@ -1443,13 +1443,119 @@ BuildAPL:AddSpell( |
):SetTarget(Target) |
) |
-- GetTimeToShurikenTornado |
--[[ |
spec:RegisterStateTable( "time_to_sht", setmetatable( {}, { |
__index = function( t, k ) |
local n = tonumber( k ) |
n = n - ( n % 1 ) |
if not n or n > 5 then return 3600 end |
if n <= swings_since_sht then return 0 end |
local mh_speed = swings.mainhand_speed |
local mh_next = ( swings.mainhand > now - 3 ) and ( swings.mainhand + mh_speed ) or now + ( mh_speed * 0.5 ) |
local oh_speed = swings.offhand_speed |
local oh_next = ( swings.offhand > now - 3 ) and ( swings.offhand + oh_speed ) or now |
table.wipe( sht ) |
if mh_speed and mh_speed > 0 then |
for i = 1, 4 do |
insert( sht, mh_next + ( i * mh_speed ) ) |
end |
end |
if oh_speed and oh_speed > 0 then |
for i = 1, 4 do |
insert( sht, oh_next + ( i * oh_speed ) ) |
end |
end |
local i = 1 |
while( sht[i] ) do |
if sht[i] < last_shadow_techniques + 3 then |
table.remove( sht, i ) |
else |
i = i + 1 |
end |
end |
if #sht > 0 and n - swings_since_sht < #sht then |
table.sort( sht ) |
return max( 0, sht[ n - swings_since_sht ] - query_time ) |
else |
return 3600 |
end |
end |
} ) ) |
]] |
function GetTimeToShurikenTornado(unit, n) |
local now = GetTime() |
local sht = {} |
local swings = unit:GetSwingTimers() |
if not unit.swings_since_sht then |
unit.swings_since_sht = 0 |
end |
if not unit.last_shadow_techniques then |
unit.last_shadow_techniques = 0 |
end |
if n <= unit.swings_since_sht then |
return 0 |
end |
local mh_speed = swings[1] |
local mh_next = (unit.last_mh > now - 3) and (unit.last_mh + mh_speed) or now + (mh_speed * 0.5) |
local oh_speed = swings[2] |
local oh_next = (unit.last_oh > now - 3) and (unit.last_oh + oh_speed) or now |
table.wipe(sht) |
if mh_speed and mh_speed > 0 then |
for i = 1, 4 do |
table.insert(sht, mh_next + (i * mh_speed)) |
end |
end |
if oh_speed and oh_speed > 0 then |
for i = 1, 4 do |
table.insert(sht, oh_next + (i * oh_speed)) |
end |
end |
local i = 1 |
while (sht[i]) do |
if sht[i] < unit.last_shadow_techniques + 3 then |
table.remove(sht, i) |
else |
i = i + 1 |
end |
end |
if #sht > 0 and n - unit.swings_since_sht < #sht then |
table.sort(sht) |
return math.max(0, sht[n - unit.swings_since_sht] - now) |
else |
return 3600 |
end |
end |
-- # Build immediately unless the next CP is Animacharged and we won't cap energy waiting for it. |
-- actions.build+=/variable,name=anima_helper,value=!talent.echoing_reprimand.enabled|!(variable.is_next_cp_animacharged&(time_to_sht.3.plus<0.5|time_to_sht.4.plus<1)&energy<60) |
BuildAPL:AddVariable( |
'anima_helper', |
function() |
return not EchoingReprimand:IsKnown() or ((not (DefaultAPL:GetVariable('is_next_cp_animacharged') and |
(Player:GetTimeToShurikenTornado(3) < 0.5 or Player:GetTimeToShurikenTornado(4) < 1) and |
(GetTimeToShurikenTornado(Player, 3) < 0.5 or GetTimeToShurikenTornado(Player, 4) < 1) and |
Player:GetPower() < 60))) |
end |
) |