCustomUnit('kick', function(unit) local purge = nil Bastion.UnitManager:EnumNameplates(function(unit) if unit:IsDead() then return false end if not Player:CanSee(unit) then return false end if Player:GetDistance(unit) > 40 then return false end if unit:IsInterruptible(5) then purge = unit return true end end) if purge == nil then purge = None end return purge end) local DefaultAPL = Bastion.APL:New('default') local AOEAPL = Bastion.APL:New('aoe') local SpecialAPL = Bastion.APL:New('special') SpecialAPL:AddSpell( Kick:CastableIf(function(self) return KickTarget:Exists() and Player:InMelee(KickTarget) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() end):SetTarget(KickTarget) ) SpecialAPL:AddSpell( KidneyShot:CastableIf(function(self) return KickTarget:Exists() and Player:InMelee(KickTarget) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and Player:GetComboPoints(KickTarget) <= 2 end):SetTarget(KickTarget) ) SpecialAPL:AddSpell( Stealth:CastableIf(function(self) return self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and not Player:IsAffectingCombat() and not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Stealth):IsUp() and not IsMounted() end):SetTarget(Player) ) SpecialAPL:AddSpell( CrimsonVial:CastableIf(function(self) return self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and Player:GetHealthPercent() < 70 end):SetTarget(Player) ) SpecialAPL:AddSpell( Shiv:CastableIf(function(self) return PurgeTarget:Exists() and Player:InMelee(PurgeTarget) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and PurgeTarget:GetAuras():HasAnyStealableAura() end):SetTarget(PurgeTarget) ) -- Adrenaline Rush on cooldown. DefaultAPL:AddSpell( AdrenalineRush:CastableIf(function(self) return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() end):SetTarget(Player) ) -- Roll the Bones if you have no combat enhancements active. DefaultAPL:AddSpell( RollTheBones:CastableIf(function(self) local numBuffs = 0 if Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Broadside):IsUp() then numBuffs = numBuffs + 1 end if Player:GetAuras():FindMy(BuriedTreasure):IsUp() then numBuffs = numBuffs + 1 end if Player:GetAuras():FindMy(GrandMelee):IsUp() then numBuffs = numBuffs + 1 end if Player:GetAuras():FindMy(RuthlessPrecision):IsUp() then numBuffs = numBuffs + 1 end if Player:GetAuras():FindMy(SkullAndCrossbones):IsUp() then numBuffs = numBuffs + 1 end if Player:GetAuras():FindMy(TrueBearing):IsUp() then numBuffs = numBuffs + 1 end return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and ((not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Broadside):IsUp() and not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(TrueBearing):IsUp()) or numBuffs < 2) end):SetTarget(Player) ) -- Slice and Dice if at max, or -1 from maximum combo points with Broadside or Opportunity active, if missing or has has 12 or less seconds remaining. DefaultAPL:AddSpell( SliceAndDice:CastableIf(function(self) return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and (Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 5 or ( Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 4 and (Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Broadside):IsUp() or Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Opportunity):IsUp()))) and ( not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(SliceAndDice):IsUp() or Player:GetAuras():FindMy(SliceAndDice):GetRemainingTime() <= 12 ) end):SetTarget(Target) ) -- Between the Eyes on cooldown if at max, or -1 from maximum combo points with Broadside or Opportunity active. DefaultAPL:AddSpell( BetweenTheEyes:CastableIf(function(self) return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and (Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 5 or ( Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 4 and (Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Broadside):IsUp() or Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Opportunity):IsUp()))) end):SetTarget(Target) ) -- Dispatch if at max, or -1 from maximum combo points with Broadside or Opportunity active. DefaultAPL:AddSpell( Dispatch:CastableIf(function(self) return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and (Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 5 or ( Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 4 and (Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Broadside):IsUp() or Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Opportunity):IsUp()))) end):SetTarget(Target) ) -- Shadow Dance at or below 3 combo points, and do not have Audacity or Opportunity active and wait until you have at least 80 energy. While active Ambush becomes your highest priority builder. DefaultAPL:AddSpell( ShadowDance:CastableIf(function(self) return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and Player:GetComboPoints(Target) <= 3 and not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Audacity):IsUp() and not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Opportunity):IsUp() and Player:GetPower() >= 80 end):SetTarget(Player) ) -- Blade Rush if missing 50 or more energy and do not have Flagellation, Dreadblades or Shadow Dance active. DefaultAPL:AddSpell( BladeRush:CastableIf(function(self) return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and Player:GetPower() <= 50 and not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Flagellation):IsUp() and not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Dreadblades):IsUp() and not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(ShadowDance):IsUp() end):SetTarget(Player) ) -- Vanish followed by Ambush if you won't overcap combo points and wait until you have at least 50 energy. DefaultAPL:AddSpell( Vanish:CastableIf(function(self) return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and Player:GetComboPoints(Target) <= 4 and Player:GetPower() >= 50 and not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Stealth):IsUp() end):SetTarget(Player) ) -- Pistol Shot if you have an Opportunity proc and won't overcap combo points. DefaultAPL:AddSpell( PistolShot:CastableIf(function(self) return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Opportunity):IsUp() and Player:GetComboPoints(Target) <= 4 end):SetTarget(Target) ) -- Use Ambush Icon Ambush instead of Sinister Strike Icon Sinister Strike whenever it is available to cast from any of the procs or cooldowns. DefaultAPL:AddSpell( Ambush:CastableIf(function(self) return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() end):SetTarget(Target) ) -- Sinister Strike if you won't overcap combo points. DefaultAPL:AddSpell( SinisterStrike:CastableIf(function(self) return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and Player:GetComboPoints(Target) < 5 end):SetTarget(Target) ) -- AOE APL -- Adrenaline Rush on cooldown. AOEAPL:AddSpell( AdrenalineRush:CastableIf(function(self) return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() end):SetTarget(Player) ) -- Roll the Bones if you have no combat enhancements active. -- Roll the Bones has a large outcome of buffs which include; Broadside, Buried Treasure, Grand Melee, Ruthless Precision, Skull and Crossbones, and True Bearing. The buffs you want to keep this tier are going to be Broadside and True Bearing as single buffs or any combination of 2 or more buffs. Any of the other 4 buffs as a single means it's worth recasting Roll the Bones as soon as you are able to. AOEAPL:AddSpell( RollTheBones:CastableIf(function(self) local numBuffs = 0 if Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Broadside):IsUp() then numBuffs = numBuffs + 1 end if Player:GetAuras():FindMy(BuriedTreasure):IsUp() then numBuffs = numBuffs + 1 end if Player:GetAuras():FindMy(GrandMelee):IsUp() then numBuffs = numBuffs + 1 end if Player:GetAuras():FindMy(RuthlessPrecision):IsUp() then numBuffs = numBuffs + 1 end if Player:GetAuras():FindMy(SkullAndCrossbones):IsUp() then numBuffs = numBuffs + 1 end if Player:GetAuras():FindMy(TrueBearing):IsUp() then numBuffs = numBuffs + 1 end return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and ((not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Broadside):IsUp() and not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(TrueBearing):IsUp()) or numBuffs < 2) end):SetTarget(Player) ) -- Blade Flurry when missing. AOEAPL:AddSpell( BladeFlurry:CastableIf(function(self) return self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and (not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(self):IsUp() or Player:GetAuras():FindMy(self):GetRemainingTime() <= 2) end):SetTarget(Player) ) -- Slice and Dice if at max, or -1 from maximum combo points with Broadside or Opportunity active, if missing or has has 12 or less seconds remaining. AOEAPL:AddSpell( SliceAndDice:CastableIf(function(self) return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and (Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 5 or (Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 4 and (Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Broadside):IsUp() or Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Opportunity):IsUp()))) and (not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(self):IsUp() or Player:GetAuras():FindMy(self):GetRemainingTime() <= 12) end):SetTarget(Player) ) -- Between the Eyes on cooldown if at max, or -1 from maximum combo points with Broadside or Opportunity active. AOEAPL:AddSpell( BetweenTheEyes:CastableIf(function(self) return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and (Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 5 or (Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 4 and (Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Broadside):IsUp() or Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Opportunity):IsUp()))) end):SetTarget(Target) ) -- Dispatch if at max, or -1 from maximum combo points with Broadside or Opportunity active. AOEAPL:AddSpell( Dispatch:CastableIf(function(self) return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and (Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 5 or (Player:GetComboPoints(Target) >= 4 and (Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Broadside):IsUp() or Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Opportunity):IsUp()))) end):SetTarget(Target) ) -- Shadow Dance at or below 3 combo points, and do not have Audacity or Opportunity active and wait until you have at least 80 energy. While active Ambush becomes your highest priority builder. AOEAPL:AddSpell( ShadowDance:CastableIf(function(self) return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and Player:GetComboPoints(Target) <= 3 and not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Audacity):IsUp() and not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Opportunity):IsUp() and Player:GetPower() >= 80 end):SetTarget(Player) ) -- Blade Rush if missing 50 or more energy and do not have Flagellation, Dreadblades or Shadow Dance active. AOEAPL:AddSpell( BladeRush:CastableIf(function(self) return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and Player:GetPower() >= 50 and not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Flagellation):IsUp() and not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Dreadblades):IsUp() and not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(ShadowDance):IsUp() end):SetTarget(Player) ) -- Vanish followed by Ambush if you won't overcap combo points and wait until you have at least 50 energy. AOEAPL:AddSpell( Vanish:CastableIf(function(self) return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and Player:GetComboPoints(Target) < 5 and Player:GetPower() >= 50 and not Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Stealth):IsUp() end):SetTarget(Player) ) -- Pistol Shot if you have an Opportunity proc and won't overcap combo points. AOEAPL:AddSpell( PistolShot:CastableIf(function(self) return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and Player:GetAuras():FindMy(Opportunity):IsUp() and Player:GetComboPoints(Target) < 5 end):SetTarget(Target) ) AOEAPL:AddSpell( Ambush:CastableIf(function(self) return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() end):SetTarget(Target) ) -- Sinister Strike if you won't overcap combo points. AOEAPL:AddSpell( SinisterStrike:CastableIf(function(self) return Target:Exists() and Player:InMelee(Target) and self:IsKnownAndUsable() and not Player:IsCastingOrChanneling() and Player:GetComboPoints(Target) < 5 end):SetTarget(Target) ) RestoModule:Sync(function() SpecialAPL:Execute() if Player:GetMeleeAttackers() > 1 then AOEAPL:Execute() else DefaultAPL:Execute() end end) Bastion:Register(RestoModule)